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Bücher von Bj Jenkins

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  • von Bj Jenkins
    29,00 €

    The trumpet is blowing in Zion and it's sounding an alarm. God is looking for some champions to join the Army of God and prepare the way for the return of the Lord. God's army has fought for ages and has never lost a war. Now, He is looking for some champions just like He had before. The Bible calls you a chosen generation, a very special group of young, anointed ones, that will soon become the new Champions of God. God is Calling Champions, By BJ Jenkins, is a fun children's rhyming book that teaches everyone what the Bible has to say about a chosen generation of anointed children and youth that will soon become Champions in the Army of God. How can little children become victorious Champions in a battle of good vs evil? Fall in soldiers and learn all about the special ARMOR of GOD available to everyone who chooses to enlist.

  • von Bj Jenkins
    28,00 €

    The Powers of the Age to Come for Kids In these last days, God wants to take ordinary people, including little children, and work supernaturally with them through the Powers of the Age to Come. These special ANOINTINGS will be used by the remnant to glorify God's name during the approaching time of great revival and tribulation. This fun children's Rhyming book will reveal those SPECIAL powers God has promised to us, and if you know your bible history, you will find them a bit familiar.

  • von Bj Jenkins
    27,00 €

    Do you know that when a person is "born again" they become a child of God? Children of God are VERY special. In fact, the Bible says, they are adopted into the family of the King and are called a royal priesthood! These children of royalty have some INCREDIBLE honors and privileges. Come explore this secrete treasure of God's Kingdom, offered only to His children. I'm Royalty for Kids, by BJ Jenkins is a fun children's rhyming book that teaches everyone what the Bible says happens when a person is adopted into the ROYAL family of God and given the "believer's authority" that comes along with it.

  • von Bj Jenkins
    28,00 €

    The 9 Spiritual Gifts for Kids In these last days God wants to take ordinary people, including children, and work supernaturally with them through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says EVERYONE should earnestly SEEK the gifts of the Spirit, but how can we do that if we don't know what they are and how they operate? This fun children's rhyming book will teach everyone what the 9 spiritual gifts are, how to receive them, and how these gifts can work to glorify God through even the littlest of children today.

  • von Bj Jenkins
    29,00 €

    Did you know that your words are very powerful? Can you imagine what would happen if you woke up one day and every word you spoke came true? The Bible says the tongue has the power of life and death. That is why Jesus warned, "But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken" (Matthew 12:36). God is always listening and every word you speak is heard. So, choose them very wisely, every single word. My Words Are Very Powerful, By BJ Jenkins is a fun children's rhyming book that teaches everyone what the Bible has to say about the power of our words. Get reading and find out how you can change the life of those around you by simply speaking encouraging words.

  • von Bj Jenkins
    30,00 €

    Do you know that you have a destiny? It's true, just read Psalms 139:15. The Bible says, that God wrote out every single day of your life in a book before you were even born. That book is kept in heaven, it's your book of Destiny! The Destiny Book, by BJ Jenkins, is a fun children's rhyming book about the plan God has designed for every person's life, their destiny. Is there really a book in heaven about each one of us? The Bible says there is, and one day He will open it up and see if you accomplished what He had planned for your life. This book teaches everyone that God does have a special plan for each of our lives and that He has already given us the talents and abilities to accomplish it. Can we find out what is written in our book so we know what we should do next? There is one special way you can take a peek, come read and find out!

  • von Bj Jenkins & Alicia Estis
    29,00 €

  • von Bj Jenkins
    30,00 €

  • - 28 Anointing for Kids Curriculum
    von Bj Jenkins
    45,00 €

  • - The Deeper Things of God Series
    von Bj Jenkins
    21,00 €

  • von Bj Jenkins
    30,00 €

  • von Bj Jenkins
    32,00 €

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