von A Van Doren Honeyman
72,00 €
"Joannes Nevius, of the Neeff family of the Netherlands, born in Holland about February, 1627, died at 'The Ferry' in Brooklyn about June, 1672, was the American progenitor of all those of the name Nevius, Nevyus, Neafie, Neefus, Neafus, Nefie, Nafey, Naphey, Nafis, Naphis, etc., who have since lived in this country and for whose living representatives this work is compiled."Part I includes: The Ancient Nævius Family; The Family in Europe and Their Coats of Arms; The Neeff Family in Holland; From the Old World to the New, About 1651; Joannes Nevius in the Manhattoes until his Marriage, 1651-1653; Adriaentje Bleijck and her DePotter Relatives; Joannes Nevius in New Amstedam, 1653-1657; Joannes Nevius City Secretary, 1657-1665; Joannes Nevius's Last Years, 1665-1672; Widow Adriaentje Nevius and her Second Marriage; The Children of Joannes Nevius; Emigrations to New Jersey, Pennsylvania and the West; and, Varied Spellings and Pronunciations of the Name.Part II, the lion's share of the book, is devoted to Descendants of Joannes Nevius Alphabetically Arranged. The amount of genealogical data for each descendant's entry varies greatly. A few entries include a facsimile reprint of the subject's signature.Part III, Appendices, contains: List of Unidentified Persons, Notes upon Families of Similar Surnames, Soldiers in Various Wars, Some Holland Neefs prior to 1650, Cornelis de Potter and Swantje Jans, Jan Aersen, Isaacq Bedloo and Elizabeth de Potter, Swantje Jans' Will, The Messler Family, Additional Matter, and Errata.A list of 203 alternate spellings of the Nevius surname; Chart Showing all Descendants through Male Lines from Rev. Johannes Neeffius of Zoelen, Holland, for Four Generations; Chart Showing Relationship of Existing Families of Varying Surnames descended from Cornelis Neefies (330), son of Joannes Nevius, the immigrant; a list of family patriarchs who attained the age of eighty-five years and upward; a wealth of portraits; and, a full-name index add to the value of this work.