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Bücher von Arthur Miller

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  • - A Play in Four Acts
    von Arthur Miller
    9,98 €

    Arthur Miller's classic parable of mass hysteria draws a chilling parallel between the Salem witch-hunt of 1692 - 'one of the strangest and most awful chapters in human history' - and the McCarthyism which gripped America in the 1950s. The story of how the small community of Salem is stirred into madness by superstition, paranoia and malice, culminating in a violent climax, is a savage attack on the evils of mindless persecution and the terrifying power of false accusations.

  • - Certain Private Conversations in Two Acts and a Requiem
    von Arthur Miller
    10,48 €

    In the spring of 1948 Arthur Miller retreated to a log cabin in Connecticut with the first two lines of a new play already fixed in his mind. He emerged six weeks later with the final script of Death of a Salesman - a painful examination of American life and consumerism. Opening on Broadway the following year, Miller's extraordinary masterpiece changed the course of modern theatre. In creating Willy Loman, his destructively insecure anti-hero, Miller himself defined his aim as being 'to set forth what happens when a man does not have a grip on the forces of life.'

  • von Arthur Miller
    27,00 €

    Often called the most autobiographical of Arthur Miller's plays, After the Fall probes deeply into the psyche of Quentin, a man who ruthlessly revisits his past to explain the catastrophe that is his life. His journey backward takes him through a troubled upbringing, the bitter death of his mother, and a series of failed relationships.

  • von Arthur Miller
    22,00 - 33,00 €

  • von Arthur Miller
    25,00 €

  • von Arthur Miller
    27,00 €

    Now a Broadway play starring Mark Ruffalo, Tony Shalhoub, Danny DeVito, and Jessica Hecht, Miller's riveting story about family, sacrifice, and the struggle to make peace with the past.Years after an angry breakup, Victor and Walter Franz are reunited by the death of their father. As they sort through his possessions in an old brownstone attic, the memories evoked by his belongings stir up old hostilities. The Price was nominated for two Tony Awards, including best play.

  • von Arthur Miller
    27,00 €

  • von Arthur Miller
    25,00 €

  • von Arthur Miller
    14,00 €

    Arthur Millers Erzählungen - in >PresenceDie Stücke Arthur Millers behandeln die drängenden Fragen des 20. Jahrhunderts. In ihnen spiegelt sich das politische Engagement Millers, das ihn mehr als einmal in Bedrängnis brachte. In seinen Stories zeigen sich die gleichen Stärken in neuem Gewand: Mit großer Empathie, prägnanten Dialogen und tiefer Einsicht widmet er sich hier den unauffälligen, intimen Ereignissen im Leben des Einzelnen.

  • von Arthur Miller
    9,99 €

    Ein unter die Haut gehendes Porträt des Rassismus in Brooklyn während der letzten Tage des Zweiten Weltkriegs.Mr. Newman ist ein kleiner Angestellter mit einem großen Ehrgeiz. Von seinem gläsernen Büro aus überwacht er die ihm unterstellten Stenotypistinnen. Doch eines Tages lässt seine Sehkraft nach. Als der Arzt ihm eine Brille verordnet, beginnt sein Leidensweg. Denn plötzlich wirkt Newman in den Augen seiner Mitmenschen irgendwie »jüdisch«. Newman, bislang rassistischen Diffamierungen gegenüber vollkommen gleichgültig, steht plötzlich selbst im Brennpunkt antisemitischer Hetze.Der einzige Roman des großen amerikanischen Dramatikers. Erstmals seit Jahrzehnten wieder lieferbar.

  • von Arthur Miller
    27,00 €

    Dieses Unterrichtsmodell bezieht sich auf folgende Textausgabe: Schöningh, Bestell-Nr.: 041273Arthur Millers Klassiker Death of a Salesman hat seit seinem Erscheinen 1949 gleichermaßen Bühne und Klassenzimmer erobert. Dies liegt vor allem an der Zeitlosigkeit der darin behandelten Themen: familiäre Konflikte, berufliche Schwierigkeiten, Träume, Wünsche und Selbstfindung in einer sich wandelnden Konkurrenz- und Leistungsgesellschaft. Der American Dream wird zum American Nightmare.All diese Themen werden unter Berücksichtigung heterogener Lerngruppen handlungs- und produktionsorientiert erarbeitet. Außerdem bietet dieses Unterrichtsmodell diverse Vorschläge zur Vertiefung von fachbezogenem Englisch für verschiedene Berufsschulzweige. So wird der Bereich der Dramenanalyse und -interpretation auf vielfältige Weise eingeübt.Millers Drama eignet sich als Schullektüre für die Jahrgangsstufen 10-13 und für alle beruflichen Schulen. Dieses Modell bezieht sich auf die Textausgabe des Schöningh Verlags und liefert einen praxisorientierten Leitfaden zur Behandlung im Unterricht der Oberstufe. Contents:The drama - The author - The content - The characters - Vorüberlegungen zum Einsatz des Dramas im Unterricht - Konzeption des Unterrichtsmodells - Weiterführende Materialien - Klausuren - Musterlösungen zu den Aufgaben der TextausgabeComponent 1: The first approach: Getting startet - The setting - The salesmanComponent 2: Meeting the Lomans: Linda, Willy and the period they live in - Being happyComponent 3: How to read a dream: Between the past and the present - Success and the self-deception of fathers and sonsComponent 4: Characters: Understanding Linda - Emotions - Family relationsComponent 5: Willy Loman: Willy's self-esteem - Willy, never growing up? - All Lomans, all liars?Component 6: The death of a salesman: The two sides - The unpleasant truths - The suicide - The American Dream(s)

  • von Arthur Miller
    13,00 €

  • von Arthur Miller
    12,98 €

  • - Screenplay
    von Arthur Miller
    13,00 €

    This screenplay is Miller's own adaption of his 20th century classic play about the Salem witch trials of 1692. The book includes twenty stills from the Twentieth Century Fox film starring Daniel Day Lewis and Winona Ryder,

  • von Arthur Miller
    23,00 €

  • - An Aliyah Odyssey
    von Arthur Miller
    24,00 €

    When young law student Arthur Miller books a trip to Israel for himself and his new wife Ronnie in the aftermath of the Six Day War, he unknowingly begins an odyssey that will last almost four decades. After thirty-five years of annual visits, he finally fulfills his dream of making aliyah. Join Arthur and Ronnie on their delightful and inspirational journey to figuring out life as Israeli citizens.Arthur's keen observations and hysterical sense of humor, combined with his easy-going American attitude, are a recipe for a unique aliyah experience. His passionate love for the country and its people provides the backdrop against which we see the good in Israel through Arthur's eyes. From bureaucratic offices and clerks at banks and post offices to hospitals and medical emergencies and travels via cars and trains, the many facets of daily living shine through Arthur and Ronnie's story.Whether you've already made aliyah and can heartily identify with Arthur and Ronnie or you are in love with Israel and want to read about it from afar, perhaps in anticipation of making aliyah someday, this fascinating chronicle will have you laughing, crying, commiserating, and getting in touch with the infatuation that we all share for our beloved Land.

  • 14% sparen
    von Arthur Miller
    21,00 €

    A new Penguin Plays edition of the forgotten classic that launched the career of one of America's greatest playwrights It took more than fifty years for The Man Who Had All the Luck to be appreciated for what it truly is: the first stirrings of a genius that would go on to blossom in such masterpieces as Death of a Salesman and The Crucible. This striking new edition finally adds Miller's first major play to the Penguin Plays seriesnow in beautifully redesigned covers. Infused with the moral malaise of the Depression era, this parable-like drama centers on David Beeves, a man before whom every obstacle to personal and professional success seems to crumble with ease. But his good fortune merely serves to reveal the tragedies of those around him in greater relief, offering what David believes to be evidence of a capricious god or, worse, a godless, arbitrary universe. David's journey toward fulfillment becomes a nightmare of existential doubts, a desperate grasp for reason in a cosmos seemingly devoid of any, and a struggle that will take him to the brink of madness.

  • von Arthur Miller
    33,00 €

  • von Arthur Miller
    22,00 €

  • - Why Emmett Till's Murder Changed America, a Personal Story
    von L. Miller & Arthur
    24,00 €

  • - A Case Study of Controversy in Social Science
    von Arthur Miller
    118,00 €

    ?Miller thoroughly examines the controversies inspired by the late Stanley Milgrim's obedience experiments. He begins with a systematic review of the Milgram series, and some extensitons and replications of these experiments. The most basic and familiar finding is that ordinary people will attempt to administer severe electrial shocks to others if so instructed by an authority figure perceived to be legitimate. Miller next reviews challenges and defenses of the ethics of such deceptive and hupothetically traumatizing experiments. he then considers critiques of Milgrim's methodology, especially in terms of its external validity. Finally the book addresses the controversial claim that these experiments help explain the Nazi Holocaust, and that they have disturbing implications for the understanding of human nature....The significance of the controversies examined, renders this work an important addition to social science collections and a companion volume to Milgram's own Obedience to Authority. Upper-division undergraduates and above.?-Choice

  • von Arthur Miller
    11,00 €

    Eddie Carbone is a longshoreman and a straightforward man, with a strong sense of decency and of honour. For Eddie, it's a privilege to take in his wife's cousins, straight off the boat from Italy. But, as his niece begins to fall for one of them, it's clear that it's not just, as Eddie claims, that he's too strange, too sissy, too careless for her, but that something bigger, deeper is wrong, and wrong inside Eddie, in a way he can't face. Something which threatens the happiness of their whole family.

  • von Arthur Miller
    18,00 €

    A reticent personnel manager living with his mother, Mr Newman shares the prejudices of his times and of his neighbours - and neither a Hispanic woman abused outside his window nor the persecution of the Jewish store owner he buys his paper from are any of his business. Until Newman begins wearing glasses, and others begin to mistake him for a Jew.

  • von Arthur Miller
    18,00 €

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