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Bücher von Amandeep Singh

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  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    Questo libro fornisce una panoramica agli studenti e ai ricercatori nel campo dell'erosione da fanghi di vari tipi di acciai. È stato presentato un caso di studio sperimentale in cui la resistenza all'erosione da fanghi dell'acciaio è stata migliorata per mezzo del rivestimento duro. Le note esplicative e le illustrazioni fornite nel libro serviranno a risvegliare l'interesse dei ricercatori e a motivarli a proseguire le ricerche in questo settore.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    Este libro proporciona una visión a los estudiantes e investigadores en el área de la erosión por lodos de diversos tipos de aceros. Se presenta un estudio de caso experimental en el que se ha mejorado la resistencia a la erosión por lodos del acero mediante el recargue duro. Las notas explicativas y las ilustraciones proporcionadas en el libro servirán para despertar el interés de los investigadores y motivarles a seguir investigando en este campo.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    39,90 €

    Dieses Buch bietet Studenten und Forschern einen Einblick in den Bereich der Güllerosion bei verschiedenen Stahlsorten. Es wird eine experimentelle Fallstudie vorgestellt, in der die Erosionsbeständigkeit von Stahl durch Aufpanzerung verbessert wurde. Die im Buch enthaltenen Erläuterungen und Abbildungen sollen das Interesse der Forscher wecken und sie zu weiteren Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet motivieren.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    Este livro fornece uma visão aos estudantes e investigadores na área da erosão de vários tipos de aços. Foi apresentado um estudo de caso experimental em que a resistência à erosão de aço foi melhorada por meio de revestimento duro. As notas explicativas e as ilustrações fornecidas no livro servirão para despertar o interesse dos investigadores e motivá-los para mais investigação nesta área.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    Ce livre fournit un aperçu aux étudiants et aux chercheurs dans le domaine de l'érosion par boue de divers types d'acier. Une étude de cas expérimentale a été présentée dans laquelle la résistance à l'érosion par boue de l'acier a été améliorée au moyen d'un rechargement. Les notes explicatives et les illustrations fournies dans le livre serviront à éveiller l'intérêt des chercheurs et à les motiver à poursuivre leurs recherches dans ce domaine.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    67,00 €

    This book highlighted the pharmacogonstic and chemotaxonomic features of Ficus benjamina and Ficus deltoidea, accentuating the challenges of identifying plant species with morphological similarities in the herbal drug industry. The book details the use of preliminary phytochemical screening and chromatography studies as quick and easy methods for identifying and standardizing plant materials, as well as the development of TLC and HPTLC fingerprints as tools for chemical standardization. The book also discusses the anti-plasmodial activity of F. benjamina and its isolation of ursolic acid and lupeol, which have demonstrated significant anti-plasmodial effects and could be potential candidates for the development of novel anti-plasmodial drug molecules. Overall, the book provides valuable insights for researchers and professionals in the development of better pharmacotherapeutics from plant materials.

  • von Amandeep Singh, Amrinder Singh & Sandhir Sharma
    202,00 - 262,00 €

  • von Amandeep Singh, Amit Mittal & Murat Unanoglu
    208,00 - 268,00 €

  • von Amandeep Singh & Devesh Bathla
    223,00 - 289,00 €

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    This book provides an insight to the students and researchers in the area of slurry erosion of various kinds of steels. An experimental case study has been presented in which slurry erosion resistance of steel has been enhanced by means of hardfacing. The explanatory notes & illustration provided in book will serve the purpose of awakening the interest of researcher and motivating them for further research in this area.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    39,00 €

    Jaggery Sugar is an important medicinal product being prepared traditionally by concentrating the sugarcane juice at constant boiling and used as major constituents in ayurvedic fermenetd formulations. Fermentation itself induced certain chemical changes in formulations as well in Jaggery due to increase in acidic concentration of formulation. A qualitative comparison of RP-HPLC-DAD chromatograph of both fermented and non fermented Jaggery was made to understand the chemical changes in it. HPLC-DAD analysis of both the fermented and non ¿ fermented Jaggery revealed a qualitative decrease in flavonoid -O- glycoside concentration in fermented Jaggery as compare to the non ¿ fermented Jaggery. Flavonoid -C- glycoside were the major one in both fermented and non ¿ fermented Jaggery. Since flavonoid -C- glycosides are the major ones therefore the biological activities may be attributed to flavonoid -C- glycosides. The presence of gallic acid, ellagic acid and 5-HMF were also noted. This works highlights the importance of use of Jaggery in most of the Ayurvedic formulations.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    39,00 €

    Nanofiber drug delivery systems are capable to improve therapeutic efficacy, diminish toxicity, and can be designed to control and prolong drug release by regulate the degradation rate of the polymer.The concept of multilayer nanofibrous patch will localize the formulation at a particular region of the body, thereby improving bioavailability of the drugs with low bioavailability. The increased contact time and localization of the drug added advantage of this approach would be increase in bioavailability as well as reduction in frequency of administration. The encapsulation of Acyclovir with polymeric nanopatch could be an effective approach for producing a sustained release of the drug making it suitable for oral or other routes of administration such as intrapulmonary or intravitreal.developed multilayered nanofiber formulation was found to show controlled delivery of antiviral drug (Acyclovir). The formulation showed pH-responsive drug release at small intestine and colon system. In pharmacokinetic studies in rats, developed formulation exerted sustain release with improved pharmacokinetic profile.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    Stroke has become one of the leading cause of mortality and long term disability in developing world. The cause of disability is multi factorial in its determination. Many advances have been made in stroke prevention and management, however, stroke continues to be a prevalent and burdensome condition, particularly among the elderly, but now gaining momentum in occurrence among the young too. Stroke is one of the most common life threatening neurological disease and is one of the main cause of long term disability in adults worldwide. Over years, stroke has become major health problem in India. The prevalence of stroke in India was estimated as 203 per 100,000 populations above 20 years, amounting to a total of about 1 million cases. The effects of stroke are variable depending on location of the lesion as well as the size. The most typical symptom of stroke is hemiparesis or hemiplegia, which ranges from weakness to full paralysis of the body opposite to the side of the lesion, affecting the person¿s activities of daily living and community participation.Hence essential details of various domains of its multifaceted influence on life of people becomes crucial.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    Surface method of irrigation is the oldest and most common method of irrigation. It consists of a broad class of irrigation methods in which water flows over the soil surface and distributed over the field by gravity flow with the intention that the applied water infiltrates into the soil. Surface irrigation, though looks very simple, is a very complex process due to spatial and temporal variations in soil infiltration and crop resistance which influence the movement of water over the field and thus the water distribution. Typically, there may be four phases during a surface irrigation event: (i) water advance in the field, (ii) wetting or ponding to supply desired amount of water, (iii) depletion of ponded water, and (iv) recession of water along the reach of the field.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    El ictus se ha convertido en una de las principales causas de mortalidad y discapacidad a largo plazo en el mundo en desarrollo. La causa de la discapacidad es multifactorial en su determinación. Se han hecho muchos avances en la prevención y el tratamiento de los accidentes cerebrovasculares; sin embargo, siguen siendo una afección prevalente y onerosa, sobre todo entre las personas mayores, pero ahora también están cobrando fuerza entre los jóvenes. El ictus es una de las enfermedades neurológicas más comunes que ponen en peligro la vida y es una de las principales causas de discapacidad a largo plazo en adultos de todo el mundo. Con el paso de los años, el ictus se ha convertido en un importante problema sanitario en India. La prevalencia del ictus en India se estimó en 203 por cada 100.000 habitantes mayores de 20 años, lo que supone un total de aproximadamente 1 millón de casos. Los efectos del ictus son variables, dependiendo de la localización de la lesión y de su tamaño. El síntoma más típico del ictus es la hemiparesia, que va desde la debilidad hasta la parálisis total del cuerpo opuesto al lado de la lesión, y que afecta a las actividades de la vida diaria de la persona y a su participación en la comunidad.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    39,90 €

    Der Schlaganfall ist in den Entwicklungsländern zu einer der Hauptursachen für Sterblichkeit und langfristige Behinderungen geworden. Die Ursache für die Behinderung ist multifaktoriell bedingt. In der Schlaganfallprävention und -behandlung wurden viele Fortschritte erzielt, dennoch ist der Schlaganfall nach wie vor eine weit verbreitete und belastende Erkrankung, insbesondere bei älteren Menschen, aber auch bei jungen Menschen tritt er immer häufiger auf. Der Schlaganfall ist eine der häufigsten lebensbedrohlichen neurologischen Erkrankungen und eine der Hauptursachen für langfristige Behinderungen bei Erwachsenen weltweit. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich der Schlaganfall in Indien zu einem großen Gesundheitsproblem entwickelt. Die Prävalenz des Schlaganfalls in Indien wurde auf 203 pro 100.000 Einwohner über 20 Jahre geschätzt, was einer Gesamtzahl von etwa 1 Million Fällen entspricht. Die Auswirkungen des Schlaganfalls sind je nach Ort der Läsion und Größe unterschiedlich. Das typischste Symptom des Schlaganfalls ist die Hemiparese oder Halbseitenlähmung, die von Schwäche bis zur vollständigen Lähmung des Körpers auf der der Läsion gegenüberliegenden Seite reicht und die Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens und die Teilhabe an der Gesellschaft beeinträchtigt.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    O AVC tornou-se uma das principais causas de mortalidade e incapacidade a longo prazo no mundo em desenvolvimento. A causa da deficiência é multifacetada na sua determinação. Muitos avanços foram feitos na prevenção e gestão de AVC, no entanto, o AVC continua a ser uma condição prevalecente e onerosa, particularmente entre os idosos, mas agora também está a ganhar força na ocorrência entre os jovens. O AVC é uma das doenças neurológicas mais comuns que ameaçam a vida e é uma das principais causas de incapacidade a longo prazo em adultos de todo o mundo. Ao longo dos anos, o AVC tornou-se um dos principais problemas de saúde na Índia. A prevalência de AVC na Índia foi estimada em 203 por 100.000 populações acima dos 20 anos, o que representa um total de cerca de 1 milhão de casos. Os efeitos do AVC são variáveis dependendo da localização da lesão, bem como do tamanho. O sintoma mais típico de AVC é a hemiparesia ou hemiplegia, que vai da fraqueza à paralisia total do corpo oposto ao lado da lesão, afectando as actividades da vida quotidiana e a participação da comunidade, pelo que pormenores essenciais de vários domínios da sua influência multifacetada na vida das pessoas se tornam cruciais.

  • von Amandeep Singh
    32,00 €

    L'ictus è diventato una delle principali cause di mortalità e disabilità a lungo termine nei Paesi in via di sviluppo. La causa della disabilità è multifattoriale. Sono stati fatti molti progressi nella prevenzione e nella gestione dell'ictus, ma l'ictus continua a essere una condizione prevalente e onerosa, in particolare tra gli anziani, ma ora sta guadagnando terreno anche tra i giovani. L'ictus è una delle malattie neurologiche più comuni e pericolose per la vita ed è una delle principali cause di disabilità a lungo termine negli adulti di tutto il mondo. Nel corso degli anni, l'ictus è diventato un problema sanitario importante in India. La prevalenza dell'ictus in India è stata stimata in 203 casi ogni 100.000 abitanti di età superiore ai 20 anni, per un totale di circa 1 milione di casi. Gli effetti dell'ictus variano a seconda della localizzazione della lesione e delle sue dimensioni. Il sintomo più tipico dell'ictus è l'emiparesi o l'emiplegia, che va dalla debolezza alla paralisi completa del corpo opposto al lato della lesione, con ripercussioni sulle attività della vita quotidiana e sulla partecipazione alla comunità.

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