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Bücher von Beck

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  • von Beck
    13,00 €

    Waylaid by winter weather, Angelina Cruz's connecting flight in Ketchikan, Alaska is canceled. Hoping for a hot cup of coffee and a place to lay her head, she seeks refuge from the storm in a cozy restaurant by the waterfront. Her helpful waitress introduces her to the owner of the newest lodging establishment on the island.The not-yet-open "Barndominium" was Noah Bishop's mother's dying wish. Since losing her five months ago, construction of the lodge has slowed down. He has one room ready to offer this stranded traveler. Introverted by nature, Noah isn't too keen on housing this city girl until the weather clears, but he knew his mother would insist on it.A power outage the first night forces them to share an intimate setting. Angelina's talkative, outgoing personality awakens Noah, bringing him out of the fog of grief and back to life. Angelina finds her sexy host a bit grumpy with his one-word responses. When she learns the story behind his demeanor, she puts her marketing skills to work to help him create a strategy that will have guests lining up to stay here.After experiencing the beauty of the Alaska landscape and falling for the ruggedly handsome man who calls this place home, Angelina wonders how she'll be able to go back to her regularly scheduled life in Miami once the storm passes. Can Noah convince her to take a chance on him? Will Angelina take advantage of this unexpected detour and make a reservation for love?

  • von Beck
    20,00 €

    Aurora is one of six graduate students at Tacoma University when, upon receiving a phone call from a friend they are forced to leave for a life of isolation. But death is never far behind and the group finds themselves running from something that only appears under a microscope. As the decomposing dead lie in abundance, each member of the group fall victim to the circumstances that brought an abrupt end to the world. But somewhere along their journey Aurora, still unsure of who she is, becomes drawn into a passionate relationship with Maya - a now former law student. With the world having crumbled around them, it is in an isolated town somewhere in the northwest that the two have decided to make their home. Having everything they need for what has become their life, Aurora and Maya have managed to cope with the outdoor morgue the world has become. But as their relationship blossoms beyond the simplicity of romantic affection, life again acting without mercy, exercises one final act of cruelty. This is the story of a world in its death throes, contaminated by an act of war that rapidly brought humankind to the edge of extinction - a story of passion at its zenith cut down by unforeseen circumstances.

  • von Beck
    19,95 €

    Schräge Begebenheiten beim Arzt: Cartoons von Comiczeichner BECKLachen, bis der Arzt kommt, kichern, bis die Krankenschwester die Tabletten bringt: Der Leipziger Cartoonist BECK sorgt mit seinen Witzen und Wortspielen für gute Laune auf Pflegestationen und in den Wartezimmern der Fachärzte. Patienten, die schon längst eine bessere Diagnose als »Schnupfen« gegoogelt haben, und Apotheker, die keine homöopathischen Ratenzahlungen akzeptieren - BECK nimmt sie alle aufs Korn!- Ärzte-Latein, Psychosen und Sparwahn im Gesundheitswesen: Da gibt's doch was von BECK!- Ein witziges Geschenk für Krankenschwestern und Pfleger, Ärzte und Ärztinnen- Über 70 Cartoons aus der Feder von BECK, der 2020 den Heinrich-Zille-Karikaturenpreis erhielt- Seine Karikaturen erscheinen u. a. in der taz, bei Carlsen Comic, bei Reader's Digest und im AOK-Magazin »Gesundheit und Gesellschaft«Der alltägliche Wahnsinn im Gesundheitswesen: Humor hilft!Ob im Krankenhaus oder in der Arztpraxis, ob Pflegepersonal, Altenpfleger*innen, Hebammen oder Schwangere: BECK bürstet den Alltag im Gesundheitswesen zeichnerisch wundervoll »gegen den Strich«. Mit Humor und Witz entlarvt er die die schrägen Eigenheiten der Patient*innen. Der Cartoon-Band »Warten auf den Doktor« aus dem Mabuse Verlag vereint BECKs schönste, skurrilste und lustigste Zeichnungen zum Thema Gesundheit und Krankheit zwischen zwei Buchdeckeln.Verschenken Sie ein Wundermittel gegen schlechte Laune - denn bekanntlich ist Lachen die beste Medizin!»Beck zeichnet sparsam, zielgerichtet und pointiert. Er scheut klassische Motive und Standardsituationen des Witzes nicht, beleuchtet sie aber durch kühne Reduktion einerseits, überraschend, signifikante Details andererseits neu.« Christian Maintz (Autor)

  • - Studies in the Dissolution of the Weimar Republic and the Establishment of the Third Reich, 1932-1934
    von Beck
    46,00 €

    Though often depicted as a rapid political transformation, the Nazi seizure of power was in fact a process that extended from the appointment of the Papen cabinet in the early summer of 1932 through the Roehm blood purge two years later. This book offers a compelling collective investigation of this critical period in modern German history.

  • - Reimagining Power and Knowledge
    von Beck
    44,00 €

    Exploring contemporary debates and developments and gathering together contributors from activism, academia, and the worlds of policy and development, this volume argues for taking up reflexivity as practice in in Roma-related research and forms of activism, and advocates a necessary renewal of research sites, methods, and epistemologies.

  • von Beck & James M.
    25,00 €

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