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Bücher von Carlo M. Cipolla

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  • - The International Bestseller
    von Carlo M. Cipolla
    12,00 €

    Cipolla, the late, noted professor of economic history at the University of California, Berkeley, created a vitally important economic model that would allow us to detect, know and neutralise this threat: The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity.

  • von Carlo M. Cipolla
    20,00 €

    By the late fall of 1630, the Black Plague had descended upon northern Italy. The prentice Magistry of Public Health, centered in Florence, took steps to contain and combat the scourge. In this essay, Carlo Cipolla recreates the daily struggle of plague-stricken Monte Lupo, a rustic Tuscan village, revealing in the vivid terms of actual events and personalities a central drama of Western civilization - the conflict between faith and reason, Church and state.

  • - 1300-1700
    von Carlo M. Cipolla
    20,00 €

    The history of the clock opens a window on how different cultures have viewed time and on Europe's path to industrialization.

  • - European Society and Economy, 1000-1700
    von Carlo M. Cipolla
    26,00 €

    The Third Edition includes substantial revisions and new material throughout the book that will secure its standing as the most useful history available of preindustrial Europe.

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