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Bücher von Besta Hariprasad

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  • von Besta Hariprasad
    50,90 €

    Die Größe und der Standort von DG sind die entscheidenden Faktoren bei der Anwendung von DG zur Verlustminimierung. In diesem Buch wird ein Algorithmus zur Identifizierung des Busstandorts mit Hilfe einer Sensitivitätsanalyse sowie ein Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Größe der GD mit Hilfe von PSO vorgestellt. Diese Methodik wird an einem IEEE-15-Bus-System getestet. Durch die Installation von DGs an allen potenziellen Standorten mit den ermittelten Größen konnte der gesamte Wirkleistungsverlust des Systems um 83% reduziert und das Spannungsprofil des Systems verbessert werden. Die im System vorhandenen Oberschwingungen werden durch die Platzierung der Kondensatoren an den optimalen Standorten, die mit dem PSO-HPF-Algorithmus ermittelt werden, reduziert. Durch die Platzierung der Kondensatoren an optimalen Stellen wird auch das Spannungsprofil verbessert.

  • 17% sparen
    von Besta Hariprasad
    42,00 €

    El tamaño y la ubicación de la GD son los factores cruciales en la aplicación de la GD para la minimización de pérdidas. Este libro presenta un algoritmo para la identificación de la ubicación del bus utilizando el análisis de sensibilidad y también un algoritmo para la determinación del tamaño de la DG utilizando PSO. Esta metodología se prueba en un sistema de 15 buses IEEE. Mediante la instalación de GD en todas las ubicaciones potenciales con los tamaños determinados, la pérdida total de potencia real del sistema se ha reducido en un 83% y también se ha mejorado el perfil de tensión del sistema. Los armónicos presentes en el sistema se reducen colocando los condensadores en las ubicaciones óptimas determinadas mediante el algoritmo PSO-HPF. Al colocar los condensadores en las ubicaciones óptimas, también se mejora el perfil de tensión.

  • 17% sparen
    von Besta Hariprasad
    42,00 €

    A dimensão e a localização da GD são os factores cruciais na aplicação da GD para a minimização das perdas. Este livro apresenta um algoritmo para a identificação da localização dos barramentos usando análise de sensibilidade e também um algoritmo para a determinação do tamanho da GD usando PSO. Esta metodologia é testada num sistema de 15 barramentos IEEE. Ao instalar GDs em todos os locais potenciais com as dimensões determinadas, a perda total de energia real do sistema foi reduzida em 83% e o perfil de tensão do sistema também foi melhorado. Os harmónicos que estão presentes no sistema são reduzidos colocando condensadores nas localizações óptimas que são determinadas utilizando o algoritmo PSO-HPF. Ao colocar os condensadores em localizações óptimas, o perfil de tensão também é melhorado.

  • 17% sparen
    von Besta Hariprasad
    42,00 €

    La dimensione e la posizione dei DG sono fattori cruciali nell'applicazione dei DG per la minimizzazione delle perdite. Questo libro presenta un algoritmo per l'identificazione della posizione del bus utilizzando l'analisi di sensibilità e un algoritmo per la determinazione delle dimensioni del DG utilizzando PSO. Questa metodologia viene testata su un sistema IEEE a 15 bus. Installando i DG in tutte le posizioni potenziali con le dimensioni determinate, la perdita totale di potenza reale del sistema è stata ridotta dell'83% e anche il profilo di tensione del sistema è migliorato. Le armoniche presenti nel sistema vengono ridotte collocando i condensatori nelle posizioni ottimali determinate con l'algoritmo PSO-HPF. Posizionando i condensatori nelle posizioni ottimali, si migliora anche il profilo di tensione.

  • 17% sparen
    von Besta Hariprasad
    42,00 €

    La taille et l'emplacement de la production décentralisée sont des facteurs cruciaux dans l'application de la production décentralisée pour la minimisation des pertes. Ce livre présente un algorithme pour l'identification de l'emplacement du bus à l'aide de l'analyse de sensibilité, ainsi qu'un algorithme pour la détermination de la taille de la production décentralisée à l'aide de la méthode PSO. Cette méthodologie est testée sur un système IEEE à 15 bus. En installant des générateurs à tous les emplacements potentiels avec les tailles déterminées, la perte totale de puissance réelle du système a été réduite de 83% et le profil de tension du système a également été amélioré. Les harmoniques présentes dans le système sont réduites en plaçant les condensateurs aux emplacements optimaux qui sont déterminés en utilisant l'algorithme PSO-HPF. En plaçant les condensateurs aux emplacements optimaux, le profil de tension est également amélioré.

  • 16% sparen
    von Besta Hariprasad
    37,00 €

    In this book, the application of the active SFCL into in a power distribution network with DG units is investigated. For the power frequency overvoltage caused by a single-phase grounded fault, the active SFCL can help to reduce the over- voltage¿s amplitude and avoid damaging the relevant distribution equipment. The active SFCL can as well suppress the short-circuit current induced by a three-phase grounded fault effectively, and the power system¿s safety and reliability can be improved. Moreover, along with the decrease of the distance between the fault location and the SFCL¿s installation position, the current-limiting performance will increase. During the study process, in view of the changes in the locations of the DG units connected to the system, the DG units injection capacities and the fault positions, the active SFCLs current-limiting and overvoltage suppressing characteristics are both simulated in MATLAB. The simulation results show that the active SFCL can play an obvious role in restraining the fault current and overvoltage, and it can contribute to avoiding damage on the relevant distribution equipment and improve the systems safety and reliability.

  • 17% sparen
    von Besta Hariprasad
    42,00 €

    The size and location of DG are the crucial factors in the application of DG for loss minimization. This book presents an algorithm for the identification of bus location using Sensitivity analysis and also an algorithm for the determination of size of the DG using PSO. This methodology is tested on IEEE 15 bus system. By installing DGs at all the potential locations with the determined sizes, the total real power loss of the system has been reduced by 83% and the voltage profile of the system is also improved. The harmonics that are present in the system are reduced by placing capacitors at the optimal locations which are determined by using PSO-HPF algorithm. By placing the capacitors at optimal locations, the voltage profile is also improved.

  • 16% sparen
    von Besta Hariprasad
    37,00 €

    An integral terminal sliding mode control design was proposed to enhance the power quality of wind turbines under unbalanced voltage conditions. The design combines the robustness, fast response, and high quality transient characteristics of the integral terminal sliding mode control with the estimation properties of disturbance observers. It was successfully implemented to both the rotor-side (RSC) and grid side (GSC) converters of a DFIG-based wind turbine. The controller gains were auto tuned using a fuzzy logic approach. Its performance was assessed in the presence of deep voltage sags and under varying parameter conditions. Its dynamic response was also compared to that of the standard SMC. The performance analysis and simulation results confirmed the ability of the proposed approach to maintain the active power, currents, DC-link voltage and electromagnetic torque within their acceptable ranges even under the most severe unbalanced voltage conditions.

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