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Bücher von Aloysius N. Ezeoba

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  • 19% sparen
    von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    65,00 €

    Philosophie et société nigériane présente des articles philosophiques bien documentés sur des thèmes axés sur la politique, l'économie, l'éthique, l'identité, le développement et d'autres questions pertinentes qui sont cruciales pour l'avancement de la société nigériane et, par extension, du continent africain. Il s'agit d'une collection d'articles d'universitaires africains qui analysent les problèmes actuels et tentent d'y apporter des solutions significatives. Les essais de cette collection représentent des tentatives intellectuelles minutieuses pour aborder les problèmes politiques, le dysfonctionnement du système juridique, l'inégalité sociale, le système éducatif défectueux, le mauvais usage de la raison, l'adoption non critique de modèles étrangers et l'identité inauthentique qui ont rendu le développement intégral de la société nigériane insaisissable. Compte tenu de la profonde perspicacité et de la rigueur intellectuelle qui ressortent de ces essais, Philosophie et société nigériane offre une collection de travaux scientifiques qui seront d'un grand intérêt pour les chercheurs, les enseignants et les étudiants en sciences humaines, les planificateurs du développement national et, en fait, tous ceux qui ont un intérêt sincère pour un engagement intellectuel dans la société nigériane.

  • 19% sparen
    von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    65,00 €

    Filosofia e società nigeriana presenta articoli filosofici ben studiati su temi che riguardano la politica, l'economia, l'etica, l'identità, lo sviluppo e altre questioni pertinenti che sono cruciali per il progresso della società nigeriana e, per estensione, del continente africano. Si tratta di una raccolta di articoli di studiosi africani che analizzano i problemi attuali e cercano di proporre soluzioni significative. I saggi della presente raccolta rappresentano tentativi intellettuali minuziosi di affrontare i problemi politici, il sistema legale disfunzionale, la disuguaglianza sociale, il sistema educativo difettoso, lo scarso uso della ragione, l'adozione acritica di modelli stranieri e l'identità inautentica che hanno fatto sì che il corretto sviluppo integrale della società nigeriana rimanesse inafferrabile. Data la profonda intuizione e il rigore intellettuale che traspaiono da questi saggi, Filosofia e società nigeriana offre una raccolta di lavori scientifici che saranno di grande interesse per ricercatori, docenti e studenti di materie umanistiche, pianificatori dello sviluppo nazionale e chiunque abbia un genuino interesse per un impegno intellettuale con la società nigeriana.

  • 19% sparen
    von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    65,00 €

    Filosofía y sociedad nigeriana presenta trabajos filosóficos bien documentados sobre temas de política, economía, ética, identidad, desarrollo y otras cuestiones pertinentes que son cruciales para el avance de la sociedad nigeriana y, por extensión, del continente africano. Se trata de una colección de artículos de estudiosos africanos que analizan los problemas actuales e intentan ofrecer soluciones significativas. Los ensayos de la presente colección representan intentos intelectuales concienzudos de abordar los problemas políticos, el disfuncional sistema jurídico, la desigualdad social, el defectuoso sistema educativo, el escaso uso de la razón, la adopción acrítica de modelos extranjeros y la identidad inauténtica que han hecho que el desarrollo integral adecuado de la sociedad nigeriana siga siendo difícil de alcanzar. Dada la profunda perspicacia y el rigor intelectual que se ponen de manifiesto en estos ensayos, Filosofía y sociedad nigeriana ofrece una colección de trabajos científicos que serán de gran interés para investigadores, profesores y estudiantes de humanidades, planificadores del desarrollo nacional y, de hecho, para cualquiera que tenga un interés genuino en un compromiso intelectual con la sociedad nigeriana.

  • 16% sparen
    von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    37,00 €

    V zhurnale "Filosofiq i nigerijskoe obschestwo" predstawleny horosho prorabotannye filosofskie stat'i na temy, kasaüschiesq politiki, äkonomiki, ätiki, identichnosti, razwitiq i drugih aktual'nyh woprosow, imeüschih bol'shoe znachenie dlq razwitiq nigerijskogo obschestwa i, kak sledstwie, afrikanskogo kontinenta. Jeto sbornik statej afrikanskih uchenyh, w kotoryh analiziruütsq sowremennye problemy i delaütsq popytki ih osmyslennogo resheniq. Jesse, predstawlennye w sbornike, predstawlqüt soboj kropotliwye intellektual'nye popytki reshit' politicheskie problemy, nerabotaüschuü prawowuü sistemu, social'noe nerawenstwo, nesowershennuü sistemu obrazowaniq, slaboe ispol'zowanie razuma, nekritichnoe prinqtie inostrannyh modelej i neautentichnuü identichnost', iz-za kotoryh nadlezhaschee integral'noe razwitie nigerijskogo obschestwa ostaetsq nedostizhimym. Uchitywaq glubokuü pronicatel'nost' i intellektual'nuü strogost', proqwlqüschiesq w ätih ässe, "Filosofiq i nigerijskoe obschestwo" predstawlqet soboj sbornik nauchnyh rabot, kotorye budut interesny issledowatelqm, prepodawatelqm i studentam gumanitarnyh nauk, specialistam po planirowaniü nacional'nogo razwitiq i wsem tem, kto iskrenne zainteresowan w intellektual'nom wzaimodejstwii s nigerijskim obschestwom.

  • von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    79,90 €

    Philosophie und die nigerianische Gesellschaft präsentiert gut recherchierte philosophische Abhandlungen zu Themen, die sich auf Politik, Wirtschaft, Ethik, Identität, Entwicklung und andere relevante Fragen konzentrieren, die für den Fortschritt der nigerianischen Gesellschaft und damit auch des afrikanischen Kontinents entscheidend sind. Es handelt sich um eine Sammlung von Artikeln afrikanischer Wissenschaftler, die die heutigen Probleme analysieren und versuchen, sinnvolle Lösungen vorzuschlagen. Die Aufsätze in dieser Sammlung stellen sorgfältige intellektuelle Versuche dar, die politischen Probleme, das dysfunktionale Rechtssystem, die soziale Ungleichheit, das fehlerhafte Bildungssystem, den unzureichenden Gebrauch der Vernunft, die unkritische Übernahme ausländischer Modelle und die unauthentische Identität anzusprechen, die dazu geführt haben, dass eine angemessene ganzheitliche Entwicklung der nigerianischen Gesellschaft schwer zu erreichen ist. Angesichts des tiefen Einblicks und der intellektuellen Strenge, die in diesen Aufsätzen deutlich werden, bietet Philosophie und die nigerianische Gesellschaft eine Sammlung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten, die für Forscher, Dozenten und Studenten der Geisteswissenschaften, Planer der nationalen Entwicklung und in der Tat für jeden, der ein echtes Interesse an einer intellektuellen Auseinandersetzung mit der nigerianischen Gesellschaft hat, von großem Interesse sein wird.

  • 19% sparen
    von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    65,00 €

    Filosofia e a Sociedade Nigeriana apresenta artigos filosóficos bem estudados sobre temas que se centram na política, economia, ética, identidade, desenvolvimento e outras questões pertinentes que são cruciais para o avanço da sociedade nigeriana e, por extensão, do continente africano. É uma coleção de artigos de académicos africanos que analisam os problemas actuais e tentam propor soluções significativas. Os ensaios da presente coletânea representam tentativas intelectuais meticulosas de abordar os problemas políticos, o sistema jurídico disfuncional, a desigualdade social, o sistema educativo deficiente, o mau uso da razão, a adoção acrítica de modelos estrangeiros e a identidade inautêntica que tornaram o desenvolvimento integral adequado da sociedade nigeriana uma tarefa difícil. Dada a profunda visão e o rigor intelectual que são evidentes nestes ensaios, Filosofia e a Sociedade Nigeriana oferece uma coleção de trabalhos científicos que será de grande interesse para investigadores, professores e estudantes de humanidades, planeadores de desenvolvimento nacional e, na verdade, qualquer pessoa que tenha um interesse genuíno num compromisso intelectual com a sociedade nigeriana.

  • 19% sparen
    von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    65,00 €

    Philosophy and the Nigerian Society presents well-researched philosophical papers on themes that focus on politics, economy, ethics, identity, development, and other pertinent issues that are crucial for the advancement of the Nigerian society and by extension, the African continent. It is a collection of articles from African scholars which analyze the present-day problems and try to proffer meaningful solutions. The essays in the present collection represent painstaking intellectual attempts to address the political problems, dysfunctional legal system, social inequality, faulty educational system, poor use of reason, uncritical adoption of foreign models and inauthentic identity that have made proper integral development of the Nigerian society to remain elusive. Given the profound insight and intellectual rigour that are evident in these essays, Philosophy and the Nigerian Society offers a collection of scientific works that will be of great interest to researchers, lecturers and students in the humanities, national development planners and indeed anyone who has a genuine interest in an intellectual engagement with the Nigerian society.

  • von Aloysius N. Ezeoba
    89,95 €

    Re-thinking the Angelic Doctor is a major new reassessment of the reception of Thomas Aquinas in the work of the twentieth-century American philosopher W. Norris Clarke. Author Aloysius N. Ezeoba explores the question of whether Clarke was engaged in a "creative retrieval" of Aquinas¿ system of thought ¿ with a focus on the human person ¿ or whether Clarke was forging his own path in attemptting to provide a "creative completion". Shedding new light on the workings of two great minds separated by eight centuries, Re-thinking the Angelic Doctor will be of interest to readers who are looking for a timely re-examination of the Aristotelian arguments, especially as they are appropriated by template religious thinkers such as Aquinas. It will also be a valuable resource in graduate courses in medieval and modern philosophy and theology. Readers concerned with understanding how to appropriate St. Thomas Aquinas¿s thinking for the twenty-first century will be greatly assisted in this task by reflecting upon this volume. They will learn much about the last century¿s attempts to rethink St. Thomas from the varied positions of neo-Thomists in movements such as Transcendental and Existential Thomism. They will understand the ways in which thinkers such as Marechal and Phelan, were recrafting or, perhaps, abandoning classical Thomism, and how contemporary thinkers, such as Rev. Christopher Cullen, S.J. were countering with arguments defending traditional Thomism. And, importantly, they will confront the thought of one important figure connected with this appropriation: Rev. Norris W. Clarke, S.J., with whom I had contact in many ways as a fellow faculty member and as a popular lecturer. This book is an analytically precise, thoughtful, fruitful exercise in philosophy. It renders appropriate homage to that important twentieth-century Jesuit philosopher and teacher, and prepares the ground for critical appraisal of other various creative appropriations of St. Thomas Aquinas in the past century.¿William P. Baumgarth, Sr., PhD, Associate Professor of Political Philosophy, Fordham University.

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