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Bücher von August Strindberg

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  • von August Strindberg
    21,00 €

    August Strindberg's "The German Lieutenant and Other Stories" is a set of intriguing testimonies that explore the intricacies of human nature, cultural standards, and the existential problems of individuals in late 19th-century Sweden. The stories in the anthology feature a broad forged of characters and locales, each exploring issues of affection, betrayal, identity, and the human situation. From the name tale "The German Lieutenant," which follows the tragic romance among a Swedish girl and a German officer stationed in Sweden, to stories of social critique and mental introspection, together with "The Admiral," "The Outlaw," and "The Painter," Strindberg weaves a rich tapestry of narratives that captivate and intrigue readers. Strindberg's descriptive fashion and evocative descriptions allow readers to explore the complexities of human relationships and society traditions, often thinking commonplace norms and expectancies. Whether analyzing the depths of human emotion or the ramifications of societal injustice, every story within the book gives insight into the complexity of the human experience.

  • von August Strindberg
    20,00 €

    ¿Fair Haven and Foul Strand" is an ancient Drama, Psychological story book written by August Strindberg. This work of fiction, with its mixture of cerebral depth, first-rate narrative, and extremely good placing, famous Strindberg's grasp narrative ability. Fair Haven and Foul Strand is an engrossing story that allows you to have readers guessing lengthy once they've finished the final net web page. August Strindberg, recognized for his probes into the human psyche, tells a thrilling story set in a seashore village. The tale explores the complexities of human relationships, illustrating the interaction of passion, jealousy, and betrayal. Fair Haven and Foul Strand paints an in depth photo of small-city life, with its complex relationships and simmering conflicts below the floor.

  • von August Strindberg
    27,00 €

    There Are Crimes and Crimes, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable volume falls within the genres of Language and Literatures Germanic, Scandinavian, and Icelandic literatures

  • von August Strindberg
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    59,90 - 79,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    31,00 €

    The Road to Damascus, A Trilogy, a classical and rare book that has been considered essential throughout human history, so that this work is never forgotten, we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von August Strindberg
    24,00 €

    Plays: the Father; Countess Julie; the Outlaw; the Stronger, a classical book, has been considered essential throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and designed. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work and hence the text is clear and readable.

  • von August Strindberg
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    24,90 - 44,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    24,90 - 44,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    19,00 €

    Johan August Strindberg was a Swedish writer, playwright, and painter. Along with Henrik Ibsen, Søren Kierkegaard, Selma Lagerlöf and Hans Christian Andersen he is arguably the most influential and famous of all Scandinavian authors. Strindberg is known as one of the fathers of modern theatre. His work falls into two major literary movements, Naturalism and Expressionism. He is widely read in Sweden and internationally to this day.

  • von August Strindberg
    15,95 €

    The narrator of The Infernöostensibly August Strindberg himself¿has not had an easy recent past, and a move to Paris is not helping. As his mania overtakes his ability to function in the society of artists, writers, scientists and philosophers he¿d like to be part of, he turns to more unconventional methods to help make sense of his world.Written in diary form, The Inferno is a semi-autobiographical work that blends self-deprecating humour with a whirl of neurosis and attempted rationalisation. The novel, with a certain amount of exaggeration for literary effect, charts two years of Strindberg¿s life in the 1890s. Presented here is Claud Field¿s 1913 translation from the original French.

  • von August Strindberg
    21,90 €

    August Strindberg¿s novel The Red Room centers on the civil servant Arvid Falk as he tries to find meaning in his life through the pursuit of writing. He¿s accompanied by a crew of painters, sculptors and philosophers each on their own journey for the truth, who meet in the ¿Red Room¿ of a local restaurant.Drawing heavily on August¿s own experiences, The Red Room was published in Sweden in 1879. Its reception was less than complimentary in Sweden¿a major newspaper called it ¿dirt¿¿but it fared better in the rest of Scandinavia and soon was recognised in his home country. Since then it has been translated into multiple languages, including the 1913 English translation by Ellise Schleussner presented here.

  • von August Strindberg
    34,90 - 59,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    23,00 €

    Lucky Pehr by August Strindberg has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von Annandreas & August Strindberg
    22,00 €

    "I'll tell you what, Ygberg, I believe one has to be very unscrupulous if one wants to get on in the world." That's how The Red Room could be summarised through one of its sentences. Through a number of cultural workers Strindberg asks the question of how life should be lived. As a young person, you can pretend to be an ardent idealist; as an older, somewhat sober person, you can come to realise that what you from the beginning thought to be idealistic may not really be.Through its straightforward language The Red Room (1879) is often called the first modern novel in Swedish. It constitutes a representation of Stockholm in the 1870s and is known for its depictions of the urban environment as well as its satire. The book is an attempt to stand by the lower classes by humorously attacking the hypocrisy of the higher classes. The Red Room was described as dirt by contemporary critics, but it was an immediate success.This edition of The Red Room constitutes the first novel in the cluster text style, which could be 20 percent better than ordinary texts, and is intended to function as a kind of survey for how we look at text, reading and book design. This book, in Swedish, was made as an entry for Svensk bokkonst, which every year rewards good examples of book design. The winners get to participate in Stiftung Buchkunt's Best Book Design from all over the World which in German is called Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt. This difference captures an important gap. Book design has long been about designing beautiful books. Now we'll see how Svensk bokkonst and possibly Stiftung Buchkunst see this. What do you think? Should we read cluster texts? You will get an answer to that question by reading this edition of The Red Room.PLEASE NOTE that the text in this book, i.e. cluster text, cannot be reflown and therefore needs to be read on tablets/screens at least 13 centimetres wide, which can handle line lengths of 95 characters (i.e. smaller screens are not suitable).

  • von August Strindberg
    11,00 €

    August Strindbergin Onnellisten saari on robinsonadi, kertomus autiolle saarella joutuvasta miesjoukosta. Samalla se on herkullinen satiiri, jossa Strindberg ivaa ihmisen luontaista vallanhimoa ja vallankumouksellisten taipumusta pettää omat ihanteensa. Onnellisten saari ilmestyi alun perin vuonna 1882, ja se julkaistiin suomeksi vuonna 1912 Ilmari Ahman viehättävänä käännöksenä, jota käytetään tässäkin laitoksessa. Teoksen avaa Juri Nummelinin lyhyt esipuhe.

  • von Annandreas & August Strindberg
    23,00 €

    Vet du, Ygberg, jag tror man får lov att bli en dålig människa om man vill komma fram i världen! Så skulle man kunna sammanfatta Röda rummet genom en av dess meningar. Genom ett antal kulturarbetare ställer Strindberg frågan om hur livet bör levas.Röda rummet (1879) har kallats den första moderna svenska romanen och utgör ett tidsdokument över 1870-talets Stockholm. Den är känd för sina stadsmiljöskildringar och bitande satir. Boken utgör ett försök till att stå på de trampades sida genom att humoristiskt och ilsket attackera klassamhällets hyckleri och inställsamhet. Röda rummet beskrevs som smuts av samtidens recensenter men blev omedelbart en succé.Denna utgåva av Röda rummet är världens första roman med klustertext och är tänkt att fungera som en sorts undersökning för hur vi ser på bokdesign. I Strindbergs lilla röda: boken om boken och typerna utgår man just från Röda rummet och boken blev en av de tjugofem böcker som Svensk bokkonst varje år utser som exempel på god bokdesign. Denna bok är tänkt som ett bidrag i samma tävling. Vinnarna får sedan delta i Stiftung Buchkunts Best Book Design from all over the World vilken på tyska benämns Schönste Bücher aus aller Welt. Skillnaden mellan uttrycken fångar vad som aktualiseras genom klustertexten då den kan vara betydligt bättre att läsa.Bokdesign har länge handlat om att designa fina böcker. Genom klustertexten hoppas jag att vi kan lämna kärleken till boken för kärleken till läsningen. Vi behöver gå från att vara boktittare till att bli bokläsare. Nu får vi se om först Svensk bokkonst och sedan eventuellt Stiftung Buchkunst också anser det. Vad anser du? Bör vi läsa klustertexter? Det kan du få svar på genom att läsa denna utgåva av Röda rummet.Observera att denna text inte kan flödas om och därför behöver läsas på läsplattor som är minst 13 tum vilka klarar en radlängd på 95 tecken (mindre skärmar är alltså olämpliga).Bonusmaterial: August Strindbergs Lilla katekes för Underklassen.

  • von August Strindberg
    19,90 €

    Un couple, Alice et Edgar, le capitaine, sont en conflit et ne désire qüune chose: la mort de l¿autre. Dans ce combat intervient Kurt, le cousin d¿Alice.La Danse de mort est une pièce d'August Strindberg de 1900. Les personnages principaux sont Edgar, capitaine d'artillerie, et son épouse Alice, ancienne actrice. Strindberg a écrit en six semaines, à la fois cette pièce et une suite La Danse de mort II

  • von August Strindberg
    9,99 €

    Das Inselmeer von Stockholm, die »Schären«, aus welcher Gegend ich Scenerien und Motive für dieses Buch geholt habe, hat immer eine besondere Anziehungskraft auf mich ausgeübt. Vielleicht weil meine engere Heimat, Stockholm und Umgebung, selbst einen Teil dieser Schären bildet. Der Mälar war ja ursprünglich ein Meeresarm, der durch die Wasserläufe bei Södra Telje und Stocksund bei Stockholm in Verbindung mit dem Meere stand; die Kettenschäre, der jetzige Ritterholm, erinnerte ja durch ihren Namen an ihre älteste Natur, die einer Schäre; wie man noch bei einer Fahrt durch den Mälar mit seinen Tausenden von Inseln und Holmen an die Landschaft erinnert wird, die, eine Mischung von Land und Wasser, östlich von der schwedischen Hauptstadt sich etwa sieben Meilen ins Meer hinaus erstreckt.Dieser ganze zerrissene Küstenstrich ruht zum allergrößten Teil auf der Urformation: Gneis, Granit und Eisenerzen; von den letzten hat man nur die von Utö reich genug gefunden, um sie zu bearbeiten. Die Granitvarietät Pegmatit tritt zuweilen in so großen Mengen aus, daß sie des Feldspats wegen gewonnen wird, den die Porzellanfabriken benutzen.Die Abwesenheit der jüngeren Formationen, mit ihren horizontalen Lagerungen in hellen, leichten Farbentönen, verleiht der Schärenlandschaft diesen Zug von Wildheit und Düsterkeit, der die Urformation begleitet. Die Landschaftskontur wird durch die losgerissenen, rohen, unregelmäßigen Blöcke kamm- und wogenförmig auf den Höhen; flach, höckerig, holperig, wo das Meer seine Schleifarbeit ausgeführt hat. Die partielle Schieferhaltigkeit des Gneises setzt auch die Strandklippen so der Sprengarbeit des Eises aus, daß Grotten, Höhlungen und tiefe Spalten das Wilde des Landschaftscharakters steigern; der wird dadurch niemals einförmig wie die Kalk- oder Sandsteinfalaises der französischen Nordküste.

  • von August Strindberg
    24,90 - 44,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    24,00 €

    Master Olof: A Drama in Five Acts, has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von August Strindberg
    28,00 €

    Married, has been regarded as significant work throughout human history, and in order to ensure that this work is never lost, we have taken steps to ensure its preservation by republishing this book in a contemporary format for both current and future generations. This entire book has been retyped, redesigned, and reformatted. Since these books are not made from scanned copies, the text is readable and clear.

  • von August Strindberg
    24,90 - 44,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    173,00 €

  • von August Strindberg
    23,00 €

  • von Redaktion Gröls-Verlag & August Strindberg
    12,90 - 19,90 €

  • von Redaktion Gröls-Verlag & August Strindberg
    12,90 - 18,90 €

  • von August Strindberg
    17,00 €

    August StrindbergGospöica Julijadrama u jednom ¿inu - M1,¿2Nepremostive drütvene i osobne razlike postepeno pretvaraju naivni flert izme¿u koketne grofove k¿eri i markantnog sluge u neminovnu tragediju.Gospöica Julija jedno je od najznamenitijih djela ¿vedskog dramati¿ara Augusta Strindberga. Drama je napisana 1888. i premijerno izvedena 1906. godine. Djelo odlikuje naturalisti¿ki pristup intrigantnoj temi, vje¿ta psiholöka iznijansiranost likova i suptilnost njihovih emocija.

  • von August Strindberg
    19,80 €

    August Strindberg: Der Sohn einer Magd. Die Geschichte der Entwicklung einer SeeleLesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-SchriftGroßformat, 210 x 297 mmBerliner Ausgabe, 2022Durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Theodor Borken»Tjänstekvinnans son. En själs utvecklingshistoria«. Geschrieben 1886 in Frankreich. Hier in der Übersetzung von Emil Schering aus »Strindbergs Werke. Deutsche Gesamtausgabe«, München, Georg Müller Verlag, 1912.Der Text dieser Ausgabe wurde behutsam an die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung angepasst.Umschlaggestaltung von Thomas Schultz-Overhage unter Verwendung des Bildes: Ida Falander, August Strindberg vor 1882.Gesetzt aus der Minion Pro, 16 pt.Henricus - Edition Deutsche Klassik GmbHÜber den Autor:1849 in die kinderreiche Familie eines patriarchalisch-strengen Kolonialwarenhändlers in Stockholm geboren, studiert August Johan Strindberg Medizin und Literatur in Uppsala. Nach kurzen schauspielerischen Versuchen widmet er sich als Dramatiker dem Naturalismus. Er lebt zeitweilig in Berlin und Paris, bevor er 1901 endgültig nach Stockholm zurückkehrt. Psychotisch veranlagt, neigt er Okkultismus und Alchimie zu und durchlebt schwere Krisen, die er vor allem in seinem Roman »Inferno« verarbeitet und entwickelt einen zunehmend mythisch inspirierten expressionistischen Stil. Strindberg hinterlässt über sechzig Dramen und je zehn Romane und Novellensammlungen als er 1912 als bedeutendster Dichter Schwedens an Magenkrebs in Stockholm stirbt.

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