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Bücher von Ashish Gupta

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  • von Ashish Gupta
    18,00 €

    Shobha was a cute girl in possession of a finely chiselled face, laced with the cutest of smiles. What made her unique, apart from her beauty, was her eagerness to help others just like her father, a reputed businessman of the town. Being the only child of her parents, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Shobha had just to think of something and the next moment it was hers.She received love from everyone.Life seemed rosy and full of happiness, but future had something else written for her.......

  • von Ashish Gupta
    203,00 €

    Global business has been affected by several unprecedented and significant problems and threats in the recent past. This book offers comprehensive strategies for managing crises and disruptions to reinvigorate productivity and performance.It discusses themes and issues like crisis management; consumer behaviour during crisis; emerging business models and trends in global business; and risks, impacts and mitigation strategies. The book provides an overview of business processes highlighting the unique challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent developments have wrought on businesses including disruptions in supply chains, health and safety risks for employees and economic and logistical vulnerabilities, among others. Including case studies from various sectors and industries, the chapters in this book provide solutions and interventions like adopting technological improvements and innovative labour practices for organisations to deal effectively with uncertainty and adapt sustainable and effective models for growth and performance for their businesses.Lucid and topical, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of business management, crisis management, finance and economics, as well as for business and corporate professionals.

  • von Ashish Gupta
    157,00 €

    Over the years, India has emerged as the third largest start-up ecosystem in the world, earning itself the reputation of being the emerging land for delivering unicorns. It has become one of the most attractive regions in the world for initiating and scaling up new business ideas. Many venture capitalists have invested in India's start-up ecosystem, and the government has also launched a variety of schemes to promote this growth. Indian organisations have become more competitive, making their global presence felt and expanding their reach into new industries and sectors.What factors have been pivotal for the growth of Indian start-ups? How did the Indian ecosystem evolve to fuel this growth? Is the role of leadership in start-ups more crucial than in other organisations?This book, through its diverse range of chapters, not only provides answers to the above questions, but also makes sincere efforts to highlight the innovative potential that start-ups carry and the leadership that is required to sail them through global competition. The book also provides an insight on the race of unicorns and how Indian start-ups have been extremely successful in bagging this coveted title. This edited book is a must-read for budding entrepreneurs and researchers who aim to understand and conduct research on Indian start-ups and their ecosystem support.

  • von Ashish Gupta
    26,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashish Gupta, Bangarubabu Popuri, Amit Tyagi & usw.
    212,00 €

  • von Ashish Gupta
    62,00 €

  • von Ashish Gupta
    17,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Ashish Gupta
    37,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Ashish Gupta
    37,00 €

  • 16% sparen
    von Ashish Gupta
    46,00 €

    The Romantic movement validated intense emotion as an authentic source of aesthetic experience, placing new emphasis on such emotions as apprehension, horror and terror, and awe ¿ especially which is experienced in confronting the sublimity of untamed nature and its picturesque qualities: both new aesthetic categories. In English literature, the key figures of the Romantic movement are considered to be the group of poets which is known as ¿Big Six¿. In this group the poets are William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and the much older William Blake. In English Romantic Poetry, the above six great male poets are well appreciated. This book presents a brief panorama of the life & works of these six great poets.

  • von Ashish Gupta
    131,00 €

    This book provides a comprehensive and contemporary source of reference for the gig economy for sustainable businesses with a focus on Industry 4.0. It covers the theoretical and practical implications of the rise of an alternative system in the era of technology-driven business entities; and explains the emergence of the gig economy as a crucial factor in devising approaches that will help in ensuring better decision making.As the COVID-19 pandemic rages on, investors and corporations are attempting to overcome the turbulence in financial markets over the past few months. Governments and economists are scrambling to mitigate the impacts of lockdowns. Many businesses have transferred to a remote working system, and the critical challenge remains to make this form of work and business productive, efficient, and sustainable. Against this backdrop, the book provides an overview of the gig economy from varied perspective such as general business and economics; ethics, governance, and legal issues; diffusion of IT in the workplace; sustainability; future of workforce and workplaces during and post-pandemic scenarios. This edited volume also highlights several challenges and opportunities for managing the diverse workforce in the prevailing situation which has no precedence.With its discussions on the impact of the gig economy on the business world, the book carries appeal for scholars in the business, human resource professionals, industry practitioners, corporates, and policy advocates interested in learning about evolution, automation, marketing, and sustainability in the gig economy.

  • 15% sparen
  • von Ashish Gupta
    19,00 €

    Charl'z Dikkens - plodowityj literaturnyj deqtel' wiktorianskoj äpohi. Do Dikkensa ni odin romanist ne rassmatriwal nizshie sloi srednego klassa tak shiroko i otkrowenno. On rassmatriwaet ih na ih sobstwennyh primerah, a ne kak otstranennuü wysshuü formu. Vyderzhki iz proizwedenij Dikkensa naglqdno demonstriruüt, kak on pytalsq w swoih romanah realizowat' ne tol'ko swoi lichnye zhelaniq, no i zaswidetel'stwowat' ih wozdejstwie neposredstwenno na zritelej. V romane "Oliwer Twist" Dikkens stroit süzhet, w centre kotorogo - wstrecha mal'chika s neblagodarnoj dejstwitel'nost'ü. Na protqzhenii wekow literatura w swoih raznoobraznyh formah zatragiwala rqd social'nyh, politicheskih, äkonomicheskih, fizicheskih i psihologicheskih problem. Takim obrazom, pod äxpluataciej detej ponimaetsq nesprawedliwoe obraschenie s det'mi radi kakoj-libo wygody. Jexpluataciq detej wklüchaet w sebq ispol'zowanie detej dlq rabskogo fizicheskogo truda ili lichnogo sexual'nogo udowletworeniq. Deti takzhe stradaüt ot psihologicheskoj äxpluatacii, kogda im prihoditsq prohodit' cherez trudnye ätapy w shkole ili doma. Oni dazhe stradaüt ot social'noj äxpluatacii cherez rasowuü diskriminaciü ili gendernuü predwzqtost'. Klüchewye slowa - wiktorianskaq äpoha, detstwo, psihologiq, rabotnyj dom, filosofiq.

  • von Ashish Gupta
    19,80 €

    Charles Dickens war eine produktive literarische Figur des viktorianischen Zeitalters. Vor Dickens hatte kein Romancier das Kleinbürgertum so umfassend und so offen behandelt. Er testet sie in ihrem eigenen Umfeld, anstatt sie als eine abgehobene, übergeordnete Form zu betrachten. Dickens' Lesungen aus seinen eigenen Werken zeigen deutlich, wie er versuchte, in seinen Romanen nicht nur seine eigenen persönlichen Wünsche zu erfüllen, sondern auch Zeugnis von deren unmittelbarer Wirkung auf seine Zuschauer abzulegen. In dem Roman Oliver Twist baut Dickens eine Handlung auf, in deren Mittelpunkt die Begegnung des Jungen mit einer undankbaren Realität steht. Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte hat die Literatur in ihrer vielfältigen Form verschiedene soziale, politische, wirtschaftliche, physische und psychologische Themen angesprochen. Die Ausbeutung von Kindern bezieht sich also auf die ungerechte Behandlung von Kindern zu irgendeinem Zweck. Die Ausbeutung von Kindern umfasst die Ausnutzung von Kindern zur Knechtschaft durch körperliche Arbeit oder zur persönlichen, sexuellen Befriedigung. Kinder leiden auch unter psychologischer Ausbeutung, wenn sie in der Schule oder zu Hause schwierige Phasen durchmachen müssen. Sie leiden sogar unter sozialer Ausbeutung durch Rassendiskriminierung oder geschlechtsspezifische Vorurteile. Schlüsselwörter - Viktorianisches Zeitalter, Kindheit, Psychologie, Arbeitshaus, Philosophie.

  • von Ashish Gupta
    18,00 €

  • von Ashish Gupta
    36,00 €

  • von Ashish Gupta
    17,00 €

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