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Bücher von Ajeet Kumar

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  • 18% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar
    51,00 €

    La canne à sucre est l'une des cultures commerciales les plus importantes dans tous les pays tropicaux et subtropicaux du monde. Les usines sucrières génèrent de nombreux sous-produits (bagasse, mélasse, boue de presse et déchets). La mélasse est utilisée dans l'industrie des distilleries pour la production d'alcool. Les distilleries rejettent des eaux usées appelées eaux de lavage, qui ne sont pas directement utilisées dans les champs agricoles en raison de leur demande biologique en oxygène (DBO) et de leur demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) élevées. Les eaux usées contiennent 30 à 35 % de C, 2,31 % de N, 0,82 % de P et 9,25 % de K. Une réduction remarquable de la DBO, de la DCO et de la salinité a été observée après le processus de biométhanisation utilisant du gaz méthane et des bactéries méthogènes. La valeur manuriale des effluents peut être utilisée avec profit comme supplément d'engrais et de matière organique.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar
    51,00 €

    La caña de azúcar es uno de los cultivos comerciales más importantes de todos los países tropicales y subtropicales del mundo. Las fábricas de azúcar generan muchos subproductos (bagazo, melaza, lodo de prensa y materiales de desecho). La melaza se utiliza en la industria de la destilación para la producción de alcohol. Las destilerías vierten aguas residuales denominadas aguas residuales, que directamente no se utilizan en los campos agrícolas debido a su elevada demanda biológica de oxígeno (DBO) y demanda química de oxígeno (DQO). Las aguas residuales contienen entre un 30 y un 35% de C, un 2,31% de N, un 0,82% de P y un 9,25% de K. El proceso de biometanización con gas metano y la utilización de bacterias metógenas permitió reducir considerablemente la DBO, la DQO y la salinidad. El valor de abono de los efluentes puede utilizarse de forma provechosa como complemento de los fertilizantes y la materia orgánica.

  • von Ajeet Kumar
    61,90 €

    Zuckerrohr ist eine der wichtigsten Nutzpflanzen, die in allen tropischen und subtropischen Ländern der Welt angebaut wird. In den Zuckerfabriken fallen zahlreiche Nebenprodukte an (Bagasse, Melasse, Pressschlamm und Abfallstoffe). Melasse wird in der Brennereiindustrie für die Herstellung von Alkohol verwendet. Die Brennereien leiten Abwasser ein, das als Abwässer bezeichnet wird und wegen seines hohen biologischen Sauerstoffbedarfs (BSB) und chemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs (CSB) nicht direkt auf landwirtschaftlichen Flächen verwendet werden kann. Die Abwässer enthalten 30-35 % C, 2,31 % N, 0,82 % P und 9,25 % K. Nach der Biomethanisierung mit Methangas und unter Verwendung methogener Bakterien wurden BSB, CSB und Salzgehalt deutlich reduziert. Der Düngewert der Abwässer kann gewinnbringend als Ergänzung zu Düngemitteln und organischem Material verwendet werden.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar
    51,00 €

    A cana-de-açúcar é uma das mais importantes culturas comerciais cultivadas em todos os países tropicais e subtropicais do mundo. As fábricas de açúcar geram muitos subprodutos (bagaço, melaço, lama de prensa e resíduos). O melaço é utilizado na indústria da destilaria para a produção de álcool. As destilarias descarregam águas residuais denominadas como lavagem gasta, que não são directamente utilizadas nos campos agrícolas devido à sua elevada demanda biológica de oxigénio (CBO) e demanda química de oxigénio (CQO). A lavagem gasta contém 30-35% C; 2,31% N; 0,82% P e 9,25% K. Houve uma redução notável na CBO, CQO e salinidade após o processo de bio-metanização utilizando gás metano e utilizando bactérias metogénicas. O valor manurial dos efluentes pode ser utilizado de forma rentável como suplemento de fertilizante e matéria orgânica.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar
    51,00 €

    La canna da zucchero è una delle più importanti colture da reddito coltivate in tutti i Paesi tropicali e subtropicali del mondo. Gli zuccherifici generano molti sottoprodotti (bagassa, melassa, fango di pressatura e materiali di scarto). La melassa viene utilizzata nell'industria della distillazione per la produzione di alcol. Le distillerie scaricano le acque reflue, chiamate "acque di lavaggio", che non vengono utilizzate direttamente nei campi agricoli a causa dell'elevata richiesta biologica di ossigeno (BOD) e chimica (COD). Le acque reflue contengono il 30-35% di C; il 2,31% di N; lo 0,82% di P e il 9,25% di K. Dopo il processo di bio-metanizzazione con gas metano e l'utilizzo di batteri metogeni, si è registrata una notevole riduzione di BOD, COD e salinità. Il valore nutritivo degli effluenti può essere utilizzato con profitto come supplemento ai fertilizzanti e alla materia organica.

  • 15% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar
    34,00 €

    Nutrient recycling is now being considered as part of the concept of integrated nutrient management. The fertilizer potential of vermicompost is often attributed to its different concentrations and amounts of nutrients, especially nitrogen. Therefore, this dissertation work was taken at Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour to study the Effect of vermicompost application on nitrogen transformation in soil. So, two pot experiment has been taken: (1) Greenhouse study under the effect of root rhizosphere and (2) laboratory incubation study (without root rhizosphere ). Different levels of vermicompost were applied resulting different releasing pattern of mineralizable nitrogen, ammoniacal nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and organic carbon due to the effect of root rhizosphere and activity of soil microbes in both the study.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar
    51,00 €

    Sugarcane is one of the most important cash crops grown in all tropical and subtropical countries of the world. Sugar factories generate many by-products (bagasse, molasses, press mud & waste materials). Molasses is used in distillery industry for the production of alcohol. Distilleries discharge waste water called as spent wash, which directly not used in agricultural fields because of its high biological oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). The spent wash contains 30-35% C; 2.31% N; 0.82% P and 9.25% K. There was a remarkable reduction in BOD, COD and salinity after bio-methanization process using methane gas and utilizing methogenic bacteria. The manurial value of the effluents can profitably be used as supplement to fertilizer and organic matter.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar & Krishna Prakash
    42,00 €

    Interferon Regulatory Factor-2 is a vertebrate transcription factor having oncogenic nature; it antagonises Interferon Regulatory Factor-1, a tumor suppressor gene, functions. Knockout mice for IRF-2 gene showed defect in B-cell lymphopoeisis, they died following LCMV (Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus) infections. IRF-2 is functionally just opposite of IRF-1. Interestingly, one would have thought that as IRF-1-/- (knock-out) mice showed lack of CD8+T cells and low cytotoxicity of NK cells, the over production of IRF-2 in mice may restore it. But it does not happen so, the reason being unknown. However, IRF-2 binds at Interferon Stimulated Response Element sequence in viral infected cell. This book is about mouse IRF-2 gene cDNA cloning and expression of chimeric protein in E.coli. This study will serve as a platform for further functional analysis of chimeric IRF-2, which is potent oncogene in aberrant conditions.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ajeet Kumar & Himanshu Mohan
    31,00 €

  • von Arnab De, Rituparna Bose, Ajeet Kumar & usw.
    49,00 €

    The brief is the first to focus exclusively on environmentally friendly delivery of pesticides (controlled-release nanoparticulate formulation of pesticides using biodegradable polymers as carriers).

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