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Bücher von Abel Rodrigues

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  • von Abel Rodrigues, Raul Albuquerque Sardinha & Gabriel Pita
    64,00 €

  • von Abel Rodrigues, Raul Albuquerque Sardinha & Gabriel Pita
    87,00 €

    This book is an interdisciplinary and accessible guide to environmental physics. It allows readers to gain a more complete understanding of physical process and their interaction with ecological ones underpin important environmental issues.The book covers a wide range of topics within environmental physics, including:¿ natural and anthropogenic canopies, including forests, urban or wavy terrains;¿ the fundamentals of heat transfer;¿ atmospheric flow dynamics;¿ global carbon budget;¿ climate change; and¿ the relevance of biochar as a global carbon sink.Including solved exercises, numerous illustrations and tables, as well as an entire chapter focused on applications, book is of interest to researchers, students and industrial engineers alike.

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