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Bücher von Bharat Parmar

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  • von Bharat Parmar
    43,90 €

    Im Mittelpunkt der Lehr- und Lerntätigkeit steht die Sprache. Keine Lehrtätigkeit kann ohne den Einsatz von Sprache durchgeführt werden. Die Struktur einer Sprache ist ihre Grammatik und die freien Bestandteile sind ihr Wortschatz. Die schriftliche Form der Sprache ist für den Spracherwerb sehr wichtig. Die vorliegende Studie konzentriert sich auf die grundlegenden grammatikalischen Fehler beim Schreiben der Sprache Gujarati, die von den Schülern der Klasse V der englischen Mittelschule begangen werden. Die Untersuchung hebt die verschiedenen häufigen grammatikalischen Fehler hervor, d.h. Rechtschreibung, Satzzeichen, Pronomen, Adjektive, Antonyme, Synonyme, Konjunktionen, einzelne Wörter für einen bestimmten Satz usw., die von den Schülern der Klasse V begangen werden. V in der Sprache Gujarati begangen haben, und wie ist die Gesamtleistung der Schüler der std. V von Schulen mit Englisch als Unterrichtssprache in Vadodara City, Gujarat, Indien.

  • 16% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    37,00 €

    El centro de la actividad de enseñanza-aprendizaje es la Lengua. Ninguna actividad de enseñanza puede realizarse sin el uso de la lengua. La estructura de una lengua es su gramática y los componentes libres son su vocabulario. La forma escrita de la lengua es muy importante en su adquisición. El presente estudio se centra en los errores gramaticales básicos de la escritura en guyaratí cometidos por los estudiantes de quinto curso de escuelas de inglés. La investigación pone de relieve los diferentes errores gramaticales comunes, es decir, ortografía, signos de puntuación, pronombres, adjetivos, antónimos, sinónimos, conjunciones, palabras sueltas para una frase determinada, etc., cometidos por los estudiantes de quinto curso en la escritura del guyaratí. V en la escritura de la lengua Gujarati y cuál es el rendimiento general en la escritura de la lengua Gujarati de los estudiantes de std. V de las escuelas de inglés de la ciudad de Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

  • 16% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    37,00 €

    O centro da atividade de ensino-aprendizagem é a língua. Nenhuma atividade de ensino pode ser realizada sem o uso da língua. A estrutura de uma língua é a sua gramática e os componentes livres são o seu vocabulário. A forma escrita da língua é muito importante na aquisição da língua. O presente estudo incide sobre os erros gramaticais básicos da escrita da língua gujarati cometidos pelos alunos do std V de escolas de ensino médio inglesas. A investigação destaca os diferentes erros gramaticais comuns, ou seja, ortografia, sinais de pontuação, pronome, adjetivo, antónimos, sinónimos, conjunção, palavras isoladas para uma dada frase, etc., cometidos pelos alunos do std. V na escrita da língua gujarati e qual é o desempenho global na escrita da língua gujarati dos alunos do std. V das escolas de inglês da cidade de Vadodara, Gujarat, Índia.

  • 16% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    37,00 €

    Centrom uchebno-wospitatel'noj deqtel'nosti qwlqetsq qzyk. Ni odna uchebnaq deqtel'nost' ne mozhet osuschestwlqt'sq bez ispol'zowaniq qzyka. Struktura qzyka - äto ego grammatika, a swobodnye komponenty - äto ego slowarnyj zapas. Pis'mennaq forma qzyka ochen' wazhna dlq uswoeniq qzyka. Poätomu my dolzhny pozabotit'sq o tom, chtoby studenty pisali na lübom qzyke bez grammaticheskih oshibok. Nastoqschee issledowanie poswqscheno osnownym grammaticheskim oshibkam, dopuschennym uchaschimisq V klassa shkol s anglijskim qzykom obucheniq pri napisanii gudzharati. Issledowanie osweschaet razlichnye rasprostranennye grammaticheskie oshibki, takie kak orfografiq, znaki prepinaniq, mestoimeniq, prilagatel'nye, antonimy, sinonimy, swqzki, odinochnye slowa dlq dannoj frazy i t.d., dopuschennye uchaschimisq V klassa. V w pis'mennyh rabotah na qzyke gudzharati i kakowa obschaq uspewaemost' w pis'mennyh rabotah na qzyke gudzharati uchaschihsq std. V anglijskih srednih shkol goroda Vadodara, shtat Gudzharat, Indiq.

  • 16% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    37,00 €

    Il centro dell'attività di insegnamento-apprendimento è il linguaggio. Nessuna attività didattica può essere svolta senza l'uso della lingua. La struttura di una lingua è la sua grammatica e le componenti libere sono il suo vocabolario. La forma scritta della lingua è molto importante per l'acquisizione della lingua. Il presente studio si concentra sugli errori grammaticali di base nella scrittura della lingua gujarati commessi dagli studenti della V classe delle scuole di lingua inglese. La ricerca mette in evidenza i diversi errori grammaticali comuni, come l'ortografia, i segni di punteggiatura, i pronomi, gli aggettivi, gli antonimi, i sinonimi, le congiunzioni, le singole parole per una determinata frase ecc. commessi dagli studenti della V classe nella scrittura del gujarati. V nella scrittura della lingua gujarati e qual è il rendimento complessivo nella scrittura della lingua gujarati degli studenti della std. V delle scuole di lingua inglese della città di Vadodara, Gujarat, India.

  • 16% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    37,00 €

    Le centre de l'activité d'enseignement et d'apprentissage est la langue. Aucune activité d'enseignement ne peut être réalisée sans l'utilisation de la langue. La structure d'une langue est sa grammaire et les composants libres sont son vocabulaire. La forme écrite de la langue est très importante dans l'acquisition de la langue. La présente étude se concentre sur les erreurs grammaticales de base commises par les élèves des classes V des écoles anglaises dans l'écriture du gujarati. La recherche met en évidence les différentes erreurs grammaticales courantes, à savoir l'orthographe, les signes de ponctuation, les pronoms, les adjectifs, les antonymes, les synonymes, les conjonctions, les mots uniques pour une phrase donnée, etc. commises par les élèves des classes V dans l'écriture du gujarati. V dans l'écriture de la langue gujarati et quelle est la performance globale dans l'écriture de la langue gujarati des élèves de std. V des écoles anglophones de la ville de Vadodara, Gujarat, Inde.

  • 16% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    37,00 €

    The center of teaching- learning activity is Language. No teaching activity can be performed without the use of language. The structure of a language is its grammar and the free components are it¿s a vocabulary. The written form of language is very important in language acquisition. Therefore, we have to taken care that the students should write any language without any grammatical errors.The present study focuses on the basic grammatical errors of writing Gujarati language made by the students of std V of English medium Schools. The research highlights the different common grammatical error i.e. spelling, punctuation mark, pronoun, adjective, antonyms , synonyms, conjunction, single words for given phrase etc. committed by students of std. V in writing of Gujarati language and what is the overall performance in writing of Gujarati language of students of std. V of English medium Schools of Vadodara City, Gujarat, India.

  • 19% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    56,00 €

    Teachers-to-be benefit greatly from pre-service teacher education programmes. No academic or administrative issues should arise for students while they are enrolled. Student success is impacted by issues both within and beyond the classroom. M.Ed. students at M. S. University of Baroda in Vadodara, Gujarat, India, are the focus of the current research project. The purpose of this research is to determine whether or not factors outside of the classroom, such as difficulties with internships, research, and communication between students and faculty, have a significant impact on students' ability to complete their programmes. Findings from the study provide important insights into students' academic struggles as well as their likelihood of completing the degree and their overall achievement.

  • 19% sparen
    von Bharat Parmar
    65,00 €

    Principals and teachers are the future builders of the nation. The profession of the Principal is the most valuable and most important of all the domains. If the Principal does not have any problems, he can only concentrate on administration and teaching. The relationship between adjustment and job satisfaction is well-known. The present study focuses on the satisfaction level and adjustment level of secondary school principals of Vadodara district, Gujarat, India. It is a study to check the well-being of educational leaders as leaders need to be mentally, physically, emotionally and administratively sound and full of clarity. The research highlights the relationship between adjustment and job satisfaction in terms of age, gender, teaching experience, academic experience, and school area. The study gives significant findings for the upliftment of educational leadership in future.

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