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Bücher von Anthony Ekanem

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  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

    When it comes to successful dating, whether as a man or a woman, the number one thing you need to have is confidence. And confidence is something that can be garnered with careful and correct guidance and input. One of the ways to appear confident is to be as well versed as possible, on a few selective topics where the intellect of the individual can be displayed within the confines of the said topics. Injecting relevant comments periodically into the conversation can effectively portray the confidence levels of the individual if the comments are carefully selected for their interesting and informative style. Besides the ability to converse well and on a variety of carefully selected topics, dressing well will also help to portray a suitable and impressive level of confidence in the individual. Men who take the trouble to dress well and comfortably, usually mentally and subconsciously radiate the self-confidence aura that is very positively impacting on those around. This often very powerful way of portraying confidence, also help the individual gain even more attention and respect than otherwise possible. Therefore, the power of dressing well should never be underestimated.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    18,00 €

    Outsourcing is the movement of a workload to another source which can assist in that area for an agreed price either as a one-time service or as an ongoing complementing service. In doing so, the principal company can effectively save time, and get the staff to be more committed and speedier work results. The essence of outsourcing is simply engaging the services of an individual or organization outside your full-time staff to handle certain aspects of your business plan. These aspects may be public relations, marketing, clerical and administrative functions, or IT management. In fact, with today's virtual environment, there is no part of the business that cannot be outsourced effectively. Of course, the big question is whether there are any benefits to outsourcing, especially for persons who are building their business on the Internet. There are several good reasons to outsource certain functions. Often, an Internet business is set up with a shoestring budget and one person doing all the work. As the business grows, it is easy to get caught up in dealing with general office functions, such as answering emails, handling correspondence and maintaining client lists.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    19,00 €

    Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not. It should be viewed in all earnestness or things could go haywire. Every game has its rules; unless you know all the rules, you can't become a good player and eventually a winner. There are so many kinds of people around. Just look around you - how many people you know look the same? The sizes, builds, shapes, and features are all different! And that is just about the external appearances. And when it comes to character, it becomes a very different story altogether. Take a trip down memory lane, go back to your classrooms, and look around. We do not and do not have to like everybody. The tastes and interests of one person might match with ours while the tastes and interests of another person may be at complete loggerheads with ours. So, when it comes to dating, it is very much the same story. But over here, there are some strings attached. Unlike in a classroom contact, most people go on dates with a more impressive purpose, and that is to find a life mate. There are a hundred and one things that should match before two people decide to spend the rest of their lives with each other.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    15,00 €

    A great place to start is to remove those difficult decisions that are taking up our 'mental bandwidth'. Many of us think that the big 'limit' on our ability to get things done is time. We all make the excuse that we don't exercise because we don't have time and that we don't do more with the family because we don't have time. That's not true. If you think back to all of those times in your life when you've been doing 'nothing', then you'll probably realize that you had plenty of time. Just this week, you've probably spent at least a good couple of hours on Facebook/YouTube/the website of your choice, and there's a good chance you've watched a fair amount of useless TV as well. That's all time that you could have been using to exercise, to phone friends, to tidy the house.The point? You don't have any problem with time. Your problem is with energy. The reason you're not using that available time more efficiently, or even to have fun is that you're low on energy. And did you know that your willpower decreases too as you run out of energy? Not only do you have less physical energy to get up and tidy when you're tired, but you also have less mental willpower to encourage yourself to do it. Energy management then is much more important than time management very often. And a BIG component of energy management is understanding the impact that decision-making has on our energy levels.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

    Emails are replacing regular mail from the post office. Not only because it is cheaper since you do not need to buy a stamp, but it's also definitely faster. Emails can be sent in as fast as five seconds, depending on the server, anywhere in the world. No doubt, emails are being used to distribute newsletters, promotional emails, and other stuff. How then would you be able to round up email addresses to send those marketingemails you have? Here is where an opt-in list comes in.An opt-in list is a directory of email addresses you can send those emails to. Though it seems to be easy to find email addresses, if you are talking thousands in numbers, it is going to be hard. Besides, you must determine the recipient of the email. You wouldn't want your readers mostly male if you are selling lipsticks, right? A good opt-in list should include the profile of the email address owner. Here are tips on how to create a comprehensive opt-in list for a target market.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    15,00 €

    The need to write this report arose because I wanted to help married men and women enjoy intimacy with their spouses. One of the most common reasons why marriages fail these days is the lack of sexual satisfaction by either of the spouses. Experts say sex is very key to maintaining successful marital relationships. There are so many benefits to being intimate in your marital relationship. Interestingly, there are health and emotional benefits attached to sex. With these in mind, being intimate with your spouse should not just be for the sake of sex but should be because of the health and emotional benefits as well as the intimacy it brings into your relationship. For you to have a healthy relationship, sex must be a part of that relationship. Sex can help a relationship get better. According to experts, once sex is taken out of a relationship, issues like poor communication, the most dangerous problem couples with poor sex life encounter, lack of trust, betrayals, poor libido and many more, set in. Endeavour to spice up your relationship with quality sex to live healthy emotionally and physically. But know that Testosterone is the most important male sex hormone. In males, it is mainly responsible for the development of the sex organs, the formation and maintenance of typical male sexual characteristics, sperm production, and the control of male desire. Supplying the body with enough Vitamin D has positive effects on testosterone levels.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    20,00 €

    Those of us who have children know how special they are in our lives and how we would not trade them for anything in the world or the world itself. However, sometimes you have certain things you need to do that you cannot take your child with you to do. A perfect example of this would be work or an interview. A simple solution to a problem like that is to enrol your child into some sort of childcare programme.Today, it is important to be extremely cautious when selecting a childcare provider for your children. It can be very difficult to trust people we do not know, especially when it comes to taking care of a member of your family. I'm sure you have seen some of the shocking videos online or heard some of the stories on the news about abuse and neglect taking place in some childcare locations. This is a truly terrifying thought. However, there are steps you can take to help ensure the safety of your child.There are many things you need to consider when choosing a childcare provider. You may not know where to start with this list of questions because it is quite long. That is okay because that is exactly what this book is for. The following six chapters will go over some of the most important questions to ask when choosing a childcare provider. Continue reading and ensure that your child receives the best care possible!

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

    For some people, gardening is a passion. Some people garden just as a hobby. For still others, it's a way to feed their families. We think Shirley MacClaine's character in "Steel Magnolias" said it best. "Because that's what Southern women do - we wear funny hats and grow things in the dirt."You don't have to be from the South or be a woman, or even wear a funny hat to enjoy gardening. The thrill of seeing your first red, ripe tomato or watching your first stalk of corn reach from the ground can be an amazing experience for many people.Gardening is also a great way to provide healthy food for you and your loved ones. When you buy produce from the store, it just isn't the same as presenting a salad to your family that came exclusively from your garden worked by your own two hands.Many people choose to garden so they can have control over what type of food they eat without fear of chemicals or preservatives. Often, commercially grown produce is cultivated in greenhouses with the use of pesticides and chemicals to enhance their growth.A quick study on these types of artificial applications can be unnerving for anyone. The side effects of chemical pesticides on the human body can truly take their toll. So many people are jumping on the "organic bandwagon" as a way to minimize the risks to themselves and their loved ones that often comes with commercially prepared foods.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

    When you are suffering from an addiction, it can feel like your entire life is out of control and you have no power to overcome it. When you are addicted to something, it can also feel like you're completely alone and have nowhere to turn. These are all common mindsets for someone who has an addiction to any substance, whether that is food, cigarettes or other tobacco products, alcohol, prescription, or illegal drugs or even sex. But neither are you alone in your addiction nor do you have to be a slave to addiction for the rest of your life. That's exactly why this book exists. It is very easy to feel like you are the only one who is experiencing your particular addiction - or the level of addiction you're experiencing - but the truth is, millions of other people experience the same thing you are suffering from. That's because addiction affects more than 10% of the United States population. That means if you were to get on a typical city bus there are probably two or three people on that bus - besides you - that are suffering from some kind of addiction. Don't fool yourself either; having a food addiction or being unable to quit drinking alcohol is the same as an addiction to a drug or any other substance. Addiction is addiction, no matter what the substances.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

    We all have formed our definitions of happiness right from childhood. A lot of these perceptions are because of conditioned development, that is, they are a part of our habits due to repetitive inculcation by parents, teachers and society in general. That is why none of us has pondered about what exactly makes us feel happy! This feeling has been left to our sub-conscience and we simply feel happiness according to the situation we are in. A lot of small things can give happiness to us. For instance, just the thought of shopping or spending money tends to excite us and makes us feel happy. Opportunities and new ideas also have a similar effect on us. This excited state makes us imagine things related to these incidents. For example, the perspective of going on vacation while getting an office bonus would not only make us excited but also make us plan and imagine the holiday. We would feel the bliss without actually being on the vacation itself! However, when being on the actual vacation, the excitement tends to settle down as one begins to feel contented. This book is all about 'you' and how you can change dimensions to look ahead to a better future. The upcoming chapters are a complete guide so that you can set yourself in a new direction. After all, success is all about having the right paradigm shift!

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

    Abdominal obesity, also known as central obesity, is something that many people worldwide have problems with. Once they hit middle age, many people are plagued by those two dreaded words, belly fat. It can, however, also be a problem for children and teens. People just look at it as a weight problem, but it can also be linked to cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, and many other metabolic and vascular diseases. Though no one likes belly fat, too often, it is overlooked as just a symptom of age. It can, however, be a symptom of something more serious. It is not something you should just consider the price of getting older. It is something that should be taken seriously.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

    Probably more people than you know spend the majority of their life and time working with others in an employment-related situation. And these people don't get to pick who their co-workers are. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to get along with others. This can lead to all kinds of difficult situations, making it almost impossible to get through the day successfully.Working well with others is crucial in any situation. It is even more important in a workplace environment. Why? It boils down to things like efficiency, productivity and employee morale... just to name a few.The size of the company or business you work for really doesn't matter. The rules are basically the same if you work with one other person or 1,000. Each individual deserves the same level of consideration.During your job search, have you ever noticed the phrase "must work well with others" in the job description or on the application? If so, there's a very good reason for this. Employers do not want to hire individuals who don't work well with others. It typically causes problems right from the beginning.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

    Man and woman were created to be physically attracted to each other, irrespective of their looks, stature, colour, or other qualities that differentiate one person from another. What causes attraction between the opposite sex is in-built into man (man and woman) from creation. This is why couples fall in love with each other and later get married - just as it was intended by God, the Creator.However, "many couples fall in love, marry, and assume that the job is completed. They believe that everything else will work out automatically." This is far from the truth. A successful relationship does not come by chance. It must be worked for in love by the couples concerned."The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrow and the crimes of humanity, all lies in one word - 'love'. It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. To every one of us, it gives the power of working miracles if we will."According to Nancy Van Pelt, "thousands commit suicide each year, multitude flock to the courts for divorce while many are in mental hospitals, all for the lack of love and human affection".When love fails, relationships fall into ruins and impossible frustrations deluge those involved and those around them. Such emotional pressure may result in juvenile delinquency, adult crime, alcoholism, and various forms of drug addiction.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

    The main aim of this material is to give you a summarized version of 10 different things you should know and do to give you and your partner an unforgettable experience each time you are making love.In this book, you will learn things like:§ The Five Different Categories of Foreplay§ The Difference Between Linear and Non-linear Foreplay§ Foreplay Tips to turn her on§ Erogenous zone on your partner's body and become a master in the art of foreplay§ Kissing techniques that will leave your partner wanting more.§ How to find the G-spot and apply the right techniques to make your partner orgasm§ The sex positions that are best for achieving clitoral and/or vaginal orgasms§ New and exotic yet practical sex positions that will be enjoyable for both you and your partner§ Cunnilingus Techniques that will drive your partner wild and make her beg you for more§ Cunnilingus Exercises and positions to perform like a pro

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    18,00 €

    Dreaming can be seen as an actual place that your spirit and soul leaves every night to go and visit. The Chinese believed that the soul leaves the body to go into this world. However, if they should be suddenly awakened, their soul may fail to return to the body. For this reason, some Chinese today, are wary of alarm clocks. Some Native American tribes and Mexican civilizations share this same notion of a distinct dream dimension. They believed that their ancestors lived in their dreams and take on non-human forms like plants. They see those dreams as a way of visiting and having contact with their ancestors. Dreams also helped to point to their mission or role in life.During the Middle Ages, dreams were seen as evil, and their images were temptations from the devil. In the vulnerable sleep state, the devil was believed to fill the mind of humans with poisonous thoughts. He did his dirty work through dreams attempting to mislead humans down a wrong path.The potential for an immense array of experiences in consciousness is always there. What we receive depends upon our attitudes, motivations, the measure of our attunement, and the extent to which we have made applicable what was received in earlier dreams and in waking experiences.The dream world is a strange yet fascinating place! There are several different kinds of dreams. This book explains them all. Happy reading.

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

    In any business or moneymaking venture, preparation and foreknowledge are the keys to success. Without this sort of insight, the attempt to make a profitable financial decision can only end in disaster and failure, regardless of your level of motivation and determination or the amount of money you plan to invest. In the stock market, this rule applies to the nth degree, as you are investing your own money in what could be considered a high-risk wager, and you are playing with fire if you do not have at least a general background knowledge of how it functions. Since having a background in any area is helpful in guiding you down a path in that region, the more solid your basis of investment knowledge is, the more likely you are to profit from any attempt to trade on the open market. In many ways, trading on the stock market can be compared to driving - you do not have to be an expert to get behind the wheel of a car, though you are expected to have some previous knowledge about basic traffic laws, including moving violations, safety regulations, and other legal vehicular infractions, which are learned through either specific study and coursework or even through some form of simple exposure (such as the years you have spent riding with your parents and others who have driven for years).

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    18,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    18,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    17,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    34,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    18,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

  • von Anthony Ekanem
    16,00 €

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