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Bücher von Ahmed Musa

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  • von Ahmed Musa
    28,90 €

    Die Milz ist bei einer Vielzahl von klinischen Zuständen vergrößert, einschließlich infektiöser, infiltrativer, immunologischer und maligner Zustände. Die Beurteilung der Milzgröße ist bei jeder körperlichen Untersuchung des Abdomens durch einen Arzt wichtig. Die genaue Diagnose der Milzvergrößerung ist von großer Bedeutung, da sie ein nützlicher Anhaltspunkt für die Diagnose der Krankheit ist. Es ist daher von größter Wichtigkeit, auf einen Mechanismus zurückzugreifen, der uns eine genaue Schätzung der Milzgröße ermöglicht.

  • von Ahmed Musa
    24,00 €

    El bazo se agranda en una variedad de condiciones clínicas incluyendo estados infecciosos, infiltrativos, inmunológicos y malignos. La evaluación del tamaño del bazo es importante en toda exploración física del abdomen realizada por un médico. El diagnóstico preciso del agrandamiento esplénico es un asunto de considerable importancia, ya que es una guía útil para llegar al diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Por lo tanto, es de suma importancia recurrir a un mecanismo que nos proporcione una estimación precisa del tamaño del bazo.

  • von Ahmed Musa
    24,00 €

    Selezenka uwelichiwaetsq pri razlichnyh klinicheskih sostoqniqh, wklüchaq infekcionnye, infil'tratiwnye, immunologicheskie i zlokachestwennye sostoqniq. Ocenka razmerow selezenki wazhna pri kazhdom fizikal'nom obsledowanii brüshnoj polosti wrachom. Tochnaq diagnostika uwelicheniq selezenki imeet bol'shoe znachenie, tak kak qwlqetsq poleznym orientirom dlq postanowki diagnoza zabolewaniq. Poätomu krajne wazhno pribegnut' k mehanizmu, kotoryj pozwolit tochno ocenit' razmer selezenki.

  • von Ahmed Musa
    24,00 €

    La milza è ingrossata in diverse condizioni cliniche, tra cui stati infettivi, infiltrativi, immunologici e maligni. La valutazione delle dimensioni della milza è importante in ogni esame fisico dell'addome effettuato dal medico. La diagnosi accurata dell'ingrossamento splenico è una questione di notevole importanza, in quanto rappresenta un'utile guida per arrivare alla diagnosi della malattia. È quindi di estrema importanza ricorrere a un meccanismo che ci fornisca una stima accurata delle dimensioni della milza.

  • von Ahmed Musa
    24,00 €

    La rate est hypertrophiée dans diverses situations cliniques, notamment dans les états infectieux, infiltratifs, immunologiques et malins. L'évaluation de la taille de la rate est importante lors de tout examen physique de l'abdomen par un médecin. Le diagnostic précis de l'hypertrophie splénique est d'une importance considérable car il constitue un guide utile pour parvenir à un diagnostic de la maladie. Il est donc de la plus haute importance de recourir à un mécanisme qui nous donnera une estimation précise de la taille de la rate.

  • von Ahmed Musa
    15,95 €

    Essay from the year 2021 in the subject Cultural Studies - Middle Eastern Studies, grade: 95, , language: English, abstract: This paper is an attempt to trace the absence of the West in the cultural creative modes of knowledge productions that emerged post the Arab social movements in Tunisia and Egypt. Whenever we discuss or approach the subject of the construction of identities in post-colonial studies: the West- who I represent here as the "other"- is largely but not entirely perceived as consolidating against or formulating the identities of the East or the identities of the "Rest". This is evident in not only the revered works of prominent theorists like Edward Said, Homi Bhabha, and Gayatri Spivak, but also in the works of other post-colonial theorists and writers that emerged afterward. However, during the Arab Spring ¿ one of the most solidaristic and transcultural Arab movements that searched for more stable governing models at crossroads of global, regional, and national challenges- creative new forms of formulating identities beyond post-colonial theory emerged, such as; the Arab Spring poetic slogans as creative modes of knowledge production, which moved away from the previous discourse of the post-colonial Arab intellectuals built on a bifurcation identity, and also in tandem revolting the internal regimes of knowledge production.The new forms of cultural productions not only represented moments of self-emergency, social solidarity, and construction of the "self'"during traumatic moments, but also in tandem absented and muted the West and East binaries and antithesis of representation.

  • von Ahmed Musa
    15,95 €

    Academic Paper from the year 2021 in the subject African Studies - Linguistics, grade: 95, , language: English, abstract: This paper deals with the questions of language, intellectual and cultural decolonization in post colonial worlds. The concern with cultural decolonization hails from different academic spheres, and as well as different geographical settings that either experienced European colonialism like in Africa, Asia or, from geographies with masses who were subjected to a forceful removal and enslavement and subsequently ferried from their indigenous homelands to Europe or America. To decolonize culture in this context primarily means, to liberate language, identity, and the intellectual constellation of the colonized communities from the colonial experience that some/many believe to have suppressed and subjugated their cultural identities.

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