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Bücher von Alexandre Dumas

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  • von Alexandre Dumas
    12,00 - 21,00 €

    The epic tale of wrongful imprisonment, adventure and revenge, in its definitive translationThrown in prison for a crime he has not committed, Edmond Dant s is confined to the grim fortress of If. There he learns of a great hoard of treasure hidden on the Isle of Monte Cristo and he becomes determined not only to escape, but also to use the treasure to plot the destruction of the three men responsible for his incarceration. Dumas' epic tale of suffering and retribution, inspired by a real-life case of wrongful imprisonment, was a huge popular success when it was first serialized in the 1840s.Translated with an Introduction by ROBIN BUSS

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    31,00 €

    Presents a classic adventure story. This title features an elegant bonded-leather binding, a satin ribbon bookmark, distinctive gilt edging and decorative endpapers.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,99 €

    Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt von "Otto der Bogenschütze", einem meisterhaft erzählten Abenteuer aus der Feder des unvergleichlichen Alexandre Dumas. Dieses fesselnde Werk entführt Sie ins Europa des 14. Jahrhunderts, eine Zeit ritterlicher Ehre, dunkler Verdächtigungen und unerschütterlicher Loyalität.In einer Epoche, in der das Schicksal eines Mannes durch das Schwert entschieden wird, kämpft Otto, ein junger Adliger, um Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit. Nach einem grausamen Schicksalsschlag, der sein Leben für immer verändert, findet sich Otto auf einer gefährlichen Reise wieder, die von düsteren Burgen über mystische Ruinen bis hin zu den prächtigen Höfen des Adels führt. An seiner Seite eine Bande tapferer Bogenschützen, mit denen er nicht nur gegen die Unbilden der Natur, sondern auch gegen übernatürliche Kräfte kämpft."Otto der Bogenschütze" ist ein atemberaubendes Gemälde von Liebe und Verrat, von Freundschaft, die stärker ist als der Tod, und von der unermüdlichen Suche nach Gerechtigkeit. Alexandre Dumas, Meister des historischen Romans, webt eine Geschichte, die die Leser von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite in ihren Bann zieht. Mit seiner unverwechselbaren Mischung aus historischer Genauigkeit und fesselnder Erzählkunst erweckt Dumas eine längst vergangene Welt zum Leben, in der Ehre mehr zählt als das eigene Leben.Diese Neuübersetzung, basierend auf der Originalausgabe, präsentiert Dumas' zeitloses Werk in neuem Glanz und macht es einem modernen Publikum zugänglich. "Otto der Bogenschütze" ist ein unvergessliches Leseerlebnis, das Abenteuerliebhaber, Geschichtsbegeisterte und Fans großer Erzählkunst gleichermaßen begeistern wird. Lassen Sie sich von der Magie Dumas' verzaubern und folgen Sie Othon auf seinem epischen Weg zu Ruhm, Ehre und wahrer Liebe.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    29,90 - 49,90 €

  • - l'avvelenatrice. 1676
    von Alexandre Dumas
    15,00 €

    La marchesa di Brinvilliers: l'avvelenatricedi Alexandre DumasTraduzione a cura di Silvia LicciardelloSiamo lieti di presentare la nuova traduzione italiana di un classico intramontabile della letteratura francese: La marchesa di Brinvilliers: l'avvelenatrice. 1676, ad opera di Silvia Licciardello. Questo lavoro rappresenta un significativo contributo culturale, avvicinando i lettori italiani all'affascinante mondo di Alexandre Dumas con una freschezza e un'accuratezza linguistiche mai viste prima.La storia, ambientata nella Parigi del XVII secolo, racconta le malefatte e la tragica fine di Marie-Madeleine d'Aubray, Marchesa di Brinvilliers, una delle più famose avvelenatrici della storia. Dumas, con la sua maestria narrativa, ci immerge in un intrigo di passioni, crimini e misteri, portandoci ad esplorare le ombre più oscure dell'animo umano.La traduttrice, Silvia Licciardello, ha saputo catturare l'essenza del testo originale, preservando il ritmo e la tensione narrativa che rendono l'opera di Dumas così avvincente. Il suo lavoro non è solo una traduzione fedele, ma anche un adattamento sensibile e attento al contesto culturale contemporaneo dell'autore.Questa nuova edizione è arricchita da note che offrono spunti di riflessione sul contesto storico in cui vissero i protagonisti, oltre ad un'appendice con le lettere della marchesa di Sévigné in cui parla della Brinvilliers.Invitiamo dunque lettori e amanti della letteratura a immergersi in questa emozionante avventura storica, riscoprendo uno dei grandi maestri della narrativa attraverso gli occhi attenti e sensibili di Silvia Licciardello.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 34,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 €

    "Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge" est un roman historique écrit par Alexandre Dumas père. L'histoire se déroule pendant la Révolution française et suit les aventures du Chevalier de Maison-Rouge, un royaliste passionné, et de ses alliés qui luttent pour renverser le régime républicain. Le roman est connu pour ses intrigues politiques, ses rebondissements dramatiques et ses personnages mémorables. Il offre également un regard intéressant sur la période turbulente de la Révolution française à travers le style narratif captivant de Dumas.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 15,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 32,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 18,00 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 15,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 15,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 €

    " On n¿a pas oublié qüaprès avoir été retenu depuis le 21 jusqüau 23 janvier dans le port de Naples par les vents contraires, Nelson, profitant d¿une forte brise au nord­ ouest, avait enfin pu appareiller vers les trois heures de l¿après­ midi, et que la flotte anglaise, le même soir, avait disparu dans le crépuscule, à la hauteur de l¿île de Capri.Fier de la préférence dont il était l¿objet de la part de la reine, Nelson avait tout fait pour reconnaître cette faveur, et, depuis trois jours, lorsque les augustes fugitifs vinrent lui demander l¿hospitalité, toutes les dispositions étaient prises à bord du Van­Guard pour que cette hospitalité fût la plus confortable possible.Ainsi, tout en conservant pour lui sa chambre de la dunette, Nelson avait fait préparer, pour le roi, pour la reine et pour les jeunes princes, la grande chambre des officiers à l¿arrière de la batterie haute. Les canons avaient disparu dans des draperies, et chaque intervalle était devenu un appartement orné avec la plus grande élégance.Les ministres et les courtisans auxquels le roi avait fait l¿honneur de les emmener à Palerme, étaient logés, eux, dans le carré des officiers, c¿est­ à ­dire dans la partie de l¿entre­pont autour de laquelle sont les cabines."

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    18,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,00 - 26,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 €

    "Bric-à-Brac" est une compilation hétéroclite d'écrits dans laquelle Alexandre Dumas père partage ses réflexions, expériences et observations sur une variété de sujets. L'¿uvre couvre un large éventail de thèmes, allant de considérations historiques à des anecdotes humoristiques, en passant par des réflexions philosophiques.Dumas explore des sujets tels que l'histoire, la littérature, la politique, la société et la vie quotidienne. Chaque section de l'¿uvre peut être considérée comme un "bric-à-brac" littéraire, où l'auteur rassemble divers éléments pour offrir une vision éclectique du monde.L'écriture de Dumas est souvent empreinte d'humour, d'esprit et d'une vivacité caractéristique. À travers ses essais, il partage son point de vue unique sur la nature humaine, la société et les événements de son époque.En résumé, "Bric-à-Brac" est une collection variée d'écrits d'Alexandre Dumas père, offrant un aperçu divertissant et instructif de sa pensée à travers une multitude de sujets. La diversité des thèmes abordés fait de l'¿uvre une sorte de patchwork littéraire reflétant l'esprit curieux et polyvalent de l'auteur.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    14,00 - 19,90 €

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    19,90 €

  • - Comte De Flandre (1890)
    von Alexandre Dumas
    20,00 €

    Les Aventures de Lyderic: Comte de Flandre (1890) est un roman historique �����crit par Alexandre Dumas. L'histoire se d�����roule en Flandre au 7�����me si�����cle et suit les aventures de Lyderic, un noble franc qui devient comte de Flandre apr�����s avoir vaincu un dragon. Le roman est rempli d'actions, de combats, d'intrigues politiques et de romance. Lyderic doit faire face ������ de nombreux d�����fis pour maintenir sa position de pouvoir et prot�����ger son peuple. Le livre offre �����galement un aper�����u de la vie m�����di�����vale en Flandre, y compris les coutumes, la culture et les croyances de l'�����poque. Les Aventures de Lyderic: Comte de Flandre est un livre captivant pour les amateurs d'histoire, d'aventure et de romance.This Book Is In French.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - A Novelization Of The Play (1902)
    von Alexandre Dumas
    25,00 €

    ""All For A Crown"" is a novelization of a play written by Alexandre Dumas in 1902. The story revolves around the tumultuous life of Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of King Henry VIII. The novel explores the young queen's rise to power, her affair with Thomas Culpeper, and her eventual downfall. The book also delves into the political and social climate of the Tudor era, providing a vivid portrayal of the court of King Henry VIII. Through the eyes of Catherine Howard, readers are transported to a world of intrigue, betrayal, and passion. The novel is a captivating and thrilling read that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and anyone interested in the fascinating life of King Henry VIII and his wives.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - Or The First Days Of Blood (1855)
    von Alexandre Dumas
    50,00 €

    Ingenue: Or The First Days Of Blood is a historical novel written by Alexandre Dumas and originally published in 1855. The story is set during the French Revolution and follows the life of a young girl named Eugenie, who is forced to flee her home and family after her father is accused of being a counter-revolutionary. Eugenie's journey takes her from the streets of Paris to the countryside, where she meets a group of rebels fighting against the new government. She becomes involved in their cause and falls in love with one of their leaders, but soon realizes that the revolution is not as noble as she once thought. As the violence and bloodshed of the revolution intensify, Eugenie must navigate dangerous political alliances and personal betrayals in order to survive. Along the way, she discovers the true nature of power and the cost of freedom. Ingenue: Or The First Days Of Blood is a gripping and emotional tale of love, betrayal, and revolution, told with Dumas' signature style of vivid characters and thrilling action.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    21,00 €

    ""Ali Pacha The Countess Of Saint Geran Murat"" is a historical novel written by the renowned French author Alexandre Dumas. The book tells the story of Ali Pacha, the ruler of Albania in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and his relationship with the Countess of Saint Geran, a French noblewoman. The novel is set against the backdrop of the French Revolution and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, and explores themes of power, love, and betrayal. Through vivid descriptions and rich characterizations, Dumas brings to life the complex political and social landscape of the time, weaving together historical facts and fictional elements to create a captivating tale of intrigue and romance. This book is a must-read for fans of historical fiction and anyone interested in the fascinating world of 18th-century Europe.A career of successful crime had established Ali's rule over a population equal to that of the two kingdoms of Sweden and Norway. But his ambition was not yet satisfied. The occupation of Parga did not crown his desires, and the delight which it caused him was much tempered by the escape of the Parganiotes, who found in exile a safe refuge from his persecution.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    33,00 €

    Twenty Years After reunites readers with the indomitable trio of Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, as they navigate the tumultuous political landscape of 17th-century France. Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet's sequel to The Three Musketeers is a riveting tale of love, betrayal, and adventure that unfolds against the backdrop of historical upheaval.

  • von Alexandre Dumas
    20,00 €

    Set in 19th-century Paris, Alexandre Dumas fils's "La Dame aux Camélias" is a transferring and undying story of affection and sacrifice. The tragic tale of Marguerite Gautier, a stunning and well-known courtesan referred to as "La Dame aux Camélias" due to her ardour of wearing white camellias, is informed on this classic work. The tale takes shape as Marguerite develops a deep romantic attachment to Armand Duval, a younger, extra idealistic guy. But their love is threatened by means of social conventions, monetary limitations, and the shadows of her beyond. The work tackles subject matters of societal expectancies, the results of 1's selections, and the intricacies of devotion as Marguerite struggles with her personal sacrifices made with the intention to make certain Armand's happiness. Alexandre Dumas fils crafts a gripping tale that not simplest explores the human circumstance however additionally the social mores of the time. The result is a masterpiece that never fails to evoke sturdy emotions in readers, along with love, heartbreak, and the iconic power of affection.

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