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Ökonomi & Finanzen

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  • von Matthias Schmelzer
    15,90 €

    Degrowth - Wachstumsrücknahme oder Postwachstum - ist ein provozierendes Schlagwort, aus dem sich inzwischen ein eigenes Forschungsfeld und ein neuer Bezugspunkt vielfältiger sozialökologischer Bewegungen entwickelt haben. Dieser Band stellt sieben Kritikformen dieses Einspruchs gegen die Hegemonie des Wirtschaftswachstums vor: ökologische, sozial-ökonomische und kulturelle Kritik, Kapitalismuskritik, feministische, Industrialismus- sowie Nord-Süd-Kritik. Darüber hinaus ist Postwachstum eine Vision für eine andere Gesellschaft und skizziert Pfade für eine systemische Transfomation. Der Band gibt einen Überblick zu Vorschlägen wie Wachstumsunabhängigkeit, Arbeitszeitverkürzung und Maximaleinkommen, außerdem erklärt er zentrale Konzepte wie Konvivialität, Selbstbestimmung und Care.

  • von Silvia Federici
    12,00 €

    'A groundbreaking work . . . Federici has become a crucial figure for . . . a new generation of feminists' Rachel Kushner, author of The Mars RoomA cult classic since its publication in the early years of this century, Caliban and the Witch is Silvia Federici's history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages through the European witch-hunts, the rise of scientific rationalism and the colonisation of the Americas, it gives a panoramic account of the often horrific violence with which the unruly human material of pre-capitalist societies was transformed into a set of predictable and controllable mechanisms. It Is a study of indigenous traditions crushed, of the enclosure of women's reproductive powers within the nuclear family, and of how our modern world was forged in blood.'Rewarding . . . allows us to better understand the intimate relationship between modern patriarchy, the rise of the nation state and the transition from feudalism to capitalism' Guardian

  • von Claus-Dieter Kuhn
    28,50 €

    vermittelt die Lerninhalte des informationstechnischen Büromanagements:Büroprozesse gestallten und Arbeitsvorgänge organisierenAufträge bearbeitenSachgüter und Dienstleistungen beschaffen und Verträge schließenKunden akquirieren und bindenPersonalwirtschaftliche Aufgaben wahrnehmenGeschäftsprozesse darstellen und optimierenVeranstaltungen und Geschäftsreisen organisierenvermittelt in kurzer Zeit gute Leistungen im Tastschreiben und unterstützt das selbstgesteuerte Lernenalle Beispiele entsprechen den Schreib- und Gestaltungsregeln für die Textverarbeitung (DIN 5008) von März 2020enthält Lernsituationen (inkl. Modellunternehmen)parktische Handhabung durch eine Spiralbindung Kapitelaufbau:HardwareSoftwareTextverarbeitung mit WordPräsentationen mit PowerPointTabellenkalkulation mit ExcelE-Mail-Korrespondenz mit Outlook   Die passenden Lösungen sind separat als Download erhältlich (WEB-14-104319). Digitale Zusatzmaterialien finden Sie als kostenlosen Download unter Buch+Web.

  • von Hiram Kümper
    28,00 €

    Die Deutschen und die Hanse - eine eigenartige Liebesgeschichte In einer globalisierten Welt verkörpert die Hanse das Ideal vom verantwortlich handelnden Unternehmer nicht weniger als die Sehnsucht nach einer starken europäischen Wirtschaftsmacht. Doch was war die Hanse wirklich? Und taugt sie als Modell auch für zukünftige Handelswelten? Hiram Kümper nimmt uns mit auf eine große Reise durch die Jahrhunderte, erzählt von den ersten Hansen und den letzten Hanseaten. Kritisch hinterfragt er den Traum vom Ehrbaren Kaufmann und zeigt, warum ehrbar noch längst nicht ehrlich heißt.

  • von Stefan Schulz
    14,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Philip A. (Fisher & Co.) Fisher
    23,00 €

    Regarded as one of the pioneers of modern investment theory, Philip Fisher's principles are studied and used by numerous contemporary finance professionals, including Warren Buffett. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writingsis invaluable reading and has been since it was first published in 1958.

  • - Ten Reasons We're Wrong About The World - And Why Things Are Better Than You Think
    von Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling & Anna Rosling Rönnlund
    13,00 - 17,00 €

    'A hopeful book about the potential for human progress when we work off facts rather than our inherent biases.' BARACK OBAMATimely, short and essential, FACTFULNESS reveals the power of facts in a post-truth world, by late international sensation Hans Rosling ('a true inspiration' - Bill Gates) and his long-term collaborators Ola and Anna.

  • - The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
    von Nassim Nicholas Taleb
    12,00 €

    'One of the smartest books of all time' Fortune'The hottest thinker in the world' Sunday TimesEveryone wants to succeed in life. But what causes some of us to be more successful than others? Is it really down to skill and strategy - or something altogether more unpredictable?This book is the bestselling sensation that will change the way you think about business and the world. It is all about luck: more precisely, how we perceive luck in our personal and professional experiences. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the markets - we hear an entrepreneur has 'vision' or a trader is 'talented', but all too often their performance is down to chance rather than skill. It is only because we fail to understand probability that we continue to believe events are non-random, finding reasons where none exist.'An iconoclastic tour de force ... nothing escapes his Exocets' Evening Standard 'Brilliant' John Kay 'Excellent and thought-provoking ... an entertaining book' Financial Times 'Wall Street's principal dissident' Malcolm Gladwell

  • von Edward Chancellor
    14,00 €

  • von George Monbiot
    13,00 €

  • - The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty
    von Daron Acemoglu
    12,00 €

    Why Nations Fail is a thought-provoking book authored by Daron Acemoglu, published in 2013 by Profile Books Ltd. This insightful book delves into the intriguing subject of why some nations are rich and others poor, divided by wealth and poverty, health and sickness, food and famine. Acemoglu, through his extensive research and compelling arguments, attempts to answer these questions that have been the focal point of economists and policy-makers. The book is an exploration of the different paths nations take towards success or failure, guided by their political and economic choices. The author brilliantly combines history, politics, and economics to provide a comprehensive view of the world's nations. This book is a must-read for those interested in understanding the complex dynamics that determine a nation's prosperity or poverty. Published by Profile Books Ltd, it's a significant addition to the genre of economic literature.

  • von Gary Stevenson
    17,00 €

    *NO.1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER*'An unforgettable story of greed, financial madness and moral decay' Rory Stewart'Hilarious, shocking and deeply sad - often in the same sentence' Sunday Times'The Wolf of Wall Street with a moral compass' Irvine WelshAn outrageous, white-knuckle journey to the dark heart of an intoxicating world - from someone who survived the trading game and then blew it all wide open'If you were gonna rob a bank, and you saw the vault door there, left open, what would you do? Would you wait around?Ever since he was a kid, kicking broken footballs on the streets of East London in the shadow of Canary Wharf's skyscrapers, Gary wanted something better. Something a whole lot bigger.Then he won a competition run by a bank: 'The Trading Game'. The prize: a golden ticket to a new life, as the youngest trader in the whole city. A place where you could make more money than you'd ever imagined. Where your colleagues are dysfunctional maths geniuses, overfed public schoolboys and borderline psychopaths, yet they start to feel like family. Where soon you're the bank's most profitable trader, dealing in nearly a trillion dollars. A day. Where you dream of numbers in your sleep - and then stop sleeping at all.But what happens when winning starts to feel like losing? When the easiest way to make money is to bet on millions becoming poorer and poorer - and, as the economy starts slipping off a precipice, your own sanity starts slipping with it? You want to stop, but you can't. Because nobody ever leaves.Would you stick, or quit? Even if it meant risking everything?Number 1 Sunday Times bestseller, March 2024

  • von Camilla Falkenberg
    16,00 €

    Start your journey to financial success with Female Invest's bootcamp for safe, smart and sustainable investing.Are you one of the 68% of women worldwide earning less than a man doing exactly the same job? Then you need to make your money work harder, starting now. The trio of founders behind the global movement Female Invest bring you an empowering guide with a straight-talking message: you don't have to be an expert or a millionaire to make money. Simply equip yourself with easy-to-follow golden rules and tools to find your confidence and open up a whole new world of opportunities. Whether you want to master the art of setting realistic goals, demystify jargon and markets, gain independence, or finally get excited about your financial future, find all the answers you need and more with this comprehensive guide.

  • - Håndbog til begyndere
    von Emma Bitz, Laura Hardahl, Anna-Sophie Hartvigsen & usw.
    19,00 €

    Investering har ingen alder, og det er aldrig for sent eller for tidligt at komme i gang. Er du begynder i investeringsverdenen, kan det imidlertid være svært at navigere rundt i en verden, som aldrig sover, hvor tal og grafer altid er i bevægelse, og hvor nye termer og fremmede begreber jævnligt dukker op. Det er en verden, hvor du let kan tabe overblikket i mængden af information, og hvor de muligheder og risici, der løbende opstår, nemt bliver overset. Bogen beskæftiger sig udelukkende med langsigtet investering i aktier, obligationer og investeringsbeviser for frie midler på det regulerede marked i Danmark. Udgangspunktet for investering er at opnå økonomisk gevinst. Du får et overblik over og en overordnet forståelse for investeringsverdenen, så du føler dig tilstrækkeligt klædt på til at kunne gå i gang i det tempo, der passer dig, med en erkendelse af, hvilke midler du kan tåle at investere, hvilken risikoprofil du har, og hvor lang tidshorisont du investerer med. Forfatternes formål med bogen er, på baggrund af egne erfaringer, at åbne døren til investeringsverdenen, som på mange måder kan virke svært tilgængelig. Men de videregiver også nogle af de ”dos and don’ts”, der er forbundet med at investere som begynder. De ved, hvordan det føles at være begynder i investeringsverdenen. De ved, hvilke usikkerheder og udfordringer du står over for som ny investor, og de har en grundig indsigt i de forhold, du skal være opmærksom på, og de forbehold du skal have, når du vil begynde at investere. Bogen er således inspireret af deres egen rejse fra usikre til selvsikre investorer. De repræsenterer deres egen målgruppe, og har derfor skrevet den bog, de selv havde brug for, da de gik i gang med at investere. Bogen henvender sig til dig – mand og kvinde, ung og gammel – der gerne vil i gang med at investere men ikke ved, hvor du skal begynde. Den er skrevet ud fra en overbevisning om, at alle kan lære at investere deres penge. Investering behøver nemlig ikke være svært, og det behøver ikke være forbeholdt de få. Du skal blot starte med at investere din tid og sætte dig grundigt ind i markedet. Forord af Tom Hougaard, Investor/daytrader og kommentator i Millionærklubben på Radio24syv.

  • - How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market
    von Peter Lynch
    16,00 €

    In his timeless classic, America's number one money manager and bestselling author, reveals the philosophy behind his spectacular record 'think like an amateur'.

  • - How Degrowth Will Save the World
    von Jason Hickel
    12,00 €

  • - Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist
    von Kate Raworth
    13,00 €

    In Doughnut Economics, Oxford academic Kate Raworth identifies seven critical ways in which mainstream economics has led us astray, and sets out a roadmap for bringing humanity into a sweet spot that meets the needs of all within the means of the planet.

  • - Things that Gain from Disorder
    von Nassim Nicholas Taleb
    14,00 €

    Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the bestselling author of The Black Swan and one of the foremost thinkers of our time, reveals how to thrive in an uncertain world. Just as human bones get stronger when subjected to stress and tension, many things in life benefit from stress, disorder, volatility, and turmoil. What Taleb has identified and calls antifragile are things that not only gain from chaos but need it in order to survive and flourish.In The Black Swan, Taleb showed us that highly improbable and unpredictable events underlie almost everything about our world. Here Taleb stands uncer tainty on its head, making it desirable, even necessary. The antifragile is beyond the resilient or robust. The resil ient resists shocks and stays the same; the antifragile gets better and better.What's more, the antifragile is immune to prediction errors and protected from adverse events. Why is the city-state better than the nation-state, why is debt bad for you, and why is what we call "e;efficient"e; not efficient at all? Why do government responses and social policies protect the strong and hurt the weak? Why should you write your resignation letter before starting on the job? How did the sinking of the Titanic save lives? The book spans innovation by trial and error, life decisions, politics, urban planning, war, personal finance, economic systems and medicine, drawing on modern street wisdom and ancient sources.Antifragile is a blueprint for living in a Black Swan world.Erudite, witty, and iconoclastic, Taleb's message is revolutionary: the antifragile, and only the antifragile, will make it.Nassim Nicholas Taleb has devoted his life to problems of uncertainty, probability, and knowledge and has led three careers around this focus, as a businessman-trader, a philosophical essayist, and an academic researcher. Although he now spends most of his time working in intense seclusion in his study, in the manner of independent scholars, he is currently Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at New York University's Polytechnic Institute. His main subject matter is "e;decision making under opacity,"e; that is, a map and a protocol on how we should live in a world we don't understand.His books Fooled by Randomness and The Black Swan have been published in thirty-three languages.Taleb believes that prizes, honorary degrees, awards, and ceremonialism debase knowledge by turning it into a spectator sport.

  • - The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing
    von Burton G. (Princeton University) Malkiel
    17,00 - 25,98 €

    The best investment guide money can buy, with more than 1.5 million copies sold, now fuly revised and updated.

  • - A Hopeful History
    von Rutger Bregman
    12,00 €

  • - Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline, and a Winning Attitude
    von Mark Douglas
    59,00 €

    Trading in the Zone is a remarkable book written by the renowned author Mark Douglas. Published by Pearson Professional Education in 2001, this book has become a classic in its genre. Douglas, with his profound knowledge and experience, takes the readers on a journey into the world of trading, providing valuable insights and strategies. The book is not just about trading, but it also delves deep into the psychological aspects of trading, helping readers to understand their own minds better and make more informed decisions. If you are looking to enhance your trading skills and knowledge, 'Trading in the Zone' is a must-read. Published by Pearson Professional Education, this book is a valuable addition to any trader's library.

  • von Michael Hass
    46,00 €

    This is a detailed and data-based book showing you tried and tested methods that actually work to allow you to grow your investment portfolio, in good times and in bad. This book is not just about anecdotal ideas that occasionally work. The methods contained within this book have been tested over years of data and the results are shown. The book also contains the recipe for making that kind of data-based analysis yourself. No more costly guesswork...This is the last book on Technical Analysis you'll ever need."Michael has shown empirical proof of the value of patterns in the markets. Anyone who has ever used an Excel sheet will definitely love this book, as well as for other reasons. This book is easy to endorse, and we should thank him for bringing this research to our attention." - Larry Pesavento, Trade What You See, Tucson, Arizona"To really understand the financial markets, it is my view that Technical Analysis has to be included in the picture. It has always been an important tool for me." - Lars Tvede, Zug, Switzerland"Super exciting reading if you are interested in investing, both for the beginner as well as for the experienced investor. The scientific approach to the development of an investment system is very fascinating and you feel a commitment beyond the usual by the author. No doubt that when a system has to be calculated with all possible variables in order to see the consequences of them, we have here to do with something that is most thoroughly tested. This applies to both the testing of movements and the choice of the asset to be invested in. Furthermore, the author's review of his emotions in connection with his ongoing development with the investments in the market is very relevant as it is often the biggest enemy of the investor. Further, the adding on methodology described in chapter 7 alone pays for this book" - Peter Henriksen, Mijas-Costa, SpainThis book is not like any other books about Technical Analysis and about making money trading. Other books tend to feature more theories than data, are more anecdotal than fact-based and they often leave the readers with more questions than answers. In this book, several methods of trading are tested on real data over months and years, so you can really see what works and what doesn't work is not only performed on historical data. The methods are fully explained, and shown in detail. After reading this book, you will be able to test your own ideas.

  • - The First 5000 Years
    von David Graeber
    21,00 €

  • - How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy
    von Cathy O'Neil
    12,00 €

  • - From the author of the Big Short
    von Michael Lewis
    12,98 €

    'One of the great business books of all time' Punch'Wickedly funny' Daily Express'Hilarious' New York TimesThe original classic that revealed the truth about ambition, greed and excess in London and Wall Street, by Michael Lewis, the number 1 bestselling author of The Big Short and The Undoing Project.From mere trainee to lowly geek, to triumphal Big Swinging Dick: that was Michael Lewis' pell-mell progress through the dealing rooms of Salomon Brothers in New York and London during the heady mid-1980s when they were probably the world's most powerful and profitable merchant bank. Funny, frightening, breathless and heartless, Liar's Poker is the original story of hysterical greed and excessive ambition, one that is now more potent and enthralling than ever.

  • - The Rise of Pointless Work, and What We Can Do About It
    von David Graeber
    13,00 €

    David Graeber is a Professor of Anthropology at the London School of Economics. His many books include The Utopia of Rules, The Democracy Project and the bestselling Debt: The First 5,000 Years. A frequent guest on the BBC, he writes for, among others, the Guardian, Strike!, the Baffler and New Left Review. He lives in London.

  • - A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism
    von Mariana Mazzucato
    11,48 €

  • - How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous
    von Joseph Henrich
    17,00 €

  • - Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life
    von Nassim Nicholas Taleb
    13,00 €

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