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Bücher von Amit Tomar

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  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    54,00 €

    Group extension events happen when extension staff work with several farmers at the same time and place. They provide an opportunity for group based learning, can stimulate group development and co-operation between farmers, and are a cost-effective means of delivering extension messages. Group extension events are at the core of the Department's extension approach. These are: Result Demonstrations with Farmer's Groups, Method Demonstrations, Field Days, District and Thana Fairs, Farm Walks, Farmers Rallies, Folk Media, Group Meetings, Motivational Tours, Participatory Technology Development, Formal Training Days & Farmer Field Schools. A demonstration farmer, or farmers in the case of block demonstrations, are chosen and a site is selected. Demonstration farmers should be representative of the target group which identified the need or problem, and are interested in the idea. If it is with an individual farmer then they should be a member of the original Problem Census Group. Demonstration sites should be easily visible, on a representative land type, and accessible. Result demonstrations can also be conducted as an individual event.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    54,00 €

    The book entitled "Promotion of hybrid maize through front line demonstrations (FLDs) in Bundelkhand region" has been designed for covered all the aspects of Maize. This book covered varietal development in Maize, types of Maize, importance of Maize, Front Line Demonstrations based on Maize, Maize products, recipe development in Maize, nutritional benefits of Maize, Training & Research on Maize. This book will also helpful for Undergraduate, Postgraduate & Doctorate students. This book will be helpful to the stakeholders, marketing, researchers & other entrepreneurship enterprises for development of new Maize based industry. This book will also helpful for other agricultural competition examinations like Uttar Pradesh Civil Services Examinations, Agricultural Research Services (ARS), Junior Research Fellow (JRF), Senior Research Fellow (SRF) & other banking services examinations'.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    61,00 €

    Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. Millets are important crops in the semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa (especially in India, Mali, Nigeria, and Niger), with 97% of millet production in developing countries. The crop is favored due to its productivity and short growing season under dry, high-temperature conditions. Millets are indigenous to many parts of the world. The most widely grown millet is pearl millet, which is an important crop in India and parts of Africa. Finger millet, proso millet, and foxtail millet are also important crop species. Millets may have been consumed by humans for about 7,000 years and potentially had "a pivotal role in the rise of multi-crop agriculture and settled farming societies." Generally, millets are small-grained, annual, warm-weather cereals belonging to the grass family. They are highly tolerant of drought and other extreme weather conditions and have a similar nutrient content to other major cereals. The various species called millet were initially domesticated in different parts of the world most notably East Asia, South Asia, West.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    56,00 €

    Los mijos son un grupo de gramíneas de semillas pequeñas muy variables, ampliamente cultivadas en todo el mundo como cereales o granos para forraje y alimentación humana. Los mijos son cultivos importantes en los trópicos semiáridos de Asia y África (especialmente en India, Mali, Nigeria y Níger), con un 97% de la producción de mijo en los países en desarrollo. Este cultivo se ve favorecido por su productividad y su corto periodo vegetativo en condiciones secas y de altas temperaturas. El mijo es autóctono de muchas partes del mundo. El mijo más cultivado es el mijo perla, importante en la India y partes de África. El mijo dactilar, el mijo proso y el mijo cola de zorro también son especies importantes. Es posible que el ser humano consuma mijo desde hace unos 7.000 años y que haya desempeñado "un papel fundamental en el surgimiento de la agricultura multicultivo y de las sociedades agrícolas sedentarias". En general, los mijos son cereales de grano pequeño, anuales y de clima cálido, pertenecientes a la familia de las gramíneas. Toleran bien la sequía y otras condiciones climáticas extremas y tienen un contenido en nutrientes similar al de otros cereales importantes.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    56,00 €

    Les millets sont un groupe de graminées à petites graines très variables, largement cultivées dans le monde entier comme cultures céréalières ou grains pour le fourrage et l'alimentation humaine. Les millets sont des cultures importantes dans les zones tropicales semi-arides d'Asie et d'Afrique (en particulier en Inde, au Mali, au Nigeria et au Niger), 97 % de la production de millet se trouvant dans les pays en développement. Cette culture est favorisée par sa productivité et sa courte période de végétation dans des conditions de sécheresse et de température élevée. Les millets sont indigènes dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Le millet le plus cultivé est le millet perlé, qui est une culture importante en Inde et dans certaines parties de l'Afrique. Le millet des doigts, le millet commun et le millet à queue d'écureuil sont également des espèces cultivées importantes. Le millet est consommé par l'homme depuis environ 7 000 ans et pourrait avoir joué "un rôle essentiel dans l'essor de l'agriculture multi-cultures et des sociétés agricoles sédentaires". En règle générale, les millets sont des céréales annuelles à petits grains, cultivées par temps chaud et appartenant à la famille des graminées. Ils sont très tolérants à la sécheresse et à d'autres conditions climatiques extrêmes et ont une teneur en nutriments similaire à celle des autres grandes céréales.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    56,00 €

    I miglio sono un gruppo di piante erbacee a seme piccolo molto variabili, ampiamente coltivate in tutto il mondo come colture di cereali o granaglie per il foraggio e l'alimentazione umana. I miglio sono colture importanti nei tropici semiaridi dell'Asia e dell'Africa (soprattutto in India, Mali, Nigeria e Niger), con il 97% della produzione di miglio nei Paesi in via di sviluppo. La coltura è favorita grazie alla sua produttività e alla breve stagione di crescita in condizioni di siccità e alte temperature. I miglio sono originari di molte parti del mondo. Il miglio più coltivato è il miglio perlato, che è una coltura importante in India e in alcune parti dell'Africa. Anche il miglio da dito, il miglio proso e il miglio coda di volpe sono specie importanti. Il miglio può essere stato consumato dall'uomo per circa 7.000 anni e potenzialmente ha avuto "un ruolo centrale nella nascita dell'agricoltura multicoltura e delle società agricole stanziali". In generale, i miglio sono cereali annuali a grana piccola e a clima caldo, appartenenti alla famiglia delle graminacee. Sono altamente tolleranti alla siccità e ad altre condizioni climatiche estreme e hanno un contenuto di nutrienti simile a quello degli altri cereali principali.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    56,00 €

    Os painços são um grupo de gramíneas de sementes pequenas altamente variáveis, amplamente cultivadas em todo o mundo como culturas de cereais ou grãos para forragem e alimentação humana. O painço é uma cultura importante nos trópicos semiáridos da Ásia e África (especialmente na Índia, Mali, Nigéria e Níger), com 97% da produção de painço nos países em desenvolvimento. A cultura é favorecida pela sua produtividade e pelo curto período de crescimento em condições secas e de temperatura elevada. O painço é originário de muitas partes do mundo. O painço mais cultivado é o painço pérola, que é uma cultura importante na Índia e em partes de África. O painço-dedo, o painço-proso e o painço-rabo-de-raposa são também espécies de culturas importantes. O painço pode ter sido consumido pelos seres humanos há cerca de 7.000 anos e, potencialmente, teve "um papel fundamental no surgimento da agricultura multi-culturas e das sociedades agrícolas estabelecidas". De um modo geral, o painço é um cereal anual, de pequena dimensão, de clima quente, pertencente à família das gramíneas. São altamente tolerantes à seca e a outras condições climatéricas extremas e têm um teor de nutrientes semelhante ao de outros cereais importantes.

  • von Amit Tomar
    68,90 €

    Hirsen sind eine Gruppe sehr variabler kleinsamiger Gräser, die auf der ganzen Welt als Getreide oder Körner für Futter- und Nahrungsmittel angebaut werden. Hirse ist eine wichtige Kulturpflanze in den semiariden Tropen Asiens und Afrikas (insbesondere in Indien, Mali, Nigeria und Niger), wobei 97 % der Hirseproduktion auf Entwicklungsländer entfällt. Sie wird wegen ihrer Produktivität und der kurzen Vegetationszeit unter trockenen Bedingungen und hohen Temperaturen angebaut. Hirsen sind in vielen Teilen der Welt heimisch. Die am häufigsten angebaute Hirse ist die Perlhirse, die in Indien und Teilen Afrikas eine wichtige Kulturpflanze ist. Fingerhirse, Rispenhirse und Kolbenhirse sind ebenfalls wichtige Kulturarten. Hirse wird seit etwa 7.000 Jahren von den Menschen verzehrt und spielte möglicherweise eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Entstehung von Mehrkulturen-Landwirtschaft und sesshaften Bauerngesellschaften". Im Allgemeinen sind Hirsen kleinkörnige, einjährige, warmwettertaugliche Getreidearten, die zur Familie der Gräser gehören. Sie sind sehr tolerant gegenüber Trockenheit und anderen extremen Wetterbedingungen und haben einen ähnlichen Nährstoffgehalt wie andere wichtige Getreidesorten.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    56,00 €

    Proso - äto gruppa melkosemennyh traw s wysokoj izmenchiwost'ü, kotorye shiroko wyraschiwaütsq po wsemu miru kak zernowye kul'tury ili zlaki dlq korma i pischi. Proso qwlqetsq wazhnoj kul'turoj w poluzasushliwyh tropikah Azii i Afriki (osobenno w Indii, Mali, Nigerii i Nigere), prichem 97% proizwodstwa prosa prihoditsq na razwiwaüschiesq strany. Predpochtenie ätoj kul'ture otdaetsq blagodarq ee produktiwnosti i korotkomu wegetacionnomu periodu w suhih, wysokotemperaturnyh uslowiqh. Proso proizrastaet wo mnogih chastqh sweta. Naibolee shiroko wyraschiwaemoe proso - äto proso, kotoroe qwlqetsq wazhnoj kul'turoj w Indii i nekotoryh chastqh Afriki. Proso pal'chikowoe, proso i proso lisohwostowoe takzhe qwlqütsq wazhnymi widami sel'skohozqjstwennyh kul'tur. Proso, wozmozhno, upotreblqlos' w pischu lüd'mi okolo 7 000 let nazad i potencial'no sygralo "klüchewuü rol' w wozniknowenii mnogoukladnogo sel'skogo hozqjstwa i osedlyh zemledel'cheskih obschestw". V celom, proso - äto melkozernistye, odnoletnie, teplolübiwye zlaki, prinadlezhaschie k semejstwu zlakowyh. Oni horosho perenosqt zasuhu i drugie äxtremal'nye pogodnye uslowiq i po soderzhaniü pitatel'nyh weschestw shozhi s drugimi osnownymi zernowymi kul'turami.

  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    56,00 €

    Millets are a group of highly variable small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. Millets are important crops in the semiarid tropics of Asia and Africa (especially in India, Mali, Nigeria, and Niger), with 97% of millet production in developing countries. The crop is favored due to its productivity and short growing season under dry, high-temperature conditions. Millets are indigenous to many parts of the world. The most widely grown millet is pearl millet, which is an important crop in India and parts of Africa. Finger millet, proso millet, and foxtail millet are also important crop species. Millets may have been consumed by humans for about 7,000 years and potentially had "a pivotal role in the rise of multi-crop agriculture and settled farming societies." Generally, millets are small-grained, annual, warm-weather cereals belonging to the grass family. They are highly tolerant of drought and other extreme weather conditions and have a similar nutrient content to other major cereals.

  • 15% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    34,00 €

    Seed is an basic tool of agriculture. Agronomically any plant part which is used to regenerate the whole plant is called seed, botanically seed having living embryo for germination, endosperm for reserve food materials and seed coat for protective means. The success of crop production depends on the quality of seeds used for sowing or planting. Keeping in mind, the importance of seeds, ¿Crop Improvement-I (Kharif Crops)¿ is published to provide the general information about different seed testing seed production techniques. The practical manual has been written in simple and lucid language under Indian context.

  • 18% sparen
    von Amit Tomar
    54,00 €

    The Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) were conducted at farmers field for technology demonstrations & adaptation by the process of "Showing by doing" or "Learning by doing" . Farmers were highly benefitted by the technology demonstrations, because scientists are directly contact with farmers for demonstrate the new technology at farmers field and also provided farmers training/kisan gosthies for creating awareness among the farmers. Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) are highly benefitted for the farmers, because this technology developed a farmers-scientist interaction platform under this platform farmers sharing their agricultural related problems and concern scientists solving these problems as soon as possible by showing the demonstration at farmers field and organizing farmers training/kisan goshthi at farmers field.

  • 18% sparen
    - pre and post covid-19 pandemic era
    von Mahak Singh & Amit Tomar
    56,00 €

  • 20% sparen
    von Mahak Singh, Sonu Kumar & Amit Tomar
    76,00 €

  • 15% sparen
  • 15% sparen
  • 19% sparen
    von Amit Tomar & Sonu Kumar
    67,00 €

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