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Bücher von Amit Kumar

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  • von Amit Kumar
    18,00 €

    Kniga poswqschena opredeleniü harakteristik kryla s morfirowannoj perednej kromkoj po srawneniü s krylom s schelewoj perednej kromkoj. Poskol'ku qwlenie morfinga daet takie preimuschestwa, kak izmenenie formy, uluchshenie aärodinamicheskoj ustojchiwosti, aärodinamicheskih koäfficientow i harakteristik samoleta w zawisimosti ot trebowanij w lüboj moment wremeni, ego ispol'zowanie predstawlqetsq wygodnym dlq primeneniq w letatel'nyh apparatah.

  • von Amit Kumar
    211,00 €

    This book includes peer reviewed articles from the 4th International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications, 2022, held at the Hyderabad Institute of Technology & Management on 26-27th December, India. ICDSMLA is one of the most prestigious conferences conceptualized in the field of Data Science & Machine Learning offering in-depth information on the latest developments in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Human Computer Interaction, and various data science & machine learning applications. It provides a platform for academicians, scientists, researchers and professionals around the world to showcase broad range of perspectives, practices, and technical expertise in these fields. It offers participants the opportunity to stay informed about the latest developments in data science and machine learning.

  • von Amit Kumar
    47,00 €

    La chirurgie périapicale est considérée comme une partie intégrante de l'endodontie moderne. Les chirurgies endodontiques représentent environ 6 à 10% des traitements typiques de la pratique endodontique et sont considérées comme une extension des traitements non chirurgicaux. Sur la base d'évaluations à court et à long terme, les chirurgies périapicales ont un taux de réussite de guérison de 91 à 97 %, ce qui fait de la microchirurgie périapicale une bonne option de traitement. Ce livre explore les facteurs qui affectent le résultat de la chirurgie endodontique moderne.

  • von Amit Kumar
    47,00 €

    A cirurgia periapical é considerada como parte integrante do endodôntico moderno. As cirurgias endodônticas são responsáveis por aproximadamente 6 a 10% dos tratamentos típicos da prática endodôntica e são consideradas uma extensão dos tratamentos não cirúrgicos. Com base em avaliações de curto e longo prazo, as cirurgias periapicais têm uma taxa de sucesso de 91 a 97% de cicatrização, tornando a microcirurgia periapical uma boa opção de tratamento. Este livro explora os factores que afectam o resultado da moderna cirurgia endodôntica.

  • von Amit Kumar
    47,00 €

    La cirugía periapical se considera parte integrante de la endodoncia moderna. Las cirugías endodónticas representan aproximadamente del 6 al 10% de los tratamientos típicos de la práctica endodóntica y se consideran una extensión de los tratamientos no quirúrgicos. Basándose en evaluaciones a corto y largo plazo, las cirugías periapicales tienen una tasa de éxito de curación del 91 al 97%, lo que convierte a la microcirugía periapical en una buena opción de tratamiento. Este libro explora los factores que afectan al resultado de la cirugía endodóntica moderna.

  • von Amit Kumar
    47,00 €

    La chirurgia periapicale è considerata parte integrante della moderna endodonzia. Gli interventi di chirurgia endodontica rappresentano circa il 6-10% dei trattamenti tipici della pratica endodontica e sono considerati un'estensione dei trattamenti non chirurgici. Sulla base di valutazioni a breve e lungo termine, gli interventi periapicali hanno un tasso di successo di guarigione compreso tra il 91 e il 97%, rendendo la microchirurgia periapicale una buona opzione di trattamento. Questo libro esplora i fattori che influenzano il risultato della moderna chirurgia endodontica.

  • von Amit Kumar
    21,00 €

    Periapikal'naq hirurgiq schitaetsq neot#emlemoj chast'ü sowremennoj ändodontii. Jendodonticheskie operacii sostawlqüt priblizitel'no ot 6 do 10% tipichnyh ändodonticheskih procedur i schitaütsq prodolzheniem nehirurgicheskih metodow lecheniq. Na osnowanii kratkosrochnyh i dolgosrochnyh ocenok, periapikal'nye operacii imeüt 91-97% procent uspeshnogo zazhiwleniq, chto delaet periapikal'nuü mikrohirurgiü horoshim wariantom lecheniq. V ätoj knige rassmatriwaütsq faktory, wliqüschie na rezul'taty sowremennoj ändodonticheskoj hirurgii.

  • von Amit Kumar
    60,90 €

    Die periapikale Chirurgie wird als integraler Bestandteil der modernen Endodontie angesehen. Endodontische Eingriffe machen etwa 6 bis 10 % der typischen endodontischen Behandlungen in der Praxis aus und gelten als Erweiterung der nicht-chirurgischen Behandlungen. Auf der Grundlage von Kurz- und Langzeitauswertungen weisen periapikale Operationen eine Heilungsrate von 91 bis 97 % auf, was die periapikale Mikrochirurgie zu einer guten Behandlungsoption macht. Dieses Buch befasst sich mit den Faktoren, die das Ergebnis der modernen endodontischen Chirurgie beeinflussen.

  • von Amit Kumar
    47,00 €

    Periapical surgery is regarded as an integral part of modern endodontic. Endodontic surgeries account for approximately 6 to 10% of the typical endodontic practice treatments and are considered an extension of non-surgical treatments. Based on short and long term evaluations, periapical surgeries have a 91 to 97% healing success rate making periapical microsurgery a good treatment option. This book explores the factors affecting the outcome of modern endodontic surgery.

  • von Amit Kumar
    202,00 - 277,00 €

    This book is a collection of research articles presented at the 4th International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (ICCCE 2021), held on April 9 and 10, 2021, at CMR Engineering College, Hyderabad, India. ICCCE is one of the most prestigious conferences conceptualized in the field of networking and communication technology offering in-depth information on the latest developments in voice, data, image, and multimedia. Discussing the latest developments in voice and data communication engineering, cyber-physical systems, network science, communication software, image, and multimedia processing research and applications, as well as communication technologies and other related technologies, it includes contributions from both academia and industry.  This book is a valuable resource for scientists, research scholars, and PG students working to formulate their research ideas and find the future directions in these areas. Further, it may serve as a reference work to understand the latest engineering and technologies used by practicing engineers in the field of communication engineering.

  • von Amit Kumar, Vinit Kumar Gunjan & Sabrina Senatore
    227,00 €

  • von Amit Kumar
    16,00 €

  • von Amit Kumar
    145,00 €

    This book includes selected peer reviewed articles from The 5th International Conference on Communications and Cyber-Physical Engineering (ICCCE 2022), held on 29th and 30th April 2022 in Hyderabad, India. Articles presented here relate to next generation cognitive systems, neuroscience, cyber physical systems and their impact on communication technologies. The book includes content related to cognitive disorders, computational intelligence, fuzzy logics, evolutionary computing that are important for deriving a roadmap for future research on cognitive science/systems and communications. ICCCE is one of the most prestigious conferences conceptualized in the transdisciplinary field of cognitive science and communication technology areas like methods of linguistics, computer science, philosophy, and neuroscience. This edition of the conference was attended by several Industry professionals and academicians, and Government agencies to cover a broad range of perspectives, practices, and technical expertise related to cognitive technologies and next generation communications. Articles presented cover innovations from industry, outcome of implementations and cutting-edge research outcomes from cognitive science/technology areas and their impact on communication technology and cyber physical engineering. ¿

  • von Amit Kumar, Vinit Kumar Gunjan, Jan Haase & usw.
    173,00 - 258,00 €

  • von Amit Kumar
    23,00 €

    Aujourd'hui, l'innovation technologique dans les industries biotechnologiques se développe en peu de temps pour produire des produits biotechnologiques dans le scénario actuel, à savoir des vaccins, des antibiotiques, des enzymes, des produits bio-pharmaceutiques et dérivés du plasma. Il est donc nécessaire de rafraîchir et de mettre à jour les employés techniques et scientifiques pour des formations générales et spécifiques, à tout moment et/ou lorsque cela est nécessaire. La formation est un élément essentiel et vital pour les employés des industries biotechnologiques. Il peut s'agir de formation sur le lieu de travail (OJT) et de formation interne (IHT), de démonstrations, de rotation des postes, etc. Les méthodes de formation exclusivement destinées aux employés techniques et scientifiques des industries de biotechnologie peuvent être classées, pour faciliter la compréhension, en deux catégories : les approches cognitives (IHT) et comportementales (OJT). La formation n'est efficace que si elle produit le résultat souhaité après avoir utilisé une méthode d'évaluation appropriée. L'auteur a conçu, développé et mis en ¿uvre des méthodes simples et efficaces pour évaluer l'efficacité des programmes d'IHT et d'OJT destinés exclusivement aux employés techniques et scientifiques de l'industrie biotechnologique.

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