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Bücher von Ahamed Zubair K M A

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  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    In the heart of the Arwi world, an intellectual and spiritual resurgence bloomed, ignited by the profound wisdom and tireless efforts of eminent scholars and saints. From Shaykh Sadaq Ibrahim Maraik¿yar, the pioneering figure alongside Saint Shahul Hamid, who rallied against the Portuguese tyranny, to the scholarly legacies of Shaykh Mustafa Wali and Shaykh Abdul Qadir Naina Labbai 'Alim, each luminary illuminates a distinct facet of this rich cultural tapestry.These luminaries were not merely scholars; they were torchbearers of knowledge and spiritual guidance. Shaykh Sulayman Wali's prophetic vision upon seeing a child, foretelling future contributions, Shaykh Salahuddin's eloquence, Shaykhuna Pulavar's literary prowess, and the polymathic genius of Yasin Mawlanäeach added a layer to the fabric of Arwi heritage, fostering education, spirituality, and literary excellence.The saga extends to the poetesses, Sayyida Asiya Umma and Fatima Jawhariyya, whose mystical verses and spiritual insights transcend time. Their works stand as testament to the elevated spiritual literature woven within the Arwi community.This compilation pays homage to these illustrious figures.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    56,00 €

    An English-Arabic Dictionary of Law and JurisprudenceArabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width.This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the Law and Jurisprudence Disciplines through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the law field.The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Law and Jurisprudence Disciplines has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the day-today affairs from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies, requirements and development of professional students in terms of law usage.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Patrimoine ludique : Jeux de traditionLa langue arabe a atteint le statut de langue internationale. Les Nations Unies ont adopté l'arabe comme l'une de leurs six langues officielles. La langue arabe joue un rôle vital dans les domaines commercial et culturel à l¿ère de la mondialisation. L¿arabe est une langue très riche, comparable à un océan sans aucune limite de profondeur ni de largeur.Ce travail est conçu pour répondre aux besoins de communication de l¿arabe aux niveaux des cycles supérieurs et postuniversitaires dans les collèges et universités. Une attention particulière a été apportée en fournissant des brochures, des affiches et des dépliants pour quatorze jeux.Le besoin d'un livre sur les brochures, les affiches et les brochures se fait sentir depuis longtemps. Le but de ce travail est de former les étudiants aux études de communication en préparant des Brochures, des Affiches et des Pamphlets, en leur proposant des exercices élaborés. Nous espérons que ce livre aidera grandement les étudiants et les lecteurs qui souhaitent apprendre et pratiquer l'arabe. Brochures, affiches et dépliants pour divers jeux et sports d'art traditionnel.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Patrimonio ludico: I giochi della tradizioneLa lingua araba ha raggiunto lo status di lingua internazionale. Le Nazioni Unite hanno adottato l'arabo come una delle sei lingue ufficiali. Nell'era della globalizzazione, la lingua araba svolge un ruolo fondamentale in ambito commerciale e culturale. L'arabo è una lingua molto ricca, che può essere paragonata a un oceano senza limiti di profondità o larghezza. Quest'opera è stata concepita per soddisfare le esigenze di comunicazione in arabo a livello universitario e post-universitario. Un'attenzione particolare è stata dedicata a brochure, poster e opuscoli per quattordici giochi. L'esigenza di un libro su brochure, poster e opuscoli era sentita da tempo. Lo scopo di quest'opera è quello di formare gli studenti allo studio della comunicazione, preparando brochure, manifesti e opuscoli dall'arabo all'inglese e viceversa, fornendo esercizi pratici. Si spera che questo libro sia di grande aiuto per gli studenti e i lettori che desiderano imparare e praticare brochure, manifesti e opuscoli dall'arabo all'inglese per vari giochi e arti tradizionali.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Patrimonio lúdico: Juegos de tradiciónLa lengua árabe ha alcanzado el estatus de lengua internacional. Las Naciones Unidas han adoptado el árabe como uno de sus seis idiomas oficiales. La lengua árabe juega un papel vital en los campos comercial y cultural en la era de la globalización. El árabe es una lengua muy rica, que se puede comparar con un océano sin límites de profundidad ni de anchura.Este trabajo está diseñado para satisfacer las necesidades del árabe para la comunicación a nivel de grado y posgrado en colegios y universidades. Se ha prestado especial atención proporcionando folletos, carteles y folletos para catorce juegos.Hace tiempo que se siente la necesidad de un libro sobre folletos, carteles y panfletos. El objetivo de este trabajo es formar a los estudiantes en los estudios de comunicación en la elaboración de folletos, carteles y folletos, proporcionándoles ejercicios elaborados. Se espera que este libro sea de gran ayuda para aquellos estudiantes y lectores que deseen aprender y practicar folletos, carteles y panfletos árabes sobre diversos juegos y deportes artísticos tradicionales.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    43,90 €

    Spielerisches Erbe: Spiele der TraditionDie arabische Sprache hat den Status einer internationalen Sprache erlangt. Die Vereinten Nationen haben Arabisch als eine ihrer sechs Amtssprachen eingeführt. Die arabische Sprache spielt im Zeitalter der Globalisierung eine wichtige Rolle im kommerziellen und kulturellen Bereich. Arabisch ist eine sehr reiche Sprache, die mit einem Ozean ohne Grenzen in Tiefe und Breite verglichen werden kann.Diese Arbeit soll den Bedürfnissen des Arabischen für die Kommunikation auf Graduierten- und Postgraduiertenebene an Hochschulen und Universitäten gerecht werden. Besonderes Augenmerk wurde auf die Bereitstellung von Broschüren, Postern und Broschüren für vierzehn Spiele gelegt.Der Bedarf an einem Buch über Broschüren, Plakate und Broschüren besteht seit langem. Der Zweck dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Studierenden durch die Bereitstellung ausgearbeiteter Übungen in den Kommunikationswissenschaften für die Erstellung von Broschüren, Postern und Broschüren zu schulen. Wir hoffen, dass dieses Buch den Studenten und Lesern, die Arabisch lernen und üben möchten, Broschüren, Poster und Broschüren für verschiedene Spiele und traditionelle Kunstsportarten eine große Hilfe sein wird.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    19,00 €

    Igrowoe nasledie: Igry tradicijArabskij qzyk priobrel status mezhdunarodnogo. Organizaciq Ob#edinennyh Nacij prinqla arabskij qzyk w kachestwe odnogo iz shesti oficial'nyh qzykow. V äpohu globalizacii arabskij qzyk igraet wazhnuü rol' w kommercheskoj i kul'turnoj sferah. Arabskij qzyk - äto ochen' bogatyj qzyk, kotoryj mozhno srawnit' s okeanom, ne imeüschim granic po glubine i shirine. Dannaq rabota prizwana udowletworit' potrebnosti w arabskom qzyke dlq obscheniq na urowne magistratury i aspirantury w kolledzhah i uniwersitetah. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno broshüram, plakatam i bukletam dlq chetyrnadcati igr. Neobhodimost' w knige po broshüram, plakatam i bukletam oschuschalas' dawno. Cel' dannoj raboty - obuchit' studentow kommunikatiwnym nawykam podgotowki broshür, plakatow i prospektow s arabskogo na anglijskij i naoborot, snabdiw ih otrabotannymi uprazhneniqmi. Hochetsq nadeqt'sq, chto äta kniga okazhet bol'shuü pomosch' tem studentam i chitatelqm, kotorye hotqt oswoit' i popraktikowat'sq w sostawlenii arabsko-anglijskih broshür, plakatow i prospektow dlq razlichnyh igr i tradicionnyh widow sporta.

  • 11% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    24,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the Law, Covering Contracts, Intellectual Property, and Taxation Disciplines through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the lawl field.The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Contracts, Patents, Taxes & Legalities Disciplines has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the day-today affairs from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies, requirements and development of professional students in terms of law usage.

  • 17% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    45,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Bilingual Terms and Terminology Employed in Secretarial Practice, Conversation,Greetings and Communication Sectors through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Secretarial Practice and Communicative fields.The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Functional Language for Conversation and Communication domain has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the Functional language sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for Functional Language

  • 12% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    22,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the Healthcare Sector through Arabic -English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology and concepts used in the Medical sector. The need for a book on Terms used in the Healthcare Sector has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Medical terms requirements and also the concepts and terms of current usage in Healthcare sector.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    22,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the fields of Sports, Fitness and Recreation through Arabic - English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the sports sector. The need for a book on Terms used in Sports, Fitness and Recreation has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Sports, Fitness and Recreation requirements of current usage.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Playful Heritage: Games of Tradition Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Arabic for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets for fourteen games. The need for a book on Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the communication studies preparing Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out exercises. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English Brochures, Posters and Pamphlets for various games and traditional art sporting.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    50,00 €

    La langue arabe a atteint le statut de langue internationale. Les Nations unies ont adopté l'arabe comme l'une de leurs six langues officielles. La langue arabe joue un rôle vital dans les domaines commercial et culturel à l'ère de la mondialisation. L'arabe est une langue très riche, qui peut être comparée à un océan sans limites de profondeur ou de largeur. "Al-Nazarat" (Les regards ou les réflexions) est un recueil d'essais écrits par Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, un écrivain, journaliste et intellectuel égyptien qui a vécu de 1876 à 1924. Il fut l'une des figures de proue du mouvement de la Nahda (Renaissance arabe) à la fin du XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle. "Al-Nazarat" a été publié en 1907 et est considéré comme l'une des ¿uvres les plus importantes de Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti. Al-Nazarat" de Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti reste un document historique pertinent qui donne un aperçu des idées et des aspirations du mouvement de la Renaissance arabe. Il continue d'être étudié et apprécié par les chercheurs et les personnes intéressées par l'histoire intellectuelle du monde arabe au début du XXe siècle. Nous espérons que ce livre aidera grandement ceux qui souhaitent apprendre et comprendre les Réflexions...

  • 18% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    50,00 €

    La lingua araba ha raggiunto lo status di lingua internazionale. Le Nazioni Unite hanno adottato l'arabo come una delle sei lingue ufficiali. La lingua araba svolge un ruolo fondamentale in ambito commerciale e culturale nell'era della globalizzazione. L'arabo è una lingua molto ricca, che può essere paragonata a un oceano senza limiti di profondità o larghezza. "Al-Nazarat" (Gli sguardi o le riflessioni) è una raccolta di saggi scritti da Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, scrittore, giornalista e intellettuale egiziano vissuto dal 1876 al 1924. È stato una delle figure di spicco del movimento Nahda (Rinascimento arabo) tra la fine del XIX e l'inizio del XX secolo. "Al-Nazarat" fu pubblicato nel 1907 ed è considerato uno dei lavori più significativi di al-Manfaluti. "Al-Nazarat" di Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti rimane un documento storico di grande importanza, che fornisce approfondimenti sulle idee e le aspirazioni del movimento del Rinascimento arabo. Continua a essere studiato e apprezzato da studiosi e persone interessate alla storia intellettuale del mondo arabo all'inizio del XX secolo. Si spera che questo libro sia di grande aiuto per coloro che desiderano conoscere e comprendere le riflessioni del movimento del Rinascimento arabo.

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    60,90 €

    Die arabische Sprache hat den Status einer internationalen Sprache erlangt. Die Vereinten Nationen haben Arabisch als eine ihrer sechs offiziellen Sprachen anerkannt. Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung spielt die arabische Sprache eine wichtige Rolle im wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Bereich. Arabisch ist eine sehr reiche Sprache, die mit einem Ozean verglichen werden kann, der weder in der Tiefe noch in der Breite Grenzen hat. Al-Nazarat" (Die Blicke oder die Reflexionen) ist eine Sammlung von Essays von Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, einem ägyptischen Schriftsteller, Journalisten und Intellektuellen, der von 1876 bis 1924 lebte. Er war eine der führenden Persönlichkeiten der Nahda-Bewegung (arabische Renaissance) im späten 19. und frühen 20. "Al-Nazarat" wurde 1907 veröffentlicht und gilt als eines der bedeutendsten Werke al-Manfalutis. Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfalutis "Al-Nazarat" ist nach wie vor ein wichtiges historisches Dokument, das Einblicke in die Ideen und Bestrebungen der arabischen Renaissance-Bewegung gewährt. Es wird weiterhin von Wissenschaftlern und Personen, die sich für die Geistesgeschichte der arabischen Welt zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts interessieren, studiert und geschätzt. Es ist zu hoffen, dass dieses Buch all jenen eine große Hilfe sein wird, die die Reflexionen über die arabische Renaissance kennen und verstehen lernen wollen.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    50,00 €

    La lengua árabe ha alcanzado el estatus de lengua internacional. Las Naciones Unidas han adoptado el árabe como una de sus seis lenguas oficiales. La lengua árabe desempeña un papel vital en los ámbitos comercial y cultural en la era de la globalización. El árabe es una lengua muy rica, que puede compararse a un océano sin límites de profundidad o anchura. "Al-Nazarat" (Las miradas o los reflejos) es una colección de ensayos escritos por Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, escritor, periodista e intelectual egipcio que vivió entre 1876 y 1924. Fue una de las figuras destacadas del movimiento Nahda (Renacimiento árabe) de finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. "Al-Nazarat" se publicó en 1907 y se considera una de las obras más significativas de al-Manfaluti.Al-Nazarat" de Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti sigue siendo relevante como documento histórico que ofrece una visión de las ideas y aspiraciones del movimiento del Renacimiento árabe. Sigue siendo estudiado y apreciado por eruditos y personas interesadas en la historia intelectual del mundo árabe de principios del siglo XX. Se espera que este libro sea de gran ayuda para quienes deseen aprender y comprender las Reflexiones

  • von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    19,00 €

    Arabskij qzyk priobrel status mezhdunarodnogo qzyka. Organizaciq Ob#edinennyh Nacij prinqla arabskij qzyk w kachestwe odnogo iz shesti oficial'nyh qzykow. V äpohu globalizacii arabskij qzyk igraet wazhnuü rol' w kommercheskoj i kul'turnoj sferah. Arabskij qzyk ochen' bogat, ego mozhno srawnit' s okeanom, ne imeüschim granic ni po glubine, ni po shirine. "An-Nazarat" ("Vzglqdy ili razmyshleniq") - sbornik ässe egipetskogo pisatelq, zhurnalista i intellektuala Mustafy Lütfi al'-Manfaluti, zhiwshego s 1876 po 1924 god. On byl odnim iz widnyh deqtelej dwizheniq "Nahda" ("Arabskoe wozrozhdenie") konca XIX - nachala XX ww. Kniga "An-Nazarat" byla opublikowana w 1907 g. i schitaetsq odnim iz naibolee znachitel'nyh proizwedenij al'-Manfaluti. Kniga Mustafy Lütfi al'-Manfaluti "An-Nazarat" sohranqet swoü aktual'nost' kak istoricheskij dokument, daüschij predstawlenie ob ideqh i ustremleniqh dwizheniq arabskogo Vozrozhdeniq. Ego prodolzhaüt izuchat' i cenit' uchenye i lüdi, interesuüschiesq intellektual'noj istoriej arabskogo mira nachala XX weka. Hochetsq nadeqt'sq, chto dannaq kniga okazhet suschestwennuü pomosch' tem, kto zhelaet izuchit' i ponqt' "Otrazheniq

  • 19% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    56,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the field of Business and Commerce through Arabic - English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Commercesector. The need for a book on Terms used in Business and Commerce has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Business and Commerce requirements of current usage.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the field of Advertising Field, Public Relations and Fine Arts Sectors through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the related fields as well. The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Advertising Field, Public Relations and Fine Arts Sectors has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the advertising sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for Advertising, Public Relations and Fine Arts Sectors requirements.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the field of Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Chemistry through Arabic - English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Mathematical and Physical Sciences sector. The need for a book on Terms used in Mathematical and Physical Sciences has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Mathematical and Physical Sciences requirements of current usage.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    50,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the field of Engineering Sector through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Architecture, Industrial, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Nuclear and Petroleum Sectors. The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Engineering Sector has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the Engineering sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various engineering disciplines.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    22,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. To secure the future of the Arabic language, concerted efforts are needed from both individuals and institutions. Promoting Arabic literacy, encouraging its use in education and administration, fostering a sense of pride in its speakers, and investing in linguistic research are vital steps in preserving its legacy.With unity and determination, the Arab world can navigate the challenges that face its cherished language and continue to celebrate the language that has been a cradle of civilization and a symbol of cultural pride for millennia. By heeding the warning and embracing the call of "The Arabic Language" poem, Arabic can transcend the boundaries of time and space, remaining a vibrant and relevant language that contributes to the global tapestry of human communication and understanding.This Arabic poem is a remarkable ode.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    22,00 €

    Panegyrics on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) play a significant role in Arabic literature and the reverence for Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). These compositions, deeply rooted in Islamic culture, embody the love, loyalty, and devotion expected from every Muslim towards the Prophet. During the Prophet's lifetime, panegyrics and odes praising him were recited in his presence and received his appreciation. With the emergence of Islam, the influence of Jahiliyyah poetry waned, giving way to a decline in tribalism and the establishment of values focused around truth, justice, and cooperation. While the Holy Quran denounces specific poets engaged in wrongful acts, it does not condemn poetry or all poets in general. Several companions of the Prophet composed poems in his praise, incorporating biographical material that became part of the eulogy. Praise poems dedicated to the Prophet Muhammad were composed even during his lifetime, with formalized structures emerging in the thirteenth century. These poems highlighted the miracles that distinguished the Prophet's life and exemplified God's favor towards him.The spiritual attraction towards the Prophet inspired countless literary works.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    22,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the field of Sociology, Social Science and Ethics through Arabic - English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Sociology sector. The need for a book on Terms used in Sociology has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Sociology requirements and ethical terms of current usage.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Bilingual Terms and Terminology Employed in Aviation, Maritime, Shipping and other Transportation Sectors through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Transportation sector in detail. The need for a book on Terminology Employed in the Air, Sea and Land Transportation domain has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the Functional language from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for transportation sectors.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    50,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the field of Print Media, Visual Media and Multimedia Sector through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Major Media Sectors. The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Print Media, Visual Media and Multimedia has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the Engineering sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Media Sector requirements and Human Resource Development.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    37,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the field of Management Sector through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Management field. The need for a book on Terminology Employed in Management Sector has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the Management sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for Management Sector requirements and development of professional students in terms of current usage.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    22,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width. This work is designed to meet the needs of Terminology used in the Healthcare Sector through Arabic -English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology and concepts used in the Medical sector. The need for a book on Terms used in the Healthcare Sector has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the educational sector from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for various Medical terms requirements and also the concepts and terms of current usage in Healthcare sector.

  • 12% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    22,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width.This work is designed to meet the needs of Bilingual Terms and Terminology Employed in Aviation, Maritime, Shipping and other Transportation Sectors through Arabic-English for communication at the graduate and post-graduate levels in the colleges and universities. Special attention has been made by providing the list of terminology used in the Transportation sector in detail.The need for a book on Terminology Employed in the Air, Sea and Land Transportation domain has long been felt. The purpose of this work is to train the students in the Functional language from Arabic into English and vice-versa, by providing worked out terminologies. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those students and readers who wish to learn and practice Arabic-English terminologies for Functional Language for Communication.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ahamed Zubair K M A
    50,00 €

    Arabic language has attained the status of an International language. United Nations has adopted Arabic as one of its six official languages. Arabic language plays a vital role in the commercial and the cultural fields in the globalizational era. Arabic is a very rich language, which can be compared to an ocean without any limits of depth or width."Al-Nazarat" (The Glances or the Reflections) is a collection of essays written by Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti, an Egyptian writer, journalist, and intellectual who lived from 1876 to 1924. He was one of the prominent figures of the Nahda (Arab Renaissance) movement in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. "Al-Nazarat" was published in 1907 and is considered one of al-Manfaluti's most significant works.Mustafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti's "Al-Nazarat" remains relevant as a historical document that provides insights into the ideas and aspirations of the Arab Renaissance movement. It continues to be studied and appreciated by scholars and individuals interested in the intellectual history of the Arab world during the early 20th century. It is hoped that this book will greatly help those who wish to learn and understand the Reflections.

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