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Bücher von Alexander Brem

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  • von Alexander Brem
    192,00 €

    The chapters in the book focus on recent developments in the field of technological innovation and entrepreneurship. It is structured in three parts. The focus is on innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems, digital technologies and innovation, as well as responses to pandemics resulting from external shocks.Carefully selected on the basis of relevance and rigor, the chapters in the book take the readers through various trending research topics.

  • von Wilhelm Schmeisser, Reinhard Heyd & Alexander Brem
    39,99 €

    Die Europäisierung und Globalisierung der Wirtschaft bestimmen die heutige Geschäftspraxis. Die Verflechtungen mit Lieferanten, Partnern und Kunden sind aus diesem Grund längst nicht mehr nur national. Um den fachlichen und interkulturellen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden, sind neben betriebswirtschaftlichem Know-how interkulturelle Kompetenz sowie Fachwissen über die verschiedenen Wirtschafts- und Steuersysteme gefragt. Dieses Buch wird diesen neuen Anforderungen gerecht. Es behandelt übersichtlich alle relevanten Themen von der Interkulturalität über globale Unternehmensstrategien und internationalem Finanzmanagement bis hin zu IT-gestützten, grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsprozessen. Auch die Frage der Steigerung der internationalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit durch gezieltes Innovationsmanagement wird beantwortet.Jedes Kapitel wird durch Lernziele eingeleitet und durch eine Zusammenfassung, Literaturtipps und Fragen abgeschlossen. Ein Glossar rundet das Werk ab.

  • 14% sparen
    von Alexander Brem & Nivedita Agarwal
    148,00 €

    This book discusses several product development strategies and tools employed by organizations around the world to implement frugal innovations. Over the past decade, frugal innovations have caught the attention of countless management scholars. This book comes at the right time for academics and practitioners alike, as it explores how the concept of frugal innovation has evolved over the past several years and is shifting its focus from merely featuring ¿cost¿ driven innovations to being more ¿resourceful¿ and ¿sustainable¿ at its core. Furthermore, in light of the ongoing digital revolution and emergence of new business models such as sharing economy and circular economy, the book highlights recent and upcoming trends and their impacts on frugal innovation strategies.

  • von Alexander Brem
    29,95 €

    Innovative Ideen, die Kunden und Menschen überzeugen, sind in Unternehmen immer wieder aufs Neue gefragt. Aber Ideen auf Knopfdruck zu produzieren, ist nicht einfach. Was tun, wenn der zündende Gedanke fehlt? Verschiedene Methoden können helfen, in den Kreativmodus zu gelangen.Die Toolbox fasst das grundlegende Know-how zusammen, das zur Planung und Durchführung von Kreativworkshops notwendig ist, und stellt 50 klassische und neue Kreativitätstechniken vor, die kreatives Denken erfolgreich fördern.

  • - Conceptual Background and Essays on Selected Theoretical and Empirical Aspects
    von Alexander Brem
    80,00 €

    Foreword Both academic fields, innovation management and entrepreneurship, have been developed over years quite separately and (if at all) with only few contacts and interactions between each other. But looking at this fields with a 'fresh eye', they can be interpreted as essential parts of an holistic macro-model of innovation and entrepreneurship. This model describes the whole process from the creative early steps of idea management and opportunity recognition over idea development up to the (successful) commercialization of these ideas. It is one of the characteristics of this process that the focus in the early steps is on innovation management, while entrepreneurial skills and methods are more important in its later phases. This book by Alexander Brem, which is based on his doctoral dissertation he successfully completed and defended in 2007, introduces in its first chapter such a new and interesting macro-model of innovation and ent- preneurship, which - by the way - helps us to identify and locate the s- entific questions and problems he is dealing with in the following parts of his book: In the second chapter, he (re-)considers the well-known mark- pull/technology-push-debate, shows empirical evidence that the integ- tion of both views might be the critical success factor. One of the hi- lights of this book is presented in chapter three - the concept of an in- grated idea management which shows many innovative elements and is supported by empirical results of an exploratory study.

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