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Bücher von Amandeep Kaur

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  • 15% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    34,00 €

    More and more feature-rich services are being created, and people¿s expectations for quality of experience (QoE) are increasing. The predominant broadband access solutions deployed today are the digital subscriber line (DSL) and community antenna television (CATV) / (cable TV) based networks. However, both of these technologies have limitations because they are based on infrastructure that was originally built for carrying voice and analog TV signals, respectively; but their retrofitted versions to carry data are not optimal. Currently deployed blends of asymmetric DSL (ADSL) technologies provide 1.5Mb/s of downstream bandwidth and 128kbits/s of upstream bandwidth at best. Although variations of DSL such as very-high-bit-rate DSL (VDSL), which can support up to 50Mb/s of downstream bandwidth, these technologies have much more severe distance limitations. Passive optical networks (PONs) have evolved to provide much higher bandwidth in the access network. It is a point-to-multipoint, fiber to the premises network architecture in which unpowered optical splitters are used to enable a single optical fiber to serve multiple premises.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    34,00 €

    Recording and storing land information in the form of images or videos is one of the major tasks for variety of applications such as mapping terrains, survey programs or monitoring environmental conditions etc. Land data recording is done through remote sensing with the help of satellites or aircrafts. With the increasing demand of storing and sending land images results in lack of sufficient memory spaces and transmission bandwidth. Thus, there is a need of compression technique for efficiently utilizing the storage space and network bandwidth resources. There exist many compression schemes categorized into Lossy and Lossless depending upon the fact of losing some information from reconstructed image or not. Lossy schemes are preferable to those applications that can tolerate some loss and requires higher compression ratios whereas lossless schemes are used for applications that cannot afford a minor loss of information. Over the past few years, lossy compression schemes are under intensive interest because of achieving higher compression ratios. Hence in this work, we have focused on lossy compression schemes.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    32,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    32,00 €

    W ostatnim czasie system bankowy jest jedn¿ z wielu instytucji, które maj¿ wp¿yw na käd¿ gospodark¿ i wp¿ywaj¿ na jej wyniki. Wk¿ad systemu bankowego w rozwój gospodarczy zale¿y od polityki zarz¿dzania. Banki s¿ uwäane za jednego z najwäniejszych po¿redników finansowych w systemie finansowym kraju. Banki odgrywaj¿ kluczow¿ i decyduj¿c¿ rol¿ w systemie finansowym krajów rozwini¿tych i wi¿kszo¿ci gospodarek wschodz¿cych. W krajach rozwijaj¿cych si¿ nawet banki nie tylko odgrywaj¿ wän¿ rol¿ w rozwoju gospodarczym, ale tak¿e pomagaj¿ w utrzymaniu stabilno¿ci finansowej Indii. W Indiach sektor bankowy spe¿nia trzy podstawowe funkcje: funkcjonowanie systemu p¿atniczego, mobilizacj¿ oszcz¿dno¿ci i przeznaczanie ich na projekty inwestycyjne. Poprzez alokacj¿ kapitäu do wykorzystania o najwy¿szej warto¿ci, przy jednoczesnym ograniczeniu zwi¿zanego z tym ryzyka i kosztów, sektor bankowy mo¿e mie¿ pozytywny wp¿yw na cä¿ gospodark¿, a tym samym ma du¿e znaczenie makroekonomiczne. Badanie tendencji wzrostowych w sektorze bankowym ma obecnie zasadnicze znaczenie dla promowania wzrostu gospodarczego, a wi¿c zostäo przeprowadzone w niniejszej ksi¿¿ce.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    32,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    32,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    32,00 €

  • von Amandeep Kaur
    37,90 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    34,00 €

    A gravação e armazenamento de informação sobre terrenos sob a forma de imagens ou vídeos é uma das principais tarefas para uma variedade de aplicações tais como cartografia de terrenos, programas de levantamento ou monitorização das condições ambientais, etc. O registo de dados de terrenos é feito através de detecção remota com a ajuda de satélites ou aeronaves. Com a crescente procura de armazenamento e envio de imagens terrestres resulta na falta de espaços de memória e largura de banda de transmissão suficientes. Assim, existe uma necessidade de técnica de compressão para utilizar eficientemente o espaço de armazenamento e os recursos de largura de banda da rede. Existem muitos esquemas de compressão categorizados em Lossy e Lossless, dependendo do facto de se perder alguma informação da imagem reconstruída ou não. Os esquemas com perdas são preferíveis às aplicações que podem tolerar alguma perda e requerem rácios de compressão mais elevados, enquanto que os esquemas sem perdas são utilizados para aplicações que não podem permitir uma pequena perda de informação. Ao longo dos últimos anos, os esquemas de compressão com perdas estão sob intenso interesse devido à obtenção de rácios de compressão mais elevados. Daí que, neste trabalho, nos tenhamos concentrado em esquemas de compressão com perdas.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    34,00 €

    La registrazione e la memorizzazione di informazioni sul territorio sotto forma di immagini o video è uno dei compiti principali per una varietà di applicazioni come la mappatura dei terreni, i programmi di indagine o il monitoraggio delle condizioni ambientali, ecc. La registrazione dei dati del terreno è fatta attraverso il telerilevamento con l'aiuto di satelliti o aerei. Con l'aumento della domanda di memorizzazione e invio di immagini terrestri, la mancanza di spazi di memoria sufficienti e di larghezza di banda per la trasmissione si traduce in una mancanza di spazio. Quindi, c'è bisogno di una tecnica di compressione per utilizzare in modo efficiente lo spazio di archiviazione e le risorse di larghezza di banda della rete. Esistono molti schemi di compressione classificati in Lossy e Lossless a seconda del fatto di perdere o meno alcune informazioni dall'immagine ricostruita. Gli schemi lossy sono preferibili per quelle applicazioni che possono tollerare alcune perdite e richiedono rapporti di compressione più alti, mentre gli schemi lossless sono usati per le applicazioni che non possono permettersi una piccola perdita di informazioni. Negli ultimi anni, gli schemi di compressione con perdita sono stati oggetto di un intenso interesse a causa del raggiungimento di rapporti di compressione più elevati. Quindi, in questo lavoro, ci siamo concentrati sugli schemi di compressione con perdita.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    34,00 €

    L'enregistrement et le stockage d'informations terrestres sous forme d'images ou de vidéos est l'une des principales tâches pour diverses applications telles que la cartographie des terrains, les programmes d'enquête ou la surveillance des conditions environnementales, etc. L'enregistrement des données terrestres se fait par télédétection à l'aide de satellites ou d'avions. La demande croissante de stockage et d'envoi d'images terrestres entraîne un manque d'espace mémoire et de largeur de bande de transmission. Il est donc nécessaire de recourir à des techniques de compression pour utiliser efficacement l'espace de stockage et les ressources de la bande passante du réseau. Il existe de nombreux schémas de compression, classés en deux catégories : avec ou sans perte, selon que l'image reconstruite perd ou non certaines informations. Les schémas avec perte sont préférables pour les applications qui peuvent tolérer une certaine perte et nécessitent des taux de compression plus élevés, tandis que les schémas sans perte sont utilisés pour les applications qui ne peuvent pas se permettre une perte mineure d'informations. Au cours des dernières années, les schémas de compression avec perte ont fait l'objet d'un grand intérêt en raison de l'obtention de taux de compression plus élevés. C'est pourquoi, dans ce travail, nous nous sommes concentrés sur les schémas de compression avec perte.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    34,00 €

    La grabación y el almacenamiento de información terrestre en forma de imágenes o vídeos es una de las principales tareas para diversas aplicaciones, como la cartografía de terrenos, los programas de prospección o la supervisión de las condiciones medioambientales, etc. El registro de datos terrestres se realiza mediante teledetección con la ayuda de satélites o aviones. El aumento de la demanda de almacenamiento y envío de imágenes terrestres hace que se carezca de suficiente espacio de memoria y ancho de banda de transmisión. Por lo tanto, se necesita una técnica de compresión para utilizar eficazmente el espacio de almacenamiento y los recursos de ancho de banda de la red. Existen muchos esquemas de compresión que se clasifican en con y sin pérdidas, dependiendo del hecho de que se pierda alguna información de la imagen reconstruida o no. Los esquemas con pérdidas son preferibles para aquellas aplicaciones que pueden tolerar alguna pérdida y requieren mayores ratios de compresión, mientras que los esquemas sin pérdidas se utilizan para aplicaciones que no pueden permitirse una pérdida menor de información. En los últimos años, los esquemas de compresión con pérdidas están siendo objeto de un gran interés debido a la posibilidad de conseguir mayores ratios de compresión. Por ello, en este trabajo nos hemos centrado en los esquemas de compresión con pérdidas.

  • von Amandeep Kaur
    39,90 €

    Die Aufzeichnung und Speicherung von Landinformationen in Form von Bildern oder Videos ist eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen wie Geländekartierung, Vermessungsprogramme oder Überwachung von Umweltbedingungen usw. Die Erfassung von Landdaten erfolgt durch Fernerkundung mit Hilfe von Satelliten oder Flugzeugen. Die zunehmende Nachfrage nach der Speicherung und Übermittlung von Landbildern führt zu einem Mangel an ausreichendem Speicherplatz und Übertragungsbandbreite. Daher besteht ein Bedarf an Komprimierungstechniken zur effizienten Nutzung des Speicherplatzes und der Netzwerkbandbreitenressourcen. Es gibt viele Komprimierungsverfahren, die in verlustbehaftet und verlustfrei unterteilt werden, je nachdem, ob einige Informationen des rekonstruierten Bildes verloren gehen oder nicht. Verlustbehaftete Verfahren sind für Anwendungen zu bevorzugen, die einen gewissen Verlust tolerieren können und höhere Kompressionsraten erfordern, während verlustfreie Verfahren für Anwendungen verwendet werden, die sich einen geringen Informationsverlust nicht leisten können. In den letzten Jahren sind verlustbehaftete Kompressionsverfahren von großem Interesse, da sie höhere Kompressionsraten erzielen. Daher haben wir uns in dieser Arbeit auf verlustbehaftete Kompressionsverfahren konzentriert.

  • 14% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur & Harveen Sekhon
    31,00 €

    Dental arch form is the arch, formed by the buccal and facial surfaces of the teeth when viewed from their occlusal surfaces. The universal ideal arch form is one of the most persistent but exclusive task for most of the orthodontic researchers have. Concerning the orthodontic treatment, basic principle of arch form in is that within reason, the patients original arch from should be preserved. Therefore, if the preformed arch wires are to be used, it is to be kept in the mind that their shape should be considered a starting point for the adjustment necessary for proper individualization as all the presently available preformed arch wire do not reflect these variations in the arch form. Because of these complex problems, and relatively low knowledge of dental arches, as of today, there is no universally accepted ideal arch form.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    46,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Amandeep Kaur
    94,00 €

    This thesis advances the long-standing challenge of measuring oxidative stress and deciphering its underlying mechanisms, and also outlines the advantages and limitations of existing design strategies. It presents a range of approaches for the chemical synthesis of fluorescent probes that detect reversible changes in cellular oxidative stress. The ability to visualise cellular processes in real-time is crucial to understanding disease development and streamline treatment, and this can be achieved using fluorescent tools that can sense reversible disturbances in cellular environments during pathogenesis. The perturbations in cellular redox state are of particular current interest in medical research, since oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases.The book investigates different strategies used to achieve ratiometric fluorescence output of the reversible redox probes, which nullify concentration effects associated with intensity-based probes. It also describes suitable approaches to target these probes to specific cellular organelles, thereby enabling medical researchers to visualise sub-cellular oxidative stress levels, and addressing the typically poor uptake of chemical tools into biological studies. In total it reports on four new probes that are now being used by over twenty research groups around the globe, and two of which have been commercialised. The final chapters of this thesis demonstrate successful applications of the sensors in a variety of biological systems ranging from prokaryotes to mammalian cells and whole organisms. The results described clearly indicate the immense value of collaborative, cross-disciplinary research.

  • - Phytochemicals as Synthesis Agents
    von Devinder Singh & Amandeep Kaur
    47,95 €

  • von Amandeep Kaur
    100,00 €

    This thesis advances the long-standing challenge of measuring oxidative stress and deciphering its underlying mechanisms, and also outlines the advantages and limitations of existing design strategies. It presents a range of approaches for the chemical synthesis of fluorescent probes that detect reversible changes in cellular oxidative stress. The ability to visualise cellular processes in real-time is crucial to understanding disease development and streamline treatment, and this can be achieved using fluorescent tools that can sense reversible disturbances in cellular environments during pathogenesis. The perturbations in cellular redox state are of particular current interest in medical research, since oxidative stress is implicated in the pathogenesis of a number of diseases.The book investigates different strategies used to achieve ratiometric fluorescence output of the reversible redox probes, which nullify concentration effects associated with intensity-based probes. It also describes suitable approaches to target these probes to specific cellular organelles, thereby enabling medical researchers to visualise sub-cellular oxidative stress levels, and addressing the typically poor uptake of chemical tools into biological studies. In total it reports on four new probes that are now being used by over twenty research groups around the globe, and two of which have been commercialised. The final chapters of this thesis demonstrate successful applications of the sensors in a variety of biological systems ranging from prokaryotes to mammalian cells and whole organisms. The results described clearly indicate the immense value of collaborative, cross-disciplinary research.

  • 14% sparen
    von Parminder Singh, Amandeep Kaur & Ginni Sharma
    31,00 €

  • 17% sparen

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