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Bücher von Andrew Roberts

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  • 12% sparen
    - Walking with Destiny
    von Andrew Roberts
    21,00 €

  • 12% sparen
    von Andrew Roberts
    21,00 €

    From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, this is the definitive modern biography of NapoleonIt has become all too common for Napoleon Bonaparte's biographers to approach him as a figure to be reviled, bent on world domination, practically a proto-Hitler. Here, after years of study extending even to visits paid to St Helena and 53 of Napoleon's 56 battlefields, Andrew Roberts has created a true portrait of the mind, the life, and the military and above all political genius of a fundamentally constructive ruler. This is the Napoleon, Roberts reminds us, whose peacetime activity produced countless indispensable civic innovations - and whose Napoleonic Code provided the blueprint for civil law systems still in use around the world today.It is one of the greatest lives in world history, which here has found its ideal biographer. The sheer enjoyment which this book will give anyone who loves history is enormous.Andrew Roberts is a biographer and historian of international renown whose books include Salisbury: Victorian Titan (winner, the Wolfson Prize for History); Masters and Commanders; and The Storm of War, which reached No. 2 on the Sunday Times bestseller list. Roberts is a Fellow of the Royal Societies of Literature and Arts. He appears regularly on British television and radio and writes for the Sunday Telegraph, Spectator, Literary Review, Mail on Sunday and Daily Telegraph.

  • 20% sparen
    von Andrew Roberts
    47,00 €

    Napoleon. A life. Pervaja odnotomnaja biografija, napisannaja posle opublikovanija bolee tridcati tysjach pisem Napoleona Bonaparta, kotorye zastavili istorikov radikal'no peresmotret' svoi vzgljady na ego harakter i ustremlenija. Nakonec-to my vidim velikogo polkovodca i gosudarstvennogo dejatelja takim, kakim on byl na samom dele: raznostoronnim, sposobnym odnovremenno reshat' mnozhestvo problem chelovekom s iskljuchitel'noj reshimost'ju i pri jetom udivitel'noj gotovnost'ju proshhat' i svoju nevernuju suprugu Zhozefinu, i svoih politicheskih protivnikov, i dazhe vragov.

  • von Andrew Roberts
    227,00 €

    This collection considers the implications for privacy of the utilisation of new technologies in the criminal process. The threat that technology poses to privacy interests demands critical re-evaluation of current law, policy, and practice. This is provided by the contributions to this volume.

  • 17% sparen
    - The Life and Reign of Britain's Most Misunderstood Monarch
    von Andrew Roberts
    20,00 €

    The Times Book of the YearAndrew Roberts, one of Britain's premier historians, overturns the received wisdom on George III*Winner of the General Society of Colonial Wars' Distinguished Book Award, 2021*George III, Britain's longest-reigning king, has gone down in history as 'the cruellest tyrant of this age' (Thomas Paine, eighteenth century), 'a sovereign who inflicted more profound and enduring injuries upon this country than any other modern English king' (W.E.H. Lecky, nineteenth century), 'one of England's most disastrous kings' (J.H. Plumb, twentieth century) and as the pompous monarch of the musical Hamilton (twenty-first century).Andrew Roberts's magnificent new biography takes entirely the opposite view. It portrays George as intelligent, benevolent, scrupulously devoted to the constitution of his country and (as head of government as well as head of state) navigating the turbulence of eighteenth-century politics with a strong sense of honour and duty. He was a devoted husband and family man, a great patron of the arts and sciences, keen to advance Britain's agricultural capacity ('Farmer George') and determined that her horizons should be global. He could be stubborn and self-righteous, but he was also brave, brushing aside numerous assassination attempts, galvanising his ministers and generals at moments of crisis and stoical in the face of his descent - five times during his life - into a horrifying loss of mind.The book gives a detailed, revisionist account of the American Revolutionary War, persuasively taking apart a significant proportion of the Declaration of Independence, which Roberts shows to be largely Jeffersonian propaganda. In a later war, he describes how George's support for William Pitt was crucial in the battle against Napoleon. And he makes a convincing, modern diagnosis of George's terrible malady, very different to the widely accepted medical view and to popular portrayals. Roberts writes, 'the people who knew George III best loved him the most', and that far from being a tyrant or incompetent, George III was one of our most admirable monarchs. The diarist Fanny Burney, who spent four years at his court and saw him often, wrote 'A noble sovereign this is, and when justice is done to him, he will be as such acknowledged'. In presenting this fresh view of Britain's most misunderstood monarch, George III shows one of Britain's premier historians at his sparkling best.

  • von Andrew Roberts
    30,00 €

    "Masterly. . . . Roberts's portrait of the relationship between the four men who made Allied strategy through the war years is a triumph of vivid description, telling anecdotes, and informed analysis." --Max Hastings, The New York Review of BooksAn epic joint biography, Masters and Commanders explores the degree to which the course of the Second World War turned on the relationships and temperaments of four of the strongest personalities of the twentieth century: political masters Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt and the commanders of their armed forces, General Sir Alan Brooke and General George C. Marshall.Each was exceptionally tough-willed and strong-minded, and each was certain that only he knew best how to win the war. Andrew Roberts, "Britain's finest contemporary military historian" (The Economist), traces the mutual suspicion and admiration, the rebuffs and the charm, the often-explosive disagreements and wary reconciliations, and he helps us to appreciate the motives and imperatives of these key leaders as they worked tirelessly in the monumental struggle to destroy Nazism.

  • von Andrew Roberts
    18,00 €

    June 18, 1815, was one of the most momentous days in world history, marking the end of twenty-two years of French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. On the bloody battlefield of Waterloo, the Emperor Napoleon and his hastily formed legions clashed with the Anglo-Allied armies led by the Duke of Wellington -- the only time the two greatest military strategists of their age faced each other in combat.With precision and elegance, Andrew Roberts sets the political, strategic, and historical scene, providing a breathtaking account of each successive stage of the battle while also examining new evidence that reveals exactly how Napoleon was defeated. Illuminating, authoritative, and engrossing, Waterloo is a masterful work of history.

  • von Andrew Roberts
    39,95 €

    Der Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs liegt achtzig Jahre zurück, doch die Folgen sind bis heute spürbar. Der britische Historiker Andrew Roberts hat Ursachen und Verlauf des globalen Kriegs neu erzählt. Seine dichte, quellennahe Darstellung wurde als Meisterwerk gerühmt, das große Anschaulichkeit im Detail mit einem souveränen Überblick über die zahlreichen Kriegsschauplätze verbindet und die Leser von der ersten Seite an fesselt. Andrew Roberts folgt der Frage, warum die Achsenmächte den Krieg verloren: tatsächlich durch strategische Fehler und aus ideologischer Verblendung oder wegen der Übermacht der Alliierten? Im Mittelpunkt steht die Militärgeschichte mit ihren Operationen und Schlachten zu Land, zu Wasser und in der Luft sowie dem Wettlauf der Rüstungsproduktion und Informationsbeschaffung. Dabei gelingtes ihm, alle Kriegsschauplätze - in Europa, Afrika und Asien, im Atlantik und Pazifik - gleichberechtigt darzustellen. Roberts hat zahlreiche Schlachtfelder besucht, was seiner Darstellung eine mitreißende Anschaulichkeit verleiht. Docher verliert sich nie im Sog der Ereignisse, sondern behält die großen Zusammenhänge im Auge und wechselt virtuos zwischen den Ebenen: von den Politikern und Generälen über die Soldaten in Schützengräben und Sandstürmen bis hin zuden unzähligen Opfern dieses größten Krieges aller Zeiten.

  • von Andrew Roberts
    74,00 - 226,00 €

  • - Post-War British Film Stardom
    von Andrew Roberts
    151,00 €

    This book provides an extensive overview of the British actors who achieved their greatest stardom during the 1950s. This was a transitional period for the British cinema, when the major studios faced growing competition from television and Hollywood increasingly dominated the UK film industry. -- .

  • - How to Graduate from Schizophrenia
    von Andrew Roberts
    25,00 €

  • - The Military Geniuses Who Led The West To Victory In World War II
    von Andrew Roberts
    29,00 €

    Masters and Commanders describes how four titanic figures shaped the grand strategy of the West during the Second World War. Each was exceptionally tough-willed and strong minded, and each was certain that he knew best how to win the war. Yet each knew that he had to win at least two of the others over in order to get his strategy adopted. The book traces the mutual suspicion and admiration, the rebuffs and the charm, the often explosive disagreements and wary reconciliations which resulted.

  • - A Dictionary Of Czech Popular Culture
    von Dr. Andrew Roberts
    36,00 €

    Emphasizing the importance of popular culture and the wealth of knowledge that can be gained through an analysis of the daily lives and practices of individuals, this book serves as an introduction to Czech popular culture. It includes six hundred entries, cross-referenced to allow readers to pursue particular topics in greater depth.

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