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Bücher von Brooklyn Cross

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  • von Brooklyn Cross
    59,00 €

    BOOK 1 - BURN FOR MEMy Father used to say that I was dramatic and weak and needed to toughen up. My mother used to say nothing. The only glimmer of happiness I had was my brother Asher. We could keep each other safe from the man that turned into a monster and the woman that let it happen.Until I fought back.After that, I was scarred for life and found myself locked in a room that was supposed to be safe. But safe for whom? For the doctors who tormented me, or for my brother who had put me in this place? I did have one bright light. Adalyn's made me feel a little less like a monster. But they took her away too and released the inner demons in my mind that everyone tried so hard to contain.No one was safe when a rabid animal broke free from its chains. Fire didn't just cleanse my sins-It was the very essence of my being. There was nothing purer than sitting back and watching flames lick up the side of a building, consuming everything in their path. Some would say I was the spawn of Satan himself, and maybe I was?But not even the devil could burn the world like I could.BOOK 2 - BURN WITH MEArrogant and a brat is how I would describe fourteen-year-old me until one night disaster and devastation took everything, including my family. I vowed I wouldn't stop until I found out who destroyed my life and made them pay.Nine years later I'm Violet Clarke the best fire investigator in the state of Florida. My focus has never waivered, not even with the emergence of a serial arsonist that barely lets me catch my breath before the next fire is lit. Or even when the all too sexy Asher West storms into my life with a presence that is all consuming.Will the ghosts of our pasts bring us closer together or burn us up in flames?If there were pictures in the dictionary then my family would've been beside the word toxic. The only semblance of safety I had was due to my brother Derek. He would step in and protect me even at the sake of his own soul. That was until I was forced to turn the only family I had left into the police.Nine years later I'm a captain of a busy firehouse and have purposely chosen to remain unattached to anyone by living a lifestyle that allows me to remain in control over every aspect of my life. That was until Violet Clarke decided to literally leap into my life and make me want things I never thought I would.But old demons and family have a way of sneaking back into your life when you least expect it, and this demon is looking for revenge.BOOK 3 - BURN ME DOWNThe world had turned its back on Derek West and called him a monster.My best friend wanted to protect me from him.When I looked into his eyes I saw a man broken from trauma and abuse. His heart was scarred worse than his body but it beat for me.From our first touch, he ignited my soul and set my heart ablaze. I loved him and I was never turning my back on him.Derek never had anyone fight for him, but he'd never met anyone like me.

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    41,00 €

    He already took everything from me, but now he's back and won't take no for an answer.In a tale as old as time, a mafia princess fell in love with the wrong boy, or in my case, boys. I am Jasmine Isabella Falcone, and I grew up knowing that I needed to be on my guard from the snakes around me. But, even knowing that, I still fell in love with Angelo Esposito and Dario Lombardi.Crushed and humiliated, I try to move on, but some ghosts are harder to shake. Now, at twenty-three, I am being forced into an arranged marriage where I'll be expected to fulfill my duties as a wife and mother. But I dream of building something different and crave freedom from the shackles of the patriarchy. So I do the only thing I can and run. On my own for the first time on a picturesque country property nestled between Sinhaven and Beastville, I try to rebuild my life.But fate proved that just because you run from your past doesn't mean it won't catch up to you.The fairytales have it wrong. Not every story ends with a knight in shining armor.

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    29,00 - 41,00 €

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    33,00 €

    The glimmer of hope I held was shattered.Happiness was yanked away from me all over again by the same person that broke me at fifteen. Whether he'd done the deed or not didn't matter. My mind only saw his face lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.Kaivan McMillan ripped open the scars on my soul and let them bleed.There was not a part of me left that didn't ache, not a piece that wasn't shredded by the cruelty of fate...or was it?When you ran from your past, you'd better be prepared for it to chase you, and chase me they did.Would I survive another round with the demons of my past, or would they take me down forever?

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    47,00 - 58,00 €

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    40,00 - 50,00 €

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    30,00 €

    My life had been a series of tragic events. When Snake stormed back into my world, I was forced to stare into his vengeful blue eyes and the word agony took on a whole new meaning.Innocence is a funny word. It means something different for everyone, but for me it meant growing up far too young. It meant falling in love with a boy, and then having my heart ripped out of my chest in such a painful way that I never thought I'd recover.That was until Avro came into my life. He helped me believe in humanity and goodness again, but most of all he helped me find myself. He urged me from the dark where I'd been hiding and piece by tiny piece my heart began to heal.Being with Avro seemed like a fantasy, but when the fantasy became reality, it brought the complication of Jace. Jace Everly, Avro's long-time friend and lover was a walking contradiction. To the world he was a rock star and wore his arrogance like a shield, but I quickly learned there was far more behind those silver eyes than the jerk that picked at my wounds. Jace saw me in ways that I tried to keep hidden, ways that terrified me.Any nervousness over Avro or uncertainty of Jace seemed trivial when Kai, the boy I'd loved as a girl found me again as a woman. Kai was no longer the boy that melted my heart. He was now Snake, the walking embodiment of my nightmares.Snake could be summed up in one word...vicious. Ten years in prison and inducted into a motorcycle club as an enforcer would do that to someone, but there was more to it than that. The anger, hurt and betrayal that we both felt burned white hot, and he was out for my blood.I thought I knew fear, but nothing could've prepared me for the reaper of souls that came knocking on my door.

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    25,00 €

    I'll Burn Down The World For Her.My Father used to say that I was dramatic and weak and needed to toughen up. My mother used to say nothing. The only glimmer of happiness I had was my brother Asher. We could keep each other safe from the man that turned into a monster and the woman that let it happen.Until I fought back.After that, I was scarred for life and found myself locked in a room that was supposed to be safe. But safe for whom? For the doctors who tormented me, or for my brother who had put me in this place? I did have one bright light. Adalyn's made me feel a little less like a monster. But they took her away too and released the inner demons in my mind that everyone tried so hard to contain.No one was safe when a rabid animal broke free from its chains. Fire didn't just cleanse my sins-It was the very essence of my being. There was nothing purer than sitting back and watching flames lick up the side of a building, consuming everything in their path. Some would say I was the spawn of Satan himself, and maybe I was?But not even the devil could burn the world like I could.

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    27,00 €

    Kes had screwed up once, but now that he'd found Ashley again, he was never letting go.¿High school was a tough time for most kids, and Ashley was no exception. Every day she walked down the halls, she wondered what new torment he had in store for her. Would today be the day she just couldn't take it anymore? When that day did come, things changed. He changed. For the first time in years, she allowed herself to feel safe.However, being safe was a lie. Safe didn't exist in her world, not even when high school ended and Ashley moved on with her life. Now it was a sickness running through her body, taunting her, and worse yet...He was back.Kestrel understood the true meaning of hate at a young age. His demanding father controlled his life. When he was sent away, Kes escaped the only way he could and enlisted. The bonds he formed ran deeper than he ever expected. Even in death, he could hear their voices calling out to him. Even the crowd on the streets he decided to call home couldn't muffle their cries.When Kes joined The Righteous, he found another brotherhood. A group that sought vengeance for the innocent, but it wasn't them that pulled him out of the dark. No, he was saved by a little girl that knew far too much for her young age and his high school love, Ashley. The one thing he could never have in high school. This time his father wasn't here to stop him.One way or another he'd have the girl that was always meant to be his

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    25,00 €

    Trevor swore he'd never love again, but even the calm and cool attorney couldn't control everything.Trevor had his whole life mapped out. Every hope, every goal, and every dream were there for the taking until one fateful mission when his world blew up around him. Adrift in a sea of darkness, Trevor was lost until The Righteous came calling. With The Righteous and his twin Arek by his side, he once more had a purpose in his life.Cody had sacrificed his life, his soul, and sometimes his mind to save his sister from a fate worse than death. Living under Tyson's thumb had provided one thing, and that was purpose. Facing jail time, he was uncertain he would ever have a future again until the blue-eyed defense attorney, Trevor Anderson took his case. The chemistry Trevor and Cody felt was undeniable, but the scars of their past marred a fairy tale ending.When these two cave to their desires, the passion is off the charts, but are you ever truly safe sleeping with the dark?

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    35,00 - 39,00 €

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    25,00 €

    Jeremy would sell his soul to prove to Morry he's the man for her, but are Morry's scars cut too deep?Morry was tough. Growing up with four brothers in an all-military family would do that to a person, and serving her country was her dream. However, she'd no sooner become a cadet at the age of nineteen when life had other plans.Four years later, she'd married her son's father and became a nurse, but her dream still called to her. Deciding to go for it she once more applied to the army. It was a decision that would test her grit and resolve at every turn. A decision that would simultaneously destroy her whole world and prove that she was even stronger than she realized.Back from overseas, she joined The Righteous and became the new leader of a motorcycle club, The Grim Legion. By day, the club was a tough, no-nonsense rehabilitation and addiction facility for veterans. By night, the club rode to do The Righteous's bidding. One night, Dean O'Sullivan came for a visit and asked for two favors. Morry agreed, but would the decisions threaten to tear apart her perfectly crafted walls?Jeremy had become a statistic-a kid hooked on drugs at a young age. Kicked out of his home, things didn't get any better and ended up selling more than just his soul for his next fix.One night he made a decision that landed him in Dean O'Sullivan's crosshairs, and he was given an ultimate choice between a six-foot hole in the ground or turning his life around. He chose life and thought he'd made the right choice until he ended up in the middle of the Arizona desert with a motorcycle club and a woman who seemed to want to slit his throat rather than help him.Now twenty-three, Jeremy had earned his freedom back, but somewhere along the line, he began to see Morry as more than the warden governing his actions. Wanting to prove that he was no longer the same guy that arrived at The Grim Legion's gates five years ago, he chose to stay.Jeremy was determined to have Morry for his own, but would the demons and scars that haunted Morry not allow her heart to feel again?

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    21,00 €

    Preparato fin dalla nascita a diventare il capo del Cartello, Dean eracresciuto nell'oscurità. Ma non gli era mai interessato gestire una gang,men che meno diventare il nuovo El Chapo come il suo violento padre.Perciò, era fuggito.E l'esercito lo aveva trovato. Grazie alle sue abilità uniche, ne era divenutoun membro apprezzato. Alla fin dei conti, sembrava aver trovato un luogoa cui appartenere. Finché i Giusti vennero a bussare offrendoglil'opportunità di una nuova vita. Perciò, indossò l'abito da prete e sisistemò in una piccola città, felice di quel nuovo inizio.Ma vide Yasmine Jacobs.Attanagliata dal senso di colpa della sopravvissuta, Yasmine aveva lottatoper dimenticare quella fatale notte. Aveva provato ad andare avanti,impegnata a gestire l'azienda di famiglia, pensando che la sua vita andassebene così. Ma quando il nuovo prete, Dean O'Sullivan, arrivò in città ... Laconfessione avrebbe dovuto purificare la sua anima, non dannarla per ipensieri che si erano fatti strada nella sua mente.Per quanto tempo sarebbe riuscita a negare i suoi istinti primordiali,quando le circostanze continuavano a metterli sulla stessa strada?Ma chi era esattamente il frutto proibito?

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    34,00 €

    Riker desiderava Minetta, ma il suo cuore sarebbe riuscito a tollerare di amare un Peccato?Come arcangelo dell'abnegazione, fui tradito per poi essere scacciato via dalla mia casa. Avevo trascorso la mia intera esistenza a guidare coloro che sacrificavano se stessi per aiutare i compagni angeli. Persino quando Lucifero marciò verso il cancello del Paradiso, fui ancora una volta tentato di raggiungere quelli che chiamavo famiglia, alla ricerca di un'alternativa. Purtroppo, mio Padre non assisté a ciò. Non mi diede la possibilità di spiegarmi prima che fossi cacciato via dal Paradiso e per sempre intrappolato sulla Terra o peggio, all'Inferno. Se mio Padre era davvero intenzionato a scacciarmi e trasformarmi in questo simbolo, il Peccato dell'Avarizia, non avrei solo accettato la sfida in quanto Riker, me ne sarei fottutamente impossessato.E poi, l'ho incontrata e il mondo ha ripreso ancora una volta a cambiare sotto ai miei piedi.Minetta non voleva altro che una vita normale e fare qualcosa di cui sentirsi fiera. Lavorare come operatrice del 911 le dava quella sensazione, ma c'era sempre qualcosa che le mancava nella vita. Poi un giorno, è involontariamente diventata la pedina in una partita a scacchi della cui esistenza era inconsapevole. Una guerra mortale era in corso, che ormai imperversava da secoli, minacciando di segnare la fine dell'intera umanità. Spinta nel bel mezzo di questo braccio di ferro, ha incontrato lui, Riker, un uomo davvero imponente. Ma il Peccato che si celava al di sotto del suo aspetto sexy era terrificante, eppure il suo cuore le batteva all'impazzata ogni volta che le era vicino.Minetta poteva avere l'amore nella sua vita e salvare la razza umana, o avrebbe dovuto fare una scelta?

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    35,00 €

    Jake would protect Kat with his life, but would he be too late?I couldn't remember what it was like to be a child. That innocence was stolen from me at the tender age of nine. The one bright spot I had in foster care was Jake. But nothing good ever lasted long. All too soon, he was taken from me, and once more, I found myself treading water to keep from drowning.Then I met Richard. The golden boy who promised me the world but only gave me more of the same terror I'd known growing up. There was only one way to escape my husband's and never look back.So here I was, thirty, alone, and fighting to stand on my own.Would I be able to find the happiness I'd dreamed of, or would Richard find a way to pull me back under?When I met Kate at the age of ten, I knew she was my soulmate and that I wanted to marry her, but my plans were crushed when we were torn apart. Instead, she became the memory that taunted me. At thirty-one, I'd climbed the social media ladder and lived the life that most people envied, yet the happiness I sought eluded me.So, I decided to head home and re-evaluate my life. One chance encounter later, fate had given me a second chance. The moment I saw Kate, I knew I would lay my life down for her. Richard had taken everything from her, and I wanted to be the balm her heart needed to heal.Could I save her without paying the ultimate price, or was Richard's malice stronger than I ever could've imagined?

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    29,00 €

    BETRAYAL RIPPED US APART, BUT WE WERE ALWAYS DESTINED TO MEET AGAIN.Arrogant and a brat is how I would describe fourteen-year-old me until one night disaster and devastation took everything, including my family. I vowed I wouldn't stop until I found out who destroyed my life and made them pay.Nine years later I'm Violet Clarke the best fire investigator in the state of Florida. My focus has never waivered, not even with the emergence of a serial arsonist that barely lets me catch my breath before the next fire is lit. Or even when the all too sexy Asher West storms into my life with a presence that is all consuming.Will the ghosts of our pasts bring us closer together or burn us up in flames?If there were pictures in the dictionary then my family would've been beside the word toxic. The only semblance of safety I had was due to my brother Derek. He would step in and protect me even at the sake of his own soul. That was until I was forced to turn the only family I had left into the police.Nine years later I'm a captain of a busy firehouse and have purposely chosen to remain unattached to anyone by living a lifestyle that allows me to remain in control over every aspect of my life. That was until Violet Clarke decided to literally leap into my life and make me want things I never thought I would.But old demons and family have a way of sneaking back into your life when you least expect it, and this demon is looking for revenge.

  • von Brooklyn Cross
    29,00 - 46,00 €

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