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Bücher von Ben Moore

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  • von Ben Moore
    70,00 €

    Prepare to be swept away on an unforgettable literary journey with "Unexpected," a breathtaking novel that defies expectations and challenges the boundaries of storytelling. Immerse yourself in a world where surprises lurk around every corner, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and where the power of the unexpected unfolds with each turn of the page.In "Unexpected," the author masterfully weaves a tapestry of intrigue, suspense, and emotional depth. This compelling narrative introduces you to a captivating cast of characters whose lives intertwine in ways they never could have predicted. From chance encounters and serendipitous events to unforeseen twists of fate, this novel explores the profound impact that unexpected moments can have on our lives.Prepare to be enthralled by the author's skillful storytelling as they skillfully navigate the fine line between anticipation and surprise. With meticulous attention to detail, the characters and their relationships are crafted with such depth and authenticity that you'll find yourself fully immersed in their joys, sorrows, and profound transformations."Unexpected" is a celebration of life's unpredictable nature and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Through its thought-provoking narratives, this novel encourages us to embrace the unknown, to find beauty in the unexpected, and to recognize the extraordinary possibilities that lie just beyond the veil of our comfort zones.With vivid and evocative prose, the author transports you to vibrant settings that come alive with each description. From bustling city streets to secluded countryside retreats, you'll experience the rich tapestry of the world through the eyes of the characters. The author's words paint a vivid picture, immersing you in a sensory experience that leaves an indelible mark on your imagination."Unexpected" is not just a novel; it's an exploration of the human condition, a testament to the power of resilience, and a celebration of the beauty that can emerge from life's unexpected twists and turns. It will leave you contemplating the mysteries of existence, questioning your assumptions, and cherishing the moments of surprise and serendipity that shape our lives.Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this extraordinary literary adventure. Grab your copy of "Unexpected" today and surrender to a world where the unexpected reigns supreme. Allow yourself to be captivated by the unpredictable, and discover the profound impact that unexpected moments can have on our hearts, minds, and souls.

  • von Ben Moore
    43,00 €

    This Pivot engages with current debates about anthropocentrism and the Anthropocene to propose a reappraisal of the realist novel in the second half of the nineteenth century. Through three case studies, it argues for ¿human tissue¿ as a conceptual tool for reading that brings together biology, literature and questions of layering. This new approach is shown to be especially salient to the Victorian period, when the application of ¿tissue¿ to biology first emerges. The book is distinctive in bringing together theoretical concerns around realism and the Anthropocene ¿ two major topics in literary criticism ¿ and presenting a new methodology to approach this conjunction, demonstrated through original readings of Charles Kingsley, George Eliot, and Emile Zola and two English-language writers he influenced (George Moore and Vernon Lee).

  • von Ben Moore
    27,00 €

    Der Nobelpreis ist die wohl größte Ehre, die Forscherinnen und Wissenschaftlern zuteil werden kann. Von 1901 bis 2021 gab es 218 Nobelpreisträger in der Physik. Doch warum wurden so wenige dieser Preise an Astrophysiker und Kosmologen vergeben? Warum gingen einige davon an die Falschen - und überhaupt nur vier an Frauen? Warum bekam Stephen Hawking nie einen Nobelpreis, warum wurde Albert Einstein wütend, als er einen bekam - und haben Sie je von dem belgischen Priester gehört, der den Urknall entdeckte? Ben Moore beantwortet nicht nur diese Fragen, sondern nimmt die Leser:innen auch mit auf eine Reise durch eine so bisher nie erzählte Geschichte unseres Universums. Er lenkt den Blick auf jene Leben, Schicksale und Entdeckungen herausragender Forscherinnen und Forscher, die übergangen, übervorteilt oder schlichtweg vergessen wurden.

  • von Ben Moore
    25,00 €

    Der Mond ist ein rätselhafter kosmischer Nachbar, der uns seit jeher fasziniert: Wie ist er entstanden? Warum zeigt er uns nur eine Seite und wie bewegt er die Ozeane? Treibt sein helles Licht uns in den Wahnsinn? Und was bedeutet die erste Mondlandung vor 50 Jahren für den Menschen und die Forschung? Der renommierte Astrophysiker Ben Moore ist Mond-Experte und erforscht die helle Kugel am Nachthimmel schon seit vielen Jahren. In seiner neuen Biografie zum Mond verbindet er die Kulturgeschichte des Mondes mit den wichtigsten Fakten und neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen und legt dar, wie zentral dieser Himmelskörper für die Menschheit schon immer war und wie stark seine Auswirkungen auf unser alltägliches Leben sind.

  • - The Past, Present and Future of Life and the Universe
    von Ben Moore
    38,00 €

    This book is about the history and future of life and the universe, written at a level that any educated lay-person can understand and enjoy.

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