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Bücher von Brigid Kemmerer

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  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    12,00 €

    _______________'A kinetic tale of the tension between duty, love and trust' - Cassandra Clare'Defy the Night is everything I crave in a fantasy romance' - Stephanie Garber'Addicting from page one!' - Jennifer L. Armentrout_______________The first book in the thrilling Defy the Night series: a blockbuster fantasy saga about a corrupt kingdom, a star-crossed romance and a girl who will do anything for justice._______________A spark of rebellion is all it takes to DEFY THE NIGHT.In a kingdom where sickness stalks the streets and only the richest can afford a cure, King Harristan and his brother Prince Corrick are forced to rule with an iron fist.Tessa Cade is a masked outlaw marked for death, but she likes it that way. Together with the mysterious, handsome Weston, she robs from the rich to help the poor, distributing food and medicine to those who need it most. As it becomes clear that the only way to save her people is to assassinate the King, Tessa must face a deadly mission that will take her to the dark heart of the kingdom . and force her to work with the very people she intended to destroy.For more fantasy romance, don't miss Brigid Kemmerer's New York Times bestselling Cursebreaker series.

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    12,00 €

    _______________The second book in the New York Times bestselling Cursebreaker series: a lush, contemporary fantasy retelling of Beauty and the Beast._______________Find the heir, win the crown. Win the crown, save the kingdom.Harper has freed Prince Rhen from the curse that almost destroyed his kingdom. But all is not well; rumours are rife that there is a rival heir with a stronger claim to the throne and that 'Princess' Harper of Disi is nothing but a fraud.Grey has fled the castle carrying a terrible secret. When he is discovered by soldiers and returned to Ironrose by force, Grey's allegiances begin to shift. And as he grows closer to an enemy princess, he is forced to decide whether he will stand against Rhen for the crown he never wanted .For more fantasy romance, don't miss Brigid Kemmerer's heart-stopping Defy the Night series.

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    12,00 €

    _______________The third book in the New York Times bestselling Cursebreaker series: a contemporary feminist fantasy perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas._______________KINGDOMS WILL CLASH. CHOOSE YOUR SIDE.Grey has been revealed as the rightful prince of Emberfall. But the kingdom is crumbling fast, torn between his claim and that of the reigning Prince Rhen and Princess Harper. Newly crowned as Queen of the enemy kingdom Syhl Shallow, Lia Mara struggles to rule with a gentler hand than her mother. But as Grey moves closer to claiming the crown of Emberfall, both Harper and Lia Mara are forced to question where they stand - and how far they can follow the dictates of their hearts. Brigid Kemmerer's heart-pounding saga comes to a thrilling climax, as two kingdoms come closer and closer to conflict - and an old enemy resurfaces who could destroy them all.For more fantasy romance, don't miss Brigid Kemmerer's heart-stopping Defy the Night series.

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    12,00 €

    Discover the epic, contemporary fantasy retelling of Beauty and the Beast from Brigid Kemmerer: the first in the spellbinding Cursebreakers series.'Everything you'd want in a retelling of a classic fairy tale' JODI PICOULT'Absolutely spellbinding' STEPHANIE GARBERFall in love, break the curse.Break the curse, save the kingdom.Prince Rhen, the heir to Emberfall, is cursed. Forced to repeat the autumn of his eighteenth year over and over, he can only be freed by love. But at the end of each autumn he is transformed into a beast hell-bent on destruction, and after so many failed attempts, his kingdom and its people are barely holding on. Harper's life has never been easy, but she's learned to be tough enough to survive. She won't let anything hold her back, not her cerebral palsy or her mother's deteriorating health. But when she is sucked into Rhen's world, nothing is as it seems. Powerful forces are standing against Emberfalll ... and it will take more than a broken curse to save it from utter ruin.The thrilling Cursebreakers series continues in A Heart So Fierce and Broken and A Vow So Bold and Deadly.Hungry for more fantasy romance? Don't miss Brigid Kemmerer's next heart-stopping series, Defy the Night, available now.

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    12,00 €

    _______________The heart-stopping second book in the thrilling Defy the Night series: a blockbuster fantasy saga about a star-crossed romance and a girl who will do anything for justice._______________The embers of revolution continue to simmer in Kandala. The country is still plagued by disease, and the only cure is a scarce moonflower elixir only the rich can afford.Tessa Cade has gone from masked outlaw to palace advisor - and she's determined to help the people of Kandala. With supplies of the moonflower running out, Tessa embarks with Prince Corrick on an uncertain journey to the mysterious neighbouring kingdom of Ostriary.The journey could be their only chance to save the people of Kandala - but it will hold untold danger for both Tessa and Prince Corrick as they navigate perilous waters and confront their feelings for each other. No one is who they seem to be, and the consequences will be dangerous and unpredictable . It's time to rise up and DEFEND THE DAWN. _______________For more fantasy romance, don't miss Brigid Kemmerer's New York Times bestselling Cursebreaker series.

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    12,00 €

    In the thrilling conclusion to the Defy the Night series, New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer crafts heartrending twists and devastating turns that will keep readers breathless to the very end.Left for dead, but desperate to survive . . . they have one last chance to save their kingdom. Prince Corrick is out of options. Held captive by the vicious Oren Crane, he's desperate to reunite with Tessa, but will need to ally with the rebel leader Lochlan, who until now wished him dead. An unlikely but deadly pair, Corrick and Lochlan must plot their next moves carefully. . . An island away, Tessa Cade is heartbroken and angry. Grieving Corrick, and unsure how to find a way back to Kandala, she doesn't know who to trust. Until Rian--the man she trusts least--makes an offer: aid in a plot to finally oust Oren Crane and see what the future holds. . . Meanwhile in Kandala, Harristan is dethroned and on the run. He's struggling to unite the rebels in his fractured kingdom, but he finds support--and maybe more--in unexpected places.Can Harristan be the king his people need? Can Corrick and Tessa find their way back to each other? As outside threats loom and the fires of revolution burn from within, time is running out to save their kingdom.

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    12,00 €

    _______________NOMINATED FOR THE CILIP CARNEGIE MEDAL 'Swoon-inducing' - Irish Times_______________From the author of the New York Times bestselling Cursebreaker series comes an intense and gripping love story about learning to be fearless and set your secrets free.Rev works hard to keep the demons of the time before his adoption at bay ... until a letter from his father after his 18th birthday brings the trauma of his childhood hurtling back. Emma escapes real life by perfecting the online game she built from scratch. But when an online troll's harassment starts to escalate, she fears for her safety. When Rev and Emma meet, they're buckling under the weight of their secrets. Though both of them find it hard to put their problems into words, they connect instantly and deeply. Rev and Emma's problems might be worlds apart, but they promise to help each other no matter what. But promises are made to be tested and some things hurt more than we can tell.Smart, funny and romantic, this is a must-read love story from the author of the bestselling Cursebreaker series.

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    27,00 €

    "What will they sacrifice to save their kingdom? Their honor? Their love? Their lives? Tessa Cade has gone from masked outlaw to palace advisor, but even with her newfound power, she can't stop the sickness still raging e kingdom's supply of Moonflower elixir dwindles all the while. Prince Corrick is trying to find a new way to lead, but it isn't easy to repair the rift between the royals and the people--or the one growing between himself and Tessa. When an emissary from a neighboring kingdom arrives with an intriguing offer, Tessa and Corrick set out on an uncertain journey to find a new source of the lifesaving elixir. But with tensions brewing on deck and the sea swirling below, Tessa and Corrick must decide who they can trust--including each other. But they're shocked to discover that a craven betrayal may be much closer than they think."--

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    17,00 €

    Tessa hat es geschafft: Sie ist von der verfolgten Rebellin zur königlichen Beraterin aufgestiegen. Prinz Corrick sucht verzweifelt nach einem Weg, den Adel und das Volk zu versöhnen, doch die Kluft zwischen den Menschen wird immer größer. Vor allem, weil die Seuche noch immer in Kandala wütet und die Vorräte an Mondflor-Elixier langsam zur Neige gehen. Dann taucht eines Tages ein geheimnisvoller Bote am Königshof auf und unterbreitet Tessa und Corrick ein verlockendes Angebot. Gemeinsam begeben sie sich auf eine gefährliche Reise, um Kandala zu retten und tappen geradewegs in eine Falle. Schon bald können sie niemandem mehr trauen - auch einander nicht ...

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    17,00 €

    Das Königreich Kandala wird von einer mysteriösen Krankheit heimgesucht. Der einzige Schutz ist ein Elixier aus Mondflor. Doch die seltene Pflanze ist so teuer, dass sich nur die Reichsten die Medizin leisten können. Deshalb schleicht sich die junge Apothekergehilfin Tessa nachts aus dem Haus und schmuggelt das kostbare Elixier in die Armenviertel - auch wenn es gegen das Gesetz ist. Prinz Corrick ist der Bruder des Königs und der heimliche Herrscher Kandalas. Gnadenlos verfolgt er jeden, der die Privilegien des Adels bedroht. Vor allem die Person, die heimlich die Armen mit Mondflor-Elixier versorgt. Als sich die Rebellin und der Prinz eines Tages begegnen, sprühen sofort die Funken und die einstigen Todfeinde müssen eine Entscheidung treffen: Wollen sie weiter gegeneinander kämpfen oder miteinander für Kandala - und ihre Liebe?

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    16,00 €

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    16,00 €

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    18,00 €

    Einst war Emberfall ein mächtiges Königreich. Dann lud der junge Prinz Rhen einen schrecklichen Fluch auf sich. Seither muss er innerhalb eines Jahres ein Mädchen finden, das ihn auf ewig liebt. Gelingt es ihm nicht, verwandelt er sich in eine Bestie, und das Mädchen muss sterben. Jahr für Jahr. Bis er Harper auserwählt, ein Mädchen aus dem heutigen Washington D.C., das schon mit ganz anderen Kerlen fertiggeworden ist. Zornig und mutig bekämpft sie ihn - bis sie den wahren Rhen erkennt. Aber wird ihre Liebe reichen, um sie beide vor dem Tod zu bewahren?

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    18,00 €

    Wer wird Emberfall retten? Der Kampf zwischen Prinz Rhen und seinem ehemaligen besten Freund Grey steht vor der letzten Entscheidung. Lia Mara, die ihr Herz an Grey verloren hat, will vermitteln, steckt aber selbst in höchsten Nöten: Ihre Untertanen hassen und fürchten den magisch begabten Grey. Wird Lia Mara die Kraft haben, zu ihm zu stehen, wenn es sein muss auch gegen ihr eigenes Volk? Und plötzlich taucht auch eine mächtige alte Feindin wieder auf, die mit ihrer unendlichen Rachsucht beide Reiche zerstören könnte ... Das packende Finale der großen Fantasy-Saga

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    18,00 €

    Der Fluch von Emberfall ist gebrochen. Doch die Gerüchte, dass Prinz Rhen gar nicht der legitime Thronerbe ist, wollen nicht verstummen. Nur Rhens engster Vertrauter, der schweigsame Grey, kennt die gefährliche Wahrheit. Er versucht sich zu verstecken, wird von Rhen aber gewaltsam an den Hof zurückgeholt. Die skrupellose Herrscherin des Nachbarreichs will die Wirren nutzen, um die Macht an sich zu reißen. Und ausgerechnet deren Tochter Lia Mara bittet plötzlich Grey um Hilfe. Kann er dem ebenso schönen wie mutigen Mädchen wirklich vertrauen? Kann er mit ihr Emberfall retten - indem er sich gegen Rhen stellt?

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    17,00 €

    Gemeinsam das Leben meistern - mit allen Höhen und TiefenIn einem Augenblick ist Rob der beliebte Sportler, mit dem alle Jungs befreundet sein wollen und dem die Herzen der Mädchen zufliegen. Im nächsten Moment steht er vor einem Scherbenhaufen: Sein Vater hat die Familie in Verruf gebracht, Rob wird zum Außenseiter. Auch für Maegan ist die Schule nach einem entsetzlichen Fehler die Hölle. Ausgerechnet diese beiden müssen gemeinsam an einem Schulprojekt arbeiten. Hat das Schicksal etwa einen Plan für Rob und Maegan? Oder besitzt es einfach nur einen besonderen Sinn für Humor?Trifft mitten ins Herz: Einfühlsam schreibt Brigid Kemmerer über die schwierigen, schicksalhaften Momente des Erwachsenwerdens!»Man mag das Buch nicht mehr aus der Hand legen, sobald man angefangen hat. Eine klare Leseempfehlung!«

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    11,00 €

    _______________Rediscover the worlds of Emberfall and Syhl Shallow in this irresistible return to Brigid Kemmerer's New York Times bestselling Cursebreaker series._______________Tycho of Rillisk has been a lot of things: son and brother, stablehand, prisoner, soldier and friend to the king. Now, four years after Grey took the throne of Emberfall, Tycho has taken on a new role: courier and spy. As the only person the king can trust, Tycho carries secret messages back and forth between the kingdoms of Emberfall and Syhl Shallow.But even though the war is over, peace still seems far away. A dangerous anti-magical faction is rising, and when Tycho discovers a plot to assassinate Grey and Queen Lia Mara, ruler of Syhl Shallow, he must fight for everything he believes in.Nothing here is as it seems, and after a devastating betrayal, it becomes clear that the danger is only just beginning .

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    23,00 €

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    23,00 €

  • - The Elemental Series
    von Brigid Kemmerer
    24,00 €

  • von Brigid Kemmerer
    23,00 €

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