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Bücher von Abdelrahman AlAdl

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  • von Abdelrahman AlAdl
    54,00 €

    Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver competências de compreensão inferencial, importantes para o estudo de textos literários. Para tal, o investigador adoptou uma estratégia de compreensão inferencial, baseada na ativação do conhecimento prévio do aluno. O investigador concebeu algumas actividades que podem ajudar os alunos a aprender a ativar o seu conhecimento prévio, que é um processo essencial para fazer inferências: Pré-visualização, Previsão e Questionamento.

  • von Abdelrahman AlAdl
    54,00 €

    El objetivo de este estudio era desarrollar las destrezas de comprensión inferencial, que son importantes para estudiar textos literarios. Para ello, el investigador adoptó una estrategia de comprensión inferencial basada en la activación de los conocimientos previos de los alumnos. El investigador diseñó algunas actividades que podrían ayudar a los alumnos a aprender a activar sus conocimientos previos, proceso esencial para hacer inferencias: Previsualización, Predicción y Cuestionamiento.

  • von Abdelrahman AlAdl
    54,00 €

    Questo studio mirava a sviluppare le abilità di comprensione inferenziale, importanti per lo studio dei testi letterari. Di conseguenza, il ricercatore ha adottato una strategia di comprensione inferenziale basata sull'attivazione delle conoscenze pregresse degli studenti. Il ricercatore ha progettato alcune attività che potessero aiutare gli studenti ad attivare le loro conoscenze pregresse, processo essenziale per fare inferenze: Anteprima, Previsione e Interrogazione.

  • von Abdelrahman AlAdl
    54,00 €

    Cette étude visait à développer les compétences de compréhension inférentielle, qui sont importantes pour étudier les textes littéraires. En conséquence, le chercheur a adopté une stratégie de compréhension inférentielle basée sur l'activation des connaissances antérieures des étudiants. La chercheuse a conçu des activités susceptibles d'aider les élèves à apprendre à activer leurs connaissances préalables, un processus essentiel pour faire des déductions : La prévisualisation, la prédiction et le questionnement.

  • von Abdelrahman AlAdl
    69,90 €

    Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Fähigkeiten zum schlussfolgernden Verstehen zu entwickeln, die für das Studium literarischer Texte wichtig sind. Dementsprechend wandte die Forscherin eine Strategie für das schlussfolgernde Verstehen an, die auf der Aktivierung des Vorwissens der Schülerinnen und Schüler basierte. Der Forscher entwarf einige Aktivitäten, die den Schülern helfen sollten, ihr Vorwissen zu aktivieren, was ein wesentlicher Prozess für das Ziehen von Schlussfolgerungen ist: Vorschau, Vorhersage und Hinterfragen.

  • von Abdelrahman AlAdl
    50,00 €

    The aim of this study is to examine the effects of 3 feedback techniques on the writing performance and attitudes of the first secondary grade students. The current research reports the descriptive method (through a survey of previous literature about writing approaches) and a quasi-experimental classroom study investigating 45 EFL students¿ abilities to self-edit their writing across three feedback conditions Feedback was provided to 90 students enrolled in an 8-weeks process writing course. They were divided into three groups representing the feedback types. The participants wrote paragraphs of two genres, focusing on five error categories. The pre- and post-tests of paragraph writing were compared to see improvement. The students¿ writing quality was measured using EFL Composition Profile, while attitude was measured by using an attitude Scale. The results revealed that all the groups have reductions in their errors. But the second and third groups used different ways of thinking to refine their writing. The results confirmed the effects of feedback on the students' performance according to their writing quality and that students were encouraged to respond to it.

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