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Bücher von Antony Joseph

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  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    51,00 €

    This book aims at an analysis of Arundhati Roy¿s writings in the light of the sufferings and predicaments of the downtrodden, the marginalized, and weaker ones in the socially and politically powerful society, the ongoing phenomenon of modernization, abuse of nuclear weapons, the dehumanization of the social environment and the depersonalization of human beings as represented in her nonfiction works An Ordinary Person¿s Guide to Empire, The Algebra of Infinite Justice, Power Politics, The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile, Broken Republic, The Shape of the Beast, Listening to Grasshoppers and Capitalism: A Ghost Story, the screenplay In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones, and ¿The Doctor and the Saint¿, Arundhati Roy¿s introduction to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar¿s Annihilation of Caste . ¿Confrontation with the Emerging World Order: A Socio-Political Study of Arundhati Roy¿s Writings¿ brings together some of the most compelling social and political issues broached by Roy in her works confronting the people in authority.

  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

    ¿Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.¿ An Ordinary Person¿s Guide to Empire, Arundhati Roy The book ¿The Voice for the Dispossessed¿ analyses the depiction of the sociological and economic conditions of women and emphasises that women attain individuality only when they are economically sound as depicted in Arundhati Roy¿s novel The God of Small Things and her screenplay In Which Annie Gives It Those Ones. The language used, the techniques employed in the fiction and the need for changes in the Indian and world society is also analyzed. This book also gives a pen picture of how Roy attacks the prevailing hypocrisy of the society by attacking the issue of untouchability. The book abounds analyzing the autobiographical elements, the representation of relationship and how absence of money and social position makes the ones in the periphery timid and submissive. It relates to the thematic concerns helpful in studying the personal voice of the writer.

  • 18% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    51,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    51,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    46,00 €

    Ksi¿¿ka ta ma na celu analiz¿ pism Arundhati Roya w ¿wietle cierpie¿ i k¿opotów upad¿ych, zmarginalizowanych i s¿abszych w spöecze¿stwie silnym spöecznie i politycznie, trwaj¿cego zjawiska modernizacji, nadu¿ywania broni j¿drowej, dehumanizacji ¿rodowiska spöecznego i depersonalizacji cz¿owieka, które reprezentuje w swoich dzie¿ach: An Ordinary Person's Guide to Empire, The Algebra of Infinite Justice, Power Politics, The Checkbook and the Cruise Missile, Broken Republic, The Shape of the Beast, Listening to Grasshoppers and Capitalism: A Ghost Story, scenariusz, w którym Annie daje to, co ma, oraz "The Doctor and the Saint", wprowadzenie Arundhati Roya do "Zag¿ady kasty" dr B.R. Ambedkara. "Konfrontacja z powstaj¿cym porz¿dkiem ¿wiata": A Socio-Political Study of Arundhati Roy's Writings" gromadzi niektóre z najistotniejszych kwestii spöecznych i politycznych poruszanych przez Roy'a w jej pracach konfrontuj¿cych si¿ z lud¿mi w¿adzy.

  • 18% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    51,00 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    51,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

    Kobiety pod patriarchatem:studium na temat cierpienia i realizacji w op¿taniu Kamali Markandayajestprób¿ przeanalizowania powie¿ci Markandaya Posiadanie w ¿wietle cierpienia i trudnej sytuacji jednostek w patriarchalnym spo¿ecze¿stwie. Ujawnia to równie¿ wielk¿ fascynacj¿ autora tradycyjnymi warto¿ciami indyjskimi. Powie¿¿ przedstawia alegori¿ ludzkiego cierpienia. Jest to historia malarza Valmiki i angielskiej turystki Caroline. Markandaya sugeruje, ¿e Indie musz¿ czerpä po¿ywienie z ¿yciodajnych ¿róde¿ w¿asnej kultury. W Possession g¿ówn¿ postaci¿ jest kobieta, ale jest ona obywatelem brytyjskim, podczas gdy historia jest opowiedziana z dominuj¿cego indyjskiego punktu widzenia. Lady Caroline Bell n Possession wydaje si¿ nale¿e¿ do zupe¿nie innej kategorii stworzonej prawdopodobnie ze sprzeciwu Markandaya wobec patriarchalnych tradycji, jak równie¿ z jej zamiaru nadania alegorycznego stroju politycznemu tematowi brytyjskiej dominacji Indii. Markandaya uwäa, ¿e równo¿¿ kobiet jest osi¿gana poprzez wspó¿prac¿, a nie konfrontacj¿.

  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

    Women under Patriarchy: A Study on Suffering and Realization in Kamala Markandayäs Possession is an attempt to analyze Markandayäs novel Possession in the light of the suffering and predicament of individuals in a patriarchal society. It also reveals the author¿s great fascination for the traditional Indian values. The novel depicts an allegory of human suffering. It is the story of Valmiki, the painter, and Caroline, the English Tourist. Markandaya suggests that India has to draw sustenance from life-giving springs of its own culture. In Possession a woman is the central character but she is a British national, whereas the story is being told from a predominantly Indian view point. Lady Caroline Bell in Possession seems to belong to an altogether different category created possibly out of Markandayäs opposition to patriarchal traditions as also of her intention of giving an allegorical garb to a political theme of the British domination of India. Markandaya believes that equality for women is achieved through co-operation rather than confrontation.

  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

  • 15% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    34,00 €

  • von Antony Joseph
    39,90 €

  • 18% sparen
    von Antony Joseph
    46,00 €

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