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Bücher von Benjamin Greenberg

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  • von Benjamin Greenberg
    94,00 - 140,00 €

    Disorders of the spinal cord are diverse and potentially devastating. They can present as acute, subacute and chronic disorders causing a variety of symptoms. Patients can present to pediatricians, internists, OBGYNs, emergency room physicians and neurologists requiring a diversity of clinicians to be familiar with the signs, symptoms, recommended testing and treatment options.  This book comprehensively addresses myelopathies, the broad spectrum of potential pathologies. Chapters cover approaches to acute, subacute and chronic myelopathies; individual myelopathic disorders; the pathobiology, epidemiology, signs, and symptoms of the disorder; diagnostic approach, and therapeutic options.  This comprehensive review is beneficial to any clinician, with special emphasis for neurologists, neurosurgeons, neuroradiologists and physiatrists. 

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