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Bücher von Ankur Saxena

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  • 18% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    51,00 €

    A "Competitividade das exportações de arroz Basmati biológico" foi conduzida para determinar os parâmetros de desempenho das exportações das empresas, a relação entre a procura e os factores do lado da oferta responsáveis pela competitividade das exportações, o efeito das alterações de preços e das medidas políticas na competitividade das exportações e sugerir a estratégia para aumentar a competitividade das exportações. Os exportadores podem receber formação sobre os regimes ECGC e os procedimentos de exportação, enquanto os agricultores e os extensionistas podem receber formação sobre práticas de gestão pré e pós-colheita. Verificou-se que a UOCB, uma instituição apoiada pelo governo, está a fornecer todo o tipo de ligações a montante e a jusante. O governo do Estado precisa de promover a sua marca a nível mundial. Para o efeito, o governo tem de iniciar algumas estratégias para construir uma marca forte no mercado internacional.

  • von Ankur Saxena
    61,90 €

    Das Projekt "Export Competitiveness of Organic Basmati Rice" wurde durchgeführt, um die bestehenden Exportleistungsparameter der Firmen zu bestimmen, die Beziehung zwischen nachfrage- und angebotsseitigen Faktoren, die für die Exportwettbewerbsfähigkeit verantwortlich sind, die Auswirkung von Preisänderungen und politischen Maßnahmen auf die Exportwettbewerbsfähigkeit zu ermitteln und eine Strategie zur Verbesserung der Exportwettbewerbsfähigkeit vorzuschlagen. Um die Basmati-Produktion und den Handel im Bundesstaat wettbewerbsfähiger zu machen, muss die AEZ die Initiative ergreifen, um die Probleme der Basmati-Exporteure in Bezug auf die Doppelbesteuerung, die technischen Anforderungen, die Komplexität der Verfahren usw. zu überwinden, sollten Schulungen für Exporteure, Reismüller, Reismühlenarbeiter, Landwirte und Berater organisiert werden, um die Effizienz im Export zu steigern. Die Exporteure könnten in Bezug auf die ECGC-Regelungen und die Exportverfahren geschult werden, während die Landwirte und Berater in den Praktiken des Vor- und Nacherntemanagements geschult werden könnten. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass das UOCB, eine von der Regierung unterstützte Institution, alle Arten von Rückwärts- und Vorwärtsverknüpfungen anbietet. Die Landesregierung muss ihre Marke weltweit bekannt machen. Zu diesem Zweck muss die Regierung einige Strategien einführen, um eine starke Marke auf dem internationalen Markt aufzubauen.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    51,00 €

    Il progetto "Export Competitiveness of Organic Basmati Rice" è stato condotto per determinare gli attuali parametri di performance delle esportazioni delle aziende, la relazione tra i fattori della domanda e dell'offerta responsabili della competitività delle esportazioni, l'effetto delle variazioni di prezzo e delle misure politiche sulla competitività delle esportazioni e per suggerire la strategia per migliorare la competitività delle esportazioni. La produzione e il commercio di basmati nello Stato sono più competitivi, l'AEZ deve prendere iniziative per superare i problemi degli esportatori di basmati riguardanti la doppia tassazione, le complessità tecniche e procedurali, ecc. Gli esportatori possono essere formati sui programmi ECGC e sulle procedure di esportazione, mentre gli agricoltori e gli operatori del settore possono essere formati sulle pratiche di gestione pre e post raccolta. È emerso che l'UOCB, un'istituzione sostenuta dal governo, fornisce tutti i tipi di collegamenti in avanti e indietro. Il governo statale deve promuovere il proprio marchio a livello globale. A tal fine, il governo deve avviare alcune strategie per costruire un marchio forte sul mercato internazionale.

  • 11% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    22,00 €

    Issledowanie "Jexportnaq konkurentosposobnost' organicheskogo risa basmati" prowodilos' s cel'ü opredeleniq suschestwuüschih parametrow äxportnoj deqtel'nosti firm, wzaimoswqzi mezhdu faktorami sprosa i predlozheniq, opredelqüschimi äxportnuü konkurentosposobnost', wliqniq izmeneniq cen i politicheskih mer na äxportnuü konkurentosposobnost' i predlozheniq strategii powysheniq äxportnoj konkurentosposobnosti. Dlq togo chtoby powysit' konkurentosposobnost' proizwodstwa i torgowli basmati w shtate, AJeZ dolzhna wzqt' na sebq iniciatiwu po preodoleniü problem äxporterow basmati, swqzannyh s dwojnym nalogooblozheniem, tehnicheskimi i procedurnymi slozhnostqmi i t.d. Neobhodimo organizowat' obuchenie äxporterow, risowodow, rabotnikow risowyh mel'nic, fermerow i konsul'tantow dlq powysheniq äffektiwnosti äxporta. Jexportery mogut byt' obucheny shemam ECGC i proceduram äxporta, a fermery i specialisty po rasprostraneniü znanij - metodam uprawleniq do i posle sbora urozhaq. Bylo ustanowleno, chto UOCB, podderzhiwaemaq prawitel'stwom organizaciq, obespechiwaet wse widy prqmyh i obratnyh swqzej. Prawitel'stwu shtata neobhodimo prodwigat' swoj brend na mirowom rynke.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    51,00 €

    "La competitividad de las exportaciones de arroz Basmati orgánico" se llevó a cabo para determinar los parámetros de rendimiento de exportación existentes de las empresas, la relación entre la demanda y la oferta factores responsables de la competitividad de las exportaciones, el efecto de los cambios de precios y medidas políticas sobre la competitividad de las exportaciones y sugerir la estrategia para mejorar la competitividad de las exportaciones. La producción y el comercio de basmati en el estado más competitivo, AEZ tiene que tomar la iniciativa para superar los problemas de los exportadores de basmati en relación con la doble imposición, las necesidades técnicas complejidades de procedimiento, etc formación debe ser la organización de los exportadores, los molineros de arroz, los trabajadores del molino de arroz, los agricultores y los trabajadores de extensión para llevar la eficiencia en las exportaciones. Los exportadores pueden recibir formación sobre los sistemas ECGC y los procedimientos de exportación, mientras que los agricultores y los trabajadores de extensión pueden recibir formación sobre las prácticas de gestión antes y después de la cosecha. Se ha encontrado que UOCB, una institución apoyada por el gobierno está proporcionando todo tipo de vínculos hacia adelante y hacia atrás.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    51,00 €

    L'étude "Export Competitiveness of Organic Basmati Rice" a été menée pour déterminer les paramètres de performance à l'exportation des entreprises, la relation entre la demande et les facteurs de l'offre responsables de la compétitivité à l'exportation, l'effet des changements de prix et des mesures politiques sur la compétitivité à l'exportation et suggérer une stratégie pour améliorer la compétitivité à l'exportation. Pour améliorer la compétitivité de la production et du commerce du riz basmati dans l'État, l'AEZ doit prendre des initiatives pour surmonter les problèmes des exportateurs de riz basmati concernant la double imposition, les besoins techniques, les complexités procédurales, etc. Les exportateurs peuvent être formés aux régimes de la CECA et aux procédures d'exportation, tandis que les agriculteurs et les vulgarisateurs peuvent être formés aux pratiques de gestion avant et après la récolte. Il a été constaté que l'UOCB, une institution soutenue par le gouvernement, fournit toutes sortes de liens en amont et en aval. Le gouvernement de l'État doit promouvoir sa marque au niveau mondial. Pour ce faire, le gouvernement doit mettre en place quelques stratégies pour construire une marque forte sur le marché international.

  • 11% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    123,95 €

    This work presents the latest development in the field of computational intelligence to advance Big Data and Cloud Computing concerning applications in medical diagnosis. As forum for academia and professionals it covers state-of-the-art research challenges and issues in the digital information & knowledge management and the concerns along with the solutions adopted in these fields.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    67,00 €

    Apesar do acesso adequado aos serviços bancários, o volume de transacções era baixo e os inquiridos estavam menos informados sobre os últimos avanços tecnológicos no sector bancário. A obtenção de empréstimos não era muito popular entre os inquiridos, sendo a maioria das contas de empréstimo apenas KCC. Em Uttarakhand, observou-se um aumento considerável dos adiantamentos ao abrigo da LPC, em especial os adiantamentos agrícolas, que registaram um aumento considerável nestes dez anos de estudo. Verificou-se uma diferença significativa nas taxas de crescimento do total dos adiantamentos agrícolas dos bancos públicos e privados. Além disso, não se registaram diferenças significativas nas taxas de crescimento dos adiantamentos agrícolas da USN e do Uttarakhand. O estado do IF, medido pelo Inclusix Score, foi considerado satisfatório no estado em que apenas três distritos tinham um IF muito baixo em comparação com outros dez distritos do estado. A análise MLR estabeleceu a natureza e a força de vários factores determinantes da pobreza rural, um indicador de substituição do crescimento inclusivo. Verificou-se que os progressos na agricultura exerceram um impacto positivo significativo no crescimento inclusivo do Estado.

  • von Ankur Saxena
    82,90 €

    Trotz des angemessenen Zugangs zu Bankdienstleistungen war das Transaktionsvolumen gering und die Befragten waren am wenigsten über die neuesten technologischen Durchbrüche im Bankenbereich informiert. Die Inanspruchnahme von Krediten war bei den Befragten nicht so beliebt, da die Mehrheit der Kreditkonten nur KCC-Konten waren. Bei den PSL-Krediten in Uttarakhand wurde ein beträchtlicher Anstieg beobachtet, vor allem die landwirtschaftlichen Kredite stiegen in den zehn untersuchten Jahren um ein Vielfaches an. Es gab einen signifikanten Unterschied in den Wachstumsraten der gesamten landwirtschaftlichen Vorschüsse von öffentlichen und privaten Banken. Außerdem gab es keinen signifikanten Unterschied bei den Wachstumsraten der landwirtschaftlichen Kredite von USN und Uttarakhand. Der Status der FI, gemessen durch den Inclusix Score, war in diesem Bundesstaat zufriedenstellend, da nur drei Bezirke im Vergleich zu den anderen zehn Bezirken des Bundesstaates eine sehr niedrige FI aufwiesen. Die MLR-Analyse ermittelte die Art und Stärke verschiedener Determinanten der ländlichen Armut, einem Proxy-Indikator für integratives Wachstum. Es wurde festgestellt, dass landwirtschaftliche Fortschritte einen signifikanten positiven Einfluss auf das integrative Wachstum des Bundesstaates ausüben.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    67,00 €

    Malgré un accès adéquat aux services bancaires, le volume des transactions est faible et les personnes interrogées sont peu au fait des dernières avancées technologiques dans le domaine bancaire. L'obtention d'un prêt n'était pas très populaire parmi les personnes interrogées, la majorité des comptes de prêt étant uniquement des comptes de crédit à la consommation. Une augmentation considérable des avances au titre de la PSL a été observée dans l'Uttarakhand, en particulier les avances agricoles qui ont augmenté considérablement au cours des dix années couvertes par l'étude. Il existe une différence significative dans les taux de croissance des avances agricoles totales des banques du secteur public et du secteur privé. En outre, il n'y a pas de différence significative entre les taux de croissance des avances agricoles de l'USN et de l'Uttarakhand. L'état de l'IF, tel que mesuré par le score Inclusix, s'est avéré satisfaisant dans l'État, seuls trois districts ayant un IF très faible par rapport aux dix autres districts de l'État. L'analyse MLR a établi la nature et la force des différents déterminants de la pauvreté rurale, un indicateur indirect de la croissance inclusive. Il a été constaté que les progrès de l'agriculture avaient un impact positif significatif sur la croissance inclusive de l'État.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    67,00 €

    Nonostante l'accesso adeguato ai servizi bancari, il volume delle transazioni era basso e gli intervistati erano poco informati sulle ultime innovazioni tecnologiche nel settore bancario. Il ricorso al prestito non era molto diffuso tra gli intervistati, e la maggior parte dei conti di prestito erano solo KCC. Nell'Uttarakhand si è osservato un notevole incremento degli anticipi nell'ambito del PSL, in particolare per quanto riguarda gli anticipi agricoli, che sono aumentati notevolmente nei dieci anni oggetto dello studio. Si è riscontrata una differenza significativa nei tassi di crescita degli anticipi agricoli totali delle banche pubbliche e private. Inoltre, non è stata riscontrata alcuna differenza significativa nei tassi di crescita degli anticipi agricoli di USN e Uttarakhand. La situazione dell'IF, misurata dal punteggio Inclusix, è risultata soddisfacente nello Stato, dove solo tre distretti avevano un IF molto basso rispetto agli altri dieci distretti dello Stato. L'analisi MLR ha stabilito la natura e la forza dei vari determinanti della povertà rurale, un indicatore proxy della crescita inclusiva. È stato riscontrato che i progressi dell'agricoltura hanno esercitato un impatto positivo significativo sulla crescita inclusiva dello Stato.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    67,00 €

    A pesar del acceso adecuado a los servicios bancarios, el volumen de transacciones era bajo y los encuestados estaban menos al tanto de los últimos avances tecnológicos en el ámbito bancario. La obtención de préstamos no era tan popular entre los encuestados, ya que la mayoría de las cuentas de préstamo eran sólo de KCC. En Uttarakhand se observó un aumento considerable de los anticipos en el marco de PSL, en particular los anticipos agrícolas, que se multiplicaron en estos diez años de estudio. Hubo una diferencia significativa en las tasas de crecimiento de los anticipos agrícolas totales de los bancos del sector público y privado. Además, no hubo diferencias significativas en las tasas de crecimiento de los anticipos agrícolas de USN y Uttarakhand. El estado del IF, medido por la puntuación Inclusix, resultó ser satisfactorio en el estado, donde sólo tres distritos tenían un IF muy bajo en comparación con otros diez distritos del estado. El análisis MLR estableció la naturaleza y la fuerza de varios determinantes de la pobreza rural, un indicador indirecto del crecimiento inclusivo. Se constató que los avances en agricultura ejercían un impacto positivo significativo en el crecimiento inclusivo del Estado.

  • 16% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    37,00 €

    Nesmotrq na dostatochnyj dostup k bankowskim uslugam, ob#em operacij byl newelik, a o poslednih tehnologicheskih dostizheniqh w bankowskoj sfere respondenty byli oswedomleny huzhe wsego. Poluchenie kreditow bylo ne stol' populqrno sredi respondentow, bol'shinstwo kreditnyh schetow byli otkryty tol'ko w KKS. V Uttarakhande nablüdalsq znachitel'nyj skachok w wydache kreditow po programme PSL, w chastnosti, za desqt' let issledowaniq mnogokratno wozrosli ob#emy wydachi kreditow sel'skomu hozqjstwu. Nablüdalas' znachitel'naq raznica w tempah rosta obschego ob#ema awansow sel'skomu hozqjstwu w gosudarstwennyh i chastnyh bankah. Krome togo, ne bylo suschestwennoj raznicy w tempah rosta awansow sel'skomu hozqjstwu w SShA i Uttarakhande. Sostoqnie FI, oceniwaemoe po pokazatelü Inclusix Score, w shtate bylo priznano udowletworitel'nym, prichem tol'ko w treh okrugah ono bylo ochen' nizkim po srawneniü s ostal'nymi desqt'ü okrugami shtata. Analiz MLR pozwolil ustanowit' harakter i silu wliqniq razlichnyh determinant na urowen' bednosti w sel'skoj mestnosti, qwlqüschijsq koswennym pokazatelem inklüziwnogo rosta. Vyqsnilos', chto znachitel'noe polozhitel'noe wliqnie na inklüziwnyj rost shtata okazywaüt dostizheniq sel'skogo hozqjstwa.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    51,00 €

    The present study indicates that Brand perception is really good in public sector banks and not so in case of private sector banks as customer has great trust and reliability in government organization. ATM , KCC (KISAN CREDIT CARD) facilities give much relief and thus considered as highly satisfied mode according to the customers requirement in public sector banks .Customer Awareness , Perceived usefulness and Security Concern are the major factor which act as driving force in influencing people to adopt alternative banking. Customer satisfaction are the most important and focused area in the banking industries. All dimensions of service quality are positively affecting on customer satisfaction. Hence we finalized 13 dimensions of alternative banking services quality as determinants of customer satisfaction that will be further categorized in to four factor. So that in our study four major factor we have identified. When we calculate overall customer satisfaction we need more emphasis on service level, Trust level, usefulness of services and behavior of bank employee.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    67,00 €

    Despite of adequate access to banking services, the volume of transactions were low and respondents were least aware about the latest technological breakthroughs in banking space. Availing loan was not so popular among the respondents with majority of loan accounts being KCC only. Considerable spurt was observed in advances under PSL in Uttarakhand, particularly agriculture advances augmented manifolds in these ten years under the study. There was significant difference in growth rates of total agriculture advances of public and private sector banks. Further, there was no significant difference in growth rates of agriculture advances of USN and Uttarakhand. Status of FI, as measured by Inclusix Score, was found to be satisfactory in the state wherein only three districts had very low FI as compared to other ten districts of the state. MLR analysis established nature and strength of various determinants on rural poverty, a proxy indicator of inclusive growth. It was found that agriculture advances exerted a significant positive impact on inclusive growth of the state.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    51,00 €

    ¿Export Competitiveness of Organic Basmati Rice¿ was conducted for determining the existing export performance parameters of the firms, the relationship between demand and supply side factors responsible for export competitiveness, the effect of price changes and policy measures on export competitiveness and suggesting the strategy for enhancing export competitiveness. basmati production and trade in the state more competitive, AEZ has to take initiative to overcome problems of basmati exporters regarding double taxation, technical needs procedural complexities etc. training should be organizing for exporters, rice millers, rice mill workers, farmers and extension worker to bring efficiency in the exports. Exporters may be trained regarding ECGC schemes and export procedures whereas farmers and extension workers may be trained about pre and post-harvest management practices. It has been found that UOCB, a government-supported institution is providing all kind of backward and forward linkages. State government needs to promote its brand globally. For this government has to initiate few strategies to build a strong brand in the International market.

  • 18% sparen
    von Ankur Saxena
    59,00 €

    Study has revealed that as compare to respondents in Group 1, respondents in Group 2 were more conscious about soil and plant health and apply the nutrition accordingly. It was observed that respondents of Group 2 have done all post harvest management practices with care and faced comparatively fewer losses than respondents in Group 1. It was found that rate of rejuvenation is high in Group 2 and they had affinity towards the Royal Delicious only. However respondents in Group 1 were rejuvenating the old plants by two-three more varieties besides Royal Delicious. It was analysed that cost and return structure under traditional channels is almost same for both groups while respondents in Group 2 who follow the modern marketing channels faced comparatively lower marketing cost and entertain higher returns. It was found that marketing efficiency of Adani and Apni Mandi (Channel E) is highest respectively.

  • von Ankur Saxena
    84,00 €

    There has been tremendous progress in cancer diagnosis and treatment methodologies, and this book focuses on major cancers of the cervix, breast, endometrium, and the associated reproductive system affecting women. It focuses on specific diagnostic techniques and treatment strategies including computational tools, Nanomedicine, and the use of Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and other latest techniques, including the evolution of these treatments over the years. Oncologists, cancer scientists, and professionals will find using the content on cutting-edge interventions by experts in their field, significantly improving earlier diagnosis and treatment options.Key Features:¿ Helps to improve quality of life after treatment as the focus of healthcare is shifting from curative methods to primary prevention of diseases, screening methods and early detection and treatment.¿ Appeals to clinicians and residents interested in exploring cutting-edge technology for early diagnoses and treatment of women associated cancers.¿ Features a chapter on the Clinician's perspective on advanced diagnostic and treatment methods.

  • von Ankur Saxena
    44,00 €

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