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Bücher von Bill Vincent

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  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 €

    I give thanks to you, Lord. When you issue warnings, we will pay attention and take you at your word that they are sent for a purpose. You said to send out a sneak attack warning, Lord. That is exactly what the enemy is attempting to do: infiltrate the body of Christ in such a way that salvation will no longer be typical in the church, and children will become more disobedient and rebellious than they have ever been. Lord Jesus, thank you. First and first, I want you to know that much of this has been discussed in our home before I ever preach it. "Warning of a sneak attack," God stated as he handed me a title. When I say "sneak attack," I'm not referring to the events of September 11th. I'm not talking about a jet colliding with the side of a building. I'm not referring to any kind of terrorism. What I'm talking about is the enemy infiltrating the church, and the enemy infiltrating the school in such a subtle way that we accept it as common law. We are accepting the changes that are occurring in the world, and we must halt this practice. We aren't in China at all. We aren't in the Russian Federation. We are in the United States of America, which was founded on God and should continue to be founded on God. Hallelujah. I want you to realize that our country is in desperate need. Our kids are the most defiant I've ever seen in my life. I thought I was rebellious, but my goodness, I had never heard of the term. I want you to understand that I've been seeing things in the spirit for a long time, and God has given me names for some of the enemy's methods and tools that some of us don't see because our schools are pushing it, and things are moving in this direction.

  • von Bill Vincent
    26,00 - 27,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    30,00 €

    In Defeating the Demonic Realm, author and preacher Bill Vincent takes readers on a spiritual discovery of biblical principles that will help the reader understand evil and the Demonic Realm. Is something blocking your life and ministry? What curses may be affecting you, and how do you break demonic Spirits and Curses in order to hasten your healing?Being consumed by demonic energy is not the only option-but rather, dealing with evil when it crosses your path can help one grow. Bill Vincent has dealt with the demonic and within that experience was given a breakthrough from God. His revelations will teach you how to be a warrior of the Lord, to break the devil's schemes, and to identify the weapons, plans, and blueprints God has provided for your defense. With these crucial strategies for fighting triumphantly in spiritual warfare, you'll become fully alert, strengthened, and equipped to win any battle that wages around you.

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 €

    "The Art of Content Creation: Tips and Tricks for YouTube" is a comprehensive guide for aspiring and experienced creators on the world's largest video-sharing platform. With over 2 billion monthly active users, YouTube has become a vital platform for content creators to showcase their talents and build a loyal following.This book covers a wide range of topics, from identifying your audience and passion, crafting a compelling brand, and generating killer content ideas, to lighting and sound techniques, camera gear, editing essentials, and YouTube SEO. You'll learn how to work with other creators, go live, and monetize your content, as well as how to build a strong community and maintain your online privacy and security.The book also explores emerging trends and technologies, such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, and how they are shaping the future of content creation on YouTube.With practical tips and tricks from successful YouTube creators and industry experts, this book provides a roadmap for your YouTube journey. You'll learn how to set goals, create a roadmap, and celebrate successes while learning from failures.Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned creator, "The Art of Content Creation: Tips and Tricks for YouTube" is the ultimate guide to achieving success on the platform.

  • von Bill Vincent
    27,00 €

    This book is being released because God has been urging me for a long time to release healing through this book. Divorce is considered to be unforgivable to many Christian beliefs. For many months this book has been in the process. HEALING AFTER DIVORCE is for more than the divorced person but also those who want to find God's heart concerning the topics of divorce and remarriage. Before we get started I want you to know it is true that God HATES divorce and we should never jump at the first opportunity to divorce the one we once loved. If you are ever going to consider the blessing of Holy Matrimony then this book can help you to avoid the missteps that lead to divorce. There is a lot that we are going to get into so may you receive revelation for yourself and let it set you free as you read HEALING AFTER DIVORCE.

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 €

    Bill went through a season of the presence of God overtaken his life and brought supernatural favor, power, revelations, open visions and encounters with Heaven. Many are satisfied with a little touch of heaven. There are hidden things waiting to be discovered for such a time as this. Why wait until we die to have heavenly experiences. You will love this book, The Supernatural Realm.

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    This is a prayer of thanksgiving to God for all that he will accomplish in the lives of those who read it. Even as they read this, let go of your authority. In Jesus' tremendous name, let your word pierce every heart, pierce every life. 1-9 of Jonah The King James Bible (KJV)So Jonah, the son of Amittai, was sent by the Lord to go and protest against the evil of Nineveh, the largest city in the world. In order to run from the presence of God, Jonah set out for Joppa and found a ship bound for Tarshish. He paid the fare and boarded the ship; thus he was able to escape to Tarshish from God's presence. However, the LORD sent a powerful wind into the sea, causing a violent storm that was close to breaking the ship. Then the seafarers became frightened and screamed out to their gods, and threw the ship's cargo into the ocean to make it lighter. Jonah, on the other hand, had sunk to the bottom of the ship and was deep asleep. He was approached by the ship's captain, who asked him, "What do you mean, O slumberer? " In the event that God is thinking about us, we should rise and pray to him, so that we don't die. And they said to each other, "Come, let us cast lots, so that we might find out who is to blame for this atrocity." So they drew lots, and Jonah came out on top. What is your profession? They begged him to tell them why this evil has come upon them. and where did you come from? What is the name of your nation? And who are you, then? And he told them, "I am an Israelite, and I reverence the Lord, the God of Heaven, who created the sea and the dry land," to which they agreed. The glory of God should fill everyone who reads this right now, Father, in your precious name. Reach out and touch everyone. Reach out to everyone and touch their souls. Let the power of your words inspire others. Let it lead to remorse. Let it be a savior. Right now, I send God's word into every home. Let the fires of God's wrath blaze out. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 €

    It was unthinkable that I would sit down to write about signs and wonders before 2008. The reason for this is that I didn't believe in any manifested signs and marvels to begin with. I was invited to a David Herzog conference as a pastor in Litchfield, Illinois. Come on, they said, there will be gold dust at the meeting. What is that for, I responded? I told them I didn't want gold dust from God; I wanted something concrete. I had no idea that gold dust was a gift from God.In God's Presence, I've had some of the most amazing occasions. I've seen and been a wonder and a sign. It feels like a dream since God has displayed His magnificent marvels to and through me so many times. Gold dust, multicolored dust, gold flakes, gold nuggets, feathers, glory clouds, misting rain, gemstones, diamonds, mounted rings, and more are all available. Some of the strangest but actual indications of God's Glory can be seen.Some preachers who have witnessed signs and miracles have told me that we were really fortunate to witness everything we have. When there were only a few people present, God moved more in these kinds of manifestations. It was due to the fact that we were all on the same page.It is by pressing together in oneness for God that He is glorified, and His miracles and wonders are released. We'll feature full-color photos of miracles and signs that have occurred since 2008. We believe it, and we hope you do as well. Anything is possible in God's Glory. It was God's will for me to speak this here. You'll see signs and wonders if you read this book, and you'll be right.

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 €

    This has been transcribed from a powerful sermon. This has prophetic words released throughout and I hope that you can receive them as you read this book.Break breakthrough. An angel called Breakthrough. I have only seen this angel, probably five times in my life as a man of God. And every time he comes, he's always got a purpose. It's not just a breakthrough, just a general breakthrough. It's a purpose.I'm talking about a breakthrough over the enemy's attack on resources. Resources seem like it's been a tough time. Even though people get their income tax, it seems like you lose it faster than you got it. The more money you make the machines the more money you lose. The bills are faithful. They're very faithful to it. Those bill companies could get evangelistic they'd win the world.I believe this is a timely and important word. I believe it's going to be to the point for a reason. When an angel comes, he's on assignment. Some things are going to happen just because he's here and it has to do with the real battle of promise.

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 - 23,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 €

    This will be a typical Sunday morning sermon. That was a joke, of course. It ought to be. This title was bestowed upon me by God. When I heard that, I felt a shiver run down my spine. The Open Doors of Satan. We should all be aware that we frequently give way to an open door. We occasionally open something in our lives without even realizing it. To break in, all you need is access, access to something otherworldly. I'm not referring to the supernatural or celestial realms. I'm referring to Satan's supernatural world. When you talk about the supernatural, you're talking about the realm of the unknown. That's not only good, but also bad.Our souls can be accessed through a door. There is a door, and the enemy can enter through it. It makes no difference whether it's merely a crack. All you need is a crack in your door, and he'll be able to come in. Between light and darkness, this door is slightly open. Our adversary is confined to the world of darkness by God's holy decree. He doesn't have access to light. The law will not be changed by the Bible. Jesus triumphed, and that power remains in our midst. Is it necessary for us to know whether or not we can still open the door? I'm sure there are a few of you who are perfect, and because you're so holy, you'll be going to Heaven soon. You've never had anything wrong with you. You never sin, and I know that, but for the rest of us, there is an open door that occasionally appears, and it occurs as a result of something we do. I'm going to discuss a specific aspect of one problem that is linked to a slew of other issues. I know you're going to be excited, so take a deep breath and relax so you can stay focused. We are free of these wicked forces, but if the door is left open, Satan and his henchmen get legal access. Their goal is to keep the places that open the door under control. Because all they need is access, and once they have access, they have legal rights. We have granted the adversary legal rights because we hav

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    The term has me on fire. God's wrath is coming down. If a revival occurs without the gospel being preached, it's not a revival at all. Yes, I'm speaking to you. Without the preaching of the gospel, it is impossible to have a gospel at all. God uses miracles to provide salvation to those who believe in him. A miracle is an indication that someone is ready to devote his or her life over to Jesus Christ. Revival has thrown my entire calendar into disarray. I no longer have a set timetable. Let me be clear: this is just the beginning of what God has in store for us, and I believe this may have a profound impact on the world in Jesus' name if we'll just give Him the praise and tell him it's all about Him, not us. Are You a Christian? is a message I'd like to share with you. Yes, I am following. There are 10 virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom in Matthew 25:1, according to the Bible. Cries were heard at midnight: look, the bridegroom is on his way. Take him out for a walk.

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 €

    I ask God that You minister, that You break every stronghold in Jesus' name. Sometimes you don't realize some things are strongholds in your life that you don't even realize are there and sometimes it's, the very thing that's holding you back. It might be one of those things that you just don't even think of. But it's time to break free from those strongholds. It is time to have those strongholds broken off our lives. God showed me by the Spirit, steps. And on these steps, every time there was a step, I looked down and I saw something written on the step. Then you take another step and there's another thing. So, these are steps and at the top is breaking. Breaking the stronghold. Sometimes I believe we have more of a stronghold on the stronghold than the stronghold has on us.Have you ever wanted to not let go? Some might have been a stuffy blanket. I'm talking about those things we just don't want to get rid of. You can recognize someone when they have an issue. When they get the answer no to the thing that is binding them. You'll find out how happy or upset you are when you lose something. So, the first step was breaking free. We say shouldn't that be the last step? Not really. Because sometimes reoccurring destructive bad habits lead to our demise. Unhealthy habits lead to destruction. It's unhealthy habits that lead to destruction.Would there be a guarantee in your life cycle that you have certain habits in your life?

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 €

    Over 100 years ago, the power of the Holy Spirit descended upon the nation of Wales, ushering in over 100,000 souls into the Kingdom of God and 10s of millions throughout the world. This revival fire was ignited in the heart of a young man named Evan Roberts. Evan Roberts had been earnestly praying for revival for 10 years. And he came to a point where he was troubled in his spirit over the condition of the church. And after seeking the baptism and fullness of the Holy Spirit, Evan was taken into a season of visitation. He would be awakened by the Lord at 1 am each night and he would be caught up in divine communion with God for four hours. At times, the light and glory of God would rest so powerfully upon him that his bed would physically shake, Roberts was quoted as saying, I have reached out my hand and touched the flame I am burning and waiting for a sign Evan Roberts prayed and a spark was released, igniting a world-changing national move of God.A month before the revival broke out, Evan was attending an evangelistic meeting. For years, The Evangelist had prayed that God would raise a simple boy from the mines or the fields, not from the universities, so that pride and intellectualism wouldn't be fed, but rather all the glory would go to God and God had found his man in Evan Roberts. On October 31, 1904, Everett invited a group of young people to come and gather as he shared his heart for revival with the 16 young people, the fire of God fell upon them. And within two weeks the entire nation was set ablaze with revival fire. The heartfelt prayer of this revival became to send the Spirit now for Jesus' sake.

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 €

    The opening of the prison. Have you ever felt like you've been in prison? You've been spending some time there recently? I don't know about you, but it's time to get out. God has given us a Get Out of Jail Free Code. Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18 talks about things to do with the opening of the prison, the opening of the prison some of us have a coffin prison. And it is God's figurative illustration of the release of imprisonment It's an imprisonment something you've been held captive. It could be sickness; it could be sin can be everything and anything. Anything that happened and could have come upon our lives in the fall, is a prison when Adam and Eve fell everything that they open that door to becomes a prison in our life and it covers every phase of our redemption and our salvation. And what I have to say applies equally to every bondage known, there is no bondage that is not known that we're coming in that we're not supposed to be free of, and I'm telling you if you are physically well and your problem is one of the many others then think of your problem as an open prison and we're going to follow instructions and I believe that God's given us. He's given us instructions to get out of prison we're not going to have to make a pic out of a toothbrush we're not going to have to use the spoon that we had in the cafeteria and use that to dig our way out like some of those bad prison movies, but you can keep God busy filling his promises for you.

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    In this season, God says, I am giving you a double new beginning. Not just a new beginning, a new beginning. And God has pretty good stuff. But he wants to give you a double new beginning. Some of you don't understand what a double is. I know you would be excited if somebody gave you a big pile of ice cream. And then they said, would you like me to double it? You'd be like, sure why would I not want it? And I really believe God's saying he's about to give us a double new beginning. And he has given you a new beginning in your relationships. In your marriage, a double new beginning. He's given you a new beginning in your ministry. And He's given you a new beginning in your workplace. A double new beginning. Now, you may have been fighting for a very long time. It's been a fight. You are about to realize why the fight was so long.Maybe you're exhausted. Maybe you've been to a place here or there that you wanted to throw in the towel. God is speaking right now. I am strengthening you, as you read this with a powerful prophetic word. Here's what God says. And this is what he's getting ready to speak to our hearts right now. Because God wants to take you to new places and new realms in his glory. He longs to give you a new revelation so that you can have a fresh perspective on what he is doing in your life. It's time to receive the fullness of everything He has for you.

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    You are about to read about some of the most life-altering miracles that have ever occurred in my life. Since I was a child, I've wanted to share my story with the world, but no matter how hard I tried, God seemed to prevent me from doing so. Since this book will focus on healings and miracles, I realize it will only be a small portion of my story.In order to walk in God's healing power, you must have a desire to see people freed from their slavery. Because of all the agony and suffering I've been through, God has used my testimonies to inspire enormous confidence in my heart for the healing of others. My life would not be possible if it weren't for the healing and miracles God has performed in my life. I give him all the credit and thanks.

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    I'm telling you this is the most essential, pivotal time of all time. I truly think that things are in motion, that things are being put in order. When you keep going after something and the doors don't open or things don't happen, it's frustrating. What's wrong with you simply going after it and going after it, but nothing seems to open up? Is it necessary for a court ruling to be made? I believe so. I started searching my heart for what God had to say today, and then He started speaking. God stated the heavenly court is currently in session anytime that phrase appeared. There are things about to open up for the body of Christ like never before, no matter where you are in the things of God. Decisions are going to be made exclusively for your benefit. Do you believe that prophecy has any power? Prophetic pronouncements have power. A portion of the celestial court is making decisions. The first topic I'd want to discuss is the prophetic decree.I'd like to talk a little bit about this because we can proclaim anything we want if we don't know how to release decrees that actually strike the mark, but we know they won't happen if we don't announce decrees that are from God.

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    A book that God has been impressing upon me for quite some time is being published. Both men and women, I believe, have had first-hand experience with a demonic spirit known as Jezebel. I'm not simply referring to a remote spirit in the Church; I'm referring to a spirit who is genuinely married to this vile spirit. This is a factual story about my own personal experiences. I was actually married to a woman who had a Jezebel spirit in her. I'll tell you the story, but I'll leave out the names of the characters because we're not dealing with flesh and blood here, but rather with Principalities and Powers of evil in high places.Starting with a chapter that provides some scriptural support for the spirit of Jezebel and the traits of this spirit, I will lay the groundwork for the rest of the book. Then I'll create the story, using as many, if not all, of the qualities of the Jezebel spirit as I can find in my research.While I understand that some people will become enraged and strike out at me, I ask you not to pass judgment until you have walked a mile in my shoes. This book will be divisive, and if you know me at all, you know that I thrive in the midst of controversy. It has been approximately eighteen months since I parted ways with Jezebel. I'm not writing this to vent or to put someone else down in any way. This book is intended to be of assistance to someone if they are in the process of being swallowed by a spirit and need to cut them off in order to survive.

  • von Bill Vincent
    23,00 €

    This will be the most productive season. Sometimes it takes a long time to find that. Sometimes we do things over and over and over again. And it just seems like it's just not productive. Sometimes we can work all day and still have no production.But God's saying that He has an assignment for your life, an assignment to produce and get things done. The Lord's been speaking to me about acceleration, about momentum about occupying the land, about building and going and taking place, taking place all these things in the last couple of years. And I want you to think about that just for a minute. God has assignments for the body of Christ. In other words, it's things to do in God. Seems like every time we begin to do things that are assignments from God. Distractions pop up. It's so easy to get caught up in a distraction.

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    God spoke to Bill Vincent and said there is a battle command I want to release in your midst. The battle command is against demonic spirits. Bill really believes that there are really a lot of demonic spirits in the church. A lot of demonic spirits come through in a lot of things that we deal with. The curse of Adam and Eve is still in full operation in the earth. It would be foolish for us to think that we have no sin in our hearts and lives. We are all stuck with having to deal with real demonic spirits. None of us can say otherwise.Many say, I don't have anything to deal with. I don't need to deal with things of this world. That's never going to be true? When we are not dealing with things, then something is wrong. We must be going the wrong direction or something.It has been estimated that 25 percent, of the miracles that Jesus performed were casting out demons out of people. Like it or not we have been born in a war zone. When you are born again, you are born into a war zone. You have to realize, just because of the day Adam and Eve fell, we have been born into a war zone to have to deal with spiritual wickedness in high places.Whether there is a snake still going about, talking about the devil. He is still trying to tempt and just destroy us and sway us off the path that we are supposed to be on. Not only are we all stuck to have to battle with people who have chosen, and here is what Bill means by this, they have chosen by their own free will to live a life on the dark side..

  • von Bill Vincent
    23,00 €

    Everyone has battles they're fighting, and every battle these days feels like a spiritual battle. This book by Bill Vincent discusses how you can prepare yourself for spiritual warfare. Vincent reminds us that prayer alone cannot help, and explains what else you can do in addition to prayer. He encourages us to study God and prayer for our spiritual battles to be most effective. Vincent also reminds us that there is a difference between knowing about God and knowing God, and how we can learn God.Get ready for battle and learn how to overcome them with Spiritual Warfare Made Simple.

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 €

    Faith: A Connection of God's Power is a cutting edge book that will stir a new level of faith in today's world. Whether you are a new Christian or a longtime friend of God, you will truly be blessed by Bill Vincent's simple teachings through this book.In his passionate desire to see believers walk in the supernatural, Bill Vincent has put together this book "Faith: A Connection of God's Power" to stir up believers into greater dimensions of spiritual manifestation. Bill experienced the faith teaching for the first ten years of his ministry. Everyone was preaching the faith message and Bill spent over ten years of his ministry avoiding that subject. It was in his heart that all that could have been taught was taught on the simple subject of faith. In mid 2015 Bill found God moving him to preach on faith nearly every week. Now, after a long anticipation for the fresh release on this subject, we hope you enjoy Faith: A Connection of God's Power.

  • von Bill Vincent
    22,00 €

    Bill Vincent brings us another powerful book on overcoming challenges. Bitterness, resentment, and jealousy are all contaminants that poison our lives, and many times this comes from the influence of others. More so, the worst challenge is disappointment, as Bill Vincent attests. In this book, you are encouraged to trust God and are shown proof that He keeps his promises!See how God has already decided YES in Aligning With God's Promises.

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 €

    Have you ever imagined your life free from sin and keeping Satan out of your life. There has to be a way. Bill Vincent reveals that the greatest form of spiritual warfare for any Christian is the powerful force of obedience. SATAN'S OPEN DOORS will give you a fresh revelation of how God supplies in the Spirit and prompt your heart and mind to find hidden sins and identify rebellion. As you are challenged to be holy, you'll discover how grace gives you the power not to be a slave to sin anymore.

  • von Bill Vincent
    20,00 - 21,00 €

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    As the follow up to Bill Vincent's book, Beginning the Courts of Heaven, Breaking Curses Legal Rights Courts discusses Heavenly judgement with legal metaphor. This book is easy to understand and uses verses from the Bible to further explain what happens when our spirits reach Heaven. This informative book by Bill Vincent also discusses how curses can affect your spiritual court and how to avoid or deny them.Secure your victory in spiritual court when you are brought before God so that you can receive all that God has to offer!

  • von Bill Vincent
    21,00 €

    Jesus said in Revelation 21, "I am the alpha and the omega. I am the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is thirsty the fountain of living water of life freely." And yet, there are so many people that talk about revival, they talk about miracles, they talk about God. We want you to move but we want the power without ever the shaking or the rocking or the rolling. They say they want revival but they say, "Lord, don't make waves. I'm fine as I am." There are pastors that are reading this and you say, "Yeah, I want revival but Lord don't rock my boat. I've just got it how I want it. I've just got that big tither. He's tithing well, Lord. Don't make waves!"

  • von Bill Vincent
    19,00 €

    God spoke to me today. He began to speak to me about different things. It's just been one of those times in the last few weeks, God has just been speaking incredibly special things. I believe such a time as this, this is the most powerful time in the church ever, in our lives. In anybody's lifetime is right now what God wants to do. He wants to do wonderful things. He wants to do mighty things. It's not just about America, but it's about the world. In our day of destiny, that's what it is. This is our destiny. For what God is getting ready to do, there is a destiny, we're going to see the glory of God. To see the glory, we must believe, you got to believe God's doing something. For a long time, I've been in many revivals, and we've had outbreaks of revival where people were healed 1000s of cancers, and all kinds of miracles and, and things taken place. We've had so many different things take place, every time.

  • von Bill Vincent
    31,00 €

    A CLOSER WALK WITH GOD is being released after months of seeing many with a need of a deeper intimacy with God. We all must learn to stay connected with God. After you read A CLOSER WALK WITH GOD you are going to see for yourself what God says about it. Have you ever wondered if it's possible to have a meaningful relationship with God? BILL VINCENT'S powerful study will help you discover for yourself how such a rewarding relationship with God is possible. The last two Chapters are Daily Bible Reading and Daily Devotions to help you to get on the right track in your walk with God. You will also learn how salvation is something you keep burning on the inside of you. You have to keep your fire burning and there are many things released in A CLOSER WALK WITH GOD that will help you begin your journey to genuine faith.

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