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Bücher von Cecelia Ahern

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  • von Cecelia Ahern
    12,00 €

    Ein Ja für die Liebe und das Leben!Verzweifelt versucht Christine den fremden Mann auf der Brücke davon abzuhalten, in den Tod zu springen. Er heißt Adam, und sie kann ihn nur mit einem Deal überzeugen: Bis zu seinem 35. Geburtstag in zwei Wochen beweist sie ihm, dass es sich lohnt, am Leben zu bleiben. Mithilfe von zahlreichen Ratgebern und einem ausführlichen Krisenplan macht sich Christine an die Arbeit. Doch sie muss sich eingestehen, dass ihr kein Plan wirklich helfen kann. Denn das, was Adam braucht, steht in keinem Buch geschrieben. Es bleibt nur eins: Christine muss auf ihr Herz hören ...    'Eine lebensbejahende Lektüre, die sich mit einem Augenzwinkern von der Dunkelheit ins Licht bewegt' Glamour

  • 13% sparen
    von Cecelia Ahern
    17,00 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    12,00 €

    Was im Leben wirklich zähltMit kleinen Lügen mogelt sich Lucy durchs Leben: eine winzige Flunkerei hier, eine verdrehte Wahrheit dort. Doch irgendwann beschließt ihre Familie, dass Lucy ihr trauriges Leben in der viel zu kleinen Wohnung mit dem zu großen Sofa, und dazu noch arbeitslos, nicht weiterführen kann. Kurzerhand wird eine 'Lebensagentur' eingeschaltet, und Lucy trifft, ob sie will oder nicht, ihr Leben in Gestalt eines Mannes. Und der ist alles andere als attraktiv, aber dafür sehr, sehr anhänglich ...'Liebenswert und witzig.' Buchjournal

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    12,00 €

    Ein kleines Buch verändert ihr LebenNach dem Tod des Vaters ändert sich Tamaras Leben komplett: Ihre trauernde Mutter zieht mit ihr zu Verwandten aufs Land, wo Tamara sich ohne ihre Freunde aus Dublin völlig allein gelassen fühlt. Nur ein Bücherbus und der charmante Fahrer Marcus sorgen hin und wieder für etwas Abwechslung. Eines Tages findet Tamara dort ein seltsames Buch mit Leder­einband: ein Tagebuch, in dem ihr eigenes Leben aufge­schrieben ist! Aber immer nur der nächste Tag. Kann es Tamara helfen, wieder Hoffnung zu schöpfen und den Weg zur Liebe zu finden?'Die Zutaten dieses Buches - Magie, Mystik, Denkanstöße, Liebe und Humor - fassen diesen Roman zu einem tollen Gesamtkunstwerk zusammen. Eine wunderschöne Geschichte!' Welt

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    12,00 €

    Verbunden auf eine ganz besondere ArtJustin beginnt seine neue Stelle als Gastdozent¿in Dublin. Überrumpelt von neuen Eindrücken lässt er sich dort trotz seiner Angst vor Nadeln zu einer Blutspende überreden. Joyce ist nach einem schweren Unfall nur knapp mit dem Leben davongekommen. Plötzlich bemerkt sie etwas Außergewöhnliches: Sie versteht Sprachen, die sie nie gelernt hat, und viele ihrer Erinnerungen scheinen ihr fremd. Als Justin und Joyce aufeinandertreffen, sind sie sich sicher, dass sie einander noch nie begegnet¿sind. Und doch fühlen sie sofort eine¿besondere Vertrautheit ...

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    30,50 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    23,00 €

    "A sweet, life-affirming tale . . . with a liberal sprinkling of magic." --Marie Claire (UK)"Filled with family secrets, intrigue, and magic aplenty."--BooklistBestselling author Cecelia Ahern follows The Gift and P.S. I Love You with the mesmerizing story of a teenaged girl coming face-to-face with grief, growth, and magic in the Irish countryside, after a mysterious book begins to reveal her own memories from one day in the future. Perfect for long-time fans of Ahern, as well as for younger readers coming to her for the first time, The Book of Tomorrow's strong voice and sophisticated storytelling mark an instant new classic from this already beloved author.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    27,00 €

    Scandal has derailed journalist Kitty Logan's career, a setback that is soon compounded by an even more devastating loss. Constance, the woman who taught Kitty everything she knew, is dying. At her mentor's bedside, Kitty asks her, "What is the one story you always wanted to write?"The answer lies in a single sheet of paper buried in Constance's office?a list of one hundred names?with no notes or explanation. But before Kitty can ask her friend, it is too late.Determined to unlock the mystery and rebuild her own shaky confidence, Kitty throws herself into the investigation, tracking down each of the names on the list and uncovering their connection. Meeting these ordinary people and learning their stories, Kitty begins to piece together an unexpected portrait of Constance's life . . . and starts to understand her own.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    23,00 €

    "Dear Lucy Silchester, You have an appointment for Monday, May 30, 2011. Yours sincerely, Life."Lucy Silchester keeps receiving this appointment card and sweeping the envelope under the rug. Literally. Instead, she has busied herself with work (a job she doesn't love), helping out friends, fixing her car, feeding her cat, seeing her family, and devoting her time to their life dramas. But she's stuck in a rut and deluding everyone. Only Lucy knows the real truth.Then one day life shows up at her door, in the form of a rather run-down man in an old suit, who is determined to bring about change. Life follows Lucy everywhere?the office, bars?meets her flabbergasted friends, and won't let Lucy off the hook. What she learns in the process is that some of the choices she's made, and stories she's told, aren't what they seem either. Now her stubborn half-truths are going to be revealed in all their glory . . . unless Lucy learns to tell the truth about what really matters to her.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    30,00 €

    Lou Suffern's successful career demands that he be intwo places at one time?and neither of those is withhis devoted wife and children. One frigid morning Loumeets a homeless man named Gabe and buys him a cupof coffee. . .then gives him a job?a surprising random actof kindness. But soon Gabe is meddling uncomfortablyin Lou's life, popping up at the most inopportune times?as if Gabe actually can be two places at once. With Lou'spersonal and professional fates at important crossroadsand Christmas looming, Gabe resorts to some unorthodoxmethods to show his stubborn patron what truly mattersand how precious the gift of time is. But can he help him fixwhat's broken before it's too late?

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    29,65 €

    Celestine North vive em uma sociedade que rejeita a imperfeição. Todos aqueles que praticam algum ato julgado como errado são marcados para sempre, excluídos da comunidade, seres não merecedores de compaixão. Por isso, Celestine procura viver uma vida perfeita. Ela é um exemplo de filha e de irmã, é uma aluna excepcional, bem quista por todos do colégio, além do mais, ela namora Art Crevan, filho da autoridade máxima da cidade, o juiz Crevan. Em meio a essa vida perfeita, Celestine se encontra em uma situação incomum, que a faz tomar uma decisão instintiva. Ela faz uma escolha que pode mudar o futuro dela e das pessoas a seu redor. Ela pode ser presa? Ela pode ser marcada? Ela poderá se tornar, do dia para a noite Imperfeita? Nesta distopia deslumbrante, a autora best-seller Cecelia Ahern retrata uma sociedade em que a perfeição é primordial e quem cometer qualquer ato falho será punido. A história de uma jovem que decide tomar uma posição que poderá custar-lhe tudo.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    30,40 €

    Gerry e Holly eram namorados de infância e ficariam juntos para sempre, até que o inimaginável acontece e Gerry morre, deixando-a devastada. Conforme seu aniversário de 30 anos se aproxima, Holly descobre um pacote de cartas nas quais Gerry, gentilmente, a guia em sua nova vida sem ele. Com ajuda de seus amigos e de sua família barulhenta e carinhosa, Holly consegue rir, chorar, cantar, dançar e ser mais corajosa do que nunca.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    35,00 €

    What if we knew what tomorrow would bring?Would we fix it? Could we?Born into the lap of luxury, sixteen-year-old Tamara Goodwin has never had to look to tomorrow, until the abrupt death of her father leaves her and her mother a mountain of debt and forces them to move in with Tamara's peculiar aunt and uncle in a tiny countryside village. Lonely and bored, Tamara's only diversion is a traveling library. There she finds a large leather-bound book with a gold clasp and padlock. Intrigued, she pries the lock open, and what she finds inside takes her breath away. Tamara sees entries written in her handwriting and dated for the next day, and when they happen exactly as recorded, she realizes she may have found the solution to her problems. But Tamara soon learns that some pages are better left unturned and that, try as she might, she can't interfere with fate.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    23,00 €

    "[Ahern] gives us full permission to believe in magic." --Redbook Magazine One of the world's most popular writers of women's fiction--author of the beloved international bestseller, P.S. I Love You, basis for the popular film starring Hilary Swank--Cecelia Ahern now gives us Thanks for the Memories, a heartwarming tale of déjà vu and second chances. Reminiscent of The Time Traveler's Wife, Thanks for the Memories is a love story brimming with hope and feeling and enlivened with an enchanting touch of magic.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    10,99 €

    Der zweite Band des furiosen Zweiteilers. Mitreißend und leidenschaftlich erzählt Cecelia Ahern, wie die 17-jährige Celestine um die Freiheit kämpft, Fehler machen zu dürfen und aus ihnen zu lernen. Celestine wurde als »fehlerhaft« gebrandmarkt, sie gehört nun zu den Menschen zweiter Klasse. Doch statt sich den strikten Regeln des Systems zu unterwerfen, flieht sie. Denn Celestine ist auch ein Symbol der Hoffnung für alle anderen Fehlerhaften.Gelingt es ihr, den grausamen Richter Crevan zu überführen? Das wäre die Chance auf einen Neuanfang für die Fehlerhaften. Aber gibt es auch für ihre große Liebe eine neue Chance? Für Celestine geht es um alles - um Gerechtigkeit für sich selbst und alle anderen und um eine lebenswerte Zukunft. »Es ist mein erster All-Age-Roman, aber die Idee hat mich selbst fast überrollt. Ich kam kaum hinterher, sie aufzuschreiben. Es ist eine einzigartige Geschichte, aber wie in allen meinen Büchern steckt eine besondere Botschaft und ganz viel Gefühl drin."« Cecelia Ahern

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    10,99 €

    Der große aktuelle SPIEGEL-Bestseller von Cecelia Ahern. Ein tief bewegender Roman darüber, wozu wir da sind und was von uns bleibt. Die überraschende Fortsetzung des Weltbestsellers »P.S. Ich liebe Dich«, aber auch ganz unabhängig davon zu lesen.»Greif nach den Sternen. Einen davon wirst du bestimmt erwischen.«Vor sieben Jahren ist Holly Kennedys geliebter Mann Gerry viel zu jung an Krebs gestorben. Er hat ihr ein wunderbares Geschenk hinterlassen: eine Reihe von Briefen, die sie durch die Trauer begleitet haben. Holly ist stolz darauf, dass sie sich inzwischen ein neues Leben aufgebaut hat. Da wird sie von einer kleinen Gruppe von Menschen angesprochen, die alle unheilbar krank sind. Inspiriert von Gerrys Geschichte, möchten sie ihren Lieben ebenfalls Botschaften hinterlassen.Holly will nicht in die Vergangenheit zurückgezogen werden. Doch als sie beginnt, den Mitgliedern des »P.S. Ich liebe Dich«-Clubs zu helfen, wird klar: Jeder von uns kann seinen ganz eigenen Lebenssinn finden. Und die Liebe weitertragen. Wenn wir uns nur auf die Frage einlassen: Was will ich heute noch sagen und tun, falls ich morgen nicht mehr da bin? »Postscript« ist ein eigenständiger, tief berührender Roman über die essentiellen Lebensfragen: Wie können wir sinnvoll und glücklich leben, obwohl wir einmal sterben müssen? Was können wir unseren Liebsten mitgeben? Und was bleibt von uns? Ergreifend, humorvoll und inspirierend schreibt Cecelia Ahern über das Leben und den Tod; über Schmerz, Liebe und Glück; über das Hier und Jetzt und die Zukunft.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    13,00 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    12,00 - 16,00 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    29,90 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    30,15 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    31,90 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    29,65 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    30,70 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    9,00 €

    Etter en ulykke hvor Joyce var døden nær, bestemmer hun seg for å begynne et nytt liv. Hun separerer seg fra ektemannen Conor og flytter hjem til faren sin. Etter ulykken husker hun plutselig ting hun aldri har opplevd. Hun vet om små gater i Paris selv om hun aldri har vært der, kan masse om kunst, som hun aldri har vært interessert i, og hver natt drømmer hun om en liten lyshåret jente. Justin er nylig skilt, og ankommer Dublin som gjesteforeleser i kunsthistorie. Uten at de vet det, er livene deres flettet i hverandre selv om de aldri har møttes.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    11,00 - 26,00 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    10,00 €

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    11,00 €

    The basis for the motion picture starring Lily Collins and Sam Claflin! What happens when two people who are meant to be together can't seem to get it right?Rosie and Alex are destined for each other, and everyone seems to know it but them. Best friends since childhood, they are separated as teenagers when Alex and his family relocate from Dublin to Boston.Like two ships always passing in the night, Rosie and Alex stay friends, and though years pass, the two remain firmly attached via emails and letters. Heartbroken, they learn to live without each other. But destiny is a funny thing, and in this novel o f several missed opportunities, Rosie and Alex learn that fate isn't quite done with them yet.

  • - A Novel
    von Cecelia Ahern
    11,00 €

    A wonderfully warm and heartfelt debut from a stunning new talent. Everyone needs a guardian angel! Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry. Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other. Until the unthinkable happens.Gerry's death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He's left her a bundle of notes, one for each of the months after his death, gently guiding Holly into her new life without him, each note signed 'PS, I Love You'. As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on.With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing--and being braver than ever before. Life is for living, she realises--but it always helps if there's an angel watching over you.

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    10,00 €

    The long-awaited sequel to the bestselling PS, I Love You! It's been seven years since Holly Kennedy's husband died - six since she read his final letter, urging Holly to find the courage to forge a new life. She's proud of all the ways in which she has grown and evolved. But when a group inspired by Gerry's letters, calling themselves the PS, I Love You Club, approaches Holly asking for help, she finds herself drawn back into a world that she worked so hard to leave behind. Reluctantly, Holly begins a relationship with the club, even as their friendship threatens to destroy the peace she believes she has achieved. As each of these people calls upon Holly to help them leave something meaningful behind for their loved ones, Holly will embark on a remarkable journey - one that will challenge her to ask whether embracing the future means betraying the past, and what it means to love someone forever...

  • von Cecelia Ahern
    13,00 €

    Meaningful, moving and magical - the classic bestselling love storyEveryone needs a guardian angel...Some people wait their whole lives to find their soul mates. But not Holly and Gerry.Childhood sweethearts, they could finish each other's sentences and even when they fought, they laughed. No one could imagine Holly and Gerry without each other.Until the unthinkable happens. Gerry's death devastates Holly. But as her 30th birthday looms, Gerry comes back to her. He's left her a bundle of notes, one for each of the months after his death, gently guiding Holly into her new life without him, each note signed 'PS, I Love You'.As the notes are gradually opened, and as the year unfolds, Holly is both cheered up and challenged. The man who knows her better than anyone sets out to teach her that life goes on. With some help from her friends, and her noisy and loving family, Holly finds herself laughing, crying, singing, dancing - and being braver than ever before.Life is for living, she realises - but it always helps if there's an angel watching over you.

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