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Bücher von Amit Sharma

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  • von Amit Sharma
    26,00 €

    "Looking at the tapestry of human history and compassion in Threads of Humanity"Join the fascinating journey through human history told through the lens of kindness in the captivating book "Threads of Humanity." This interesting book, written by the famous thinker Amit Sharma, makes you think. It tells a complicated story about how empathy, kindness, and altruism have changed the world.As "compassion" becomes a popular word, this book tells us in a current and compelling way how important it has always been in the human story. Amit Sharma shows how compassion has changed things throughout history by using examples from different countries, important times, and major events."Threads of Humanity" is a sign of hope in a world that needs to work together to solve problems that affect everyone. Learn about the ways that compassion has led to change, from easing suffering during wartime to guiding efforts for social justice. Find out how the stories of caring leaders are connected and how their legacy lives on.The biological and psychological roots of empathy are explored in this book, which sheds light on the very core of our humanity. It looks at how the idea of empathy has changed over time and how it affected early human communities and social systems."Threads of Humanity" isn't just a history book, though. It looks into the future and guesses how compassion will continue to shape the course of events. It puts the call to action front and center, telling readers to accept and spread compassion in their own lives and help make the world more connected and kind."Threads of Humanity" shines as a beacon of hope in a world that longs for kindness. It shows how powerful empathy can be and how to make the future more compassionate and peaceful. This book is more than just a story about the past; it's also a call to action, inviting you to be a part of the caring tapestry of humanity.

  • von Amit Sharma
    25,00 €

    The busyness of everyday life can make it hard to notice the small beauty around us. "Miracles in the Ordinary: Recognizing the Charm of Everyday Life" by Amit Sharma is a current and moving book about finding beauty in the most ordinary things. This interesting book gives readers a new way to look at life by telling them to live in the present and find the extraordinary in the usual.In "Miracles in the Ordinary," Sharma skillfully combines the ideas of mindfulness, thanks, and the power of human connection to show how the ordinary can hide magic. By encouraging people to enjoy the little things in life and live in the present, Sharma encourages readers to shift their attention from the extraordinary to the everyday, showing them a world full of joy and wonder.Readers will go on a trip that changes them, teaching them to value the changing seasons, the comfort of a smile, and the lasting value of their relationships. This book helps people live fuller lives by sharing personal stories, deep thoughts, and useful exercises. It does this by encouraging a deeper connection with nature and strengthening relationships with others.As the words "mindfulness," "gratitude," and "everyday beauty" stay popular, "Miracles in the Ordinary" is a current and inspiring book that encourages readers to stop, think, and find the beauty in their everyday lives. This book shows how the ordinary can have amazing possibilities. It reminds us that the most beautiful times in life are often right in front of our eyes.

  • von Amit Sharma
    21,00 €


  • von Amit Sharma
    36,00 €

    ""This book is a unique blend of philosophy of life & poetry connecting through a spiritual way to motivate or to think about your inner self...To think about Nature, to think about think about God ...In this book, you will get all the shades of life...Love, sorrow, happiness, emotion, hardship, enthusiasm... and yes's the life..! ""

  • von Amit Sharma
    86,00 - 239,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    42,00 €

    Este livro foi escrito em pormenor com especial referência à avaliação inicial do paciente, antídotos adequados, o papel das medidas preventivas especialmente envenenamento de pacientes; e também tabelas e algoritmos como e sempre que necessário, foram dados. Foi acrescentado um capítulo sobre "Directrizes para a gestão e tratamento do envenenamento". Este livro será um livro pronto para o diagnóstico e tratamento fácil e precoce de envenenamento e overdose de drogas nas urgências. Este livro Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Envenenamento e Overdose de Drogas foi há muito aguardado por estudantes de medicina, pós-graduados, médicos de clínica geral, médicos de acidentes e médicos da ICCU. Este livro foi preparado para ter em mente a necessidade de orientar os médicos em formação e os médicos na UCC a dar primeiros socorros, investigar e dar o antídoto adequado para uma overdose de fármacos. Foram dadas descrições detalhadas com gráficos e números para diagnóstico e tratamento de envenenamento e overdose de drogas. Este livro será definitivamente útil no armamentário de cuidados médicos de emergência. O livro será útil para estudantes, pós-graduados, um clínico geral.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    42,00 €

    Questo libro è stato scritto in dettaglio con particolare riferimento alla valutazione iniziale del paziente, agli antidoti appropriati, al ruolo delle misure preventive in particolare per i pazienti avvelenati; inoltre sono state fornite tabelle e algoritmi, ove necessario. È stato aggiunto un capitolo sulle "Linee guida per la gestione e il trattamento degli avvelenamenti". Questo libro sarà un pronto soccorso per la diagnosi e il trattamento facile e precoce dell'avvelenamento e dell'overdose da farmaci in pronto soccorso.Questo libro Diagnosi e trattamento dell'avvelenamento e dell'overdose da farmaci era atteso da tempo da studenti di medicina, specializzandi, medici di medicina generale, ufficiali medici di pronto soccorso e medici di terapia intensiva. Questo libro è stato preparato per tenere conto della necessità di guidare i medici in formazione e i medici in terapia intensiva a prestare il primo soccorso, indagare e somministrare l'antidoto appropriato per un'overdose di farmaci. Sono state fornite descrizioni dettagliate con grafici e figure per la diagnosi e il trattamento dell'avvelenamento e dell'overdose da farmaci. Questo libro sarà sicuramente utile nell'armamentario delle cure mediche di emergenza. Il libro sarà utile a studenti, specializzandi e medici di base.

  • 11% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    22,00 €

    Jeta kniga napisana podrobno, s osobym uporom na perwonachal'nuü ocenku sostoqniq pacienta, nadlezhaschie antidoty, rol' profilakticheskih mer, osobenno dlq pacientow s otrawleniqmi; krome togo, po mere neobhodimosti priwedeny tablicy i algoritmy. Dobawlena glawa "Rukowodstwo po wedeniü i lecheniü otrawlenij". Jeta kniga stanet gotowym posobiem dlq legkoj i rannej diagnostiki i lecheniq otrawlenij i peredozirowki narkotikow w otdelenii neotlozhnoj pomoschi. Jetu knigu "Diagnostika i lechenie otrawlenij i peredozirowki narkotikow" dolgo zhdali studenty-mediki, aspiranty, wrachi obschej praktiki, wrachi skoroj pomoschi i wrachi otdeleniq intensiwnoj terapii. Jeta kniga byla podgotowlena s uchetom neobhodimosti obucheniq mladshih wrachej i wrachej w otdeleniqh reanimacii i intensiwnoj terapii okazaniü perwoj pomoschi, issledowaniü i wwedeniü prawil'nogo antidota pri peredozirowke narkotikow. Dany podrobnye opisaniq s grafikami i risunkami dlq diagnostiki i lecheniq otrawlenij i peredozirowki narkotikow. Jeta kniga, bezuslowno, budet polezna w arsenale neotlozhnoj medicinskoj pomoschi. Kniga budet polezna studentam, aspirantam, wracham obschej praktiki.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    42,00 €

    Este libro se ha escrito en detalle con especial referencia a la evaluación inicial del paciente, los antídotos adecuados, el papel de las medidas preventivas especialmente en pacientes intoxicados; y también se han dado tablas y algoritmos como y donde sea necesario. Se ha añadido un capítulo sobre "Directrices para la gestión y el tratamiento de las intoxicaciones". Este libro ha sido largamente esperado por estudiantes de medicina, postgraduados, médicos generales, oficiales médicos de urgencias y médicos de UCI. Este libro se ha preparado para tener en cuenta la necesidad de guiar a los médicos en formación y a los médicos de la UCI para prestar primeros auxilios, investigar y administrar el antídoto adecuado para una sobredosis de drogas. Se han dado descripciones detalladas con gráficos y figuras para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la intoxicación y la sobredosis de drogas. Este libro será definitivamente útil en el arsenal de la atención médica de emergencia. El libro será útil para estudiantes, postgraduados y médicos generales.

  • von Amit Sharma
    49,90 €

    Dieses Buch wurde detailliert geschrieben, mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Ersteinschätzung des Patienten, geeignete Gegenmittel, die Rolle von Präventivmaßnahmen, insbesondere bei Vergiftungspatienten, sowie Tabellen und Algorithmen, wo immer dies erforderlich ist. Ein Kapitel über "Leitlinien für das Management und die Behandlung von Vergiftungen" ist hinzugefügt worden. Das Buch Diagnose und Behandlung von Vergiftungen und Medikamentenüberdosierungen wurde von Medizinstudenten, Postgraduierten, Allgemeinmedizinern, Notärzten und Ärzten auf der Intensivstation lange erwartet. Dieses Buch wurde erstellt, um Ärzte in der Ausbildung und Ärzte auf der Intensivstation bei der Ersten Hilfe, der Untersuchung und der Verabreichung des richtigen Gegenmittels bei einer Drogenüberdosis anzuleiten. Detaillierte Beschreibungen wurden mit Diagrammen und Abbildungen zur Diagnose und Behandlung von Vergiftungen und Drogenüberdosierungen gegeben. Dieses Buch ist ein nützlicher Bestandteil des Arsenals der medizinischen Notfallversorgung. Das Buch ist für Studenten, Postgraduierte und Allgemeinmediziner von Nutzen.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    42,00 €

    Ce livre a été rédigé en détail, avec une référence particulière à l'évaluation initiale du patient, aux antidotes appropriés, au rôle des mesures préventives, en particulier pour les patients empoisonnés ; des tableaux et des algorithmes ont également été fournis lorsque cela s'avérait nécessaire. Un chapitre sur les "Directives pour la gestion et le traitement des empoisonnements" a été ajouté. Ce livre sera un outil de diagnostic et de traitement facile et précoce de l'empoisonnement et du surdosage de médicaments dans les salles d'urgence. Ce livre, intitulé Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning and Drug Overdose, était attendu depuis longtemps par les étudiants en médecine, les médecins généralistes, les médecins urgentistes et les médecins des unités de soins intensifs. Ce livre a été préparé pour répondre à la nécessité de guider les jeunes médecins et les médecins des unités de soins intensifs à donner les premiers soins, à examiner et à administrer l'antidote approprié en cas de surdose de médicaments. Des descriptions détaillées ont été fournies avec des tableaux et des chiffres pour le diagnostic et le traitement de l'empoisonnement et du surdosage de médicaments. Ce livre sera certainement utile dans l'arsenal des soins médicaux d'urgence. Il sera utile aux étudiants, aux diplômés de l'enseignement supérieur et aux médecins généralistes.

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    42,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    42,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    42,00 €

    This book has been written in detail with special reference to initial assessment of the patient, proper antidotes, the role of preventive measures especially poisoning patients; and also tables and algorithms as and wherever necessary, have been given. A chapter on ¿Guidelines for management and treatment of poisoning¿ has been added. This book will be a ready-reckoner for the easy and early diagnosis and treatment of poisoning and drug overdose in the emergency room.This book Diagnosis and Treatment of Poisoning and Drug Overdose was long-awaited by medical students, postgraduate, general practitioners, casualty medical officers and ICCU doctors. This book has been prepared to keep in mind the necessity for guiding junior doctors and doctors in CCU to give first-aid, investigate and give proper antidote for a drug overdose. Detailed descriptions have been given with charts and figures for diagnosis and treatment of poisoning and drug overdose. This book will be definitely useful in the armamentarium of emergency medical care. The book would be will be useful for students, postgraduates, a general practitioner.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Sharma
    34,00 €

    Line of Balance (LOB) is a management control process for collecting, measuring and presenting facts relating to time all measured against a specific plan. It shows the process, status, background, timing and phasing of the project activities, thus providing management with measuring tools that help to Comparing actual progress with a formal objective plan and examining only the deviations from established plans, and gauging their degree of severity with respect to the remainder of the project. The LOB itself is a graphic device that enables a manager to see at a single glance which activities of an operation are ¿in balance¿ ¿ i.e., whether those which should have been completed at the time of the review actually are completed and whether any activities scheduled for future completion are lagging behind schedule. CPM is continuously used in India for network analysis and finding critical path, Problem is taken as challenge to introduce and the new technique named linear scheduling which is proved better than CPM for repetitive construction works.

  • - WISE 2004 International Workshops, Brisbane, Australia, November 22-24, 2004, Proceedings
    von Christoph Bussler
    49,00 €

    The study reported in this paper is an ongoing effort. We reported a preliminary analysis of the data in the paper. The current experiments varied the subjects to c- duct online group learning activities by the communication media such as email and threaded discussion. Although, we could have easily learned the impact of mobile devices in learning if we divided the subjects to use different hardware such as p- sonal computers, personal digital assistant, or mobile phones, we believe our findings will still be able to provide useful insights on the difficulties that the mobile learners will face in solving problems as a group. Our analysis result will also provide ba- line information on whether the traits of the successful or failed online groups are applicable to the mobile learners. For example, we expect the SMS will be a better medium to overcome the major problem of instant communication or the rapid propagation of the information as the mobile phones have built-in mechanism to remind the users of the incoming new messages and also the mobile phone users are expected to be interrupted for the incoming messages. However, we need further investigation of other problems, which hinder the optimum online group work. For example, 'accuracy of the transferred information' was identified as one of the pr- lems of using emails as the communication medium. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or SMS are more apt to deliver shorter messages than the typical emails.

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