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Bücher von Aakash Pawar

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  • von Aakash Pawar
    31,00 €

    The problems in this area appear even more serious than originally assessed and solutions are almost certainly more difficult. In simple terms a water budget for the ¿Bhad river¿ watershed area can be looked at as water inputs, outputs and changes in storage of this ¿over-exploited¿ area. The inputs into the area are precipitation, surface water inflows and capacity of different type of storage like dams, bandhara and yield must be comparable to the output that is various demands like Irrigation demand, public demand like domestic, industrial etc. These are comparatively expressed in this budget.

  • von Aakash Pawar
    50,00 €

    Recentemente houve um aumento considerável no número de edifícios altos, tanto residenciais como comerciais, e a tendência moderna é para estruturas mais altas. Assim, os efeitos das cargas laterais como as cargas de vento, as forças sísmicas estão a atingir uma importância crescente e quase todos os projectistas se vêem confrontados com o problema de fornecer resistência e estabilidade adequadas contra as cargas laterais. Por este motivo, é necessário ter em conta a carga de vento e a carga sísmica no projecto de edifícios altos.

  • von Aakash Pawar
    50,00 €

    Últimamente ha aumentado considerablemente el número de edificios altos, tanto residenciales como comerciales, y la tendencia moderna es hacia estructuras más altas. Por lo tanto, los efectos de las cargas laterales, como las cargas de viento y las fuerzas sísmicas, están adquiriendo una importancia cada vez mayor y casi todos los diseñadores se enfrentan al problema de proporcionar una resistencia y estabilidad adecuadas frente a las cargas laterales. Por esta razón, es necesario estimar las cargas de viento y las cargas sísmicas en el diseño de edificios de gran altura.

  • von Aakash Pawar
    50,00 €

    Recentemente c'è stato un considerevole aumento del numero di edifici alti, sia residenziali che commerciali, e la tendenza moderna è verso strutture più alte. Quindi gli effetti dei carichi laterali come i venti e le forze sismiche stanno raggiungendo un'importanza crescente e quasi ogni progettista si trova di fronte al problema di fornire un'adeguata resistenza e stabilità contro i carichi laterali. Per questo motivo, stimare il carico del vento e il carico sismico sulla progettazione di edifici alti è una considerazione necessaria.

  • von Aakash Pawar
    22,00 €

    V poslednee wremq nablüdaetsq znachitel'noe uwelichenie kolichestwa wysokih zdanij, kak zhilyh, tak i kommercheskih, i sowremennaq tendenciq naprawlena w storonu bolee wysokih konstrukcij. Takim obrazom, wliqnie bokowyh nagruzok, takih kak wetrowye nagruzki, zemletrqseniq, priobretaet wse bol'shee znachenie, i pochti kazhdyj proektirowschik stalkiwaetsq s problemoj obespecheniq dostatochnoj prochnosti i ustojchiwosti k bokowym nagruzkam. Po ätoj prichine ocenka wetrowoj nagruzki i nagruzki ot zemletrqseniq pri proektirowanii wysotnyh zdanij qwlqetsq neobhodimym soobrazheniem.

  • von Aakash Pawar
    60,90 €

    In letzter Zeit hat die Zahl der hohen Gebäude, sowohl im Wohn- als auch im Gewerbebau, erheblich zugenommen, und der moderne Trend geht in Richtung höherer Strukturen. Daher gewinnen die Auswirkungen von Seitenlasten wie Windlasten und Erdbeben immer mehr an Bedeutung, und fast jeder Konstrukteur steht vor dem Problem, eine angemessene Festigkeit und Stabilität gegen Seitenlasten zu gewährleisten. Aus diesem Grund ist die Abschätzung von Wind- und Erdbebenbelastungen bei der Planung von Hochhäusern eine notwendige Überlegung.

  • von Aakash Pawar
    50,00 €

    Récemment, on a assisté à une augmentation considérable du nombre de bâtiments de grande hauteur, tant résidentiels que commerciaux, et la tendance moderne est aux structures plus hautes. Ainsi, les effets des charges latérales comme les charges de vent et les forces sismiques prennent de plus en plus d'importance et presque tous les concepteurs sont confrontés au problème de fournir une résistance et une stabilité adéquates contre les charges latérales. Pour cette raison, l'estimation de la charge du vent et de la charge sismique sur la conception des bâtiments de grande hauteur est une considération nécessaire.

  • von Mahesh Patil, Mayur Patil & Aakash Pawar
    34,00 €

    A tensile structure is a construction of elements carrying only tension and no compression or bending. The term tensile should not be confused with tensegrity, which is a structural form with both tension and compression elements. Most tensile structures are supported by some form of compression or bending elements, such as masts compression rings or beams. Tensile membrane structures are most often used as roofs as they can economically and attractively span large distances. Conventional structures rely upon two main principles, gravity and internal rigidity to achieve stability and carry loads. Tensile fabric architecture uses neither of these principles; instead a flexible, lightweight fabric membrane is stretched between a fixed set of support points. These structures, consisting of elements that have little or no stiffness, rely on their form and internal tension alone to carry their loads. As structural elements, tensile members are more efficient than compression members. Unless they have a certain minimal thickness, compression members will bend out of shape and fail regardless of their material strength. Structures made of tensile members are more stable.

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