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Bücher von CATO

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  • von CATO
    27,00 €

  • von CATO
    17,00 €

    In his preface to the 1998 reissue, Michael Foot wrote, 'Guilty Men was conceived by three London journalists who had formed the habit of meeting on the roof of the Evening Standard offices in Shoe Lane, Fleet Street, just after the the afternoon paper had been put to bed and, maybe, just before the Two Brewers opened across the road.'The book's genesis and publication could hardly have been swifter. Its writing took four days from the 1st to the 4th June 1940: it was published on the 5th July. It is an angry book, indeed, a devastatingly effective polemic. Its target was the appeasers of the 1930s, the leading culprits being Baldwin, Chamberlain and Halifax who had left the country so ill-prepared, and who, by their pusillanimity, had emboldened Hitler and Mussolini; and in the case of the last two still favoured some accommodation with the fascist dictators. In today's parlance, it would be called a wake-up call. It was very successful selling about 200,000 copies. Kenneth Morgan, Michael Foot's biographer, describes the book as consisting of 'a series of brief vignettes of key episodes or personalities, the latter invariably foolish or dishonest.' Michael Foot wrote eight of the chapters, the first and most powerful one being on Dunkirk. Although Michael Foot was the main contributor, and the one who suggested 'Cato' as the umbrella pseudonym, the other two, as Michael Foot would be the first to admit, Peter Howard and Frank Own should not be forgotten. Seventy years on, Guilty Men has not lost its readability and power to enrage.

  • - The End Game
    von CATO
    21,00 €

    After assuming a lucrative diamond trade, ANTONIO becomes locked in a fierce battle for supremacy and survival with a deadly Russian mafioso, YURI, and his even deadlier identical twin female assassins. The war that ensued on the streets of New York is unlike anything it has ever seen, and the casualties are many. When Tony's queen, SUGAR, and her brother are kidnapped after a gun battle with LAVROV, the streets threaten to overflow with vengeance and dead bodies. Looking to settle old scores and end their fatal rivalry once and for all, both sides are determined to come out on top. However, there is another storm brewing, a storm that the Stallworth Crime family may not be ready for. But in Tony and GENIE's deck of cards is an ace and her name is Sugar. So get ready to take a ride perhaps your last and brace yourself for another round of GANGSTA SHYT.

  • - No More Rules
    von CATO
    21,00 €

    After handing over all power to GENIE to make good on his promise to SUGAR that he'd leave the cocaine business alone, while on a trip to Africa, TONY is given an offer he cannot refuse. One that allows him to take the reins of a lucrative diamond trade by Nigerian and international gangster, IKE QUARTIER. Standing in Tony's way and trying to muscle in on his new cash crop is a ruthless Russian Mafia boss named YURI "The Reaper" LAVROV who is also Quartier's old nemesis. Lavrov, along with two beautiful, identical twin, black female assassins, present the type of challenge that Tony, Sugar and Genie never faced before. With NO MORE RULES, no more boundaries and no more lines drawn, the streets of Brooklyn and Florida are in store for more GANGSTA SHYT.

  • - Ride, Kill or Die Trying
    von CATO
    21,00 €

    ANTONIO "TONY" STALLWORTH is a killer by nature and a gangster by breed. Brooklyn, New York has never seen a hustler with his ambition before, but the city is about to be introduced to some downright GANGSTA SHYT. Opposing Tony's street dreams are an old school black syndicate in Brooklyn's black underworld who Stallworth tried to work with but they refused his overtures. They viewed his emergence on the scene as a growing threat to their rackets. When they rebuke Tony's offer with an assassination attempt, a deadly war ensues in the streets of the BK. Both sides are vicious and cunning, and unrepentant in their brutality and thirst to reign supreme. Though the odds seem stacked against him, Tony has a powerful team of real niggas, one in particular, the head of his muscle, a young brash killer out of Yonkers named MACKY BOY aka Babyface Assassin whose creed is death before dishonor. When an internal struggle for power ensues and treachery and envy rears its ugly head within the ranks, Tony has another secret weapon on his team. The beautiful, sexy and deadly SUGAR, whose love for him is indestructible. Sugar goes all out to protect her man and his interests, even if it means RIDE, KILL OR DIE TRYING.

  • von CATO
    16,00 €

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