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Bücher von Barbara Pym

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  • von Barbara Pym
    11,48 €

    Mildred Lathbury is one of those 'excellent women' who is often taken for granted. She is a godsend, 'capable of dealing with most of the stock situations of life - birth, marriage, death, the successful jumble sales, the garden fete spoilt by bad weather'. As such, she often gets herself embroiled in other people's lives - especially those of her glamorous new neighbours, the Napiers, whose marriage seems to be on the rocks. One cannot take sides in these matters, though it is tricky, especially as Mildred, teetering on the edge of spinsterhood, has a soft spot for dashing young Rockingham Napier. This is Barbara Pym's world at its funniest and most touching.

  • von Barbara Pym
    12,00 - 20,00 €

    London in den 1970er-Jahren, Edwin, Norman, Letty und Marcia arbeiten als kleine Angestellte im selben Büro und leiden unter demselben Problem: Einsamkeit. Sie alle sind unverheiratet, leben zurückgezogen, nähern sich dem Rentenalter. Seit vielen Jahren teilen sie Teekanne und Kaffeedose, kennen voneinander Vorlieben und Abneigungen und bleiben doch auf Distanz. Sie beobachten, beargwöhnen, beraten einander, sprechen über Urlaubspläne oder Wohnungsprobleme und versuchen, über die jeweilige Ereignislosigkeit hinwegzuspielen. Alle vier kämpfen allein mit ihren Sorgen, ihren Irritationen und mit der Angst, das Leben verpasst zu haben - und wagen am Ende doch einen Neuanfang.Liebevoll, schwarzhumorig und doch voller Optimismus zeigt Barbara Pym in >Quartett im Herbst

  • von Barbara Pym
    20,00 €

  • von Barbara Pym
    12,00 €

  • - An Autobiography in Diaries and Letters
    von Barbara Pym
    40,00 €

    'Could one write a book based on one's diaries over thirty years? I certainly have enough material,' wrote Barbara Pym. This book, selected from the diaries, notebooks and letters of this much loved novelist to form a continuous narrative, is indeed a unique autobiography, providing a privileged insight into a writer's mind. Philip Larkin wrote that Barbara Pym had 'a unique eye and ear for the small poignancies of everyday life'. Her autobiography amply demonstrates this, as it traces her life from exuberant times at Oxford in the thirties, through the war when, scarred by an unhappy love affair, she joined the WRNS, to the published novelist of the fifties. It also deals with the long period when her novels were out of fashion and no one would publish them, her rediscovering in 1977, and the triumphant success of her last few years. It is now possible to describe a place, situation or person as 'very Barbara Pym'. A Very Private Eye, at once funny and moving, shows the variety and depth of her own story.

  • von Barbara Pym
    34,00 €

    Set in St Basil's, an undistinguished North London parish, An Unsuitable Attachment is indeed full of the high comedy for which Barbara Pym is famed. There is Mark Ainger, the vicar, who introduces his sermons with remarks like 'Those of you who are familiar with the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome.' His wife Sophia with her cat, 'I feel sometimes that I can't reach Faustina as I've reached other cats.' Rupert Stonebird, anthropologist and eligible bachelor. The well-bred Ianthe Broome who works at the library and forms an unsuitable attachment with a young man there. The sharp-tongue Mervyn Cantrell, chief librarian, who complains that 'when books have things spilt on them it is always bottled sauce or gravy of the thickest and most repellent kind rather than something utterly exquisite and delicious.' There is also Daisy Pettigrew, the vet's sister, another obsessional cat person, and Sister Dew who bears a strong resemblance to Sister Blatt in Excellent Women.

  • von Barbara Pym
    38,00 €

    Barbara Pym was an incomparable chronicler of ordinary, quiet lives. With warmth, humour, precision and great vividness, she gave her best characters an independent life we recognise as totally familiar. In A Few Green Leaves, her last novel, her heroine is Emma Howick, anthropologist. Through her eyes Barbara Pym examines in her own ironic and individual style the quiet revolution in English village life, combining the rural settings of her earliest novels with the themes and characters of her later works. The result is a compelling portrait of a town that seems to be forgotten by time, but which is unmistakably affected by it. Romance shares the pages with death in this engaging novel that is the culmination of Barbara Pym's acclaimed writing career. 'I could go on reading her for ever' A L Rowse, Punch 'A vivid sense of how we live now' New Statesman 'Her sense of brilliant comedy is a direct inheritance from Jane Austen' Hibernia 'A beautifully written, very delicate comedy' The Times Literary Supplement

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