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Bücher von Chao Wang

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  • von Chao Wang
    55,90 €

    Die Lichtlaufzeit (TOF) ist ein wichtiges Konzept in der Elektronenoptik. In Analysegeräten wird TOF verwendet, um verschiedene geladene Teilchen mit unterschiedlichen Impuls- oder Energiewerten oder unterschiedlichen Massen unter Verwendung der TOF-Differenz auszuwählen. In diesem Buch werden die Grundlagen des TOF-Energiespektrometers und vier Arten von Spektrometersystemen, die für unterschiedliche Anwendungsanforderungen geeignet sind, sowie die Methode der TOF-basierten Elektronenpaketmodulation erläutert. Es kann ein nützliches Nachschlagewerk für Wissenschaftler und Ingenieure im Bereich der Laser-Photoelektronenspektroskopie in der Atom- und Molekularoptik, der ultraschnellen Diagnostik unter Verwendung des Elektronenpaketmediums als Streakkamera und der ultraschnellen Elektronenbeugung sein.

  • von Chao Wang
    44,00 €

    Il tempo di volo (TOF) è un concetto importante nell'ottica elettronica. Negli analizzatori, il TOF viene utilizzato per selezionare diverse particelle cariche con valori diversi di quantità di moto o energia o masse diverse utilizzando la differenza TOF. Il libro elabora i fondamenti dello spettrometro di energia TOF e quattro tipi di sistemi spettrometrici adatti alle diverse esigenze applicative, nonché il metodo di modulazione dei pacchetti di elettroni basato sul TOF. Può essere un utile riferimento per gli scienziati e gli ingegneri che si occupano di spettroscopia laser di fotoelettroni in ottica atomica e molecolare, di diagnostica ultraveloce che utilizza il mezzo a pacchetti di elettroni come camera a striature e di diffrazione elettronica ultraveloce.

  • von Chao Wang
    44,00 €

    O tempo de voo (TOF) é um conceito importante na óptica electrónica. Nos analisadores, TOF é utilizado para seleccionar diferentes partículas carregadas com diferentes valores de momento ou energia ou diferentes massas, utilizando a diferença TOF. O livro elabora os fundamentos do espectrómetro de energia TOF e quatro tipos de sistemas de espectrómetro adequados para diferentes requisitos de aplicação, e também o método de modulação de pacotes electrónicos baseados em TOF. Pode ser uma referência útil para cientistas e engenheiros na espectroscopia laser fotoeléctrica em óptica atómica e molecular, no diagnóstico ultra-rápido utilizando o meio de embalagem de electrões como câmara de streak e na difracção ultra-rápida de electrões.

  • von Chao Wang
    44,00 €

    Le temps de vol (TOF) est un concept important en optique électronique. Dans les analyseurs, le TOF est utilisé pour sélectionner différentes particules chargées avec différentes valeurs de momentum ou d'énergie ou différentes masses en utilisant la différence de TOF. Ce livre présente les principes fondamentaux du spectromètre d'énergie TOF et quatre types de systèmes spectrométriques adaptés aux différentes exigences d'application, ainsi que la méthode de modulation des paquets d'électrons basée sur le TOF. Il peut constituer une référence utile pour les scientifiques et les ingénieurs en spectroscopie photoélectronique laser en optique atomique et moléculaire, en diagnostic ultrarapide utilisant des paquets d'électrons comme caméra à bandes et en diffraction ultrarapide d'électrons.

  • von Chao Wang
    44,00 €

    El tiempo de vuelo (TOF) es un concepto importante en la óptica de electrones. En los analizadores, el TOF se utiliza para seleccionar diferentes partículas cargadas con diferentes valores de momento o energía o diferentes masas utilizando la diferencia de TOF. El libro expone los fundamentos del espectrómetro de energía TOF y cuatro tipos de sistemas espectrómetros adecuados para diferentes requisitos de aplicación, así como el método de modulación de paquetes de electrones basado en TOF. Puede ser una referencia útil para científicos e ingenieros en espectroscopia fotoelectrónica láser en óptica atómica y molecular, diagnósticos ultrarrápidos utilizando el medio de paquetes de electrones como cámara de rayas y difracción ultrarrápida de electrones.

  • von Chao Wang
    89,00 - 100,00 €

    This monograph is devoted to developing a theory of combined measure and shift invariance of time scales with the related applications to shift functions and dynamic equations. The study of shift closeness of time scales is significant to investigate the shift functions such as the periodic functions, the almost periodic functions, the almost automorphic functions, and their generalizations with many relevant applications in dynamic equations on arbitrary time scales.First proposed by S. Hilger, the time scale theory-a unified view of continuous and discrete analysis-has been widely used to study various classes of dynamic equations and models in real-world applications. Measure theory based on time scales, in its turn, is of great power in analyzing functions on time scales or hybrid domains. As a new and exciting type of mathematics-and more comprehensive and versatile than the traditional theories of differential and difference equations-, the time scale theory can precisely depict the continuous-discrete hybrid processes and is an optimal way forward for accurate mathematical modeling in applied sciences such as physics, chemical technology, population dynamics, biotechnology, and economics and social sciences.Graduate students and researchers specializing in general dynamic equations on time scales can benefit from this work, fostering interest and further research in the field. It can also serve as reference material for undergraduates interested in dynamic equations on time scales. Prerequisites include familiarity with functional analysis, measure theory, and ordinary differential equations.

  • von Chao Wang
    50,00 €

    This book systematically establishes the almost periodic theory of dynamic equations and presents applications on time scales in fuzzy mathematics and uncertainty theory. The authors introduce a new division of fuzzy vectors depending on a determinant algorithm and develop a theory of almost periodic fuzzy multidimensional dynamic systems on time scales. Several applications are studied; in particular, a new type of fuzzy dynamic systems called fuzzy q-dynamic systems (i.e. fuzzy quantum dynamic systems) is presented. The results are not only effective on classical fuzzy dynamic systems, including their continuous and discrete situations, but are also valid for other fuzzy multidimensional dynamic systems on various hybrid domains. In an effort to achieve more accurate analysis in real world applications, the authors propose a number of uncertain factors in the theory. As such, fuzzy dynamical models, interval-valued functions, differential equations, fuzzy-valued differential equations, and their applications to dynamic equations on time scales are considered.

  • von Ravi P. Agarwal, Chao Wang, Donal O' Regan & usw.
    114,00 - 115,00 €

  • von Gary D. Hachtel, Fabio Somenzi & Chao Wang
    96,00 €

    This book summarizes recent research on abstraction techniques for model checking large digital system. Considering the size of today's digital systems and the capacity of state-of-the-art verification algorithms, abstraction is the only viable solution for the successful application of model checking techniques to industrial-scale designs.

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