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Bücher von Ann Cleeves

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  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 €

    &i>Sunday Times&/i> bestselling author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope series, Ann Cleeves, returns with the second in a brand new series set in North Devon and featuring Detective Matthew Venn. &i>The Herons Cry &/i>is the second book in the Two Rivers series following on from &i>The Long Call.&/i>

  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 - 15,00 €

  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 €

    Sunday Times bestselling author of the Shetland and Two Rivers series, Ann Cleeves, returns with the tenth in the acclaimed Northumbrian set Vera Stanhope series, following on from The Darkest Evening, in which a school reunion turns deadly as the tide rises on Holy Island.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 €

    The ninth novel in the Vera Stanhope series from the Sunday Times bestseller Ann Cleeves; now a major TV series from ITV.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 €

    Sunday Times bestselling author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope series, Ann Cleeves returns with the first in a brand new series set in North Devon and featuring Detective Matthew Venn. In this rural idyll, where two rivers meet, crime is always there waiting to rise from the water.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    Murder in My Backyard is the second mystery novel in the Inspector Ramsay series by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.No one in Heppleburn has a bad word to say about Alice Parry . . . but here she is, murdered in her own backyard on a bitter St. David's Eve.When detective Stephen Ramsay starts asking questions in the village, a more ambiguous picture begins to emerge. Yes, old Mrs. Parry was loved by everyone, but sometimes her kindness had caused trouble. Yes, her two nephews were devoted to her, but they didn't really want her interfering in their rather complicated personal lives. Even among her neighbours, Alice Parry's helpfulness had sometimes misfired; and after her death, tension tight as a clenched fist grips the uneasy village.Meanwhile, the suspects keep rolling in, and Heppleburn's friendly neighbourhood killer continues his nasty piece of work . . .

  • von Ann Cleeves
    14,00 €

    Für Fans von Agatha Christie und «Inspector Barnaby» Die dunkelsten Nächte verbergen die tödlichsten Geheimnisse ... Der ungeduldig erwartete neue Fall für die schrullig-sympathische Ermittlerin Vera Stanhope, die sich unvermindert großer Beliebtheit erfreut. Als Vera Stanhope sich während eines Wintersturms im Schneegestöber verfährt, stößt sie auf ein verlassenes Fahrzeug - mit offener Fahrertür quer über die Straße geparkt, auf der Rückbank ein Kleinkind. Um das Kind vor dem sicheren Erfrieren zu retten, nimmt Vera es kurzerhand mit. Zum Glück erreicht sie schon bald Brockburn, das heruntergekommene Herrenhaus eines entfernten Familienzweigs, in dem ihr Vater aufwuchs. Auf Brockburn ist eine Vorweihnachtsfeier in vollem Gange, die jedoch zu einem jähen Ende kommt, als man draußen im Schnee eine junge Frau findet - tot. Könnte sie die Mutter des Kindes sein? Und ist es Zufall, dass sie ausgerechnet in der Nähe von Brockburn zu Tode gekommen ist?

  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 €

    A Bird in the Hand is the first novel featuring George and Molly Palmer-Jones by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.In England's birdwatching paradise, a new breed has been sighted - a murderer . . .Young Tom French was found dead, lying in a marsh on the Norfolk coast, with his head bashed in and his binoculars still around his neck. One of the best birders in England, Tom had put the village of Rushy on the birdwatching map. Everyone liked him. Or did they?George Palmer-Jones, an elderly birdwatcher who decided quietly to look into the brutal crime, discovered mixed feelings aplenty. Still, he remained baffled by a deed that could have been motivated by thwarted love, pure envy, or something else altogether.But as he and his fellow "e;twitchers"e; flocked from Norfolk to Scotland to the Scilly Isles, in response to rumours of rare sightings, George - with help from his lovely wife, Molly - gradually discerned the true markings of a killer. All he had to do was prove it . . . before the murderer strikes again.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    23,00 €

  • von Ann Cleeves
    15,00 €

    Die Dramaturgie des Tötens Die ruppige Kommissarin Vera Stanhope ist niemand, der leicht Freundschaften schließt. Doch ihre Nachbarin hat sie sofort ins Herz geschlossen. Als Joanna vermisst wird, macht sie sich höchstpersönlich auf die Suche.Die Spur führt zum Writers House, wo gerade ein Krimi-Workshop stattfindet. Dort hat man es längst nicht mehr mit fiktiven Mordfällen zu tun: Im Wintergarten wurde ein Dozent erstochen. Angeblich von Joanna. Doch die beteuert ihre Unschuld.Kein leichter Fall für Vera: Jeder der Kursteilnehmer hatte Grund, den Mann zu hassen.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    14,00 €

    Lichte Tage, dunkle Geheimnisse.Frühling auf Whalsay: Wind fegt über die alten Steinhäuser, die Tage auf der kargen Shetland-insel werden wieder länger.Die Archäologin Hattie ist froh, nach der Winterpause ihre Ausgrabungen wiederaufnehmen zu können. Bis sie auf dem Land der alten Mima ein Skelett entdeckt. Kurz danach ist Mima tot, angeblich ein Jagdunfall. Detective Jimmy Perez ist sich da nicht so sicher. Und wenig später geschieht ein weiterer Mord. Welches Geheimnis verbirgt die kleine Gemeinde der Hochseefischer im hohen Norden?Der dritte Band des erfolgreichen Shetland-Quartetts

  • von Ann Cleeves
    14,00 €

    Die Blumen des BösenEin heißer Sommerabend an der Küste Northumberlands. Wie hatte sich Julie Armstrong auf ihr erstes Date seit Jahren gefreut. Doch bei ihrer Rückkehr erwartet sie ein schreckliches Bild: Ihr Sohn Luke liegt tot in der Badewanne, auf dem Wasser schwimmen Blüten. Wenig später treibt die attraktive Referendarin Lily im Teich inmitten von Blumen ¿ ein schauriges Gemälde.Die inszenierten Morde geben Kommissarin Vera Stanhope und ihrem Kollegen Joe Ashworth Rätsel auf. Doch sie wissen: Der Mörder wird wieder zuschlagen ¿ bis das Kunstwerk des Todes vollendet ist ...«Ann Cleeves wirft einen Blick hinter die heile Fassade einer Dorfgemeinschaft, hinter der sich Abgründe auftun.» (Val McDermid)

  • von Ann Cleeves
    25,00 €

  • von Ann Cleeves
    22,98 €

    The basis for the hit series "Shetland" now airing on PBS.Winner of Britain's coveted Duncan Lawrie Dagger Award, Ann Cleeves's Raven Black introduces a dazzling suspense series to U.S. mystery readers.It is a cold January morning and Shetland lies beneath a deep layer of snow. Trudging home, Fran Hunter's eye is drawn to a splash of color on the frozen ground, ravens circling above. It is the strangled body of her teenage neighbor, Catherine Ross. The locals on the quiet island stubbornly focus their gaze on one man--loner and simpleton Magnus Tait. But when detective Jimmy Perez and his colleagues from the mainland insist on opening out the investigation, a veil of suspicion and fear is thrown over the entire community. For the first time in years, Catherine's neighbors nervously lock their doors, while a killer lives on in their midst.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    11,00 €

  • von Ann Cleeves
    11,00 €

    Der achte und letzte Band der beliebten Shetland-Krimis um Kommissar Jimmy Perez - in Großbritannien von Fans und Presse gefeiert: Um dem hektischen Großstadtleben zu entkommen, ziehen Helena und Daniel Fleming mit ihren beiden Kindern auf die Shetland-Insel Northmavine. Das fragile Gleichgewicht der Familie wird jedoch jäh erschüttert, als der autistische Sohn eine erhängte junge Frau in der Scheune findet. Schnell steht fest, dass sie getötet wurde. Kommissar Jimmy Perez und seine Vorgesetzte Willow Reeves erkennen bald: Um die Tote, die als Nanny bei einer Familie im Ort angestellt war, ranken sich zwar zahlreiche Gerüchte - doch niemand scheint die junge Frau wirklich zu kennen. Oder zu wissen, wozu sie fähig war ...

  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 €

    Zwei Leichen in einem Grab ... Vera Stanhope ermittelt und muss dafür einen Blick zurück in ihre eigene Vergangenheit werfen.Der 7. Fall für die schrullig-charmante Ermittlerin und ihr Team von der Northumbria Police.Ex-Cop John Brace, wegen Mordes im Gefängnis, bietet Vera einen Deal an: Sie sieht nach seiner alleinerziehenden Tochter, er verrät ihr, wo die Leiche des seit zwanzig Jahren vermissten Robbie Marshall liegt. Brace und Marshall gehörten mit Veras verstorbenem Vater und dem geheimnisvollen "Professor" zur zweifelhaften "Gang of Four". Vera findet tatsächlich menschliche Knochen - doch die gehören gleich zu zwei Leichen ...

  • von Ann Cleeves
    9,99 €

    Ein schöner Ort zum SterbenDas Leben in Valley Farm scheint perfekt: Hier im Nordosten Englands leben vier Ehepaare in einem abgeschiedenen Tal seit Jahren ganz für sich. Doch die Idylle trügt: Der junge Patrick Randall, als Haussitter im luxuriösesten Anwesen des Tals beschäftigt, wird tot am Wegesrand aufgefunden. Kommissarin Vera Stanhope übernimmt mit ihrem Team die Ermittlungen. Bei der Durchsuchung des Anwesens stoßen sie auf eine zweite männliche Leiche. Die einzige Gemeinsamkeit der zwei Opfer: eine Faszination für seltene Falter. Als die Sozialarbeiterin Shirley Hewarth kurz darauf ermordet wird, steht Kommissarin Vera Stanhope vor ihrem schwierigsten Fall: Drei Tote, die nichts verbindet, und vier Familien, die ganz eigene Leichen im Keller haben ...Ann Cleeves erhielt für «Die Nacht der Raben» den Duncan Lawrie Dagger Award. Das Buch wurde unter dem Titel «Mord in Shetland» mit Douglas Henshall als Inspektor Perez verfilmt wurde. Mit Vera Stanhope hat sie eine eigensinnige, aber dennoch liebenswerte Ermittlerin erschaffen. Unter dem Titel «Vera - ein ganz spezieller Fall» wurde die Serie mit Brenda Blethyn in der Hauptrolle von der BBC erfolgreich verfilmt.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    11,00 €

    Eine sturmumtoste Insel. Abgeschnitten von der Außenwelt. Doch das Verbrechen ist schon da.Fair Isle, die einsamste Insel der Nordsee. Hier ist Detective Jimmy Perez geboren, hier möchte er seine Verlobte Fran den Eltern vorstellen. Doch statt des harmonischen Familienwochenendes erwartet die beiden ein Albtraum: Nach ihrer Ankunft wird die Leiterin der Vogelschutzwarte erstochen. Kurz darauf geschieht ein zweiter Mord.Durch einen Sturm ist die kleine Insel bald von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten. Auf sich gestellt beginnen Perez und Fran zu ermitteln. Nur eines ist gewiss: Der Mörder muss mitten unter ihnen sein.«Die Handlung ist atemberaubend, das Setting einzigartig.» (THE INDEPENDENT)

  • von Ann Cleeves
    11,00 €

  • von Ann Cleeves
    12,00 €

    Dead Water is the fifth book in Ann Cleeves' Shetland series - a major BBC1 drama starring Douglas Henshall. When the body of journalist Jerry Markham is found in a traditional Shetland boat, outside the house of the local public prosecutor, down at the Marina, young Detective Inspector Willow Reeves is drafted in to head up the investigation. Since the death of his fiancee, Inspector Jimmy Perez has been out of the loop, but his interest in this new case is stirred and he decides to help the inquiry. Markham - originally a Shetlander but who had made a name for himself in London - had left the islands years before. In his wake, he left a scandal involving a young girl, Evie Watt, who is now engaged to a seaman. He had few friends in Shetland, so why was he back? Willow and Jimmy are led to Sullum Voe, the heart of Shetland's North Sea oil and gas industry. It soon emerges from their investigation that Markham was chasing a story in his final days. One that must have been significant enough to warrant his death . . . Also available in the Shetland series are Raven Black, White Nights, Red Bones, Blue Lightning and Thin Air.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    11,48 €

    Winner of the 2017 Crime Writers' Association Diamond Dagger.The Glass Room is the fifth book in Ann Cleeves' Vera Stanhope series - which is now a major ITV detective drama starring Brenda Blethyn, Vera. DI Vera Stanhope is not one to make friends easily, but her hippy neighbours keep her well-supplied in homebrew and conversation. But when one of them goes missing, her path leads her to more than a missing friend . . . Vera tracks the young woman down to the Writer's House, a country retreat where aspiring authors work on their stories. Things get complicated when a body is discovered and Vera's neighbour is found with a knife in her hand. Calling in the team, Vera knows that she should hand the case over. She's too close to the main suspect. But the investigation is too tempting and she's never been one to follow the rules. There seems to be no motive. When another body is found, Vera suspects that someone is playing games with her. Somewhere there is a killer who has taken murder off the page and is making it real . . .Enjoy more of Vera Stanhope's investigations with The Crow Trap, Telling Tales, Hidden Depths, Silent Voices, Harbour Street, The Moth Catcher, and The Seagull.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    Killjoy is the fourth mystery novel in the Inspector Ramsay series by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.The youth theatre cast are in their places but Gus Lynch's female lead is missing, that is, until she's found in the boot of his car . . .Detective Inspector Stephen Ramsay and Sergeant Gordon Hunter are assigned to head the murder enquiry, meanwhile violence is escalating on the Starling Farm Estate as police battle to contain the latest outbreak of joyriding. Is the death of Gabriella connected to the events at Starling Farm?When another death occurs, investigations suggest a possible link, and Ramsay realizes what could have provoked someone to kill . . . and kill again.

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    A Lesson in Dying is the first mystery novel in the Inspector Ramsay series by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.Who hung the headmaster in the playground on the night of the school Halloween Party?Almost everyone in Heppleburn either hated or feared the viper-tongued Harold Medburn. Inspector Ramsay is convinced it was the headmaster's enigmatic wife but Jack Robson, school governor and caretaker, is determined to prove her innocence.With the help of his restless daughter Patty, Jack digs into the secrets of Heppleburn, and uncovers a cesspit of lies, adultery, blackmail and madness . . .

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    A Day in the Death of Dorothea Cassidy is the third novel in the Inspector Ramsay series by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.For Dorothea Cassidy Thursdays were special. Every week she would look forward to the one day she could call her own, and would plan to visit people she wanted to see as a welcome respite from the routine duties that being a vicar's wife entailed. But one Thursday in June was to be more special than any other. It was the day that Dorothea Cassidy was strangled.As the small town of Otterbridge prepares for its summer carnival, Inspector Stephen Ramsay begins a painstaking reconstruction of Dorothea's last hours. He soon discovers that she had taken on a number of deserving cases - a sick and lonely old woman, a disturbed adolescent, a compulsive gambler, a single mother with a violent boyfriend and a child in care - and even her close family have their secrets to hide. All these people are haunted, in one way or another, by Dorothea's goodness. But which of them could have possibly wanted her dead?It is not until a second body is discovered that Ramsay starts to understand how Dorothea lived - and why she died. With the carnival festivities in full swing and dusk falling in Otterbridge, Ramsay's murder investigation reaches its chilling climax . . .

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    High Island Blues is the eighth and final mystery novel featuring George and Molly Palmer-Jones by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.Swarms of migrating birds fall from the sky seeking shelter as the spring storms begin, but the birders are distracted by a far more shocking sight, Mick Brownscombe's dead body . . .Old college friends Rob, Oliver and Mick reunite on a bird watching tour to America. It is the first time in twenty years the three have been together - since the fateful holiday to America during which they met the enigmatic Laurie . . . The tour party is hoping for spectacular sights at High Island on the Upper Texas coast, but as the rain pours down and the birds descend, Mick is discovered dead. Back in Britain PIs George and Molly Palmer-Jones are working on a minor fraud case with name of Brownscombe Associates attached. So when George receives a desperate transatlantic call from his friend Rob, he is on the first plane to Texas.His investigations make little progress - until the second body is found . . .

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    The Baby-Snatcher is the sixth and final mystery novel in the Inspector Ramsay series by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.Marilyn Howe's and her mother Kathleen are an inseparable duo, until one night Kathleen doesn't come home . . .Fifteen year old Marilyn turns up alone and frightened on Inspector Ramsay's doorstep so he takes the young girl home to the isolated coastal community known as the Headland. And in the Howes' dark and cluttered kitchen they find Kathleen safe and apparently well, though acting rather mysteriously. Six months later, Ramsay has more or less forgotten the strange incident, busy as he is on the trail of a local child abductor. Until he receives news that Mrs Howe has disappeared once more. And for the second time he is drawn into the strange relationships of the families living on the lonely Headland.Then a woman's body is washed up on the beach . . .

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    Another Man's Poison is the sixth mystery novel featuring George and Molly Palmer-Jones by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.Molly Palmer-Jones arrives at her aunt Ursula's house one morning, only to find her body slumped lifeless on the sofa . . .Ursula Ottway's beautiful cottage is wanted by her landlord, politician Marcus Grenville, so he can convert it into a holiday residence. So when Ursula discovers that the illegal use of poisoned bait on Grenville's land has killed not only a rare bird of prey but her two beloved cats, she storms to his house and threatens revenge. Shocked and saddened to find Ursula's body the morning after this conflict, Molly and her husband George decide to piece together a picture of Ursula's last days. And it soon becomes clear that, for many people on the estate, hers was a very convenient death.The Palmer-Joneses embark on a murder investigation but even their professional expertise doesn't prepare them for what is to follow. A lifetime's worth of secrets must surface before a killer can finally be brought to justice . . .

  • von Ann Cleeves
    26,00 €

    Sea Fever is the sixth mystery novel featuring George and Molly Palmer-Jones by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.A rare and unrecorded sea bird captures all the birders attention whilst right under their noses the most fanatical birder of them all disappears . . .Later, Greg Franks' corpse, the head bludgeoned, is found floating in the sea. Had it not been for Greg Franks, amateur detective George Palmer-Jones would not have been on the bird watching trip in Cornwall to the first place. He had been hired by Greg Franks' anxious parents to try and persuade their errant son to return home. George would have turned the case down flat but the offer of a free weekend's bird watching was too tempting to resist. Now, he must unhappily shoulder the burden of finding why the young man had been murdered.Who hated Franks enough to kill him? Almost everyone, it seems . . .

  • von Ann Cleeves
    27,00 €

    The Mill on the Shore is the seventh mystery novel featuring George and Molly Palmer-Jones by Ann Cleeves, author of the Shetland and Vera Stanhope crime series.Meg Morrissey refuses to believe that her husband James committed suicide.James was in high spirits because he'd finally completed his long awaited autobiography. He didn't leave a suicide note. But even more suspiciously the record of his life's environmental achievement, his magnum opus, has gone missing. Troubled, Meg calls in amateur sleuths George and Molly Palmer-Jones to investigate. They soon uncover that life in the Morrissey family is not as idyllic as it seems - relations with ex-wife Cathy are not as friendly as Meg makes out and James appears to have fallen for another women. But the disappearance of his autobiography is most puzzling of all, did he uncover a secret so damaging someone was prepared to kill for it?George and Molly must try to fit together the missing pieces of information to reveal who could have wanted James dead . . .

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