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Bücher der Reihe Schooled in Magic

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  • von Christopher G Nuttall
    23,00 €

    The post of Head Girl of Whitehall looks fantastic on anyone's resume. It places the lucky winner on equal terms to the staff, granting them authority, power and responsibility that no other student can even dream of possessing. A student lucky enough to win the coveted post is destined for greatness. Everyone will want to know their name.Naturally, Emily doesn't want it.Reluctantly, she starts to carry out her new duties, unaware that deadly enemies are waiting in the shadows, preparing themselves to strike at her when her back is turned. Someone is spreading rumors about her, one of her closest friends is behaving erratically and everything she's done over the years is called into question. And, as matters spin out of control, Emily finds herself on a battlefield she never anticipated...

  • von Christopher Nuttall
    22,00 €

  • von Christopher G Nuttall
    23,00 €

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