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Bücher von Ashwani Kumar

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  • 22% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    203,00 €

    This book is a collection of information about applying CRISPR-Cas systems for genome editing in plants. The main focus of this book is to address the recent advances and future prospects of CRISPR-Cas technology in crops.Genome editing technology is important because it can be used to improve plant traits. The earlier genome-engineering tools, zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), and TAL effector nucleases (TALENs) are complicated to design and not flexible. The novel genome editor, CRISPR-Cas systems, has advantages over ZFNs and TALENs. The advantages are simple and easy to design precision in targeting and efficiency. Due to its precision and simplicity, the CRISPR-Cas technology has rapidly become the most popular genome-editing platform in life-science fields. CRISPR-Cas technology has been used widely for human gene therapy to treat diseases and for plant breeding programs for crop improvement.This book is of interest and useful to genome-editing professionals, plant breeders, horticulturists, field-level extension workers, nurserymen, planters, ecologists, and valuable source of reference to the relevant researchers.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

    Le TNP (2,4,6-Trinitrophénol) est le nom IUPAC de l'acide picrique, très soluble dans l'eau et plus explosif que le TNT. Il a été utilisé pendant la première guerre mondiale et avant celle-ci, notamment pendant la guerre russo-japonaise, la bataille d'Omdurman, la deuxième guerre des Boers, etc. Son utilisation généralisée comme antiseptique pour le traitement de l'herpès, de la variole, des brûlures et de la malaria, dans l'industrie des colorants et dans les laboratoires chimiques, constitue une menace importante pour la sécurité de l'environnement. L'ingestion de TNP provoque plusieurs problèmes chez l'homme, tels qu'une irritation des yeux et de la peau, un dysfonctionnement du foie, des problèmes liés aux systèmes urinaire, gastro-intestinal et respiratoire, ainsi que des maladies chroniques telles que l'anémie, la cyanose et le cancer. Le 2-Amino-4,6-dinitrophénol, un métabolite du TNP, est lui-même 10 fois plus mutagène que le TNP. Il est donc nécessaire de développer des capteurs de TNP pour l'environnement et la sécurité des différents portails d'entrée tels que les aéroports, les gares ferroviaires et routières, les lieux touristiques, les centres commerciaux et autres lieux publics.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

    El TNP (2,4,6-trinitrofenol) es el nombre IUPAC del ácido pícrico, altamente soluble en agua y más explosivo por naturaleza que el TNT. Se utilizó en la Primera Guerra Mundial y en guerras anteriores como la ruso-japonesa, la batalla de Omdurman, la Segunda Guerra Bóer, etc. Su uso generalizado como antiséptico para el tratamiento del herpes, la viruela, el tratamiento de quemaduras, la malaria, en las industrias de tintes y en los laboratorios químicos supone una importante amenaza para la seguridad del medio ambiente. La ingesta de TNP provoca varios problemas en los seres humanos, como irritación ocular y cutánea, mal funcionamiento del hígado, problemas relacionados con los sistemas urinario, gastrointestinal y respiratorio, así como enfermedades crónicas como anemia, cianosis y cáncer. El 2-amino-4,6-dinitrofenol, un metabolito del TNP, es 10 veces más mutagénico que éste. Por lo tanto, es necesario desarrollar sensores de TNP para el medio ambiente y la seguridad de diferentes portales de entrada como: aeropuertos, estaciones de tren/autobús, lugares turísticos, centros comerciales y otros lugares públicos.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

    TNP (2,4,6-Trinitrofenol) é o nome IUPAC do ácido pícrico, altamente solúvel em água e mais explosivo do que o TNT. Foi utilizado na Primeira Guerra Mundial e em guerras anteriores, como a guerra russo-japonesa, a batalha de Omdurman, a Segunda Guerra dos Bóeres, etc. A sua utilização generalizada como anti-sético para o tratamento de herpes, varíola, queimaduras, malária, em indústrias de corantes e em laboratórios químicos impõe uma ameaça significativa à segurança do ambiente. A ingestão de TNP causa vários problemas nos seres humanos, como irritação dos olhos e da pele, mau funcionamento do fígado, problemas relacionados com os sistemas urinário, gastrointestinal e respiratório, bem como doenças crónicas como a anemia, a cianose e o cancro. O 2-Amino-4,6-dinitrofenol, um metabolito do TNP, é 10 vezes mais mutagénico do que o TNP. Por isso, é necessário desenvolver sensores de TNP para o ambiente e a segurança de diferentes portais de entrada, tais como: aeroportos, estações de comboios/autocarros, pontos turísticos, centros comerciais e outros locais públicos.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

    Il TNP (2,4,6-Trinitrofenolo) è il nome IUPAC dell'acido picrico, altamente solubile in acqua e di natura più esplosiva del TNT. È stato utilizzato nella prima guerra mondiale e in altre precedenti, come la guerra russo-giapponese, la battaglia di Omdurman, la seconda guerra boera, ecc. Il suo uso diffuso come antisettico per il trattamento dell'herpes, del vaiolo, delle ustioni, della malaria, nelle industrie dei coloranti e nei laboratori chimici costituisce una minaccia significativa per la sicurezza dell'ambiente. L'assunzione di TNP causa diversi problemi nell'uomo, come irritazione degli occhi e della pelle, malfunzionamento del fegato, problemi legati all'apparato urinario, gastrointestinale e respiratorio, nonché malattie croniche come anemia, cianosi e cancro. Il 2-amino-4,6-dinitrofenolo, un metabolita del TNP, è di per sé 10 volte più mutageno del TNP. È quindi necessario sviluppare sensori di TNP per l'ambiente e la sicurezza di diversi ingressi, come aeroporti, stazioni ferroviarie e degli autobus, luoghi turistici, centri commerciali e altri luoghi pubblici.

  • von Ashwani Kumar
    19,00 €

    TNP (2,4,6-trinitrofenol) - nazwanie po IJuPAK pikrinowoj kisloty, horosho rastworimoj w wode i bolee wzrywchatoj po swoej prirode, chem trotil. Primenqlsq w Perwoj mirowoj wojne i do nee, naprimer, w Russko-qponskoj wojne, bitwe pri Omdurmane, Vtoroj burskoj wojne i t.d. Ego shirokoe primenenie w kachestwe antiseptika dlq lecheniq gerpesa, ospy, ozhogow, malqrii, w krasil'noj promyshlennosti i w himicheskih laboratoriqh sozdaet znachitel'nuü ugrozu bezopasnosti okruzhaüschej sredy. Postuplenie TNP w organizm cheloweka wyzywaet rqd problem, takih kak razdrazhenie glaz i kozhi, narushenie raboty pecheni, problemy s mochewydelitel'noj, zheludochno-kishechnoj, dyhatel'noj sistemami, a takzhe hronicheskie zabolewaniq, takie kak anemiq, cianoz i rak. 2-Amino-4,6-dinitrofenol, qwlqüschijsq metabolitom TNP, sam po sebe w 10 raz bolee mutagenen, chem TNP. Poätomu neobhodimo razrabotat' datchiki TNP dlq zaschity okruzhaüschej sredy i bezopasnosti razlichnyh whodnyh portalow, takih kak: aäroporty, zheleznodorozhnye/awtobusnye wokzaly, turisticheskie mesta, torgowye centry i drugie obschestwennye mesta.

  • von Ashwani Kumar
    35,90 €

    TNP (2,4,6-Trinitrophenol) ist die IUPAC-Bezeichnung für Pikrinsäure, die sehr gut wasserlöslich und von Natur aus explosiver ist als TNT. Es wurde im Ersten Weltkrieg und davor eingesetzt, z. B. im Russisch-Japanischen Krieg, in der Schlacht von Omdurman, im Zweiten Burenkrieg usw. Seine weit verbreitete Verwendung als Antiseptikum zur Behandlung von Herpes, Pocken, Verbrennungen, Malaria, in der Farbstoffindustrie und in chemischen Labors stellt eine erhebliche Gefahr für die Sicherheit der Umwelt dar. Die Aufnahme von TNP verursacht beim Menschen verschiedene Probleme wie Augen- und Hautreizungen, Leberfunktionsstörungen, Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Harn-, Magen-Darm- und Atmungssystem sowie chronische Krankheiten wie Anämie, Zyanose und Krebs. 2-Amino-4,6-dinitrophenol, ein Metabolit von TNP, ist selbst 10-mal mutagener als TNP. Daher ist es notwendig, TNP-Sensoren für die Umwelt und die Sicherheit an verschiedenen Eingangsportalen wie Flughäfen, Bahnhöfen/Busbahnhöfen, Touristenorten, Einkaufszentren und anderen öffentlichen Orten zu entwickeln.

  • von Ashwani (Technical Educational Department Kumar
    171,00 - 383,00 €

  • 13% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    167,00 €

    The book contains select proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Grid Energy Systems and Control (SGESC 2023). The proceedings are divided into 02 volumes, and this volume focuses on the Decarbonisation and Digitization of the Energy System. The book covers the important topics on the smart grid/microgrids and control aspects, optimal energy scheduling, distributed generation, wind energy for remote electrification, forecasting of loads and daily energy demand, reactive power management, Volt-Var control, reactive power procurement, and ancillary services, the role of FACTS devices for reactive power management and control, feasibility study of PV/Wind hybrid systems, electricity markets, stability of the power system network, energy storage systems and electrical vehicles. This book is a unique collection of 27 chapters from different areas with a common theme and will be immensely useful to academic researchers and practitioners in the industry.

  • 13% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    168,00 €

    This edited book is a comprehensive collection of scientific research on different plants under drought and salt stress conditions. The main focus of this book is to elaborate on the mechanisms being operative in plants under stress and how various biological factors mitigate the adverse effects for better plant productivity. This book covers all physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms operating under drought and saline stresses. The current status and impact of drought and salinity on various crop plants have been elaborated on in different chapters. Agricultural lands are either turning barren or becoming more saline and drought-prone with increasing temperatures, decreasing water tables, untimely rainfall, and other environmental factors. In India, salt-affected soils occupy an area of about 6.73 million ha of which saline and sodic soils constitute roughly 40 and 60%, respectively. All these factors individually or cumulatively, affect the plant growth and development and hence, the crop productivity with the monetary loss. The inbuilt plant's ability with modified/acclimatized mechanisms has been described in various chapters with step-wise descriptions. The role of various plant growth-promoting agents including nano-particles, micro-organisms, metabolites or phytohormones, etc in mitigating adverse effects of drought and salinity has been explained precisely. Updated information on the use of speed breeding, proteomics, epigenetics, and transcriptomics in different crops along with high throughput technologies is included for the cross-talk of various network mechanisms. This book is helpful for the readers in knowing salinity and drought through the physiological, biochemical and genetic, and molecular levels to understand plant behaviour under stress conditions. Also, the book serves as additional reading material for undergraduate and graduate students of agriculture, plant physiology, biochemistry, forestry, and environmental sciences. National and international agricultural scientists and policymakers will also find this to be a useful read.

  • 19% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    65,00 €

    Biotechnology is the science and technology of building functional structures and devices. In Greek, ¿Biotechnology¿ derives from the bio which means life and technologia means systematic treatment of an art or craft. Nanostructured inorganic, organic, and biological materials may have existed in nature since the evolution of life started on Earth. Some evident examples are micro-organisms, fine-grained minerals in rocks, and nano size particles in bacteria and smoke. From a biological viewpoint, the DNA double-helix has a diameter of about 2 nm (20 angstrom) while ribosomes have a diameter of 25 nm. Atoms have a size of 1¿4 angstrom; therefore nanostructured materials could hold tens of thousands of atoms all together. Moving to a micrometer scale, the diameter of a human hair is 50¿100 _m. Advancements in microscopy technology have made it possible to visualize images of nanostructures and have largely dictated the development of nanotechnology.

  • von S. C. Srivastava, S. N. Singh & Ashwani Kumar
    167,00 €

    The book contains select proceedings of the International Conference on Smart Grid Energy Systems and Control (SGESC 2021). The proceedings is divided into 03 volumes, and this volume focuses on renewable energy towards the smart grid. It includes papers related to smart grid, renewable energy, its integration, and DERs in the network for better energy management and ancillary services. The book presents cutting-edge research in the emerging fields of micro, nano, and smart devices and systems from experts. Most of the contributors have built devices or systems or developed processes or algorithms in these areas. This book is a unique collection of chapters from different areas with a common theme and will be immensely useful to academic researchers and practitioners in the industry.

  • von Ashwani Kumar
    95,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

  • von Ashwani Kumar
    35,90 €

  • von Ashwani Kumar
    19,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
  • 15% sparen
    von Jafargholi Imani, Ashwani Kumar & Karl-Hermann Neumann
    186,00 €

  • 19% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    65,00 €

    The handbook is specially written for the young researchers who are eager to contribute towards advancements in multimedia images. In this book, various concepts related to the security & privacy of digital images are discussed in a simple language. The major objective of this book is to introduce the subject to the readers and motivate them for further research in the area. This book is very helpful from the beginner¿s perspective as it provides an understanding of all the related concepts of security & privacy of digital images. The prime objective of this book is to provide a fundamental system model for young researchers and authors to understand security related technologies for multimedia images. This book targets theory, development, applications, experiences and evaluation with academicians, researchers, authors and practitioners. The book is devoted to increasing the understanding role of technical issues related to the security & privacy of multimedia images.

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

  • 14% sparen
    von Ashwani Kumar
    31,00 €

  • 16% sparen
  • 15% sparen
  • von Ashwani Kumar
    231,00 €

    This book provides insight into the use of molecular and genomic techniques to the study of populations of critically important species at various geographical scales. It delves into a wide range of issues relevant to biodiversity conservation, such as population differentiation, landscape genomics, ecological interactions, phylogenetics, phylogeography, metagenomics, molecular methods, and data processing. The current rate of biodiversity loss is unprecedented and valuable genetic resources are being lost at an alarmingly rate. Effective strategies to conserve these genetic resources are essential to maintain healthy ecosystems with inter-dependent species. The book is an invaluable resource for training undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and for young researchers. This book is particularly useful for the policy makers and academics who want to learn about important concepts in population and conservation genetics and genomics.

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