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Bücher von Benedikt Korf

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  • von Benedikt Korf
    35,00 €

    Wissenschaftliche Kritik verschont sich zunehmend selbst. Sie produziert gerne vorschnelle Generalisierungen und wohlfeile Bewertungen. Reflexionsverweigerung fördert dabei Konformismus und Halbbildung. Diese Schonstellungen ersparen der Kritik die mühselige Arbeit der Selbstkritik - Zwischentöne, Ambivalenzen und Widersprüche werden ausgeblendet. Benedikt Korf analysiert differenziert die sich daraus entwickelnden Schwierigkeiten. Am Beispiel der kritischen Geographie verdeutlicht er die oftmals hegemoniale Stellung des Begriffs »kritisch« in den Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften.

  • - States, Conflict, and Borderlands
    von Timothy Raeymaekers & Benedikt Korf
    49,00 €

    This survey of various African and Asian conflicts examines people's experiences on territorial borders and the ways they affect political configurations. By focusing on individuals' routines and daily life, these contributions treat borderland dynamics as actual political units with their own actions and outcomes.

  • - A Collaborative Ethnography of War and Peace
    von Jonathan Spencer, Jonathan Goodhand, Shahul Hasbullah, usw.
    49,00 €

    Is religion best seen as only a cause of war, or is it a source of comfort for those caught up in conflict? In Checkpoint, Temple, Church and Mosque six senior figures in Anthropology, Sociology, Geography and Development Studies set out to answer this question. *BR**BR*Based on fieldwork conducted in Sri Lanka's most religiously diverse and politically troubled region during the country's civil war (1983-2009), it provides a series of new and provocative arguments about the promise of a religiously based civil society, and the strengths and weaknesses of religious organisations and religious leaders in conflict mediation. *BR**BR*The authors argue that for people trapped in long and violent conflicts, religion ultimately plays a contradictory role, and that its institutions are themselves profoundly affected by war - producing a complex picture in which Catholic priests engage with Buddhist monks and new Muslim leaders, and where Hindu temples and Pentecostal churches offer the promise of healing.

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