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Bücher von Albert Ellis

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  • - How Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Can Change Your Life Forever
    von Albert Ellis
    26,00 €

    Provides an explanation of self-esteem and self-acceptance, examining the thinking of great religious teachers, philosophers, and psychologists. This work also includes exercises for training oneself to change self-defeating habits to the healthy, positive approach of self-acceptance.

  • von Albert Ellis
    19,80 €

    Ein echter KLASSIKER:Mit Hilfe einer neuen Lebensphilosophie überwinden wir unsere Blockaden und bauen basale Führungsfähigkeiten aus wie: Entscheidungsfähigkeit Konzentrationsfähigkeit Selbstdisziplin Selbstakzeptanz Optimierung der Beziehungen zu Konkurrenten und Mitarbeitern Überwindung feindseliger und depressiver Gefühle Wenn wir die Technik des Disputierens irrationaler Einstellungen oft und lange genug anwenden, entwickeln wir eine neue, nicht absolutistische Lebensphilosophie, die als beste Prophylaxe emotionaler Probleme angesehen werden kann.A: Adversities (Widrigkeiten)B: Bewertungen (Beliefs)C: Consequenzen (Consequences) D: Disputieren (Hinterfragen)E: Effekt des Umdenkens, neue gesunde LebensphilosophieDieses Buch basiert auf einer Psychotherapieschule, der Rational-Emotiven Verhaltenstherapie (REVT), die der Seniorautor Albert Ellis in den 50er Jahren begründet hat und die zu den bedeutendsten des 20. Jahrhunderts gerechnet werden kann, insofern sie die älteste und erste Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie ist, dem Haupttrend der modernen Verhaltenstherapie.Zwischen REVT und antiker (stoischer) Philosophie besteht eine enge Verbindung: Epiktet: "Es sind nicht die Dinge an sich, die die Menschen in emotionale Verwirrung bringen, sondern die Sicht, die sie von den Dingen haben".

  • von Albert Ellis
    24,90 €

    "Ich muss Karriere machen!" "Ich muss beliebt sein!" Oft quälen wir uns mit absoluten Forderungen an uns selbst und halten uns für wertlos, wenn wir sie nicht erfüllen. Ständige Frustration, Scham und Wut können die Folge sein. Mit der Analyse solch irrationaler Überzeugungen, auch "musturbations" genannt, wurde Albert Ellis berühmt. In seinem letzten Buch erläutern er und seine Frau die Grundzüge seiner "Rational-Emotiven Verhaltenstherapie" (REVT). Die irrationalen Ansprüche werden in der Therapie bewusst gemacht und bearbeitet. Im Wechselbad der Gefühle lernen Klienten, ihr "Scheitern" differenzierter zu bewerten, und entdecken so ein neues Selbstwert- und Lebensgefühl.

  • von Albert Ellis
    15,90 €

  • - The Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy Approach
    von Albert Ellis
    85,00 €

    Albert Ellis, founder of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, describes how REBT can help clients to significantly improve in a short period of time (10 to 20 sessions) and effect a profound philosophical-emotional-behavioral change more often than can be achieved with other popular forms of therapy.

  • von Irving Becker & Albert Ellis
    22,00 €

  • von Albert Ellis
    23,00 €

    Learn how to deal effectively with the difficult people in your life.

  • von Albert Ellis, Kristene A. Doyle & Arthur Lange
    17,00 €

  • von Albert Ellis
    94,00 €

    Explains rational emotive behavior therapy as a general treatment model and addresses different treatment modalities, including individual, couple, family, and sex therapy. This book includes material on teaching the principles of unconditional self-acceptance in a structured group setting.

  • - Critical Perspectives
    von Lidia Dengelegi Abrams, Mike Abrams & Albert Ellis
    218,00 - 265,00 €

    Co-authored by Albert Ellis - a founder of modern psychology who has originated his own personality theory. All theories are critically evaluated against current research, making them meaningful to aspiring clinicians.

  • von Albert Ellis
    27,00 €

    In this overview of one of the most successful forms of psychotherapy - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) - its creator and chief advocate, Albert Ellis, explains at length the principles underlying this therapeutic approach and shows how beneficial it can be, not only for therapy but also as a basic philosophy of life. As the title indicates, REBT promotes an attitude of tolerance, an open-minded willingness to accept the frailties, less-than-ideal behaviors, and unique characteristics of both others and ourselves. Ellis persuasively demonstrates that lack of tolerance of our own imperfections can easily lead to emotional disturbances and unhappiness. And intolerance of others, which fails to account for the great diversity of human personalities and behaviors, can become a serious disruptive force in today's highly diverse, multicultural global society.To counter such negative tendencies, Ellis advocates the adoption and practice of three basic attitudes of tolerance: (1) Unconditional Self-Acceptance (USA); (2) Unconditional Other-Acceptance (UOA); and (3) Unconditional Life-Acceptance (ULA). He discusses the philosophical foundations of these principles and then devotes a number of chapters to comparing REBT to spiritual and religious philosophies. He points out the dangers of fanatical tendencies in religion while also showing how the basic principles of REBT are similar to some ancient religious philosophies such as Zen Buddhism and the Judeo-Christian Golden Rule. In addition, he criticizes certain secular philosophies for their extremism, including Fascism and Ayn Rand's Objectivism, and he also discusses the ramifications of applying REBT in the social, political, and economic sphere.In emphasizing how easy it is for all of us to think, feel, and act intolerantly, Ellis brilliantly shows that tolerance is a deliberate, rational choice that we can all make, both for the good of ourselves and for the good of the world.

  • - It Works for Me - It Can Work for You
    von Albert Ellis
    27,00 €

    Written by the renowned creator of one of the successful forms of psychotherapy - Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), this book offers a self-assessment, which reveals how the author overcame his own mental and physical problems using the techniques of REBT. Part memoir and part self-help guide, it also traces his private struggles.

  • - A Rational Emotive Behaviour Approach
    von Albert Ellis
    79,00 €

    `The text is clear and easy to follow with vivid sessional excerpts that illustrate the theoretical dialogue'' - International Review of Psychiatry`The publication proves to contain much instructive and practice-oriented material'' - Nursing StandardStress Counselling is a comprehensive study of the theory and practice of the Rational Emotive Behaviour approach applied to stress counselling and psychotherapy. Albert Ellis pioneered Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT), which has since been adopted internationally. This approach enables the clients to embark on a course of effective counselling which has a clear beginning and end.This book discusses techniques and solutions to common problems and also provides guidance on conducting group work. Its comprehensive coverage includes additional material on techniques such as skills training, relaxation methods, hypnosis and biofeedback.

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