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Bücher von Ajith Karawita

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  • 16% sparen
    von Ajith Karawita
    32,00 €

    L'omosessualità è stata minata e spinta verso il basso dalle influenze socio-culturali di varie società. Tuttavia, nessuno di questi effetti sociali potrebbe eliminarla. È responsabilità di ogni comunità o dell'umanità proteggerli da infezioni o malattie legate ai loro comportamenti sessuali. Questo studio dice di far emergere la comunità nascosta per gli studi scientifici utilizzando la tecnica del campionamento guidato dall'intervistato.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ajith Karawita
    32,00 €

    Homoseksualiteit is ondermijnd en verdrongen door mainstreams van sociaal-culturele invloeden in verschillende samenlevingen. Geen enkele van deze maatschappelijke effecten kan echter een einde maken aan de homoseksualiteit. Het is de verantwoordelijkheid van elke gemeenschap of mensheid om hen te beschermen tegen infecties of ziekten die verband houden met hun seksueel gedrag. Deze studie vertelt u om de verborgen gemeenschap aan de oppervlakte te brengen voor wetenschappelijke studies door gebruik te maken van de respondent driven sampling techniek.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ajith Karawita
    32,00 €

    Homoseksualizm zostä podwäony i zepchni¿ty w dó¿ przez g¿ówne nurty wp¿ywów spo¿eczno-kulturowych w ró¿nych spo¿ecze¿stwach. Jednak ¿aden z tych spo¿ecznych efektów nie móg¿ go wyeliminowä. Obowi¿zkiem kädej spo¿eczno¿ci lub ludzko¿ci jest ochrona przed infekcjami lub chorobami zwi¿zanymi z ich zachowaniami seksualnymi. Niniejsze badanie mówi, aby ujawni¿ ukryt¿ spo¿eczno¿¿ do badä naukowych przy u¿yciu techniki próbkowania sterowanego przez respondenta.

  • 15% sparen
    von Ranthilaka R. Ranawaka
    181,00 €

    This book focuses on the representation of dermatological diseases in pigmented skin, fills an important gap in the literature, and facilitates better dermatological diagnosis when dealing with patients of various ethnicities. It discusses over 400 diseases and their representations with the help of over 2000 high-quality images and illustrations. This book elaborates on each single disease using easy-to-follow schematics and a focused approach to facilitate reader learning. Pursuing a comprehensive, the book covers not only common skin diseases such as psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, erythrasma, cutaneous tuberculosis, leprosy, leishmaniasis and oral submucous fibrosis, but also rare tropical diseases such as sporotrichosis, mycetoma, rhinosporodiosis, lobomycosis, mucormycosis and subcutaneous zygomycosis. It also addresses aesthetic concerns by covering hypopigmented and hyperpigmented disorders in pigmented skin such as guttate hypomelanosis, vitiligo, progressive macular hypomelanosis, chemical or physical induced depigmentation, melasma, sebo-melanosis, lichen and macular amyloidosis. Offering comprehensive coverage of dermatological disorders and diseases in pigmented skin, the book is a must-have resource for dermatology trainees and practitioners who treat or care for pigmented skin patients.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ajith Karawita
    41,00 €

    Homosexuality has been undermined and pushed down by mainstreams of socio-cultural influences in various societies. However, none of such societal effects could eliminate it. It is the responsibility of every community or mankind to protect them against infections or disease related to their sexual behaviours. This study tells you to surface the hidden community for scientific studies by using the respondent driven sampling technique

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