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Bücher von Andy Tomlinson

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  • von Andy Tomlinson
    68,00 €

    This new book by Andy Tomlinson has grown out of a range of short courses which he has delivered for industry over the last 35 years. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject for the novice environmental test engineer and will be an essential reference book for the test laboratory.Key Features Details of measurement, analysis and control procedures to simulate a wide range of test environments Clear and concise explanations of concepts, techniques and pitfalls in testing Includes derivations, formulae, charts, nomograms, calculations and empirical data needed on a day to day basis

  • - Perspective adiționale din terapia prin regresie in vieți anterioare
    von Andy Tomlinson
    25,00 €

    Cartea lui Andy Tomlinson, Transformarea Sufletului Etern abordeaz¿ tehnicile utilizate în regresia în vie¿i anterioare ¿i în terapia prin regresie, demonstrându-le eficien¿a în transformarea vie¿ilor oamenilor. Acest manual practic editat de Andy, este o continuare a volumului anterior ¿i con¿ine tehnici specializate prezentate de c¿tre terapeu¿i specializäi în regresii, exper¿i în diferite arii. Bog¿¿ia studiilor de caz atât de relevante, acoper¿ interesul terapeu¿ilor ¿i a publicului în general. Capitolele includ;Modalit¿¿i de integrare a terapiei în cadrul vie¿ii curente a clientuluiTerapia spiritual¿ a copilului interiorDep¿¿irea de c¿tre client a unei Urgen¿e SpiritualeAbordarea clien¿ilor dificiliUtilizarea cristalelor în terapia prin regresieCur¿¿area energiei intruzive dificileTransferarea puterii c¿tre clientUtilizarea terapiei prin regresie în practica medical¿Armonie - vindecarea holistic¿ prin intermediul sunetului

  • - perspectives de la regression dans les vies anterieures et de la regression spirituelle
    von Andy Tomlinson
    27,00 €

    Ecrit avec précision et simplicité et illustré de nombreuses études de cas, ce livre est une ressource inestimable, pour tous ceux qui en accompagnent d'autres sur le chemin de leur quête spirituelle. Il redonne espoir à tous ceux qui se sentent empétrés dans leurs existences ou dont les mémoires douloureuses de leurs vies antérieures pèsent lourdement dans leurs vies. De plus, il est formidablement agréable et intéressant à lire !Andy Tomlinson dirige la formation de la Past Life Regression Academy et est un des membres fondateurs de la Earth Association of Regression Therapy, de la Spiritual Regression Therapy Association et de la Society for Medical Advance and Research using Regression Therapy. Il enseigne, et fait des conférences sur le plan international au sujet de ses recherches et de ses expériences portant sur les vies antérieures et les mémoires d'âmes de la vie entre les vies.

  • von Andy Tomlinson
    27,00 €

    Andy Tomlinson's first book, 'Healing the Eternal Soul', introduced readers to the amazing world of current, past life and life between lives regression. It showed just how effective this is in transforming ordinary people's lives. Written as a follow-up, this practical manual is packed with illuminating case studies and more specialised techniques. Contributions have been made by medical practitioners, psychologists and regression therapists. It is mainly aimed at therapists, but general readers will discover much of interest too. The chapters cover: Regression therapy in a medical practice, Empowering a client, Working with difficult clients, Spiritual inner child regression, Parts therapy in regression, Clearing dark energy, Crystal therapy in regression, Integrating therapy into a client's current life, techniques to handle a spiritual emergency, working by proxy and between lives regression for non human soul clients..

  • - Perspective din regresia spirituală şi din vieţi anterioare
    von Andy Tomlinson
    33,00 €

  • - Insights from Past Life and Spiritual Regression
    von Andy Tomlinson
    28,00 €

  • - Insights from the Life Between Lives
    von Andy Tomlinson
    24,00 €

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