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Bücher von B N Rundell

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  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    von B N Rundell
    20,00 €

    B.N. RUNDELL NIMMT SIE WIEDER MIT AUF ABENTEUERREISE IM BAND DREI DER RASSANTEN STONECROFT SAGA.Osage, Kansa, Otoe sind alles Stämme des Mississippi Laufs und leben genau entlang jener Route, welche die beiden Freunde wählen. Sie setzen alles daran, den Kopfgeldjägern aus Philadelphia zu entkommen und die unentdeckte Wildnis des Westens zu erforschen. Aber als sie mit ehemaligen französischen Fellhändlern, die zu Sklavenhändler wurden, zusammentreffen, ändern sie abermals ihr Ziel. Schließlich haben die Franzosen Pawnee Frauen entführt. Aber die Sklavenhändler sind nichts im Vergleich zu den Stämmen der Omaha und Ponca, die den gesamten Handel vom Missouri bis zum Nord Platte Fluss kontrollieren.Aber Gabe Stone, wie er sich jetzt nennt, und Ezra Blackwell sind nicht nur ewige Freunde und Kameraden auf dieser Entdeckungsreise, sondern freunden sich schließlich auch mit den gefürchteten Omaha und Ponca an. Und eh sie es sich bewusst sind, sind sie mit der Tochter des mächtigsten Häuptlings des ganzen Gebiets befreundet. Mit jeder Wende des Schicksals treten sie neuen Herausforderungen entgegen und als sie schließlich endlich den Weg in die unerforschte Wildnis einschlagen wollen, müssen sie sich einer Herausforderung stellen, wie sie es in ihren kühnsten Träumen nie vermutet hätten. Die Konfrontation zwischen einer Kompanie der Soldado de Cuera, der Elitetruppe der spanischen Krone und einer Gemeinschaft von befreiten, geflohenen Sklaven zieht die beiden Freunde mitten zwischen die Fronten. Sie müssen eine Entscheidung treffen, die nicht nur ihre Reise, sondern auch ihr Leben beenden könnte.Können zwei einzelne Männer wirklich den Ausgang in einer solchen Schlacht beeinflussen?

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    von B N Rundell
    20,00 €

    Der Autor der bekannten Wildleder Chroniken Bestseller Serie nimmt uns im zweiten Band der neuen Stonecroft Saga auf eine sagenhafte Reise mit.Zwei Freunde fühlen sich gegenseitig, sowie ihrem Schicksal die Wildnis zu erforschen, verpflichtet. Sie bereisen das Gebiet französisch Louisiana, das bald schon unter dem Namen Louisiana Kauf in der Geschichte, der sich ausdehnenden Vereinigten Kolonien bekannt werden wird. Aber ein anderer Mann, der für seinen Reichtum, Einfluss und Rachsucht bekannt war, setzt alles daran, dass Gabriel Stonecroft den ultimativen Preis für den Tod seines Sohnes zahlen muss. Dieser Sohn war von jeher ein Taugenichts gewesen und hatte sein Leben in einem Duell gegen Stonecroft verwirkt. Nach einer lebensgefährlichen Reise auf einem Plattbodenschiff den Ohio Fluss hinab machen sich die beiden Freunde nun auf den Weg, den Westen zu erkunden. Aber lokale Schlägertypen in der jungen Stadt Neu Madrid fangen einen Streit an und gehen daraus mit Wunden und Rachegelüsten hervor. Der Wunsch nach Vergeltung wird zusätzlich von den Kopfgeldjägern geschürt, die ihrerseits nur die hohe Belohnung, die auf den Kopf des jungen Abenteurers ausgesetzt ist, an sich reißen wollen. Als die beiden Freunde eine entflohene Pawnee Gefangene aufgreifen und an der Seite der Osage Krieger kämpfen, werden ihre Pläne zunächst über den Haufen geworfen. Die an Land festsitzenden Piraten tun sich mit den Kopfgeldjägern und abtrünnigen Indianern zusammen, um permanent die Pläne der beiden Abenteurer zu vereiteln. Und als Frauen die Bildfläche betreten, verändert sich alles noch einmal drastisch.

  • - ein historischer Western Roman
    von B N Rundell
    21,00 €

    Der Autor der bekannten Wildleder Chroniken Bestseller Serie nimmt uns in der neuen Stonecroft Saga auf eine sagenhafte Reise mitEs fing damit an, dass ein Bruder die Ehre seiner einzigen Schwester verteidigen musste, was zu einem blutigen Duell führte, bei dessen Ausgang der Sohn einer prominenten Familie tot im Schmutz endete...Gabriel Stonecroft und sein Freund Ezra, der Sohn eines Pastors der Afrikanisch-bischöflichen Methodistenkirche machen sich deshalb gezwungenermaßen auf die Reise durch die Wildnis des Westens. Seit frühster Kindheit sind sie Freunde, der eine ist Spross einer feinen Familie der Gesellschaft, der andere mit einem Schatz an Lebenserfahrung ausgestattet. Bald schon schweißen die Abenteuer, die sie bestehen, die Freunde noch enger zusammen.Die Reise der beiden Männer ist angefüllt mit Gefahren, Spannung und Abenteuer. Mutig treten sie Kopfgeldjägern, abtrünnigen Shawnee- und Delawaren Indianern entgegen und stellen sich einer Bande von Flusspiraten. Die Chancen stehen schlecht für die beiden jungen Männer, denn ihnen fehlt es an Erfahrungswerten, wenn es um das Leben als Pioniere geht. Aber bald schon verfügen sie über ein ganzes Reservoir an Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und die jungen Träumer bestehen Abenteuer von denen sie nicht einmal zu träumen gewagt hatten.

  • von B N Rundell
    24,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    23,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    24,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    24,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    24,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    24,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    24,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    23,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    23,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    23,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    22,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    23,00 €

    The tenth novel in the best selling Rocky Mountain Saint western series by B.N. Rundell.The family had never been separated before, but now there was just Tate and his son, Sean. The trader, John Richards, had convinced them to join him and to scout for a brigade of buffalo hunters, but this was no ordinary brigade. This was more like a room full of spoiled rich city kids that wanted a grand adventure in the west. Tate had never thought of life in the wilds of the west as an adventure. Exciting yes, and dangerous, but certainly not a classroom for college kids. But when pampered young men are forced to become real men, some aren't too anxious to learn their lesson. River crossings, buffalo hunts, and Indian raids are just a few of the assignments. There's always the one that is used to his place as the teacher's pet, but this teacher has no pets and very little patience, and when baptism in the cold river is the order of the day, rebellion raises its ugly head.With a foray into the uncharted lands of the Sioux as they pursue the migrating buffalo, more lessons must be learned, and Sean and Tate become more than instructors in the class of wilderness education when they have to mount a rescue for the captured daughter of their new friends from the Métis. How many will pass and how many will fail? And will Tate and Son make it home?

  • von B N Rundell
    26,00 €

    TWO MEN ON AN ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME…It was to be a simple trip to Santa Fe to reunite Sean's wife with her natural parents. But when Tate's old friend, Kit Carson, recruits Tate to scout for the Colonel of the Union forces that were commissioned to stop the decades long war with the Navajo, that simple trip turns into a life-changing adventure. When Carson is ordered to capture or kill the Diné and to destroy their homes, fields and food, a frontier siege like never seen, begins in the wilds of the high desert.When Navajo are killed, frozen and starved, and the bluecoats under command of Colonel Kit Carson, enter their home, a war like nothing ever seen before, begins to stain the sacred lands of the Navajo. Tate Saint and his son Sean, undertake scouting duties to help bring this historic war to an early end, but can two men accomplish what has been attempted and failed so many times before?Bestselling author B.N. Rundell delivers another action-filled western you won't be able to put down!

  • von B N Rundell
    26,00 €

    The twelfth novel in the best selling Rocky Mountain Saint western series by B.N. Rundell.As the war back east rages, farmers and pilgrims choose to flee and exchange a life of uncertainty for the possible dream of free land in the west. But the steady influx of wagon trains has the plains Indians up in arms and when whites willfully ignore the tenets of recent treaties and choose to settle in Indian lands, conflict rages.Forces of nature intervene, and the heavy snows of spring bring the mountains tumbling down an errant wagon train. When Sean and White Fox are tasked with the recovery of survivors, they are flummoxed as to what to do with the new additions to their rapidly expanding family!Maggie and Sadie have chosen to escape the conflict in the big city during the escalating Civil War, only to find themselves caretakers of two stray youngsters themselves. Now, the challenge for the young couple is how to get homes for a half dozen children, reunite family in the mountains, and keep hundreds of pilgrims from sparking additional conflict on the Oregon Trail.

  • von B N Rundell
    27,00 €

    Western master, B.N. Rundell, brings book thirteen in the best selling Rocky Mountain Saint series.The civil war is raging across the east and south of the states, and when the confederates move north from Texas, Kit Carson sends for Tate Saint.But when Tate arrives, the war between the Union and the Confederacy has become one between the Apache and the settlers. When Carson is ordered to "kill all the men, whenever and wherever you find them," the order doesn't sit well with him, but he's bound by his oath. Tate is called on to scout for the troops under Carson's command, but he soon loses his taste for this kind of war.The man of the mountains must use all his skill and experience to master the dearth of the desert, or become one of the many spirits that walk in the cool desert nights.

  • von B N Rundell
    23,00 €

    This is a story about a horse and a boy, but not just any horse: a wild mustang stallion and not just any boy, but a native American proud member of the Arapahoe nation on the Wind River reservation in Wild Wyoming. When these two wild hearts are knit together through unique circumstances and challenges, they become a championship team. Chastised by his peers and often excluded because of his disability, Trey Standingelk is more comfortable enjoying the solitude of long rides in the mountain with just his horse, his dog and his lifelong friend and often companion, Skye.The two companions find themselves as the captors and eventual trainers of a beautiful mustang stallion, but Trey's challenges lend an obstacle that must be faced. After learning about the opportunities in the realm of horse training and especially the competitive arena of Free-Style Reining, Trey and Star's world is rapidly expanded. The connection that develops between the horse, Star Dancer, and Trey goes far beyond man and beast, and becomes a heart to heart lifelong bond.

  • von B N Rundell
    23,00 €

    Tate Saint, man of the mountains and now a family man, has had more than his share of Indian uprisings and battles, but has always maintained a friendship with many of the native peoples. While in the Sangre de Cristo mountains, he was known and respected by the Comanche and Ute, feared by the Jicarilla Apache, but when the Apache and Ute ally themselves against the white man, Tate becomes concerned for the safety of his family and chooses to move back to the Wind River mountains. But when he is confronted with the massacre of a wagon train of settlers on the Oregon trail, and is asked by the mountain man scout for General Harney at Fort Laramie, Jim Baker, to scout out the marauding Indians responsible, he accepts the charge, but mainly out of concern for his own family. And that scout brings him up against a blood-thirsty self-appointed war chief of the Crow who is bent on vengeance against any and all whites for what he believes is the attempt to destroy his own people with disease, murder, and by stealing their homelands. The truth becomes known about this man who has taken the name of a figure from the history of the Crow people and turned it into one of shame, vengeance and blood-letting. It will take an alliance of a group of freighters, a wagon train of settlers, and a party of the traditional enemy of the crow from the Arapaho band of Tate's first wife to bring an end to this vengeance quest by none other than Bad Heart Bear.

  • von B N Rundell
    22,00 €

    Hope is a rare commodity and the spirit of Christmas seems to almost be silenced...Tom Turner had just returned from the bloodiest battle of the first world war, the battle of the Argonne Forest in France. But what he felt as he stood over the graves of his parents when he returned was even more painful. With his wife and two children by his side, Tom was determined to pick up the pieces of their lives, take over the small ranch that was his childhood home, and make a life for his beloved family that he would never leave again. But as their first Christmas back together neared, fate began to take a hand to thwart the best plans of this man. Although the community and church family pull together, hope seems to be a rare commodity and the spirit of Christmas seems to almost be silenced. Will it be a Merry Christmas or not?

  • von B N Rundell
    26,00 €

    The eleventh novel in the best selling Rocky Mountain Saint western series by B.N. Rundell.War is looming in the East and when Tate and his son Sean meet with General Harney, commanding officer of Fort Laramie, each is tasked with special duties. Tate must scout and guide for the General and his troops as they leave the frontier to join the calamity in St. Louis. Sean is asked to be prepared to scout for the troops that remain and the new commanders that will be sent into the land of the restless Sioux. But first, the young scout, who knows the mountains, must learn about the country and people of the plains. After meeting with the chiefs of the Brulé, he travels with his new friend, White Fox, to meet with the Miniconjou. But an encounter with the warring Crow, intent on revenge against the Ogalala, results in his friend taken captive. Sean is the only hope for her safe return, but he must also do what he can to keep the Lakota from all-out war against a depleted force holding Fort Laramie. Muleskinners determined to make it to the goldfields of Colorado, crooked bankers and suppliers, and young warriors wanting to gain honors in battle, all come together to challenge the young scout in his first endeavor to bring peace to the prairie.

  • von B N Rundell
    25,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    22,00 €

    It was just supposed to be a family journey to see the wonders and waters of that strange land to the north, but the land of the north had become a battle ground with a recently freed slave and some mountain men. And when he was joined by a band of Blackfoot renegades that were bent on driving all the whites from their territory and ridding the mountains of their enemies, the monstrous black man willingly lent his might to the blood-letting in that north country. When Tate's family became endangered, the wrath of the Rocky Mountain Saint came to life, and he wasn't feeling like the compassionate helper he was known to be. Hindered by the rugged Absaroka mountains, an ambush in the wilderness, and his own fears, Tate questioned himself and whether he could make it to rescue his family, but would soon find that he would face an even greater fight and possibly a fight he could not win.Don't miss this ninth novel in the epic Rocky Mountain Saint series by B.N. Rundell

  • von B N Rundell
    25,00 €

    With the civil war over, the president assassinated, and the South in reconstruction, Tyrell Thompsett knew the country would be crying for beef. His long-held dream was to have his own ranch and to follow in the footsteps of his father that started the first ranch in the Medicine Bow range of Wyoming territory. Now, with his new wife, a member of the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico, and his friend, Grey Wolf and his wife of the Mouache Ute, he set out to make that dream a reality. But it seemed like the forces of nature had conspired together against them, and to add in the Weeminuche Ute, Jicarilla Apache, and some renegade Comanche, the obstacles before them seemed insurmountable.But after locating the ranch on the upper reaches of the Rio Grande in the San Juan mountains, the real challenges had to be faced. With a herd waiting in New Mexico territory, they set out to bring the herd back to Colorado territory. But, when a newly formed band of outlaw Confederate rebels, traders known as Comancheros, and renegade Comanche from the bands of the Ditsahkanah and Penateka Comanche, the name Comanchero referred to a heartless and merciless band of murderers and thieves. And it was to be a battle between the vaqueros and cowboys against the Comancheros that would leave a trail of blood and bodies and determine the fate of the Rio Grande ranch and the future of Tyrell Thompsett in the San Juan mountains.

  • von B N Rundell
    22,00 €

    She had the complexion of weathered leather, eyes like shining lumps of coal, a voice that grated like a rasp, and she was a skilled gunsmith with the demeanor of a wolverine. But she had a set of twins that needed to be raised and the city was no place for that. When the wagon train she joined was hit by Indians and she and her family were left behind, her skill with a big Sharps rifle made her a welcome addition to a buffalo hunt with the Comanche. But her goal was the gold fields of California and she needed help. Only one man in the mountains could handle that task. Tate Saint, known as the Rocky Mountain Saint, and his family would soon provide all the help she needed, and more. But an attack by the same Jicarilla Apache and Mouache Ute that wiped out Fort Pueblo on Christmas day would put them all to the test, and that wasn't all that would be thrown at them by the forces of nature, the wilds of the wilderness and the depravity of man. Challenges and trials would come against them, and the mettle of the mountain man would have to prove its worth, if he was up to it.

  • von B N Rundell
    22,00 €

    Driven by grief over the loss of his beloved wife and child, Tyrell Thompsett left the home of his childhood in the Medicine Bow mountains and started South in a quest for a new life. With his long-time friend, Grey Wolf, a warrior of the Yamparika Ute, who was on his own quest, the two start the long trek to the Sangre de Cristo mountains and a new beginning. Ty was bound for Fort Garland and a scouting job with General Kit Carson that he hoped would give direction to this new part of his life and Grey Wolf was searching for a life partner. The adventure takes them into the unsettled land of the San Luis valley, historical discoveries, and conflicts with prospectors, settlers and Indians. After a battle with the Apache, Ty and his new friend and fellow scout go South to Taos Pueblo and are surprised at a new friendship and a change of plans for the formerly grieving man. After conflicts with the Mouache and the Jicarilla, Ty's troubled mind brings him face to face with a decision that could change the direction and purpose of his and his companion's lives forever.

  • von B N Rundell
    25,00 €

    When a marauding band of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers attack a wagon train and take two women and a boy captive, Talon Thompsett is surprised when no one is willing to go after the Indians and try to rescue the captives. But the young man is reminded of his father's counsel that "Whenever a task falls to you, don't question the why of it, just get busy with the doin' of it!" Now he must set aside his new job as Shotgun for the Overland Stage and gear up for the pursuit of a band of warrior renegades. A tall task for an unproven young man, but when none of the pilgrims believe in the cause, and the settlers of nearby LaPorte refuse to leave their homes unguarded, Talon realizes he must face this challenge alone. His commitment and determination lead to the making of a man and a bloody chase through the foothills of Colorado and the plains of the new territory. Along the way, he makes a bitter enemy of the Cheyenne war leader, Two Bears, who is determined to seek vengeance on this unknown white man and prove to his people that he is the chosen leader of the notorious Dog soldiers. But Talon is undaunted and even eager to show the renegade that this white man is more than his match. Follow the trail that takes a young man from the Cache La Poudre through intimidating country and back to the Overland Trail as he proves his worth as he rises to the challenge and the making of a man.

  • von B N Rundell
    26,00 €

  • von B N Rundell
    25,00 €

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