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Bücher von Carol Arnott

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  • von Carol Arnott
    13,95 €

    WAS SAGT GOTT ZU UNS IN DIESEN ZEITEN VON HERRLICHKEIT UND ERSCHÜTTERUNG?In diesem Buch gibt Carol Arnott zwei prophetische Träume weiter, die Gott ihr gegeben hat. In diesen Träumen legt sich die Furcht des Herrn auf die Gemeinde und Gott führt sie in eine Zeit von großer Herrlichkeit und von Erweckung. Carol glaubt, dass diese Träume eine Einladung zur Vorbereitung sind - die Botschaft eines liebenden Vaters, der die Braut Jesu für die Rückkehr Seines Sohnes und für die letzte große Ausgießung Seines Geistes bereit machen möchte. Diese Botschaft ist eine Einladung für alle Gläubigen, vor den Thron der Gnade zu kommen, um Buße zu tun, Reinigung, Vergebung und Erneuerung zu erfahren und eine fleckenlose Braut zu werden - die Braut, die Jesus sich erkauft hat und die das Gewicht Seiner kommenden Herrlichkeit tragen kann. Es geht unter anderem um folgende Fragen:- Warum Reinheit notwendig ist, um die Fülle Gottes zu erleben. - Was es wirklich bedeutet, den Herrn zu fürchten.- Wie Gott unsere Herzen durch Gehorsam trainiert und verändert.- Wie wir Zeit mit Jesus verbringen und Seine Gegenwart genießen.- Wie wir uns auf die Rückkehr von Jesus vorbereiten. JESUS LÄDT DICH EIN, IHM NÄHER ZU KOMMEN ALS JE ZUVOR! WAS WIRST DU IHM ANTWORTEN?

  • von Carol Arnott
    24,00 €

    Are we prepared for the glory and shaking that's coming?What does it mean to truly fear the Lord? When God gives us clues that He is going to send His glory, how can we prepare and position ourselves?In The Spirit and the Bride Say, "Come!", revival leader Carol Arnott shares two prophetic dreams that God gave her. In these dreams, the fear of God came to rest upon the Church, bringing with it new levels of glory, miracles, and outpouring!Carol believes these dreams were invitations of preparation-divine directives from a loving Father for the Bride to make herself ready for Jesus' second coming and the great and final outpouring of the Spirit.This is a fresh invitation for all believers to approach God's Mercy Seat; to repent and receive cleansing and forgiveness so that we can prepare ourselves to be the spotless Bride to carry the weight of His coming glory.As Carol shares the details of her powerful dream, you will discover...Why purity is necessary to receive the fullness of God's promises.How God trains and positions our hearts through small acts of obedience.The joy and cleansing that come with repentance and holiness.How God's "greater glory" is connected to holy fear and awe.Read with expectation! Ask the Holy Spirit to search the depths of your heart and remove anything that does not please Him, so that you can receive everything He has in store. Allow Him to cleanse and purify you. Experience what it means to be changed from glory to glory!

  • von Carol Arnott
    22,00 €

    Discover the supernatural power of spiritual rest."Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10).In the journey of faith, there are times for work and times for rest. While it's true that breakthrough sometimes comes through discipline, many times God invites us to simply rest in His presence so that He can accomplish His work in us.Carol Arnott, co-leader of the Toronto Outpouring, has been teaching believers to soak in God's presence for over twenty-five years. This practice of soaking prayer has released thousands of Christians to receive divine healing, hear God's voice, and experience His love like never before.In this important work, Carol teaches you to… Practice soaking as a powerful form of prayer. Develop a consistent lifestyle of abiding in Jesus' presence. Access the healing power of the Spirit. Encounter the Father's love in radical new ways.When we wait on the Lord, He does amazing things! It's as simple as Soaking in the Spirit!

  • von Carol Arnott
    24,00 €

  • - Effortless Access to Hearing God's Voice, Intimacy with the Father, and Supernatural Healing
    von Carol Arnott
    36,00 €

    Discover the supernatural power of spiritual rest."Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10).In the journey of faith, there are times for work and times for rest. While it's true that breakthrough sometimes comes through discipline, many times God invites us to simply rest in His presence so that He can accomplish His work in us.Carol Arnott, co-leader of the Toronto Outpouring, has been teaching believers to soak in God's presence for over twenty-five years. This practice of soaking prayer has released thousands of Christians to receive divine healing, hear God's voice, and experience His love like never before.In this important work, Carol teaches you to… Practice soaking as a powerful form of prayer. Develop a consistent lifestyle of abiding in Jesus' presence. Access the healing power of the Spirit. Encounter the Father's love in radical new ways.When we wait on the Lord, He does amazing things! It's as simple as Soaking in the Spirit!

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