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Bücher von Bill Vincent

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  • - Embracing True Discipleship in the Midnight Hour
    von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    "Revival's Fire: Embracing True Discipleship in the Midnight Hour" is a stirring call to authentic faith and deep-rooted commitment in a time of spiritual upheaval. Through a series of powerful sermons, this book challenges readers to examine their relationship with God, urging them to move beyond superficial practices into a genuine, life-altering encounter with Jesus Christ.The book opens with "Introduction," setting the stage for a revival deeply anchored in the true gospel. It emphasizes the importance of miracles as God's pathway to salvation and the urgency of the times we live in. "Midnight Hour" further delves into the symbolism of the current times as the last hour before Christ's return, calling for awareness and preparedness."Fanning the Flame" and "Paying the Price" confront the lukewarm attitudes prevalent in many believers. These sections challenge the reader to consider the cost of true discipleship, contrasting it with the ease of passive faith."Becoming a Real Follower" serves as the heart of the book. It focuses on the life of Apostle Peter as a blueprint for transformation from a mere admirer of Christ to a true follower. It juxtaposes Peter's initial denial of Jesus with his ultimate transformation, symbolizing the potential for change in every believer.Throughout, the book interweaves biblical narratives with contemporary applications, making it a compelling read for those yearning for a deeper, more committed spiritual life. It's a wake-up call to the church and individuals alike, pressing the importance of a genuine relationship with Christ in these crucial times."Revival's Fire" is more than a book; it's a journey towards spiritual awakening, calling believers to reignite their passion for God and embrace the fullness of what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ in an era that desperately needs authentic witnesses of His power and love.

  • von Bill Vincent
    24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    26,00 - 31,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    25,00 €

    Much has been written and taught about the coming of Christ for His Church. Unfortunately, most of our modern day teachings on this most important doctrine are misleading, to say the very least. Bill Vincent has studied for years and now is releasing his findings in this book, Rapture Revelations. A careful scrutiny of the Scriptures will reveal the truth about the second coming of Christ, which we generally refer to as "the rapture". In Rapture Revelations, he has set out to correct the most obvious errors of the pre-tribulation doctrine and to establish the basic foundation for understanding the truth of the matter. Great care is taken to follow the guidelines of Scripture and the Biblical basis of doctrinal interpretation, precept upon precept and line upon line. This is the only method of interpretation used in the pages of Rapture Revelations. Since God Himself revealed His method of understanding doctrine, it is believed by the author to be the best method to use. Therefore, with Bible in hand, follow along with the Scriptures quoted and see if you don't find truth within its pages. In Rapture Revelations, Bill answers questions that many do not know the answers to. Be open and allow this page-turner to open up the biggest controversial subject of the rapture of Jesus Christ. If you are a lover of truth, you will enjoy this very basic presentation of Biblical facts concerning the doctrine of the "gathering together" of Christ's saints unto Himself.

  • von Bill Vincent
    32,00 €

    God wants to take you out of the wilderness into pools of Glory. Bill Vincent is sure to stir up the fire of God in this powerful book GLORY: INCREASING GOD'S PRESENCE. If you want to discover more of God's presence this book is for you. Here is some of what you will receive revelation of, ¿ Restoring Spiritual Principals ¿ From wilderness Into Pools ¿ Restoring of God's Presence ¿ Going Behind the Veil ¿ How to be Wells of God This is just some of what you will read. If you want to read more about God's Glory, you must read Bill's first book Glory: Pursuing God's Presence We hope you enjoy this book GLORY: PURSUING GOD'S PRESENCE.

  • - The Presence of God Changes Everything
    von Bill Vincent
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    41,00 €

    It is easy to speak against something you don't fully understand. Listen you need to be open to what God wants to do. You have never seen such a level of power, grace, and holiness of God all at one time. The church is outgrowing itself month by month. Are you ready for miracles as commonplace; the amazing and incredible presence of God to be everywhere. The team that you are part of, which is caught up in the epicenter of all this activity, is the most profound experience that you have ever encountered. Of course, there are problems-problems that often are huge and time-consuming. However, as you pray for wisdom, the anointing to move forward is so great that godly insight seems to spring into your conscious mind with ease. During the moving forward to becoming a prototype Church you will find oppositions. Every day brings a pressure cocktail of more people, more needs, greater opposition, further demonic attacks, fresh misunderstandings, calculated misinterpretations, added responsibilities, supplementary clerical problems to overcome, and extra requirements for advice, leadership, and ministry. Everything is strained to the limit of personal and physical ability. One thing that will surely cause a quicker finished Church is Revival. Revival seems to be concerned with endurance and stamina as much as it is preoccupied with anointing and empowerment. You are in the midst of constant attack and blessing; of tiredness, pressure, and opposition; of trying to keep everything going smoothly so that more people can be touched and reached; of not losing people to poor organization and mismanagement. You do not want this move to blow through society, touching thousands of lives, but not see church built at the end of it. Indeed, it shows no signs of tapering off! Are you getting excited about a new move of God? The need to develop leaders and train people to look after others, the need for more prayer, and the demand for more workers is huge.

  • von Bill Vincent
    35,00 €

    Bill Vincent is an ordinary man with an extraordinary God. If what has happened to him is as great as he tells his story, then you know it will be visitations from above like no other. This book, Glory: Pursuing God's Presence, is one of three book series that are all about finding God and His presence.One day in 2008, Bill pressed into God with the attitude like I am going to get something from God. In so many ways, he was much like a wining child trying to get a toy from his parent.The feeling Bill felt that day was like being rescued in the desert after days with no drink.What began to happen to Bill has changed his life forever. Bill got to a place he couldn't wait to press in. It was like a romance between him and God. He was now in love with God. Bill would run up the stairs like I couldn't wait any longer to be with Him.Everything you are about to read will truly bless you because Bill's passion for God is a rarity in the Church today. God bless you as you read the rest of Uncovering God's Glory.

  • von Bill Vincent
    35,00 €

    This cutting edge book will take you beyond the limits of religion to the extreme Glory of God. Through reading GLORY: EXPANDING GOD'S PRESENCE by Bill Vincent, you will find that there is at all times a sound being released from earth to heaven as well as from heaven to earth. In the unseen realm, it is in the form of energy patterns, waves, particles and though the vast majority of it is not heard with our natural ear, it is sensed by us because we are part of this existence. Science is only just now catching up with the Word of God, but what they are discovering these days, especially in the quantum world of physics, is absolutely amazing as it pertains to scripture.We truly believe all who read GLORY: EXPANDING GOD'S PRESENCE will be encouraged to find more of God.

  • von Bill Vincent
    32,00 €

    In this book we all need our mindsets to be an Ambassador of Heaven. God is raising up a new breed of men and women of God. The Kingdom of God can seem like a gigantic unchartered spiritual frontier! Consequently, we need a Kingdom mindset in order to rightly discern and tap into all that God wants to reveal to us, especially in days like these--days of the harvest. You will be blessed by Bill Vincent's power revelations of God's Glory and the Kingdom of God being released in the earth.

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    17,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    25,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    25,00 - 29,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 25,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 24,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    Discover the profound journey of healing and freedom in "." This inspiring book takes you on a transformative exploration of the body, mind, and spirit, guiding you toward a life of vitality and well-being.Uncover the secrets to unlocking your body's natural healing potential and learn how to overcome pain, discomfort, and the limitations of age. Dive into the world of miracles and discover how the power of faith and spirituality can bring about remarkable physical and emotional transformation.With insights into rejuvenation, recovery, and empowerment, this book offers a roadmap to renewing your youth and restoring your health. Say goodbye to bad habits that have held you back and embrace the freedom of a life filled with joy and change."Unlocking Healing and Freedom" is your key to a revitalized life, where healing, renewal, and transformation are within reach. Start your journey to a healthier, happier you today.

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    Whether everyone admits it or not, we all want to have a Hollywood romance. We want someone to race to the airport to stop us because of love they have for us. We want the one we love to rush in and stop us from marrying someone else. We want that special someone to run toward us and say those three amazing words I LOVE YOU! We are all old time romantics.

  • von Bill Vincent
    18,00 €

    Todos tienen batallas que están luchando, y cada batalla en estos días parece una batalla espiritual. Este libro de Bill Vincent discute cómo puedes prepararte para la guerra espiritual. Vincent nos recuerda que solo la oración no puede ayudar, y explica qué más puedes hacer además de orar. Nos anima a estudiar a Dios y orar para que nuestras batallas espirituales sean más efectivas. Vincent también nos recuerda que hay una diferencia entre conocer acerca de Dios y conocer a Dios, y cómo podemos aprender de Dios.Prepárate para la batalla y aprende cómo superarlas con "Guerra Espiritual Simplificada".

  • von Bill Vincent
    26,00 €

    What makes one a great leader? Is it being charismatic, confident and having high emotional intelligence? Is it being able to reach out to people you lead, as well as transform their lives? Is it being able to delegate functions effectively?While all the above are some aspects that make someone a great leader, when it comes to spiritual leadership, being a leader is much more than just being charismatic and being able to influence and transform.Furthermore, with the world becoming wicked, as leaders, we may feel that we need to change the standards of God to conform to what is around us. The truth is that the word of God never changes and as Christians, if we want to live a holy life that is pleasing to God, we need to remain true to his word.Furthermore, as a leader in the church, you don't take your examples from worldly leaders but rather from the great example of Jesus Christ.How then do you lead, as Christ led?This book, "Spiritual Leadership" will teach you how to be a great leader and above all an amazing Christian by following some basic foundational principles.The book breaks down the seemingly complex topic using beginner friendly language to help you to start applying what you learn right away!

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 - 21,00 €

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