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Bücher von Amit Gupta

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  • von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    "Ethereal Resilience: Motivational Ghostly Chronicles" invites readers into a world where spirits transcend the boundaries of the afterlife to teach valuable lessons of courage and determination. In this captivating anthology, each ghostly tale unfolds as a testament to the resilience exhibited by these supernatural beings. Through encounters with haunted places, spectral apparitions, and eerie phenomena, these stories weave a tapestry of bravery and inspiration.Journey through haunted houses, dark forests, and mysterious roads where the ethereal entities guide protagonists through their dilemmas. From the chilling encounter with Bloody Mary to the enigmatic resolve of the Ghost Destroyer Baba, each story unravels a spectral narrative that transcends fear, offering glimpses of hope, strength, and the triumph of the human spirit.Ethereal Resilience: Motivational Ghostly Chronicles is an enchanting collection crafted to captivate young minds, fostering courage and fortitude in the face of the unknown. It celebrates the resilience of both the living and the departed, intertwining the supernatural with motivational themes, making it an ideal read for those seeking thrilling adventures laced with valuable life lessons. Dive into these ghostly chronicles and discover the power of resilience within the spectral realm.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    A odontogénese é um processo altamente coordenado e complexo que assenta em interacções célula-a-célula e na geração do dente. A odontogénese permite compreender os mecanismos de controlo do desenvolvimento que funcionam a nível molecular durante a embriogénese. Na vanguarda da investigação sobre a genética do desenvolvimento dos dentes, o nosso conhecimento sobre estas interacções entre tecidos é alargado. Esta literatura fornece um domínio de informações valiosas geneticamente programadas sobre os processos envolvidos durante a odontogénese humana e o desenvolvimento craniofacial. Conceptualmente, não muito longe do essencialismo dos séculos (ou milénios) passados, assume-se que a sequência genética é uma representação de um plano que, em alguns sentidos, contém, ou pelo menos continha, estas estruturas fantasma. Este compêndio conduzirá, sem dúvida, a avanços na compreensão da influência genética sobre a odontogénese e dos mecanismos que estão envolvidos na produção de anomalias no desenvolvimento do complexo craniofacial.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    L'odontogenèse est un processus complexe et hautement coordonné qui repose sur des interactions cellule-cellule et la génération de la dent. L'odontogenèse permet de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de contrôle du développement qui opèrent au niveau moléculaire pendant l'embryogenèse. À la pointe de la recherche sur la génétique du développement des dents, nos connaissances sur ces interactions tissulaires sont étendues. Cette littérature fournit un domaine d'informations précieuses, génétiquement programmées, sur les processus impliqués dans l'odontogenèse humaine et le développement cranio-facial. Sur le plan conceptuel, non loin de l'essentialisme des siècles (ou millénaires) passés, on suppose que la séquence génétique est une représentation d'un plan qui, d'une certaine manière, contient, ou du moins contenait, ces structures fantômes. Ce recueil permettra sans doute de progresser dans la compréhension de l'influence génétique sur l'odontogenèse et des mécanismes impliqués dans la production d'anomalies dans le développement du complexe cranio-facial.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    La odontogénesis es un proceso altamente coordinado y complejo que depende de las interacciones entre células y de la generación del diente. La odontogénesis está proporcionando información sobre los mecanismos de control del desarrollo que operan a nivel molecular durante la embriogénesis. A la vanguardia de la investigación sobre la genética del desarrollo dental se extiende nuestro conocimiento de estas interacciones tisulares. Esta literatura proporciona un reino de valiosa información genéticamente programada sobre los procesos implicados durante la odontogénesis humana y el desarrollo craneofacial. Conceptualmente no muy lejos del esencialismo de siglos (o milenios) pasados, se asume que la secuencia genética es una representación de un plan que en algunos sentidos contiene, o al menos contenía, estas estructuras fantasmas. Sin duda, este compendio permitirá avanzar en la comprensión de la influencia genética sobre la odontogénesis y de los mecanismos que intervienen en la producción de anomalías en el desarrollo del complejo craneofacial.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    L'odontogenesi è un processo altamente coordinato e complesso che si basa sulle interazioni cellula-cellula e sulla generazione del dente. L'odontogenesi sta fornendo informazioni sui meccanismi di controllo dello sviluppo che operano a livello molecolare durante l'embriogenesi. In prima linea nella ricerca sulla genetica dello sviluppo del dente, la nostra conoscenza di queste interazioni tissutali è stata ampliata. Questa letteratura fornisce un regno di preziose informazioni geneticamente programmate sui processi coinvolti durante l'odontogenesi umana e lo sviluppo craniofacciale. Concettualmente non lontano dall'essenzialismo dei secoli (o millenni) passati, si presume che la sequenza genetica sia una rappresentazione di un piano che in qualche senso contiene, o almeno conteneva, queste strutture fantasma. Questo compendio porterà senza dubbio a progressi nella comprensione dell'influenza genetica sull'odontogenesi e dei meccanismi coinvolti nella produzione di anomalie nello sviluppo del complesso cranio-facciale.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    Odontogenez - äto wysokokoordinirowannyj i slozhnyj process, osnowannyj na mezhkletochnyh wzaimodejstwiqh i formirowanii zuba. Odontogenez pozwolqet ponqt' mehanizmy kontrolq razwitiq, kotorye dejstwuüt na molekulqrnom urowne wo wremq ämbriogeneza. Na perednem krae issledowanij genetiki razwitiq zuba rasshirqütsq nashi znaniq ob ätih tkanewyh wzaimodejstwiqh. V ätoj literature soderzhitsq cennaq geneticheski zaprogrammirowannaq informaciq o processah, proishodqschih wo wremq odontogeneza i cherepno-licewogo razwitiq cheloweka. Konceptual'no ne daleko ot ässencializma proshlyh wekow (ili tysqcheletij), predpolagaetsq, chto geneticheskaq posledowatel'nost' - äto predstawlenie plana, kotoryj w nekotoryh smyslah soderzhit ili, po krajnej mere, soderzhal äti fantomnye struktury. Jetot sbornik, nesomnenno, priwedet k progressu w ponimanii geneticheskogo wliqniq na odontogenez i mehanizmow, kotorye wowlecheny w sozdanie anomalij w razwitii cherepno-licewogo komplexa.

  • von Amit Gupta
    55,90 €

    Die Odontogenese ist ein hochgradig koordinierter und komplexer Prozess, der auf Zell-Zell-Interaktionen und der Entstehung des Zahns beruht. Die Odontogenese bietet Einblicke in die Entwicklungskontrollmechanismen, die während der Embryogenese auf molekularer Ebene ablaufen. An der Spitze der Forschung zur Genetik der Zahnentwicklung wird unser Wissen über diese Gewebe-Interaktionen erweitert. Diese Literatur bietet eine Fülle wertvoller genetisch programmierter Informationen über die Prozesse, die während der menschlichen Odontogenese und der kraniofazialen Entwicklung ablaufen. Konzeptionell nicht weit vom Essentialismus vergangener Jahrhunderte (oder Jahrtausende) entfernt, geht man davon aus, dass die genetische Sequenz eine Darstellung eines Plans ist, der in gewisser Weise diese Phantomstrukturen enthält oder zumindest enthielt. Dieses Kompendium wird zweifellos zu Fortschritten im Verständnis des genetischen Einflusses auf die Odontogenese und der Mechanismen führen, die an der Entstehung von Anomalien in der Entwicklung des kraniofazialen Komplexes beteiligt sind.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    65,00 €

    Les progrès de l'imagerie numérique, de la conception assistée par ordinateur, de la communication par internet, de la fabrication numérique et des nouveaux matériaux ont incontestablement simplifié le processus de diagnostic et amélioré les résultats des traitements. La technologie numérique a un impact sur la motivation des patients, la gestion du cabinet et les procédures de traitement clinique. Qu'il s'agisse de radiographies numériques facilitant le diagnostic, de céramiques CAD-CAM pour une meilleure esthétique et une meilleure fonction avec un nombre réduit de rendez-vous, de prototypage rapide et de stéréolithographie pour la fabrication de prothèses maxillo-faciales, et d'autres encore offrent un niveau élevé de prévisibilité, plus de commodité et même moins de séances. Le cabinet dentaire contemporain dispose d'options infinies pour préserver la santé bucco-dentaire et offrir une esthétique proche du naturel avec une approche améliorée, un temps de traitement réduit, un potentiel d'erreur minimisé et une meilleure assurance qualité. La numérisation a commencé à influencer la fraternité dentaire sous la forme d'aides audiovisuelles pour l'enseignement et l'éducation des patients.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    65,00 €

    I progressi della diagnostica per immagini digitale, della progettazione assistita da computer, della comunicazione via Internet, della produzione digitale e dei nuovi materiali hanno indubbiamente semplificato il processo diagnostico e migliorato i risultati del trattamento. La tecnologia digitale ha un impatto sulla motivazione del paziente, sulla gestione dello studio e sulle procedure di trattamento clinico. Che si tratti di radiografie digitali che aiutano nella diagnosi, di ceramiche CAD-CAM per una migliore estetica e funzione con un minor numero di appuntamenti, di prototipazione rapida e stereolitografia per la fabbricazione di protesi maxillo-facciali e di altre ancora che forniscono un alto livello di prevedibilità, una maggiore convenienza e anche un minor numero di sedute. Lo studio odontoiatrico contemporaneo dispone di infinite opzioni per preservare la salute orale e fornire un'estetica prossima a quella naturale con un approccio migliorato, tempi di trattamento ridotti, un potenziale di errore minimizzato e una migliore garanzia di qualità. La digitalizzazione ha iniziato a influenzare la fraternità odontoiatrica con la forma di ausili audiovisivi sia nell'insegnamento che nell'educazione dei pazienti.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    65,00 €

    Los avances en imagen digital, diseño asistido por ordenador, comunicación por internet, fabricación digital y nuevos materiales han simplificado sin duda el proceso de diagnóstico y mejorado los resultados del tratamiento. La tecnología digital influye en la motivación del paciente, la gestión de la consulta y los procedimientos de tratamiento clínico. Las radiografías digitales ayudan al diagnóstico, las cerámicas CAD-CAM mejoran la estética y la función con un menor número de citas, la creación rápida de prototipos y la estereolitografía para la fabricación de prótesis maxilofaciales, y otras tecnologías proporcionan un alto nivel de predictibilidad, más comodidad e incluso un menor número de citas. La práctica odontológica contemporánea tiene infinitas opciones para preservar la salud oral y proporciona una estética natural con un enfoque mejorado, un tiempo de tratamiento reducido, un potencial de error minimizado y una mejor garantía de calidad. La digitalización empezó a influir en la comunidad odontológica en forma de ayudas audiovisuales, tanto en la enseñanza como en la educación de los pacientes.

  • von Amit Gupta
    79,90 €

    Fortschritte in der digitalen Bildgebung, im computergestützten Design, in der Internetkommunikation, in der digitalen Fertigung und bei neuen Materialien haben zweifellos den Diagnoseprozess vereinfacht und die Behandlungsergebnisse verbessert. Die Patientenbetreuung und -kommunikation kann durch den Einsatz verschiedener neuer Technologien erheblich verbessert werden. Die digitale Technologie hat Auswirkungen auf die Motivation der Patienten, das Praxismanagement und die klinischen Behandlungsverfahren. Ob digitale Röntgenbilder zur Unterstützung der Diagnose, CAD-CAM-Keramik für bessere Ästhetik und Funktion bei weniger Terminen, Rapid Prototyping und Stereolithographie für die Herstellung von Kiefer- und Gesichtsprothesen und andere mehr bieten ein hohes Maß an Vorhersagbarkeit, mehr Komfort und sogar weniger Sitzungen. Die moderne Zahnarztpraxis hat unendlich viele Möglichkeiten zur Erhaltung der Mundgesundheit und bietet neben natürlicher Ästhetik einen verbesserten Ansatz, reduzierte Behandlungszeit, minimiertes Fehlerpotenzial und bessere Qualitätssicherung. Aus diesen Gründen wird die heutige Zahnmedizin zu Recht als das goldene Zeitalter der Zahnmedizin bezeichnet. Die Digitalisierung begann, die Zahnmedizin in Form von audiovisuellen Hilfsmitteln sowohl in der Lehre als auch in der Patientenaufklärung zu beeinflussen.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    37,00 €

    Dostizheniq w oblasti cifrowoj wizualizacii, awtomatizirowannogo proektirowaniq, internet-kommunikacij, cifrowogo proizwodstwa i nowyh materialow, nesomnenno, uprostili diagnosticheskij process i uluchshili rezul'taty lecheniq. Cifrowye tehnologii okazywaüt wliqnie na motiwaciü pacientow, uprawlenie praktikoj i klinicheskie procedury lecheniq. Bud' to cifrowye rentgenogrammy dlq diagnostiki, keramika CAD-CAM dlq uluchsheniq ästetiki i funkcional'nosti pri men'shem kolichestwe poseschenij, bystroe prototipirowanie i stereolitografiq dlq izgotowleniq chelüstno-licewyh protezow i drugie tehnologii, obespechiwaüschie wysokij urowen' predskazuemosti, udobstwo i men'shee kolichestwo poseschenij. Sowremennaq stomatologicheskaq praktika imeet beskonechnye wozmozhnosti dlq sohraneniq zdorow'q polosti rta i obespecheniq estestwennoj ästetiki pri usowershenstwowannom podhode, sokraschenii wremeni lecheniq, minimizacii wozmozhnosti oshibok i uluchshenii kachestwa. Cifrowizaciq nachala okazywat' wliqnie na stomatologicheskoe bratstwo s poqwleniem audiowizual'nyh sredstw kak w prepodawanii, tak i w obuchenii pacientow.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    65,00 €

    Os progressos registados na imagiologia digital, na conceção assistida por computador, na comunicação via Internet, no fabrico digital e nos novos materiais simplificaram indubitavelmente o processo de diagnóstico e melhoraram os resultados do tratamento. Os cuidados e a comunicação com os doentes podem ser substancialmente melhorados através da utilização de várias novas tecnologias. A tecnologia digital tem impacto na motivação dos doentes, na gestão da clínica e nos procedimentos de tratamento clínico. Quer se trate de radiografias digitais que auxiliam o diagnóstico, de cerâmicas CAD-CAM para uma melhor estética e função com um menor número de consultas, de prototipagem rápida e estereolitografia para o fabrico de próteses maxilofaciais e ainda de outras tecnologias que proporcionam um elevado nível de previsibilidade, maior comodidade e até mesmo um menor número de consultas. A prática dentária contemporânea tem inúmeras opções para preservar a saúde oral e proporcionar uma estética próxima da natural com uma abordagem melhorada, um tempo de tratamento reduzido, um potencial de erro minimizado e uma melhor garantia de qualidade. A digitalização começou a influenciar a fraternidade dentária sob a forma de meios audiovisuais, tanto no ensino como na educação dos doentes.

  • von Amit Gupta
    55,90 €

    Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit wurde durchgeführt, um die anxiolytische Aktivität von Curcumin gegen bleiinduzierte Angstzustände bei Ratten zu untersuchen. Das angstlösende Potenzial von Curcumin wurde mit dem von Diazepam verglichen. Eine Bleivergiftung löste bei Versuchstieren schwere Verhaltensstörungen aus. Ratten beiderlei Geschlechts wurden in 12 Gruppen zu je 6 Tieren aufgeteilt. Die Gruppen waren DMSO, destilliertes Wasser, Salzwasser, Bleiacetat 25mg/kg, Diazepam 2mg/kg, Curcumin 25mg/kg, Curcumin 50mg/kg, Diazepam 2mg/kg + Bleiacetat, Curcumin 25mg + Bleiacetat, Curcumin 50mg + Bleiacetat, Diazepam 2mg/kg + Curcumin 50mg und Diazepam 2mg/kg + Curcumin 50mg + Bleiacetat. Alle Testlösungen wurden täglich frisch zubereitet und den Tieren 5 Tage lang interaperitonal (i.p.) verabreicht. Am ersten, dritten und fünften Tag wurde jedes Tier mit Hilfe des Labyrinths mit erhöhtem Nullpunkt auf Angstzustände untersucht. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Bleiacetat bei Ratten mehr Angst und angstbezogenes Verhalten auslöste. Curcumin 50mg/kg reduzierte und verhinderte das Angstverhalten, das durch Blei ausgelöst wurde. Curcumin 50mg/kg ist eine ausreichende Dosis, um eine anxiolytische und neuroprotektive Aktivität gegen bleiinduzierte Angst bei Ratten zu erzielen.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    Le présent travail de recherche a été réalisé pour évaluer l'activité anxiolytique de la curcumine contre l'anxiété induite par le plomb chez le rat. Les potentiels anxiolytiques de la curcumine ont été comparés à ceux du diazépam. L'empoisonnement au plomb induit de graves anomalies comportementales chez les animaux de laboratoire. Des rats des deux sexes ont été divisés en 12 groupes de 6 animaux par groupe. Les groupes étaient les suivants : DMSO, eau distillée, eau salée, acétate de plomb 25 mg/kg, diazépam 2 mg/kg, curcumine 25 mg/kg, curcumine 50 mg/kg, diazépam 2 mg/kg + acétate de plomb, curcumine 25 mg + acétate de plomb, curcumine 50 mg + acétate de plomb, diazépam 2 mg/kg + curcumine 50 mg et diazépam 2 mg/kg + curcumine 50 mg + acétate de plomb. Toutes les solutions d'essai ont été fraîchement préparées quotidiennement et administrées aux animaux pendant 5 jours par voie interapéritoniale (i.p.). Le premier jour, le troisième jour et le cinquième jour, chaque animal a été soumis à un test d'anxiété en utilisant le labyrinthe zéro surélevé. Nos résultats montrent que l'acétate de plomb induit plus d'anxiété et de comportements liés à la peur chez le rat. La curcumine 50mg/kg réduit et prévient le comportement anxieux induit par le plomb. La dose de 50mg/kg de curcumine est suffisante pour exercer une activité anxiolytique et neuroprotectrice contre l'anxiété induite par le plomb chez les rats.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó para evaluar la actividad ansiolítica de la curcumina contra la ansiedad inducida por plomo en ratas. Los potenciales ansiolíticos de la curcumina se compararon con los del diazepam. El envenenamiento por plomo indujo graves anomalías de comportamiento en los animales de experimentación. Se dividieron ratas de ambos sexos en 12 grupos de 6 animales en cada grupo. Los grupos fueron DMSO, agua destilada, agua salina, acetato de plomo 25mg/kg, diazepam 2mg/kg, curcumina 25mg/kg, curcumina 50mg/kg, diazepam 2mg/kg + acetato de plomo, curcumina 25mg + acetato de plomo, curcumina 50mg + acetato de plomo, diazepam 2mg/kg + curcumina 50mg y diazepam 2mg/kg + curcumina 50mg + acetato de plomo. Todas las soluciones de prueba se prepararon en fresco diariamente y se administraron a los animales durante 5 días por vía interaperitonial (i.p.). El primer día, el tercer día y el quinto día, se comprobó la ansiedad de cada animal mediante el laberinto cero elevado. Nuestros resultados mostraron que el acetato de plomo indujo más ansiedad y comportamiento relacionado con el miedo en la rata. La curcumina 50mg/kg redujo y previno el comportamiento de ansiedad inducido por el plomo. La curcumina 50mg/kg es una dosis suficiente para proporcionar una actividad ansiolítica y neuroprotectora contra la ansiedad inducida por el plomo en ratas.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    Il presente lavoro di ricerca è stato condotto per valutare l'attività ansiolitica della curcumina contro l'ansia indotta dal piombo nel ratto. Il potenziale ansiolitico della curcumina è stato confrontato con quello del diazepam. L'avvelenamento da piombo ha indotto gravi anomalie comportamentali negli animali da esperimento. I ratti di entrambi i sessi sono stati divisi in 12 gruppi di 6 animali per gruppo. I gruppi erano DMSO, acqua distillata, acqua salina, acetato di piombo 25mg/kg, Diazepam 2mg/kg, Curcumina 25mg/kg, Curcumina 50mg/kg, Diazepam 2mg/kg + acetato di piombo, Curcumina 25mg + acetato di piombo, Curcumina 50mg + acetato di piombo, Diazepam 2mg/kg + Curcumina 50mg e Diazepam 2mg/kg + Curcumina 50mg + acetato di piombo. Tutte le soluzioni di prova sono state preparate al giorno e somministrate agli animali per 5 giorni per via interaperitoniale (i.p.). Il primo, il terzo e il quinto giorno, ogni animale è stato sottoposto a un controllo dell'ansia utilizzando il labirinto zero elevato. I nostri risultati hanno mostrato che l'acetato di piombo ha indotto più ansia e comportamenti legati alla paura nel ratto. La curcumina 50mg/kg ha ridotto e prevenuto il comportamento ansioso indotto dal piombo. La curcumina 50mg/kg è una dose sufficiente per fornire attività ansiolitica e neuroprotettiva contro l'ansia indotta dal piombo nei ratti.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    46,00 €

    O presente trabalho de investigação foi realizado para avaliar a atividade ansiolítica da curcumina contra a ansiedade induzida pelo chumbo no rato. Os potenciais anti-ansiedade da curcumina foram comparados com o diazepam. O envenenamento por chumbo induziu anomalias comportamentais graves em animais experimentais. Os ratos de ambos os sexos foram divididos em 12 grupos de 6 animais em cada grupo. Os grupos foram DMSO, Água destilada, Água salina, Acetato de chumbo 25mg/kg, Diazepam 2mg/kg, Curcumina 25mg/kg, Curcumina 50mg/kg, Diazepam 2mg/kg + acetato de chumbo, Curcumina 25mg + acetato de chumbo, Curcumina 50mg + acetato de chumbo, Diazepam 2mg/kg + Curcumina 50mg e Diazepam 2mg/kg + Curcumina 50mg + acetato de chumbo. Todas as soluções de ensaio foram preparadas diariamente e administradas aos animais durante 5 dias por via interaperitonial (i.p.). No primeiro dia, no terceiro dia e no quinto dia, cada animal foi submetido a um controlo da ansiedade utilizando o labirinto em zero elevado. Os nossos resultados mostraram que o acetato de chumbo induziu mais ansiedade e comportamentos relacionados com o medo no rato. A curcumina 50mg/kg reduziu e preveniu o comportamento de ansiedade, induzido pelo chumbo. A curcumina 50mg/kg é uma dose suficiente para proporcionar uma atividade ansiolítica e neuroprotectora contra a ansiedade induzida pelo chumbo nos ratos.

  • 11% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    22,00 €

    V nastoqschej rabote byla prowedena ocenka anxioliticheskoj aktiwnosti kurkumina w otnoshenii swincowo-inducirowannoj trewogi u krys. Protiwotrewozhnyj potencial kurkumina srawniwalsq s diazepamom. Otrawlenie swincom wyzywalo tqzhelye powedencheskie narusheniq u äxperimental'nyh zhiwotnyh. Krysy oboego pola byli razdeleny na 12 grupp po 6 zhiwotnyh w kazhdoj. Gruppy sostoqli iz DMSO, distillirowannoj wody, fiziologicheskogo rastwora, acetata swinca 25 mg/kg, diazepama 2 mg/kg, kurkumina 25 mg/kg, kurkumina 50 mg/kg, diazepama 2 mg/kg + acetat swinca, kurkumina 25 mg + acetat swinca, kurkumina 50 mg + acetat swinca, diazepama 2 mg/kg + kurkumin 50 mg i diazepama 2 mg/kg + kurkumin 50 mg + acetat swinca. Vse ispytuemye rastwory gotowilis' ezhednewno i wwodilis' zhiwotnym w techenie 5 dnej wnutribrüshinno (i.p.). Na perwyj, tretij i pqtyj den' u kazhdogo zhiwotnogo prowerqli urowen' trewozhnosti s pomosch'ü pripodnqtogo nulewogo labirinta. Poluchennye rezul'taty pokazali, chto acetat swinca wyzywal u krys powyshennuü trewozhnost' i powedenie, swqzannoe so strahom. Kurkumin 50 mg/kg umen'shal i predotwraschal trewozhnoe powedenie, wyzwannoe swincom. Doza kurkumina 50 mg/kg dostatochna dlq proqwleniq anxioliticheskoj i nejroprotektornoj aktiwnosti w otnoshenii trewozhnosti krys, wyzwannoj swincom.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    65,00 €

    Advances in digital imaging, computer aided design, internet communication, digital manufacturing and new materials have undoubtedly simplified the diagnostic process and improved treatment outcomes. Patient care and communication can be enhanced substantially by usingseveral new technologies.Digital technology has impact over the patient motivation, practice management and clinical treatment procedures. Be it digital radiographs aiding in diagnosis, CAD-CAM ceramics for better aesthetics and function with less number of appointments, rapid prototyping and stereolithographyfor maxillofacial prosthesis fabrication and still others provide high level of predictability, more convenience and even less number of sittings. The contemporary dental practice has endless options for preserving oral health and provides next to natural aesthetics with an enhanced approach, reduced treatment time, minimized error potential and better quality assurance. These reasons rightly explain present day dentistry being called golden age of dentistry.Digitization started to influence dental fraternity with the form of audio visual aids in both teaching and patient education.

  • von Amit Gupta
    16,00 €

    Never let the shape and size of your chest stop you from living your life! If you or a dear one is experiencing low self-esteem and confidence due to male breast enlargement (gynecomastia), this book is for you. This book is also for all compassionate plastic surgeons who are always on the lookout for better treatments to add value to their patients' lives.For the first time ever, this book reveals a revolutionary, modern concept- ''Gynecomastia 360 4D X Framework''aimed at creating a standardised approach for every patient who wants treatment for male breast enlargement across the country and theglobe in a way that ensures near 100% safety and is a near 100% fail-safeprocedure.This unique concept will completely revolutionise the way gynecomastia is treated by minimisingcomplication rates and the dissatisfaction grades of patients undergoing this procedure.It also ensures minimal time away from work, hence minimum monetary loss. ""Amongst India's most influential Plastic Surgeons, Dr. Amit Gupta is a gold medalist from Maulana Azad Medical College with Fellowships in Plastic Surgery from Brazil and Belgium. He and his team today perform the largest number of male breast reduction surgeries in India. He is the founder of Divine Cosmetic Surgery. Till date Divine Cosmetic Surgery has performed 5000+ gynecomastia surgeries with unbelievable success. He has created a new International Classification of Gynecomastia. Published in the Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, this classifications changing the way that the world looks at Indian Plastic Surgeons. Dr. Amit is on a mission to treat every patient who is suffering from low confidence and lack of self-esteem due to male breast enlargement in the safest way possible.""

  • von Amit Gupta
    37,00 €

    A comprehensive guide to unlocking your full potential and finding balance in various aspects of life. In this book, we delve into the realms of sleep, mental control, mindfulness, sexual energy, happiness, physical strength, solitude, and invaluable life lessons inspired by the majestic eagle.In today's fast-paced and demanding world, it can be challenging to navigate through the complexities of daily life while maintaining our well-being and personal growth. This book aims to provide you with practical insights, techniques, and wisdom to help you thrive in all areas of your life.Chapter by chapter, we will explore topics such as finding the right way to sleep, understanding the power of your mind, the art of emptying your mind, embracing your sexual appetite as a source of strength, discovering a mantra for lasting happiness, enhancing your physical strength, and transforming loneliness into a catalyst for personal growth. Moreover, we will draw inspiration from the eagle, uncovering life lessons that can guide us on our own journeys.Whether you seek better sleep, a calmer mind, improved relationships, increased vitality, or a deeper understanding of yourself, this book offers a roadmap for personal transformation. It presents a collection of practical tools, insightful anecdotes, and thought-provoking perspectives to help you embark on a transformative journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.It is important to note that the guidance provided in this book is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Each individual's experiences, circumstances, and aspirations are unique. Therefore, it is crucial to adapt the ideas presented to your own life and consult professionals as necessary.By exploring the contents of this book, you are embarking on a path of self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace the knowledge within these pages, reflect on its insights, and take action to shape your life according to your true desires and potential.Are you ready to unlock the secrets of restful sleep, tap into the immense power of your mind, and embrace the profound lessons that nature teaches us? Let us embark on this transformative journey together, as we strive to create a life of balance, joy, and fulfillment.Enjoy your reading and embrace the possibilities that lie within!

  • von Amit Gupta
    26,00 €

    The book aims to provide a comprehensive guide to imparting important life skills and virtues in children. It covers topics such as honesty, perseverance, self-discipline, responsibility, resilience, empathy, self-motivation, curiosity, good communication skills, time management, saving money, budgeting, spending wisely, investing, earning money, giving back, credit and debt management, financial planning, kindness, generosity, gratitude, self-control, courage, and creativity. It's important to note that children are unique and will develop at different rates, so some may exhibit these traits more than others. Additionally, it's important to remember that these are qualities that can be nurtured and developed over time with guidance, support, and positive reinforcement. We hope that this book will inspire you to incorporate these virtues and qualities into your own life and to strive to become the best version of yourself. Remember, it is never too late to start making positive changes and to continue learning and growing as a person. With hard work, determination, and a commitment to these values, you can live a life that is rich, fulfilling, and meaningful.Thank you for reading and we wish you all the best in your journey towards becoming a virtuous and successful person.

  • von Amit Gupta
    31,00 €

    "Unlocking the Power of AI Prompts: A Beginner's Guide" is a comprehensive guide to the emerging field of AI prompt engineering. This book is designed to provide beginners with a solid foundation in the fundamentals of AI prompt engineering, including AI language models, natural language processing, and effective prompt design. Readers will learn how to create effective AI prompts for different types of writing, including blogs, articles, and social media posts. They will also discover advanced techniques for fine-tuning AI language models, optimizing prompts for specific purposes, and handling out-of-domain prompts and unfamiliar topics. The book covers both the real-world applications of AI prompt engineering and the ethical considerations involved in using AI-generated content. The final chapter explores the challenges and limitations of current AI technology and outlines future directions for the field. Written in an accessible and engaging style, "Unlocking the Power of AI Prompts" is an essential resource for anyone interested in learning about this exciting new field. With its clear explanations, practical tips, and real-world examples, this book is sure to be a valuable addition to the library of anyone interested in AI, writing, or content creation.

  • von Amit Gupta
    33,00 €

    This children's story book is a collection of inspiring and thought-provoking tales that teach important life lessons about wisdom, courage, sacrifice, and kindness. Each story is beautifully crafted to capture the imagination of young readers and help them develop a love for reading and learning. The table of contents features a diverse range of stories, including "Wise Trader," "King Manik Chandra's Generosity," "Why be Ashamed to do Your Work?" and "Veer Sardar (Captain)," as well as stories from the timeless collection of Panchatantra tales such as "Where is the Brain in the Donkey?" and "DayDreamer Brahmin." These stories not only entertain but also impart valuable moral lessons that will help children develop a sense of empathy, kindness, and respect for others. Whether it's the story of a clever rabbit or the sacrifice of a patriotic hero, each tale is designed to ignite the imagination and inspire young readers to be the best they can be.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Gupta
    34,00 €

    Cinnamomum zeylanicum, native species of Sri Lanka and southern parts of India. Three major components were reported i.e. trans-cinnamaldehyde, eugenol and linalool, which represent 82.5% of the total composition. As per the literature, this species showed various immunobiological activities i.e. lowering of blood glucose, anti-oxidant and free-radical scavenging activity; anti-inflammatory properties along with hepatoprotective effects. In addition, this species reported as less toxic effect but showing considerable economic importance as well e.g. bark used as a spice, perfumery and also used in ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine for its hypoglycemic and antiseptic properties. As per the literature, bark of this species is used especially for treating bronchitis, asthma, nausea, vomiting, fever and for restoring normal skin, etc. This study is to evaluate the effect of Cinnamomum zeylanicum using different solvent system and then determined its metabolites qualitatively and also extracted oil from bark of the medicinal plant and analyzing its antimicrobial along with antioxidant property.

  • 14% sparen

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