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Bücher von Aditya Sharma

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  • von Aditya Sharma
    49,00 €

    Welcome to the world of hacking and cyber threatsWith the widespread adoption of the internet, the digital world has become an integral part of our lives. Activities such as online banking, shopping, social media, and education are all available at our fingertips. However, along with these conveniences, concerns about cybersecurity have also increased.When we hear the word "hacking," we often picture criminals wearing black hoodies and masks, typing furiously on computers. But the world of hacking is much more diverse and complex than that.What is hacking?Hacking is the act of gaining unauthorized access to a computer system or network. Hackers can use this access to steal data, install malware, or disrupt operations.

  • von Aditya Sharma
    21,00 €

    Brenda was the first to recover. "You idiot!" she screeched. "Younincompoop! What did you say?""What did I say . . . ?" Brian remembered his words and his face went pale."You told him to go to hell!" She sat down, her mouth dropping open. "Ourson! Our only boy! That was what you wished!""Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" Brian thought feverishly. "You heard what hesaid! The monkey's ear is broken. It doesn't hear properly.""You told him to go to hell!

  • von Aditya Sharma
    15,00 €

    Huffing, I slammed my hand down on the kitchen counter, wishing like hell I could throw my cell against the wall and never talk to anyone again. "On my way," I growled. Cliff sighed. "What's taking so long?" If he only knew. It was a bad day for me. Hell, every fucking day was worse than the last. It didn't help that my father liked to call and remind me of my failure every goddamn week. "I'll be there in a minute," I snapped."Dude, hurry up. Emma's been asking about you. I think tonight's gonna be your night, if you get out of your shitty mood."I hung up the phone and took a deep breath, my fists clenched tight to keep my hands from shaking. Sometimes I wished my friends knew about my past, so I wouldn't have to come up with bullshit excuses every time I got pissed. Cliff was my friend and we started up a band a couple of years ago, but he didn't know about my real life; neither did Emma.When I picked up and moved from Charleston to attend college in the North Carolina Mountains, I'd left everything behind. None of the students recognized me, or put together the pieces of who I actually was. It was nice for a while, but I was living a lie. I fought the urges inside of me every single day.Hurrying out of my apartment, I took the stairs two at a time. The smell of weed wafted past my nose. I'd give anything to smoke a blunt and forget life for a while, but it wouldn't help.

  • von Aditya Sharma
    27,00 €

    Arrows were showered on Sveta and the missiles sped across like lightning inclouds. Sveta defended himself marvelously. He parried their shafts with his ownand cut their javelins down as they sped towards him. The warriors in both armieswere amazed at the skill displayed by Sveta. Duryodhana lost no time now andsent forces to relieve Salya. Whereupon there was a great battle. Thousands ofsoldiers perished, and numerous were the chariots broken and the horses andelephants killed. Sveta succeeded in putting Duryodhana's men to flight and hepushed forward and attacked Bhishma.

  • von Aditya Sharma
    43,90 €

    Die Osseointegration stellt eine direkte Verbindung zwischen Knochen und Implantat ohne dazwischenliegende Weichteilschichten dar. Eine 100%ige Verbindung des Knochens mit dem Implantat findet jedoch nicht statt. Probleme bei der Bestimmung des genauen Grades der Knochenanlagerung, damit das Implantat als osseointegriert bezeichnet werden kann, haben zu einer Definition der Osseointegration geführt, die auf der Stabilität und nicht auf histologischen Kriterien beruht: "Ein Prozess, bei dem eine klinisch asymptomatische, starre Fixierung von alloplastischen Materialien im Knochen erreicht und während der funktionellen Belastung aufrechterhalten wird".Das klinische Verfahren der Osseointegration zielt letztlich darauf ab, dem zahnlosen Patienten eine okklusale Rehabilitation zu ermöglichen. Langfristige klinische Erfahrungen haben deutlich gezeigt, dass die Prognose osseointegrierter Rekonstruktionen von der anhaltenden Präzision der chirurgischen Verfahren abhängt, mit denen die Titanbefestigungen eingesetzt werden.

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditya Sharma
    37,00 €

    L'ostéointégration représente une connexion directe entre l'os et l'implant sans interposition de couches de tissus mous. Cependant, il n'y a pas de connexion osseuse à 100 % avec l'implant. Les problèmes liés à l'identification du degré exact d'attachement osseux pour que l'implant soit qualifié d'ostéointégré ont conduit à une définition de l'ostéointégration basée sur la stabilité plutôt que sur des critères histologiques: "Processus par lequel une fixation rigide cliniquement asymptomatique de matériaux alloplastiques est obtenue et maintenue dans l'os lors d'une mise en charge fonctionnelle".La procédure clinique d'ostéointégration a pour but ultime de fournir au patient édenté une réhabilitation occlusale. L'expérience clinique à long terme a clairement indiqué que le pronostic des reconstructions ostéo-intégrées dépend de la précision persistante des procédures chirurgicales impliquées dans l'installation des fixations en titane.

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditya Sharma
    37,00 €

    L'osteointegrazione rappresenta una connessione diretta tra osso e impianto senza strati di tessuto molle interposti. Tuttavia, non si verifica una connessione ossea al 100% con l'impianto. I problemi nell'identificare l'esatto grado di attacco osseo affinché l'impianto possa essere definito osteointegrato hanno portato a una definizione di osteointegrazione basata sulla stabilità anziché su criteri istologici: "Un processo in cui la fissazione rigida clinicamente asintomatica di materiali alloplastici viene raggiunta e mantenuta nell'osso durante il carico funzionale".La procedura clinica di osteointegrazione ha come obiettivo finale quello di fornire al paziente edentulo una riabilitazione occlusale. L'esperienza clinica a lungo termine ha chiaramente indicato che le ricostruzioni osteointegrate dipendono, per la loro prognosi, dalla persistente precisione delle procedure chirurgiche di installazione delle fixture in titanio.

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditya Sharma
    37,00 €

    A osteointegração representa uma ligação directa entre osso e implante sem camadas interpostas de tecido mole. No entanto, não ocorre uma ligação 100% óssea ao implante. Problemas na identificação do grau exacto de ligação óssea para o implante a ser denominado osteointegrado levaram a uma definição de osteointegração baseada na estabilidade e não em critérios histológicos: "Um processo pelo qual a fixação rígida clinicamente assintomática de materiais aloplásticos é alcançada, e mantida, no osso durante a carga funcional".O procedimento clínico de osseointegração tem como objectivo último proporcionar ao paciente desdentado uma reabilitação oclusal. A experiência clínica a longo prazo indicou claramente que as reconstruções osseointegradas dependem para o seu prognóstico da precisão persistente nos procedimentos cirúrgicos envolvidos na instalação das fixações de titânio.

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditya Sharma
    37,00 €

    La osteointegración representa una conexión directa entre el hueso y el implante sin capas de tejido blando interpuestas. Sin embargo, no se produce una conexión del 100% del hueso con el implante. Los problemas para identificar el grado exacto de fijación ósea para que el implante se denomine osteointegrado han llevado a una definición de la osteointegración basada en la estabilidad en lugar de en criterios histológicos: "Proceso mediante el cual se consigue, y se mantiene, una fijación rígida clínicamente asintomática de materiales aloplásticos en el hueso durante la carga funcional".El procedimiento clínico de osteointegración tiene como objetivo último proporcionar al paciente edéntulo una rehabilitación oclusal. La experiencia clínica a largo plazo ha indicado claramente que las reconstrucciones osteointegradas dependen para su pronóstico de la precisión persistente en los procedimientos quirúrgicos implicados en la instalación de las fijaciones de titanio.

  • 16% sparen
    von Aditya Sharma
    37,00 €

    Osseointegration represents a direct connection between bone and implant without interposed soft tissue layers. However, 100% bone connection to the implant does not occur. Problems in identifying the exact degree of bone attachment for the implant to be termed osseointegrated has led to a definition of osseointegration based on stability instead of on histologic criteria: ¿ A process whereby clinically asymptomatic rigid fixation of alloplastic materials is achieved, and maintained, in bone during functional loading¿. The clinical procedure of osseointegration has an ultimate aim to provide the edentulous patient with occlusal rehabilitation. Long term clinical experience has clearly indicated that osseointegrated reconstructions rely for their prognosis on persistent precision in the surgical procedures involved in installing the titanium fixtures.

  • 18% sparen
    von Aditya Sharma
    59,00 €

  • von Aditya Sharma
    16,00 €

  • - Intelligent algorithms for building image processing apps using OpenCV 4, Python, and scikit-learn, 2nd Edition
    von Michael Beyeler, Aditya Sharma & Vishwesh Ravi Shrimali
    65,00 €

    Machine Learning for OpenCV 4, Second Edition will help the readers to implement and train machine learning algorithms with OpenCV 4 and scikit-learn in Python. By the end of this book, you will be able to build intelligent applications with OpenCV 4 using various optimization techniques for your machine learning algorithms.

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