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Bücher von Anish Khan

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  • von Anish Khan
    167,00 €

    This book covers the latest technology and experimental scientific advancements in converting carbon dioxide (CO2) from waste to useful commercial products. This approach helps to mitigate climate change due to carbon emission greenhouse effect and also create a circular economy through CO2 waste capture and utilization to produce CO2 derived products. This provides new direction for government organizations, manufacturing industries (fuel, chemicals, building materials) and investment firms to work towards a zero carbon future. This book caters to researchers, policymakers, industrial practitioners who are interested in more sustainable practices in carbon dioxide technology.

  • von Anish Khan
    166,00 €

    This book presents the latest studies in the synthesis and application of boron nitride (BN) composites as multifunctional materials for advanced technologies. BN, the second hardest material after diamond, has different allotropic forms similar to carbon and can exist as nanosheets, nanotubes, nanoshells, and 3D permeable nanostructure. The different chapters in this book highlight the BN nanostructures and its composite materials synthesized with conducting polymer, epoxy, nylon, graphene, and natural fiber composite, to produce materials with enhanced properties such as excellent mechanical wear resistance, superior thermal conductivity, and unique electronic properties. This book caters to researchers and academics interested in BN-based composite and its potential applications in nanoscale electrical and thermal devices and metal-free electro- and photo-catalysts.

  • 15% sparen
    von Anish Khan
    34,00 €

    La estandarización del ensayo de PCR de transcripción inversa en tiempo real de un paso es un ensayo específico, sensible, rápido y rentable para la detección de las cepas del virus de la gripe A, es decir, H1N1, H3N2, responsables de la infección gripal estacional. El virus de la gripe A puede diagnosticarse mediante diversas herramientas de diagnóstico, como el aislamiento del virus, la PCR de transcripción inversa convencional y los ensayos de PCR de transcripción inversa en tiempo real. Aunque la PCR de transcripción inversa convencional también es específica, sensible, rápida y rentable, es necesario realizar un análisis posterior a la PCR de transcripción inversa. Sin embargo, la PCR de transcripción inversa convencional sólo da resultados cualitativos, no cuantitativos, pero en el caso de la PCR de transcripción inversa en tiempo real, requiere menos tiempo y hay menos posibilidades de contaminación cruzada en comparación con la PCR de transcripción inversa convencional. No es necesario realizar análisis posteriores a la PCR de transcripción inversa y se obtienen resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos con menos posibilidades de contaminación cruzada. El único punto negativo de la PCR de transcripción inversa en tiempo real es el elevado coste de los instrumentos necesarios para el ensayo.

  • 15% sparen
    von Anish Khan
    34,00 €

    La standardizzazione del saggio One-step real time reverse transcription PCR è un saggio specifico, sensibile, rapido ed economico per la rilevazione delle macchie del virus dell'influenza A, ovvero H1N1 e H3N2, responsabili dell'infezione influenzale stagionale. La diagnosi del virus dell'influenza A può essere effettuata con diversi strumenti diagnostici, come l'isolamento del virus, la PCR a trascrizione inversa convenzionale e la PCR a trascrizione inversa in tempo reale. Sebbene la PCR convenzionale a trascrizione inversa sia specifica, sensibile, rapida e conveniente, è necessario effettuare un'analisi post-trascrizione inversa. Tuttavia, la PCR a trascrizione inversa convenzionale fornisce solo risultati qualitativi e non quantitativi, mentre la PCR a trascrizione inversa in tempo reale richiede meno tempo e minori possibilità di contaminazione incrociata rispetto alla PCR a trascrizione inversa convenzionale. Non sono necessarie analisi post-trascrizione inversa della PCR e si ottengono risultati qualitativi e quantitativi con minori possibilità di contaminazione incrociata. L'unico punto negativo della PCR a trascrizione inversa in tempo reale è il costo elevato dello strumento richiesto per il test.

  • von Anish Khan
    39,90 €

    Die Standardisierung des einstufigen Reverse-Transkriptions-PCR-Tests in Echtzeit ist ein spezifischer, empfindlicher, schneller und kostengünstiger Test für den Nachweis von Influenza-A-Viren, d. h. H1N1 und H3N2, die für die saisonale Grippeinfektion verantwortlich sind. Die Diagnose des Influenza-A-Virus kann durch eine Vielzahl von Diagnosemethoden erfolgen, z. B. durch Isolierung des Virus, konventionelle reverse Transkriptions-PCR und Echtzeit-PCR-Assays für die reverse Transkription. Obwohl die herkömmliche PCR mit reverser Transkription spezifisch, empfindlich, schnell und kosteneffizient ist, ist eine PCR-Analyse nach der reversen Transkription erforderlich. Die konventionelle reverse Transkriptions-PCR liefert jedoch nur qualitative und keine quantitativen Ergebnisse, während die reverse Echtzeit-PCR weniger zeitaufwändig ist und die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Kreuzkontamination geringer ist als bei der konventionellen reversen Transkriptions-PCR. Es ist keine Post-Reverse-Transkriptions-PCR-Analyse erforderlich und liefert sowohl ein qualitatives als auch ein quantitatives Ergebnis bei geringerer Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Kreuzkontamination. Der einzige Nachteil der Reverse-Transkriptions-PCR in Echtzeit ist, dass für den Test ein teures Gerät benötigt wird.

  • von Anish Khan
    19,00 €

    Standartizaciq odnoätapnogo analiza PCR s obratnoj transkripciej w real'nom wremeni qwlqetsq specificheskim, chuwstwitel'nym, bystrym i äkonomicheski äffektiwnym analizom dlq wyqwleniq pqten wirusa grippa A, t.e. H1N1, H3N2, otwetstwennyh za sezonnuü infekciü grippa. Virus grippa A mozhno diagnostirowat' s pomosch'ü razlichnyh diagnosticheskih instrumentow, takih kak wydelenie wirusa, obychnaq PCR s obratnoj transkripciej i PCR s obratnoj transkripciej w real'nom wremeni. Hotq obychnaq PCR s obratnoj transkripciej qwlqetsq specifichnoj, chuwstwitel'noj, bystroj i äkonomicheski äffektiwnoj, suschestwuet neobhodimost' w prowedenii PCR-analiza posle obratnoj transkripcii. Odnako obychnaq PCR s obratnoj transkripciej daet tol'ko kachestwennyj rezul'tat, a ne kolichestwennyj, no w sluchae PCR s obratnoj transkripciej w real'nom wremeni äto trebuet men'she wremeni i men'she shansow perekrestnogo zagrqzneniq po srawneniü s obychnoj PCR s obratnoj transkripciej. Net neobhodimosti w prowedenii analiza PCR s obratnoj transkripciej, kotoryj daet kachestwennyj i kolichestwennyj rezul'tat s men'shej weroqtnost'ü perekrestnogo zagrqzneniq. Otricatel'nym momentom PCR s obratnoj transkripciej w real'nom wremeni qwlqetsq wysokaq stoimost' pribora, neobhodimogo dlq prowedeniq analiza.

  • 15% sparen
    von Anish Khan
    34,00 €

    A padronização do ensaio PCR de transcrição inversa em tempo real de uma etapa é um ensaio específico, sensível, rápido e económico para a detecção de manchas do vírus da gripe A, ou seja, H1N1, H3N2 são responsáveis pela infecção sazonal da gripe. O vírus da gripe A pode ser diagnosticado pela variedade de ferramentas de diagnóstico como o isolamento do vírus, a transcrição reversa convencional PCR e os ensaios PCR de transcrição reversa em tempo real. Embora a PCR de transcrição reversa convencional seja específica, sensível, rápida e rentável também, há necessidade de análise PCR de transcrição reversa pós-catalogação. No entanto, a PCR de transcrição reversa convencional apenas dá o resultado qualitativo não os resultados quantitativos, mas em caso de PCR de transcrição reversa em tempo real, portanto menos tempo e menos hipóteses de contaminação cruzada em comparação com a PCR de transcrição reversa convencional. Não há necessidade de análise pós transcrição reversa por PCR e dá o resultado qualitativo, bem como quantitativo, com menos probabilidade de contaminação cruzada. Apenas o ponto negativo da transcrição reversa PCR em tempo real é necessário um instrumento de custo elevado para o ensaio.

  • 15% sparen
    von Anish Khan
    34,00 €

    La normalisation du test PCR de transcription inverse en temps réel en une étape est un test spécifique, sensible, rapide et rentable pour la détection des souches du virus de la grippe A, c'est-à-dire H1N1, H3N2, qui sont responsables de l'infection de la grippe saisonnière. Le virus de la grippe A peut être diagnostiqué à l'aide de divers outils de diagnostic tels que l'isolement du virus, la PCR classique par transcription inverse et la PCR par transcription inverse en temps réel. Bien que la PCR par transcription inverse conventionnelle soit spécifique, sensible, rapide et rentable, il est nécessaire de procéder à une analyse PCR par transcription inverse. Cependant, la PCR par transcription inverse classique ne donne que des résultats qualitatifs et non quantitatifs, mais dans le cas de la PCR par transcription inverse en temps réel, elle prend moins de temps et présente moins de risques de contamination croisée que la PCR par transcription inverse classique. Il n'est pas nécessaire de procéder à une analyse PCR de transcription inverse ultérieure et le résultat est aussi bien qualitatif que quantitatif avec moins de risques de contamination croisée. Le seul point négatif de la PCR par transcription inverse en temps réel est le coût élevé de l'instrument requis pour le test.

  • von Anish Khan
    203,00 €

    This book provides an overview of the sources, occurrence, fate and solution of microplastics. Microplastics in sediment and soil environment have been only scarcely surveyed, and no profound discussion on microplastics removal is summarized until this book. Here we focus on sharing clear schematic information and the book sufficiently supports important microplastic topics: such as microbial network, microplastic toxicology and accumulation, agricultural plastics, nylon microplastics, polystyrene microplastics, polyethylene microplastics and many more. The book mainly provides an overview of recent advances in knowledge of sources, occurrence, distribution, chemical behavior and ecological threats while it also presents information related to feasible solutions for microplastic pollution management. This comprehensive resource will be valuable up-to-date knowledge for environmental scientists, ecotoxicologists, ecologists, marine biologists, environmental chemists in the academic field and this book is intended to be beneficial information for environmental managers, water suppliers, wastewater treatment, plastics manufacturer, and policy makers as well.

  • 13% sparen
    von Inamuddin
    167,00 €

    This edited book explores the most promising and reliable technological developments expected to impact on the next generation of desalination systems. The book includes research studies which takes the reader on a fascinating walk through the multidisciplinary world of membrane science applied to water treatment. Concerning the ultimate technological advancement, the book seeks to investigate how to bridge the gap between the laboratory scale and the applicability to industry.

  • von Mohammad Jawaid
    157,00 - 158,00 €

    This book gives an overview of electronic waste (e-waste) management and the latest technological aspects of recycling and disposal of obsolete electronic components while minimizing the environmental impact of toxic chemicals and heavy metals from e-waste. As electronics become more accessible worldwide, this effect generates up to 50 tonnes of e-waste that is only set to increase every year. The chapters in this book explore different strategies through recycling practices, green computing, and eco-friendly approach in handling e-waste through government policies to mitigate the growing side effects of e-waste. This book caters to researchers, policymakers, and industrial practitioners who are interested in more sustainable practices in e-waste management.  

  • von Mohammad Jawaid & Anish Khan
    158,00 €

  • von Mohammad Jawaid
    140,00 €

    This book provides an overview of the fundamentals and recent advances in the field of carbon composite catalysts, including graphene, carbon nanotubes, mesoporous carbons, graphitic carbon nitrides, and related composites. Special focus is placed on their controllable preparation and applications in the gas phase, liquid phase, electrochemical, and photocatalytic reactions, as well as defect and surface chemistry-related catalytic activities of carbon materials. Some perspectives are highlighted on the development of more efficient carbonaceous catalysts featuring high stability, low cost, optimized structures, and enhanced performance, which are the key factors to accelerate the designed preparation and commercialization of carbon composite catalysts. The book will also present the latest studies of carbon-based composite catalysts for clean energy change and storage, nature protection, and essential industrial production and storage and include the key challenges and future opportunities in this exciting field.

  • von Anish Khan
    129,00 €

    The modern world is moving towards sustainable development and furan is a key material in this transition. Furan is processed from furfural, which is an organic compound obtained from biomass feedstock. Thus, furan is a green and environmentally friendly material. It is used to produce pharmaceuticals, resin, agrochemicals, and lacquers. It is a key starting material for a variety of industries for the preparation of many useful products. This book presents comprehensive information on furan and its derivatives.

  • 14% sparen
    von Anish Khan, Inamuddin, Rajender Boddula & usw.
    185,00 €

  • von Anish Khan
    132,00 €

    The book covers such diverse topics as cellulose fibers in cement paste and concrete, biodegradable materials for dental applications, coconut and pineapple fiber composites, biodegradable plastic composites, durability against fatigue and moisture, physical and mechanical characterization of fiber composites, improving the hydrophobic nature of fiber composites, and hybrid natural fiber composites.Keywords: Fiber Reinforced Composites, Biodegradable Composites, Polymethyl Methacrylate, Cellulose Fibers, Coconut Fibers, Biocomposites, Resol-Vegetable Fibers, Pineapple Natural Fiber Composite, Dental Applications, Cement Paste, Concrete, Thermoplasticity, Fatigue, Moisture, Thermal Conductivity.

  • - Volume II
    von Anish Khan
    170,00 €

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